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Ranked is Dead
Long Live World Tour

Also, Tokusatsu event when
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Post progress.
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I finally got my dog
There were no changes to the MGL32, and yet I'm seeing it tons more and being a lot more effective. It's not just against new players either, so I'm wondering just how much of it is players who have actually learned the angles and how to set up an offense/defense.

Goo too has been making waves, but that's more clearly because one goonade is enough to block off an entire stairwell now. Maybe that's also influencing the MGL, in a way.
>Tokusatsu event when
They need more colors than Yellow no?
Not necessarily. They can set whatever loadouts they want for the event, so players can wear cosmetics that won't necessarily be available at the time. If they wanted to do a Sentai event, then it'd probably be recolors of the existing suit on Defense in Terminal Attack (because of course it'd probably be TA), and the earnable suit would be some mook suit worn by Offense.

Although of course I'd just prefer them to add a suit like Rider or Metal Heroes instead and have it be Solo Bank It again.
>5 stack with LH1s in power shift, not even pushing platform, just spawn camping
Dickless fucking behaviour.
The irony is that they were shit enough that I was 1v2ing them reliably. But the problem is that there was 5.
It's genuinely a pity that the twitch rivals event is gonna happen in LH1 meta. Shit is going to look like (and be) cancer.
It's a shame that people are using the intro matches of terminal assault to then go "and it's shit that it's ranked too," because I'd easily say that world tour is one of the best parts of S3. It's technically still ranked but without the stigma of ranked, so you got people willing to play seriously when they would've otherwise, but still willing to engage in the off-the-wall ridiculous strategies that define the game. Hell, there's a lot that beats the "meta" or what's "viable" but nobody would know if they weren't willing to play stupid.
Oh fuck off you shit eating faggot. Its not ranked because there is no ranked based sbmm.
And what a weird cope on your part.
Its not ranked, like at all. You just get a silly ranked-like medal.
But ranked is by definition, a ranked based sbmm system...
Youre definitely that weird kind of toxically positive fan people talk about.
When is this retard gonna understand that no one is interested in his retarded "the problem with the game is that they removed the overpowered bullshit that made everyone quit" take.
I just don't want to play light without goo nade or thermal bore. I want to have control over engagements
In the Japan map, you can goo the top of the Bamboo trees to have a makeshift sniping spot when defending the Bamboo cashout spot.
>removed the requirement to play terminal attack as a new player
thank fuck
>it's not like ranked at all
>you just get the one thing that anyone ever cares about when it comes to playing Ranked
This lol it's a tournament format with cashout matches and that's all I care about. Getting a diamond Lewis would be cool and all but I really don't feel like grinding fucking TA.
world tour is nothing but the same game but with less map variety lol, it's comically pointless
People bitched and moaned and chain quit matches so they could play the new map last season.
>less map variety
On one hand I have to put up with S*oul being in the current pool, but on the other hand I am pleased by the lack of V*gas.
You underestimate how much its players are affected by being more than just Unranked Tournament but not exactly the same as traditional Ranked Tournament
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the stick gun and the wild west revolvers offer no real benefit to the user

the red one might be slightly better than stock revolvers since it has contrast between the fore sight and the rear sight

snubby has pretty definitively better iron sights than everything else
also I swear to God when I look at the footage, the snubby has a bit less visual recoil than other revolvers because of its shorter barrel

the black rose one is also a bit shorter so it has slightly less visual recoil
its sights are nothing special though, possibly being worse than the normal ones because it's all neutral colors

so if you wanna be as sweaty as possible with the revolver then consider the snubby
Nigga has to undergo all of this shit just because the devs refuse to simply add an option to overlay the in game crosshair on top of the iron sights.
the choice to give some weapons proper sights, and leave others with irons is such a baffling decision
>in their heads, the M14 is partially balanced by the fact it has awful iron sights
what the fuck
I always keep forgetting that people in this thread somehow have a shit time using iron sights and think that 2-tapping with the revolver is some impossible feat.
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how do i balans gaem
Irons are kino
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sorry I forgot
I hope the result of this isn't that the lh1 gets nerfed, but that mines and the rpg oneshot again.
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>a lot
I'm guessing about 2000 higher player peak, what the fuck is a twitch rivals even?
>4 minutes between posts in one of the slowest threads on the board
samefag, as always in these threads.
Ranked isnt about skins you samefagging retard, its about the sbmm inherent to ranks and allowing you to see your skill and see yourself improve.
The issue the Finals has had is that the ranked was easy to autopilot in S1 and S2 it was obtuse in how exactly to improve.
Now S3, they've finally listened to the community but they've made it shit ass TA.
World tour is fine, but its not ranked, its just another braindead grind, even easier than S1.
No sbmm even for your rank.
This post is also me
>its about the sbmm inherent to ranks
>it's about wanting to gain skill and improve by testing yourself against equal opponents
Meanwhile, in every ranked game ever made
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>ottr paired with a woman and a retard
what a shitshow
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nvidia sounds like a company made up for The Finals
this is pretty meta tho, imagine if companies could sponsor a season in The Finals to get cosmetics and stuff.
>The Live Wires just went up in smoke! Team wipe, brought to you by Marlboro!
>the stick gun and the wild west revolvers offer no real benefit to the user

they're fun
I'm almost certain that's something they'd love to do
imo its a matter of time before they add an official crosshair overlay and call it a "motion sickness dot" like in Payday 2

or break all animations so that there is always something on the middle of the screen like they did already for some weapons
the m14 has great sights, just like the m60, love retro sight pictures.
please tell me they wiped
2 cashouts seem hard to cast and follow. Why isn't Quick Cash the better format? Less third partying and cross-teaming, no?
>scotty and june aren't commentating the event
>no tournament mode so that teams have their own icons and names
>fuck since voices are AI they could generate voicelines for each team
>the money earned is from some gay ass points instead of actual (scaled down) money pulled out from the game
immersion ruined
They are getting raped by some nigger called gigz
>less third partying
are you fucking high?
that's the #1 reason quick cash is so awful to play
it's a constant mess of third partying
you are never fighting just one team
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i assume every leaderboard on this game is cheated has hell, so i dont care about it
Showcasing why cashout sucks shit. Just doing the most chinese third partying imaginable.
Chat is just spamming about TA as if the devs don't already know. 0 discussion on the match. What a fucking disaster.
>think that the winch might finally make the sledgehammer viable against lights
>they still just dash out as soon as they get pulled in prevent you from hitting them
>only way is to deal 2/3 of your life by terrorist bombing them with your rocket
>quick cash
>less third partying
The only game I've ever played where getting 3rd partied is bearable is Hunt: Showdown. You actually have a chance to fight back, and can have loads of cover to hide in or behind. Hell, you can even sneak away and disappear amidst the chaos or the surrounding environment, saving your own ass.

In The Finals? Ha. Good luck surviving 3rd partying, because any cover you're in will be destroyed, sonar grenades will reveal you, and then when you run away a Light with throwing knives and dash will chase you down, or you'll run face first into a random Heavy with RPG.

