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Risk of Rain
host when
artificer's fat tits
The home depot sucks
returns good yet?
no updates
mod support NEVER EVER
trash game with perma dead lobbies still I guess
Returns is like that hd remaster that manages to miss the style of the original.

Classic is literally just item curation mode instead of actually playing by classic rules.
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It's over.
reminder that chirr is fat
His mom lol
Typical incest heads also being fatfags I guess
chirr risk of rain, wife of john risk of rain
Which is?
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Is this some enemy or something?
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does anyone else's r2modman client just randomly disappear off of their machine now and again? what the fuck is up with that?
Does it use drm? Never used mods with the game
not sure exactly what you're asking, but you can't use it on a non-steam version from my experience. i could have just been too retarded to do that though.
it's a friend
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it's an enemy
it's an enemy to hotpoo
host WHEN
i desire STAHSTOM
I don't know what furry scalie oc this is but it's not in my game so I don't care what avatarfaggotry this is.
oh is this the vanillasperg again
oh is this the bugfucker again
Whats up with that dude thinking he is on some high ground because he parades his furry oc around while having 9999 mods installed
>furry scalie
nigga doesn't know what a mantis is lmao
sex with chirr NOW
host NOW please
different cope still furry fandom trash
>wanting host is cope
Sorry, I didn't want to quote you. My apologizes anon. I hope you get your host.
It's designed to launch through Steam/Epic, but you can still use it to dl mods then manually install if you're running pirated.
Eclipse fun
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the mask slipped for a second there didn't it
are you saying he's a samefag
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You're the host
fuck it, we ball
host in 16 hours if nobody else does and i don't have anything else get in the way
peep this mctwist fag
honestly I figured anyone autistic enough to post here would know what starstorm is
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waiter! more meat for my wife please, waiter!
Man Risk of Rain 1 really is harder compared to 2, I still haven't beaten the game
<1 hour remains...
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unfortunately something has gotten in the way, host will be a few hours later than that if i'm not utterly drained by the experience
sorry off-by-one.
>1 hour remains...
anyone got that one ttgl merc image

New scorch "wurm"

> its actually a worm
It's spelt wUrm because the U stands for Underground. The other wOrms go Overground (except for the times they also go underground).
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Meant to reply also checked
Variant survivors?
I would have liked returns more if it was an actual celebration of risk of rain. Adding more than just a couple bonus characters. It should have added a lot of them. Even things like challenges where you have to play as specific enemies should have been a thing. But instead it just puts you in unrealistic trials in areas you don't even see in the final game (for some fucking reason)
still dealing with reality, hostman?
Definitely not 100% but the waffle iron is heated and ready if anyone wants a 2host.
i'd host 1 but my ISP a retard
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>I wish returns added new content
It's not replayable content so it's just there. Beat all trials damn suddenly you realize that shit has 0 replay value as it's just static shit not in the normal spirit of the game.
Returns couldn't even be bothered to give robomando a judgement skin
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wonder what this extra steamdb branch is about
>>1337137 (Me)
sorry, i gotta go to sleep. it's sad that i was apparently the only one who wanted a host.
it is a shame, yes.
maybe next time, anon.
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Bulking up will help with her gains!
Would Celty Merc having her helmet hanging off the back of her "head" and kind of jiggling around? Kind of like it's being held by the dark part.
Not sure if that would look good but I guess if you can make it work
So far, I've got either Celty Merc holding the helmet, or it floating around her head/torso area.
Hosting : steam://joinlobby/1337520/109775242659839768/76561198358217889
password if needed is vmror
for future reference, use the Copy Lobby to Clipboard button to post lobby code (don't need a password if you do that), and post which game you're hosting for
niggas be like room up with 0 details on what game or mode
Everyone's new at one point, is fine.
Yes, is fine
host when
host askers are as bad as hosters it seems
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this says a lot about our society
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Doctored image.
Post fact checked by the Ignition Tank Gang
It's a 100% real and true image. Yours are AI generated lies.
This post fact checked by the Purity Gang
It took me hours to do judgement on the funny little guy just to find out it was all for nothing...
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new arti skin, titled "Meridian"
>a circle of constant longitude passing through a given place on the earth's surface and the terrestrial poles.
how can we make a fat joke about this
I want artificer's circle of constant longitude to pass through my terrestrial pole
I love it
>missing half her shots
>getting raped by 5 enemies in the last clip
sharti sisters, our response?
>dies at the end of the clip for a split-second frame
>missing most of her shots
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>>dies at the end of the clip for a split-second frame
fucking lmao
Most artificer fans are just fatties projecting a fetish
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>glowing boobs
please do not bully the twitter intern he doesn't know what videogames are and thinks everything on the screen is actually happening so he gets really nervous and chokes hard
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that poor intern had to play a whole game of risky on drizzle. gods bless him.
That's just Arti with a muzzle
host when
right now
don't play with my hopes like that, anon
Guessing you unlock this one by doing something on the new final stage seeing as that's also called Meridian. Maybe related to the Seeker?
Don't ask for a host without saying which game and I won't toy with you
I'm sure there's some poor bastard in the thread that wants Returns, and i don't care which of the other two as long as the mods aren't shit.
>I'm sure there's some poor bastard in the thread that wants Returns
Doubt it
Gotta be, otherwise we wouldn't have had the lamentations of FUCKING DEAD GAME in the last few threads.
I agree but to be fair returns is in fact a disaster right now. It had a lot of content that wasn't even the same genre of the game.
Fair enough.
anyone else getting hit by beetle attacks while a good three feet above them?
Ready? GO!
here's your commando bro
It's actually a challenge to play this version of mando due to the fact that every skill is curved. It MIGHT be bullshit due to the fact that his M1 just goes to the sides, but hell, he's perfect for suffering now cause he got into the paint supplies. In fact, I'd say this is the "hard mode" Commando, as much of a shitpost this is.
I will start hosting returns when it gets mod support. and you cant stop me
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Mod support now
Mod support never
real, it shoulda had 2's whole cast
Is this actual work in progress mods or is this just a fan animation someone did?
nta, but it's a fan animation, i'm pretty sure i saw it like a week or two after returns released (if even that desu)
it's just animations from rebbit
host when
host in what
host in chicken butt
this is genuinely the best post I've read all day
chicken butt you say
Is there a mod that makes the elite equipment drop at a reasonable rate? They're not good enough to be 1/4000 but I want to mess around with them from time to time.
does modanon's femmod still works?
Been updating it very slowly. Life's been keeping things slow, I still need to finish the new femmerc models.
hey man, love your mods but I just reinstalled it and noticed most of the survivors mods would break the game and not being able to launch
the only survivors I could get the game to launch with your mods are bandit, loader, artificier and railgunner
not sure if it's something wrong in my game but just a heads-up
thanks again for making the mod anon
Yeah. Most of them are going to be broken until I get to updating them. I've gotta finish a Celty Mercenary model before posting the the next Mercenary file.
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have you ever died to meme in a bottle?
this thing scares me.
>first attempt at voidling
>meme in a bottle activates egg, causing me to fly into voidling laser, killing me instantly.
I got the fucker next try but vanilla bottled chaos is a death waiting to happen, scrap instantly.
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hostan in 35min, (You) me if joining
Pretty standard modded setup, will probably only turn on Sac+Potentials if we get 5 or more.
aight sure why not
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3/16, starting
How do I join
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Download r2modman from https://thunderstore.io/package/ebkr/r2modman/ then follow instructions in pic.
Short code = lobby code, long one = modpack code
aaah, makes sense now, thank you.
This thing is good at not killing you as a gamepad chad.

I never let go of X once I get this thing but everyone else is always dead first.
still going, or are you (just about) done? i just woke up.
>>1343779 (Me)
tried joining just now and it just says the server's full.
We're still going, 4/16
Starting our last run
Closed, ggs.
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Oh right, for whoever asked about Lost Doll, only the activation self-damage scales off of current health. The actual damage it deals to enemies is always the same, scaled off of your max health.
is dead
and came back because dio
except not because still no updates and still no modding support
Yeah alright
Lobby ID: 109775244233675731
Will be up for about 15-20mins, then I'll need to pee and that takes like 6 hours
oh and needless to say, but if people join then I'll just pee in this jug instead
Damn, I'm pissing
guys returns will get content with seekers of the storm
Return this game to the fucking not played collection cause it's ass.

Returns would be good if you scaled as much as the enemies did.
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modded 2 host in 1 hour, pack is slightly updated from yesterday
>risk of rain while risk of rain
fuck yea
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3/16, I believe 1 is restarting
4/16, starting
dropin is on
literally just woke up, downloading the pack right now.
you should probably start putting the packs onto mega, the mod manager sucks ass and takes 10x as long as it should to download.