I think The Finals is dying simply because it's not fun to get 3rd partied and rabidly chased down by 5 different players like you're a wounded animal.
Yea the rivals event is literally doing nothing but showcasing why the game sucks.
I dont think i would bring a woman in a game tournament with money on the line
>Hell, you can even sneak away and disappear amidst the chaos or the surrounding environment, saving your own ass
What boring ass matches are you playing where you aren't reducing the arena to rubble and easily escaping in all the explosions
Genuinely so painful to watch.
wow haha I wonder why everyone is using assault rifles and machine guns haha
you can barricade after pulling them in
also winch is a crutch and decent positioning will get you further with any melee
or you know, just use slam.
except they arent. Rockets, charge, shields and SA12s are determining every fight.
I successfully run away from fights literally all the time, largely because of destruction.
even in rivals people with literal pro players people get really bogged down in fighting and get third partied
it's weird to me to see people committing so hard to defense or fights because i very often just pull out altogether thinking "i should encourage a fight between the other two teams because I'm already holding the cashout"
Comp brain is fucked is what it is. You see it all the time, where people give up on outside strategies and try to play what people think is more consistent. Nobody wants to risk the big dumb play when there's money on the line; it's much easier to accept a loss from being bad at what you think is the right way than to lose from a bad call, because then you'll always be thinking about if you just did it the safe way.

Which is a shame because the essence of the game is dumb explosive bullshit where the rat that did the craziest thing will emerge from the rubble and steal the win
The game is to my brain more than anything else about spacing, about repositioning, zoning the other teams out as you need to and leaving yourself in a good position to win. Whenever I look at "high level gameplay" it feels like they rarely bother with that. They reposition, they don't fortify, they don't leave fights, they just take things that reliably do a ton of damage and gun people down very efficiently and rage out when they get third partied.
What an incredibly undeserved win. That event was a disaster.
It's unironically so over.
now that this was a major embarrassment that thankfully no one other than finalfags watched, can we stop pretending it's a competitive game? I can't believe there were tards here arguing the game is anything other than MHH AR spam lol
Yeah, the game is incredibly three-dimensional and you have to constantly keep a full model of the area running in your head. From there, it's not only about identifying ingress points and the safest place to mount a position in the room, but how your team can scatter or be scattered, and how the adjacent rooms are for defense if you drop into them and how likely are they to follow you or even already be in there. It's a constant stream of choices in order to keep a strong presence but be able to duck out the instant it will benefit your team.

But then you get people worrying about whether ducking out and letting the third party work to your benefit would lead them to taking the position and cashout, so instead it's just magdump high damage and if you die then we'll it's just a matter of getting better at aim innit? (It is not)
>AR spam
Meanwhile in reality the only class with an AR is basically helpless in a fight. The whole thing was determined by third partying, rpgs and charge and slam. SA12 was the biggest killer by far.
>playerbase fucking hates terminal attack because it doesn't capture what makes the finals uniquely exciting when it works
>have big event showing off cashout
>players fail to show off what makes cashout exciting and the winners are the team that keeps successfully ratting while the other two teams in their engagement get into a retarded pointless slugout
>even fans of the game looked at the stream and went "that was fucking bad man"
imagine being at embark right now
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reddit is disappointed with you!
I mean if you back out of the objective while holding it it's hard to not be in a good position unless your entire team has been wasted. It's so easy to deny the objective in this game- you can winch it from a distance, you can kill the thief, you can blow out the floor, you can gas the vault, you can stun the thief, you can disrupt the thief with goo, you can gravity cube the objective, etc etc. If you're not fighting and you're holding the objective, you're winning.

I'm not that good at the game but I've always felt weirdly like people are playing incorrectly.
They're right though. I'm pretty sure embark knows. The wannabe activism is cringe.
the finals is ultimately a game that failed because it didn't have confidence in itself
Uh no. This event made it clear that it failed because cashout fucking sucks.
If the game had launched with terminal attack as the main mode and no alternative it would've died entirely in a month
One mode being bad doesn't make cashout good.
>If you're not fighting and you're holding the objective, you're winning
Yeah, lotta players don't get that, and it's why people get stuck on how best to try to kill everyone when what matters is the objective. It's crazy for a game that only has playing the objective to continue to have that problem
>Heavy tard still trying to find angles to insinuate that nukes were a good thing
Some of this season's additions actually make a lot of sense in the context of trying to get people to play cashout "properly."
>Winch can easily deny objectives- hopefully this will make dome shields weaker and convince people to fight away from the objective itself
>everyone takes gas and light never takes demolition- thermal bore is a better demolition tool and it has fire, so maybe that'll encourage smarter play and get people to take gas less?
I've seen all these copes already in dead games and it always stems from someone trying to argue the way they theorycraft is the only true fun and right way to play, but actually fun games don't need "initiation", people just have fun their ways and learn along the way.
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I mean, in other genres, not even just niche genres, people thrive in environments with autistic theorycrafting that's considerably more complex than just thinking ahead and thinking around positioning in an alterable 3D space. It just feels like people are accustomed to and expect FPS to not be that way, sometimes.
When you keep hearing shit like
>Brooo I can't fucking stand Fortnite you can't shoot anyone without them turning into a building!
>Bro you're adding MORE melee weapons? I thought this was an FPS stop adding skill-less weapons!
It just reads to me as a demand for these games to stay simple and braindead aim-tests. And it feels like you hear variations of this shit whenever literally any shooter pushes you in directions other than basic aim training and positioning.
no one thrives in theorycrafting, it's something only people who don't really play games do
no one that plays fortnite regularly complains that people turn into buildings, what's far important is that the person playing doesn't really like to use the building mechanics to their advantage so they'll either play something else or just play zero build
the problem with the finals is that diehards keep trying to argue the game itself is perfect and anyone who "doesn't get it" is a retard that won't be missed, instead of trying to acknowledge what makes someone not enjoy the game
this wouldn't be a big problem by itself but embark has no confidence and listens to these people 100%, everything bad that happened in this game was a result of the loud diehard community
It's not going to happen. People want to have fun teamfights. Not rat and do nothing, waiting for the easy finish.
>rat for awhile, playing around attempts to hunt you down and fighting when you have to, ultimately having more control over the fight and potentially winning (which is fun)
>gun down anyone you see, get ratted, write 50 paragraphs about how cashout is not a viable gamemode
people are just dumb
>literal pro players
"""pro""" players lol it's just random streamies tacked together. There is a world of difference between a pubstar and a pro.
You're right, it's a dead game and all the big explosive fun is fake, with this tourney definitively showing how dumb and dry it really is. There's no more need to debate it, it's fact, so you should leave and never come back
People will simply go play something else and nexon will close the game down.
RTS, Fighting games, and MOBAs are all genres that require you to actively and quickly learn knowledge checks if you want to have a good time. If you "just play the game" from match to match and refuse to take a step back and go "ok I need to re-evaluate what I'm doing wrong" then you're often just not even going to play those genres and despite that, all of those genres have at least one game that's more successful than the finals
Indeed. Go play something else. Leave this place.
>Bro you're adding MORE melee weapons? I thought this was an FPS stop adding skill-less weapons!
OK but the melee weapons still fall into the categories of useless (spear, dualies), skilless bullshit (sword) and silly memes for goofing around (sledgehammer, riot shield, dagger).
no :)
Casual players won. Everyone got to see the same boring strategies be used and then still not work and nobody had fun, so the next time someone goes
>but is it viable in ranked
you can just go
>god I fukken hope not
and go back to winning because you kept encasing people in goo while your buddy flanked with the flamethrower
If you can only have fun when you're not running into someone whos good at the game then that's not really a win.
If you spent money on this game just know that they just spent it on paying gigz to make the game look like shit.
Exactly. That's why Ranked players fear casual and hated Cashout moving to the World Tour. We just got a front row seat to how fucking awful they are at the game and have to avoid the madmen in casual to have fun in their boring ass way--and they still didn't lmaooooooo
In reality ranked teams roll world tour lobbies so hard that it's just boring.
it's not perfect I just like playing creatively since the game itself is a destruction and construction sandbox.
Bro, we all saw the footage. Ranked players sticking to their dry ass idea of what's viable are in fucking shambles. You have no counter argument anymore. We all know how fake you niggas are.
Literally what are you talking about? What won was comp and playstyle that has been meta for 3 seasons.
Oh, we all saw what you retards think "winning" is. We all got to see you flop like short bus all-stars and what the "highest level of play" acts like when they're using the "meta." Just an endless stream of you guys embarrassing yourselves and destroying the idea of ranked having any prestige