can do that
power bumped, be back if i can lads
update: steam refuses to reconnect even after a total restart
go on without me
wiped stage 9, starting again with 5/16
reached <1 FPS, 10/10 lobby
If people want to keep going, I'll reopen
Run it
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REOPEN, same profile
seems like it was just a generic mystery unity crash
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gimme a minute...
I'll restart my game, new lobby code in a bit
Would be good for everyone to do the same
Try now
In lobby, 4/16
Starting in a bit
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sneedling defeated, closed.
thanks for joining
is this modded?
always has been
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No, this is Vanilla. Duncan Naoki 'hopoo' Drummond loved Iroha's doujin so much that he added her to the basegame, as seen in the picture.
Risky Returns, lol
Lobby ID, lmao: 109775244438445348
Risk of Rain Returns will return later
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>Unable to host starstorm
>finally figure out it's because of stupid student apartment routing preventing port forwarding and P2P to begin with
>can't even play fucking Mario Kart
Any VPN recommendations from fellow eurofags?
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AirVPN with OpenVPN is pretty alright and has port forwarding, although I haven't used that feature myself. Mullvad used to be good as well, but they took away port forwarding because people were using it to share pictures of Spider-Man
Would something like ngrok or playit gg work? I've used those with Minecraft when I couldn't port forward
>Last wave gives them Unstable Tesla Coil
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I member when we used to have fun
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>tfw we never had lobbies with both Hauler and Ride me
It's too late now.
Playit gg looks interesting, i might take a look at that
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Didn't know that was even possible...
beep boop fuck the worm
go get 'em champ
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uhmm guys....?
I hate your GUI so much its unreal
t. drizzle player
No he's right, that shitty HUD mod takes all the garbage minimalist trends of the last few years and puts it on a game that doesn't need it, robbing it of its soul
I hate it too
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Hello randy
tankino is here
host when
If you're that cheese guy himself I want you to know I've been looking forward to this shit since you posted the video a few weeks ago. Hell yeah.
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>no screenshots
>the only image is a drawing made out of koolaid
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im not cheese, but I do make mods ;)
have a launch trailer then:
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oh FUCK yes
>try to play tank
>framerate goes to like 26 upon the drop animation finishing
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was that just with the tank (and its dependencies) on its own, or did you add it into the starterpack?
either way that sounds a bit concerning.
I just dropped it on top of my usual bunch of bullshit, runs fine as the only mod installed. I think it's a bug with whichever UI mod I have on because it created like the entire left side of the screen's worth of experience gauges that all seemed to be functioning independently. I'll dig into it more later.
>whichever UI mod I have on
are you that fag using the minimalist UI, or are you talking about a different UI mod?
I think it's called looking glass? It puts the items on bottom but I think it's the normal UI otherwise, plus >>1348056 those stats on the right side because I like to see numbers go up.
NTA but the webm's minimalist UI mod is RiskUI. LookingGlass is one of the many replacements for BetterUI that popped up after the shitfit. I'd know because I tried RiskUI before
I think riskUI came with something else I have as a dependency since I have that too. As far as I can tell it's completely overwritten by the lookingglass. Seeing if turning off riskUI fixes the issue will be the first thing I try when I get to play.
host when
Risk of Rain Returns
Lobby: 109775241115408582
Rerun footage of one of the enemies. This guy's sound effects and name was leaked when the devotion update dropped
About time we got another rock enemy in this game
What was the name for it again?
I only just noticed the golden pillar that is distinctly not a prop in actual Verdant Falls.
Possible void seed-like thing, or perhaps a part of the Halcyonite's moveset?
could be the interactable to spawn the portal to the path of the colossus? Was thinking of something like
>pay a fee to use the pillar
>a couple of halcyonites spawn
>kill them and portal spawns after the teleporter
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Could be, though my bets on this thing seen in the second dev diary. There's some crystals in what we've seen of the Reformed Altar that look somewhat similar.
They did say there'd be "a few ways" to access the alt-path so I suspect there's the possibility of both being true.
Oh yeah good point. Guess we'll see in a few months. I'm in full hype mode for SoTS after listening to the leaked music lol
Hope we get some more actual news soon. But with how messy development seems to be now with Gearbox, I have a feeling it's not going nearly as fast or smooth as they're trying to make it seem and we'll probably be waiting quite a while for anything actually substantial.
Yep, the host was a gearbox employee all along. Battleborne is back
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Unlocked the little dude, he's honestly very fun to play
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>3 days since this released
>not a single host (besides one returns host)
i wanna play with my autism lego tank....
Was bugged in MP on release from what I heard, but seems like it was fixed according to the patchnotes.
he's really shitty and a hyperjew in multiplayer but he is kinda fun solo
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riskystarterpack is the obvious baseline
from there uhh depends on taste
I'm gonna try to figure this shit out and start hosting
won't be today though. closer to the weekend
Here's the pack I've been using for the past few hosts, haven't added tank yet.
It's just RiskyStarterPack with a few extra stuff.
Yeah, I don't understand why people say he's good in Multiplayer when you need litteraly every item to be good.
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well fuck me i guess
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tank host in 1 hour
It's just >>1351842 with tank added and mods updated
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Will wait for 30ish minutes to see if anyone joins.
Starting, 2/16
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fuck i was playing kh2 rando
wiped, starting again with 5/16
Wiped to gup horde, starting again with 4/16
omw once Im past the eternal boot up
Closed, the stage 8 filter is real.
Tank fun
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>was busy so missed tank host

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