This tourney has fully given even the bronziest of World Tour players full justification to laugh off anyone trying to hold their old diamond Cashout ranks as having the slightest bit of weight in discussions
Sometimes I wish I was this retarded so I could just believe whatever I wanted regardless of whether or not it makes even a scrap of sense.
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I made this post
I made this post
>People thought this was gonna save the game
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all me
>Whenever I look at "high level gameplay" it feels like they rarely bother with that. They reposition, they don't fortify, they don't leave fights, they just take things that reliably do a ton of damage and gun people down very efficiently and rage out when they get third partied.
This is because they're using some kinds of cheats. The entire event was them with their own PCs.
When you rely on your GODLY aiming "skills" to win and look good, you do not develop better game sense outside of fighting fights, third partying and fighting more fights.

Point is, these "pros" are one dimensional. They're all GODLY at aiming/aim dueling (whether legit or not, theyre GODLY at left clicking heads at nearly any range) and since thats what they know, they kind of just play that one way.

But as full time workers, part time gamers, my friends and I go against these GODLY aimers and we have to adapt and outplay them in other ways.
This is also why that extremely loud minority hates the alt strats and non-meta weapons/gadgets and bitch and moan constantly about them.
They just want to left click heads and it bothers/upsets them when they need to do otherwise.
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actually all of these are me
seething at being called out for being a samefag
says the one writing a thousand word post
I wrote this
Shut up
you're so braindead it's actually crazy
>Release boring trailer for S3
>Retarded buffs
>Remove ranked
>Replace it with TA ranked AND make TA worse at the same time.
>Make new players play terminal attack where the matches just get cancelled by leavers
>Rivals event is a monumental L
What the fuck is happening? They generally move in the right direction but everything since season 3 has just been a disaster.
Did the streamers for twitch rivals get months in advance to practice or were they thrown right in? Some talked about how they practiced but I doubt they played more than a few rounds of quick cash.
A bunch didnt even have their teams until last minute
all of the above
You know what's happening. This is nothing more than an unfortunate sign that The Finals is a fantastic game in concept, that doesn't translate well to success logistically.

I hope you'll be ready in the future to see YouTube videos dissecting and discussing what went wrong with The Finals after it's completely dead. Prepare yourself, because it's coming.
And they're all gonna be retarded and wrong. I've been through this before.
I have 4000 hours in planetside 2 and this really reminds me of that.
In planetside 2 the best way to win a fight is to just suddenly dump overwhelming force, either through raw population or skill, blow up all the spawns, end the fight within a minute, redeploy and do it somewhere else.
That's the best way of winning but it doesn't make it fun or healthy for the game. Actually it's such a gay ass tactic that quite a severe social stigma got built up around doing it.
It's the exact same way here.
Same in helldivers too.
The optimal way to play helldive is fucking boring and lame.
This you? >>1335868
If so you have no place calling anyone else brainless.
i didn't watch the rivals event because I don't give a shit about random streamer nobodies, can I get a qrd?
3 stack spent the whole time 3rd partying the streamers with double rpg bubble heavies.
How to get gud with the SA?
wait hold on gigz was basically allowed to bring his stack? Lmao? What kind of retard allowed this matchup to happen?
Slide between bursts.
It's a pretty 2 dimensional gun.
I mean
Thanks, my brain is hardwired to Lewis, haven't touched the SA since the nerfs in S1. i neet to git gud again, we win tourneys but I play like shit imo.
Performance really tanked with S3, Kyoto runs like shit for me on high and medium.
LH1 nerfs. thank god.
It has too much destruction desu. You can really feel your fps tank when the big tower falls down especially.
>LH1 nerfed
>TKs nerfed
Lights on suicide watch lol

idk, it just runs like shit for me. 2070 and Ryz 7 2700x
Yeah this game is CPU bound
>LH1 nerfs
that was quick
>winch nerfed
aw, the rpg winch was a fun combo
honestly even for a light player these nerfs are good
the LH1 is STILL probably light's best weapon and kunai were lame to use and obnoxious as fuck
Upgrading to a 5700X3D is cheap and will give your system some good longevity.
The MGL32 is a ton of fun, but holy shit in close quarters I'm dealing more damage to myself than the enemy is. Why didn't they reduce the self damage like they did with CL40?
>have a big community tournament broadcasted on twitch as part of your marketing saving throw
>let one of the highest ranked players in the game hand-pick his team when everyone else is stuck with newbie streamers
how did this even happen
I never heard of twitch rivals before and it was even worse and more irrelevant than I thought, how many millions did they even pay for that blatant scam?
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the peak today is lower than yesterday
the broccoli hair event was a net negative
The MGL32 deals almost as much as the CL40's direct hit damage as splash damage to everyone, it has more rounds, it fires faster, reloads quicker, and bank shots are super powerful once you learn how to skate grenades on the ground to protect yourself in close range. It's way stronger than the CL40, and the self damage is the only way to keep kamikaze heavies from bombing the room he's in blindly, since if he gets hurt less than opponents it'd generally be the smart thing to do, and it gives a weakness that's fun to play around: people facedumping to be in suicide range, which then becomes this silly ballet where you're jumping around and losing each other, and you can then try to take back the situation with a Charge or Dome Shield.
At this point, we should host our own tournament stream and have everyone come up with funny names. We'll use an AI voice model of Scotty and June to commentate and it will be 100% better than the rivals event. I wanna hear Scotty say "And here come the NiggerFaggots with a last minute steal!! The Sneed Posters will surely have to cope with that!"

subsequent tournaments will have gimmicks like Class Warfare or Melee Mania
how would you name it? im in, i seen worse trash on this board being taken competitively so this game even with all its issues is still better, the only problem is the cheating niggers
The /v/ctory Tournaments
Every episode would have a theme or a gimmick
>how would you name it? im in, i seen worse trash on this board being taken competitively so this game even with all its issues is still better, the only problem is the cheating niggers
well said. id watch/join. friends and i are trash but we are nerd enough to have grinded Diamond in S1, not gay enough to try in S2 and too cool to play at all for S3 TA.
Indeed, t'was
I think this is the actual end of the finals. Their refusal to back down from ranked TA in the midst of all the other issues this game has is just it. I'm not even mad, I still like the game, but it's weird... Knowing the core mode is no longer Cashout kinda just broke the spell and helped me to let go.
Truthfully, I hope they fix this shit, but idk, I think I'm done for real now.
Was hanging around hoping today they'd admit their mistake and back off from TA and stop gas lighting us that its their most popular mode.
I just feel it in the community, and its clear they just fucking shit the bed for the last time.
I dont think they come back from this one.
>"Nexon has entered the chat"
Likely the reality as to why its such a catastrophe this season. Nexon is absolutely worse than even EA , they have destroyed so many promising FPS titles in the last decade and a half now.
They feast on these kinds of games: devs sign and Nexon promises marketing and funding. Then never offers marketing and then pressures the devs to change and fit the suit's beliefs as to whats good gameplay.
Dirty Bomb, a Nexon published title went thru this exact scenario. Literally even had a Search and Destory mode tacked on; when the SnD failed, they just let the game die.
Video gamers like to always blame muh big scary publisher for everything but I personally find it a bit too simplistic a narrative to believe.
My idea would be to have tournaments every weekend, alternating between stock cashout tournament and more silly and gimmicky versions.
Like an idea I had was a powershift match, but each team was 4 mediums 1 heavy. The mediums could only heal and res but never shoot the enemy while the heavy is the only one who can kill people. You'd have to make sure to keep your heavy and your fellow medics alive as you try to take down the enemy's heavy.

These kinds of more user-made modes that I really wish were possible to just create ingame with like a forge system, but alas.
If the next update to world tour isn't testing out partial cashouts or some kind of anti third party mechanic. Then it might unironically be over.
haha but don't you get it?
third partying is part of the core experience!
I mean this is SUPPOSEDLY the reason why they've switched ranked.
Nothing wrong with third partying, they just completely fucked spawns since season 2 and made it in a way that teams keep spawning right next to each other for some fucktarded reason. This is particularly bad when there's a single cashout active as it keeps spawning the other teams 100+ meters away in the same general area so they get bogged down fighting forever while the team capping just sits there scratching their butts in boredom.
Why are there so many NPC gorilla niggers that want to remove an intrinsic aspect of games with more than two teams?
this but unironically
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I was wrong
apparently all I needed to do to make this thing work was equip Charge N' Slam and Explosive Mines (both help to cover my close quarters vulnerability)
I am not regularly getting top damage in tournament rounds (top in the round of all teams)

I still think it could use some love because it definitely isn't meta, but it's not F tier trash
*now regularly
There is something wrong with it and it's one of the biggest reasons this game couldnt take off
If I have to play another round of TA in my life or aonther round on Kyoto I'll fucking flip
Limiting the map pool in world tour makes no fucking sense
>you and another team win the second round of world tour and enter the finals
>screen starts glitching out
>match is revealed to be breached by CNS
>you now are teamed with your opponents to fight another group of finals contestants in a 6v6
would it be kino?
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it would be kino
>monkey's paw
>TA becomes the final round of tournaments

pic unrelated, but I think it's neat that the only gap in stoic philosophy was during the reign of Augustus
>life in Rome during his reign really was so good that the world of philosophy temporarily no longer felt the need to emphasize dealing with suffering
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where is it?
Forge is more detailed than ever in halo infinite and custom games in forge are still all time wasting bullshit.
charge 'n' slam makes up for the MGL's weakness
and yes MGL is not totally shit as people make it out to be, it's decent
i dunno how/when to use mines with this shit tho, i always forget to use them
use mines when running around a corner away from a pursuing enemy
throw them down in stairwells
put them down in areas where you think enemies will show up, because your GL will explode them
circuit or will appear in a future store refresh like last season's trailer cosmetics
i know how to play with explo mines, I just forget to use them specficially when playing MGL, with GL40 they're very nice and combo well
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came back this season and the game seems really fun. I remember being really annoyed at the glitch gun lightoids and heavies nuking everything.
running the current double barrel shotgun is the most stressful thing in this fucking game
>now that light is strong evasive dashes are fucking everywhere and anything from an MP5 to a throwing knife can just shoot you while scooting out of your range with a far smaller margin of error
>spread nerf means you have to be absolutely facefucking them to kill people in two shots and still get nearly perfect meatshots to the upper chest
>mediums and heavies can still waste you with their range spec weapons if you fuck up even slightly
Anons, i keep getting 403's when i try to login to the game and attempting to visit Embark's website. Did i get banned for loud-mouthing?
Why is everyone ignoring the other cashbox in World Tour???
unironically this, people thought S1's spawns were dogshit, with people delaying the start of the cashout until every team spawned, but S2 had constant bullshit where 3 teams would spawn on a single vault and spend 20 minutes in a 3 way fight while the last team was already halfway through their first cashout
Keep getting these S2 Diamond medium teammates that literally have no presence or contribution to my matches
I got fucking IP banned, thank you Embark, for being ever so protective towards your ESL ruzzian player base with a thicker head than all of your development team combined.
Ask to be unbanned on their Discord
I was banned from their discord on their main account back during CB2 because my pfp was offensive, despite having been there for a few days and even playing with a dev. Sent a ticket and emails and changed the pic within the hour and they still told me to fuck off. Fuck off swedes.
Banon updating: i can play just fine with a VPN but the latency is ass rape, i can also access their website (obviously) with it, but why should i jump hoops when i could just fuck with my dynamic IP? P.S.: i'm not the most savvy person
turn off your modem for a minute
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Why didn't i think of that...
probably the same reason you got banned.
>Be medium
>Get hooked
>auto die
what the fuck were they thinking
>inb4 riot shield
think its finally happening.
Reddit is currently switching over to "Terminal Attack is more competitive than Cashout".
The mods there ban all negative discussion as well.
TA is 90% liggers camping for kills and this is considered "peak competitive".
This is what the cookie clicker cod heads wanted. Now they just need to add in TDM and the transition into another failed COD clone will be complete.

Thing that pisses me off the most about the third party issue in cashout is that it was much better in season 1, so it can be fixed with better spawns and better cashbox locations.
Cashout is a viable competitive game mode, it's just not a brain dead cod head cookie clicker ligger-fest that appeals to the adhd cod-tards who will absolutely abandon this game for the next big cod clone.

How the fuck is Embark fumbling this fucking bad??
I don't care what faggots on r*ddit think
I don't care what ranked queers think
>cashout is a viable competitive game mode
That's why it's the primary featured mode and the one used for World Tour
Removing nukes was the best thing they've ever done.
>I don't care what faggots on r*ddit think
Fine, except Embark DOES care what reddit thinks, so stick your head in the sand, won't change the fact Embark listens to Reddit.
>I don't care what ranked queers think
Again, same. People are literally re-orienting their views on how the game is meant to be plaed based on this new Ranked TA paradigm. Stick your head in the sand all you like, doesnt change the reality that people are beginning to demand balance changes based round TA.
>>cashout is a viable competitive game mode
>That's why it's the primary featured mode and the one used for World Tour
World tour is fucking trash, you only think its good because it panders to poorfags who want free premium currency.
Stick your head on this dick, lol
>you only think its good because it panders to poorfags who want free premium currency
Yeah, I'm sure poorfags are raving about the $0.03 being deposited into their Finals multibux stash from hitting gold, and not the fact that it's just straight up better Ranked Tournament
This fucking game still has a shitton of cheaters from china and they've done nothing about it
>it's just straight up better Ranked Tournament
Enjoy being forced into limited and controlled loadouts.
They said this from the start that world tour would have these pigeon holed rules changes.
Stop playing lightweight you braindead motherfuckers, every single fucking time i get a retarded lightweight is a instant lose, nothing changed since S1, just pick medium or heavy, thanks
>Tfw thinking back to when everyone was telling me the FCAR was dogshit
>Now it's been nerfed to the point where it's thoroughly mid
>This fucking game still has a shitton of cheaters.
200 hours and I've seen two obvious cheaters which is probably a lower rate than other games I've played. What the fuck kind of games are you guys even playing where you are flooded with cheaters?
Sounds like something a cheater would say
>Enjoy being forced into limited and controlled loadouts.
Everyone knows this, and it's not any form of "gotcha" like you think it is. It's something to actually look forward to, based on how fun it was to play with controlled loadouts during the past limited time events.
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>player peak this weekend already back to pre-S3 levels
What went wrong? Since it's clearly not salvageable, what were the biggest missteps from Embark and the community from launch until now?
The way I see it:
>Nexon is a shit publisher
>2 times now they launched a season with a broken experience for new players (5 TA requirement) or all players (nukes, Las Vegas)
>3 times if you count the jarring tonal shift in S2 from game show to le hackerman
>They didn't focus on the player count and just focused on making the game fun
The last point seems to be the bane of this game. This is one of the most fun, innovative, technically advanced multiplayer games, but it's different so the modern gamer would rather soloq and rage in LoL, CS, Valorant, Rust, Dora or complain on developers again in TF2, CoD or Apex just because it's familiar. In other words
>old good new bad
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>based on how fun it was to play with controlled loadouts during the past limited time events.
If it's not some kind of testing ground for new gamemode rules i'm gonna be disappointed.
samefag right here.
Why do you updoot your own posts so consistently like this? It's weird and its obvious.
At least you've realized you need to wait few hours between your self masturbatory posts.
You're mentally ill
It's simple really, we can go from each season onwards
Going from CB1 and 2 to then OB and release, there was basically NO new content. The only new weapons were the throwing knives (which sucked) and the invis bomb (which nobody used as a team invis, it was rather a way for lights to run dash and invis at the same time) and the new map Vegas, which is meh at best. No new game modes since Bank It was introduced either, so if you played beta, you essentially played Release. Balancing was also REALLY horrible. MMM stacks with RS and FCARs were present even in casual game modes and they were cancerous. Anti cheat was also failing, in OB, chinks would be cheating in every single game. 9 out of 10 times, if they had a Chinese name, they were cheating, blatantly too. At launch, it was not fixed. Add that to people abusing reWASD and the free ingame wallhack and the casual and ranked experience was dog shit. These issues went unfixed for far too long because of the December release date too. The LTMs were also all boring, either being yet another variation of Solo Bank It or Single Going Cash out but with shit weapon selection. Spawns were also heavily abused, with the delay start being a start everyone used.
Putting aside the tonal shift going from gameshow to le Epic haxxors, they atleast removed RS. Cashout spawns were HORRIBLE. It was very common for a 3 team spawn in the same general area while the 4th team gets a free vault. Or spawning 200 meters away from any vault. Balancing was meh, but it got better only in it's last month or so. The new gamemode was actually good. The new weapons were just shit and the gadgets were underwhelming (I've yet to see the Data Reshaped being used, ever). SYS$HORIZON might just be the worst map in the game currently. Bunny bash event was whatever, but this is also the season where they introduced TA as a "limited time mode" and it was "fine" as that, despite how it's not a mode fit for the game.
TA ranked ONLY.
TA was also required to play quick play game modes, and it was a shit experience that turned away a lot of new players because of it. It was not representative of how the game functions or how creative and the approachability of every encounter could be used to your advantage. The new weapons are fine, despite being melee focused. WT is okay, but the fake rank thing is dumb because you can't loose it ever, you can only gain points and the rank isn't indicative of any sort of skill. They're also banking on the player retention angle hard with weekly contracts, bi-weekly world tours and a ruby rank that requires staying in the top 500 for the duration of S3. The Rivals event was a colossal cock up too.

Tl;Dr: Nexon being Nexon and Embark just winging it at this point.
I think it just occupies a weird space between casual and competitive that makes it very appealing to spergs that Like Interesting Videogames like us, but not many other people.

It's sweaty and competitive, but mechanically so volatile that it's casual to the point of being frustrating for competitive players.
It's volatile and chaotic, but sweaty enough that funny meme strategies can still get ruthlessly stomped by Man With Assault Rifle.
For me, someone who likes freeform strategizing and playing for fun and sweating my ass off and trying to win at the same time, and chafes under the rigid structure of Overwatch or Counter-Strike where you're largely doing the same thing again and again, the game is awesome and while it can be annoying to lose off of one fight after winning 3, it's not a big deal. The average casual player is going to get hit by a few nukes or get shut out by a tight knit crack team of mediums and heavies and dip out. The average competitive player is going to get third partied by three heavies in the last 15 seconds of a tournament round and book it back to counter-strike.

Battle Royales and Extraction Shooters are a little different IMO because they have more of a gambling element to them where all of your gear is decided by RNG whereas the appeal of The Finals is pretty much just raw gameplay.

I also think that the emphasis on strategy over gunplay they professed is something the shooter market isn't really ready for. It's a very simple genre and it has been for decades. People can't handle movement, they can't handle fortnite building, they can barely handle recoil patterns- I think people could develop a taste for those things again as time goes on, but it'll probably remain niche even if they do and niche shooters are usually viewed as failures in the current market.
NTA but who the fuck cares here
>I also think that the emphasis on strategy over gunplay they professed is something the shooter market isn't really ready for
Eh this game is still kill kill kill first and do everything else later. Sure it's an objective based game but you can't complete the objective if you're dead. A newcomer who's not familiar with the game but has good aim can make a pretty good contribution to the team.
The thing is that if you Kill Kill Kill first then you're leaving yourself open to be third partied. The enemy team overextending and going for kills is actually the literal perfect time to jump them. People say there's little benefit to holding a point, but the benefit to holding a point is that you get to play the point from safety without being obligated to engage for a safe retake.
I've seen teams pull insane kills and then get disqualified in the first round. My most recent favorite one had a streamer dude playing light with sword+dash and he alone totalled 12 kills. We snuck off a steal when they weren't looking and they got eliminated.

Good team play and a coordinated team will usually secure the win more often.
A good and accurate synopsis of the development history.
The REWASD era was particularly bad given how long they just sat on vacation and allowed it to run rampant.
They lost so many players to that shit. Its was wild to sit through it with literally zero developer feedback or commentary.
They went total radio silence from launch until after the new year.

Also a fair analysis of the game.
I think embark needed to stick with what made the game the game.
If they were indie, maybe they could've, I do understand they're working with Nexon standing over their shoulders.
And nexon is notoriously bad for destroying and undermining games/devs
I've played since open beta and never noticed any rampant cheater problem, it's certainly very low on the reasons why anyone would quit the game.
It's just not a game with wide appeal. The map has to be appreciated as a full 3D space where ingress points can occur literally anywhere, and you have to be constantly able to adapt your gameplan around what your teammates and opponents are doing. Most players just jump into it expecting just more explosive shootbang than usual, they don't take enough advantage of destruction or precautions against it, and go for simple loadouts that can't do much beyond aimduels and ambushes that they're used to in other games.

It's why you end up with so many retards using and losing to basic shit like Heavies with the Mesh Shield or when Medium stacks rocked the FCAR. That shit was always mediocre at best and died to any amount of flanking or rerouting, but you'd endlessly hear
>oh I fucking hate getting railed from atop rooftops by FCAR Meds
because they're idiots that keep running to some cover outside or try to win the aim duel instead of going TWO FEET TO THE RIGHT AND ENTERING A DOOR TO BE INSIDE, THE FUCKING RETARDS.

Hell, we're 3 seasons in and people still don't grasp that diving for single kills outside of the objective means little, either because they're too tunnelbrained on getting that single kill and are a moron or they're an idiot that thinks they can easily wipe without their teammates. Basic strategy is lost because BANG, BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG is all people think about.
This is what the codheads miss when they bitch about being third partied.
The spawns absolutely play into the third party problem, but seeking kills and b-lining for the closest cash box due to those bad spawns means they do tend to exacerbate the third party issue.

You can avoid being third partied by rotating and reassessing strategies mid cash box countdowns. But you need to chat about it and be willing to switch it up on the fly.
Rewasd was overwhelming for the first two months of season 1.
It was a massive problem.
That's literal cheating.
And the devs themselves admitted multiple times in season 1 and season 2 patch notes there was a serious cheater issue.(beyond just rewasd after they fixed it)
Patch 2.6.0 they literally address the cheating concerns openly and humbly.
Stop what? I've played shooters for decades and didn't feel overwhelmed by any kind of rampant cheating, I played just fine and I know 90% of the time people just like to cry wolf, this isn't a new thing.
If you played during OB, there's no way you didn't see any damn cheater.
OCE servers weren't a thing, so chinks flooded EU and US servers en masse. Some even had cheats that would let them bypass shields. I remember getting peppered by a chink cunt that could shoot through my mesh shield. OB was the fucking worst if you had a lobby filled with chink names or default names
Also the takes in this thread are hilariously bad as usual and it's not fun to even talk about the game anymore due to its horrid community, which is a bigger problem than any perceived cheater.
I got bored of the constant attempts from Embark to strip everything unique out of the game to appeal to whiny codfags and that's why I quit. Also it's the first game that ever inconvenienced me by refusing to launch because I have autohotkey open, that also is a bigger issue than any perceived cheater problem.
My eyes don't turn red and I don't have uncontrollable convulsions when I see a chink name which is probably why I had the clarity of mind to realize they were just typical players and not automatically cheaters.
The Finals was fun because of its novelties but Embark did absolutely nothing to ever capitalize on it. Quite the opposite actually, everything that I found fun would be continuously nerfed over and over with every update until it felt like shit which prompted me to fall back to the assigned meta tools. This kind of opinion will be met with the usual claims of noobness by the resident sweaties that can't cognize that people might ever want anything other than AR spam in their shooters.
You're retarded dude. Apex has complete controller dominance and finals is basically the only game that has done anything about rewasd at all.
Then leave.
>Finals was fun because I could even more brainlessly win with heavy at the expense of everyone else.
Yes, and it was made unfun over time.
I played the game with several classes and loadouts and never had a problem with what other people played, I played the same game as you and I know what annoyed me or not. For S1 I'd say the mine spam and turtling was the worst part but that still played on the game's strengths and it was eventually replaced with the far worse AR spam meta which can only be answered with AR spam. This is not the fault of individuals but the fault of the game itself heavily promoting certain playstyles and leaving everything else behind.
That's why people quit games, not your retarded copes about the game being perfect and it would take over the world if it weren't for those darned cheaters and nexon meddling.
Hey retard. It doesn't matter how many times you spam your braindead take. It's never going to catch on. The game took its greatest losses in players during the meta you liked.
The "AR" spam is pure cope. Especially pathetic after rivals showcased a meta dominated by shotguns and battle rifles, with the AR carrying class being nothing but a support bot/victim.
That rivals tournament was hardly a good showcase of the game, though. It was a literal top of ranked handpicked threestack against a mix of people who play the game and clueless streamers being paid.
The game is at its deadest now, why do you think that is?
The few people left in these threads have terminal youtube essayist brain cancer and overestimate how much some things matter and underestimate how much other things matter and think they have a perfect "overview" of things.
Start thinking and posting about your own personal experiences with the game and things will be clearer for you, instead of thinking you are a spokesman for some community.
>the game isn't fun for me and that's why I don't play anymore
god I hate this game's abhorrent community, nothing but retarded cunts latching on to a casual game thinking they'll make it big in some imaginary esports scene
Every team had players who understood the meta and the team that understood it the most won.
It's contuing the decline it's been suffering since release. If anything the population is more stable than ever.
Yes you do just suck retard. All your posts are roundabout attempts at justifying why your amazingly cancerous crutch was a good thing. No one wants to hear it retard.
I don't care how many times you say cod or try to pathologize. Your IQ is simply too low.
Your every retarded writeup on this game stems from ego and solipsism and a deep lack of understanding, you seem unable to fathom the idea that there's any opinion to take other than something that makes you sound like an epic pro gamer and everything that follows must take that path.
You must feel very comfy in your little fantasy world there.
Consider that you are the one in the position you've taken of dismissing someone else's experiences with the game to begin with.
Yes i'm dismissing your opinions. Cope about it.
>Also the takes in this thread are hilariously bad
You dismissing actual patch notes I've linked for you to read, where Embark admits a cheating problem, is a horrendously bad take.
So I agree with you, your terrible takes here undermine genuine discussion.

>Also it's the first game that ever inconvenienced me by refusing to launch because I have autohotkey open, that also is a bigger issue than any perceived cheater problem.
Thanks for admitting you actually are a cheater. You downplaying the amount of cheating, you dismissing the REWASD era and here now admitting you use AHK.
Whatever your reasons, its nothing to close it to launch a game and its nothing to double click a desktop icon.
The funniest part is that I don't use AHK for anything related to The Finals or cheating but then there are bizarre zealots like you thinking they're fighting some war against cheating with 50 layers of intrusive anticheats I have ever seen in a game that you personally had nothing to do with but still feel personally compelled to justify somehow.
they should add goo mines, which when triggered make a 3x3 or 4x4 area of goo, thoughts?
I'd say goo lock is too strong to be used like that. Currently it's balanced out by the fact that the current goo weapons take a lot of getting used to in order to use offensively, especially since you won't have your actual gun out. Goo mine would not have those drawbacks.
The turret has long been a weak spec, and it got another nerf this season, however because of the changing meta it is actually more viable now. Because light is much more common, if you have light teammates the healbeam doesn't synergize very well since they have fast HP regen, tend to not be very close to you due to they mobility and flanking playstyle and don't have that much health to heal anyway. Meanwhile the turret helps out quite a bit by adding more damage tanking to make up for their lower HP and providing yet another distraction for your light teammates to create crossfires. An interesting example of how something became better in spite of getting nothing but nerfs because of unrelated changes.
Yeah okay buddy. I'm sure you're using AHK for legitimate means.
I've done enough research to know AHK is used heavily in gaming for shit like recoil scripts, triggerbots and a host of other automations.
The Finals is one of the only ones to block it on these grounds, and you whine that you have to turn it off to play the game lol.
Explain exactly why its a problem to turn off AHK to play a videogame, and then turn it back on later when you're done.
But even this all said, you deflect and ignore the fact that I shared actual commentary by the devs who admitted a cheating problem months ago.
I use to replace the windows key with something else and set it to autorun on launch so it's always an inconvenience to stop it just to play TF.
You're such a fucking retard it's impressive, it's hilarious that you had to "research" what this common tool is used for long before TF existed, just goes to show how the dumbest people latched on to this game which is very unfortunate since it used to be fun.
Nothing of what you say has any insight or value, you are a detriment to everything around you and should stop posting immediately.
What the fuck are you talking, the turret is useless, it dies way too fast and lightweight make them even more useless with the glitch grenade, med beam or demat is the way to go but i would say med beam more if you are in cash out/world tour
I researched the cheats for AHK. I fucking know what AHK does dipshit. I've used it for years myself.
>hurr I use it to replace windows key!!
>totally need that single extra key guy!
As if there aren't other methods to do this you lying cheating faggot.
Countless rebind programs exist for windows. And you use claim you have to use auto hot key?
Yeah sure.
This is not a support ticket dumb nigger, you can stop trying to larp as a retarded community manager now.
It's expected behavior from discord shitters that are easily conditioned by that kind of cancer but I guess I can't hope for something better coming from this community as a whole, even this board is infected by the dumbest idiots imaginable.
It's not like someone like is this ever relevant to a game's death anyway, it's just some of those last parasites that cling to something despite never contributing to it positively.
and what did you use AHK for...?
Nta but you can just edit your registry to rebind your windows key.
You can edit a function key in your registry to toggle the windows key (or any key).
Its definitely weird you're using auto hot key for this if you're the type to want this level of control.
There's lots of other (better) solutions.
How is it weird and how is editing the registry a better solution? Try a non-retarded answer that doesn't rely on some imaginary narrative that AHK is exclusively or even mostly used for cheating.
Auto Hot Key is really a weird way to disable your windows key, because the windows key isn't used for any great shortcuts except for windows programs.
Modifiers like ctrl and alt all offer quick keyboard shortcuts for actual productivity tasks like undo, cut, paste, etc.
Meanwhile, the windows key only shortcuts to shit like control panel or start menu. It isnt productivity, its ll just a fast access to a specific program (and it can fuck up a program/game with an accidental press).
So anyone with a little technical savvy has always known how to use the registry to re-bind the windows key to something else.
This is why it's weird. If you're using auto hot key just to rebind keys within a game, that's weird. Why bother managing a program when you can just rebind the windows key to a relevant key and go from there?
At some point, you had to ask yourself if there were a better way.
Its also weird because the first result to the question in a web search is to rebind it with a registry edit (and there are scripts to do this for you!)
AHK you have to download or make a script, make it toggle on, keep it running etc. It's a real hassle over just editing your registry.
It's just a really weird solution to a problem with better solutions.

I mean, you could just put aside your seething, take the L and just admit you had a blind spot and didn't know of other options, instead of staying so angry.
But you seem unlikely to do that.
>goes to show how the dumbest people latched on to this game
This reads so weirdly and out of place that I have to wonder if you even knew what AHK was until 15 minutes ago.
Replacing a useless key (like my keyboard's AppsKey) is a simple oneliner that works systemwide and never causes any issues and never will cause any issues, you trying to poorly play tech support by googling about it and parroting automated responses from bots to someone obviously more knowledgeable than you doesn't do anything to fix this nonexistent problem that was never stated to be a problem.
That's true, I'd just enjoy if there was more goo stuff in the game.
buddy, you're so smooth brained, you're literally mirroring me at this point.
Say whatever you like and deflect however you wish.
It is abundantly clear at this point that you got pissed at that other anon giving you shit for cheating with AHK and now you cannot stop seething over it and refuse to just quietly take the L and move on.
I literally do not need to say another thing on this subject and I will still sit in your head rent free as that other anon who accused you of cheating with AHK has.
You've been schooled. just admit defeat to yourself and move on.
What is currently the most fun loadout to play as a casual?
flamethrower heavy is fun and ak med feels good

They fucking ruined the lewis gun it feels like your spraying the enemy with a hose
damage and recoil nerf combined was too much
heavy is basically forced into close range now excluding the grenade launcher

also theres nothing to unlock/progress, idk why they would lock progression behind a schedule cause i get off as soon as ive done daily shit
need some prestige system like COD or something, once you unlock everything its like theres 0 reason to play except for the fun off it. give me a purpose

>There were no changes to the MGL32, and yet I'm seeing it tons more and being a lot more effective.
probably the most viable ranged weapon for heavy since the lewis nerf

its a levelling system not a skill based rank one
you dont have to be good at world tour you just have to play it heaps

i understand everyone wanted to play the new map, but its boring as fuck only having a few maps after a while
and no one wants to play quick cash anymore cause you dont get the coin rewards

dying to melee is extremely irritating cause its either a gnome who dances around your ankles or a sledge that 1 shots you that's impossible to kill in time

my brain cannot handle the 4 round pump thing i always fuck up the timing
what new weapons would anons like to see next?
any new gadgets or skills suggestions?
since they love giving light small weapons, an automatic pistol would be cool
maybe a hand-crank gatling gun for heavy?
those might be fun, three different pistols might be a bit much for light but the small weapons do suit them well.
As val for medium, framed like a mid range smg.
I'd really just like an smg for medium.
That'd be a lot of fun yeah, I'd like if the old skorpion was added
Laser beams. Why do so few shooters have lasers?
>Heavy's minigun from TF2 (have to rev up, move at a snail's pace while shooting, but deliver super rape damage up close
>a super heavy hitting .50 BMG or 20mm rifle that overpenetrates multiple layers of cover, but it's cumbersome to use like the Kraber in Titanfall 2 or the AMRs from BFV
>le heckin marvel captain america throwing shield
>alternatively just add a boomerang

>some form of decoy grenade, deployable decoy, or hologram that mimics enemy players visually and auditorily so you can trick people
>a healing grenade for light that heals a flat amount
>a deployable healing totem for heavy that heals over time within a radius around the stationary totem
I want some secondary healing items for heavy and light so that medium is not as forced into the healer role
allows the other classes to be inferior off-healers
>Crane camper, but with heavy healthpool and shields
No fucking thanks.
imagine if they ever did anything fun with the game instead of these extremely conservative nothings
just make it so the heavy 20mm rifle has no scope
iron sights only, but it's super slow firing
>akward to snipe with
>akward to use in close quarters
>but if you can hit people with it you can fuck them to death
So, the revolver but in good?
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no, revolver is "spammable"
this would be in the nighborhood of 1 round every 2-3 seconds

the Finnish L39 had a maximum firerate of 30 rounds per minute, or 1 round ever 2 seconds

we're talking about something an unwieldy, slow, heavy piece of shit that will FUCK your enemies if you don't miss
but if you miss, you're fucked

Boys AT rifle is another historical AT rifle that would fit
>Boys AT rifle fired a maximum of 10 rounds per minute
let people customize their sights on weapons already
>i need... le red dot sight to compete!

center of screen is all that matters anyway
the KS-23 was very roughly in this ballpark and they immediately retooled it into something that feels more like an 870 because ultra slow firerate weapons can't survive in this game.
>can't survive in this game
It was doing quite well before that dumbass retool. 120 damage per shot meant it crossed some important damage thresholds, and the falloff it had before let it settle pretty well into being a mid-ranged high damage semi-auto weapon that rewarded well-placed snapshots in that range and being able to do the combos when in close quarters.

Now, it's an awkward marriage between that and the 1887, as it kinda wants to act like that shotgun, but it does less damage, it fires slower, it can't spam meatshots in close range due to being projectiles, and its mid-ranged capabilities are fucked thanks to the lowered damage + max damage falloff coming into effect way sooner.

All it would've needed to go from doing okay as a meme sidetier weapon to actually being stronk is the bullet dispersion buffs and maybe the slight rate of fire buffs. Instead they threw the baby out with the bathwater.
I mean honestly I really liked the old KS too. It contributed to a really defensive think-ahead sort of Heavy playstyle which is how I like playing Heavy, anyway.
>swap out a gadget in the final round that ends up winning the game
is there a better feeling?
I just can't wrap myself around Kyoto. It's got all the pieces I need to play like the total fukken rat I usually do, but those spaces inbetween landmarks are getting me killed quite often. Especially that huge fuckoff swamp on the one side of the map.
the swamp fucking sucks its a big open area surrounded by water that slows you down a giant fuck off cliff that you cant get up
3 seasons in and people are finally starting to put together decent outfits.
the heavy characters are so fucking ugly
i have to dress baggy to hide it like a real fat person
Well, it also took 3 seasons to get some decent options for some styles. It took until recently to get proper plain black baggy cargo pants, or how the Sushi Pants are the first pair of white pants that look alright and go with other things in the game. Honestly, it's a real shame how hard it is to mix the rockabilly outfit with any other outfit in the game thanks to its fabric
Kyoto is awesome!
Kyoto is gay. I can't use the MGL32 there unless it's Power Shift.
world tour updoot is tomorrow still.
>Patch notes say the next world tour leg is just a map rotation with standard rules
>0 experimentation
Ok, it actually is over.
>it's fucking nothing
It has all just been extremely formulaic, basically automated updates since release.
Swedes clearly don't have the soul to run a game properly without making it extremely stale.
>Fat Shark
they all piss me off with retarded choices
Arrowhead is the best, but still frustrate me
All I care about is whether the loading screen bug is fixed.
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>try to play
>match has 9 lights all running dash

This is becoming unfun.
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>try to play
>match has 9 lights all running dash
This has become fun
>dashes once away from you

Oh no.
whats with all these retarded lights running dash and sniper/bow, holy fuck braindead motherfuckers every single time i get paired with them is a insta lose, what retarded streamer are they trying to emulate?
another game absolutely destroyed by failed compfags lol
can't wait to see most of you in the next fotm spouting the same retarded shit without a shred of self-awareness
It just appeals to the lone wolf edgelord.
Lights can run off to die somewhere else. That's fine by me. They're already immolated
ive found either this or the hammer is only way to play heavy now
the hammer beats other flamer heavys but is much more inconsistent
the flames seem to slow them down as they run and fucks up their HUD

>winch claw and set alite
Why don't you actually leave?
Why is rebbit so infested with shitter heavies?
easy carebear class
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I have no fucking clue what happened but in S3 I suddenly became really good with MGL. Not just against lights. They didn't change its stats or anything right? This shit fucks and I don't want to go back to hitscan weapons (unless it's a final in Kyoto). MGL+Hammer for life.
Why does my game work fine with secure boot off?
congrats anon!
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this except MGL + flame + sledge
>goo + flame/sledge
>charge + MGL
I fucking love these playstyles
the dopamine farming is incredible
everytime I do anything I feel like a fucking genius
i'm going to kick anyone who doesn't think medium is more cancerous than heavy in the ribs

i will take fifty retarded RPG-toting dome shield throwing shotgun spamming heavies over one stack of triple mediums running medigun and defib
For now it does, but they are coming for all of us
>medium has best gadgets
>medium has best weapons that work at all ranges
>medium has the only way to circumvent healing in the game
>also gets a free revive
>circumvent healing
all classes can do that silly anon
Just wait till get my fumking hands on you
theres nothing more annoying than versing a close range heavy with healers
and when you trade kills then watch them instantly get defibbed

>medium has the only way to circumvent healing in the game
I mean to say that they can circumvent regular healing. Because they have the medbeam. Their teams don't have to hide in a corner waiting for passive regen to kick in.
when you're solo queueing triple medium is fucking dreadful, because if you're in the all-too-common situation where you're the only effective killer on your team you need to kill all fucking three of them back to back to back or watch them all chain revives and if you fuck up once it's over
>do 249 damage to medium
>he dips behind cover for 0.2 seconds
>he's back to full life from his two medi beam buddies
>get him down to 1 hp again
>try to rush him to finish him off
>run over 6 different mines, an APS, and a turret
>still manage to at least trade with 2 of them
>they defib chain in 0.5 seconds and heal each other all back to full

>there are so many lightweights that i ran into a team of 2 heavies with grenade launcher cleaning rooms left and right almost unscathed
i should have recorded that shit, so funny to watch
>do 249 damage to medium
>he dips behind cover for 0.2s
>bounce the next MGL grenade into cover
Haha oh man whoops that was hard
Have you guys gotten your World Tour commendation money?
>do 249 damage

I will use my secret art of walking.
Nice, my server just got DDOS-ed.
how long does it take to find a world tour match for you?
in aus it takes 6-7min
ranked i cant find i game and play on asia servers

its at end of season
Below a minute for us Yuros.
So i got my monopoly money from the Battle Pass.
Wtf is up with the MGL apologists in this thread?
it's still shit
In case you haven't noticed 4chan is full of contrarians.
Even the shit weapons in this game can be made to work fine casually, just don't expect to do much vs ultra sweaty top squads.
Oh please, we all saw how the "ultra sweaty top squads" play. They wouldn't be able to handle the average MGL32 spammer
I guess, but i'm honestly mugh more scared of a flamethrower or sledge heavy than an MGL heavy

you just have to sidestep or even better, just use an APS
MGL is just a strange weapon for heavy specifically. It works best when you are not directly face to face with the enemy, which is the main thing that heavy is supposed to do. Imagine a light using their superior positioning resources to rain down grenades on you while their other team mates are up close.
it's unusable garbage in certain situations
and it's an oppressive nightmare god king weapon in others
go ahead
take the MGL32 into Power Shift and try NOT to get top damage

I think it's overall on the weaker side, but its actual damage and RoF are perfectly fine
it's more QoL stuff that it needs love in
>it bounces off turrets
>it bounces off shields
>it can't pop the hanging balloons full of canisters
>it bounces off certain windows
>it's got a surprisingly long fuse time before it can explode on impact so if you try to go for direct hits within 20ft you're likely to just shower yourself in self damage
just make it explode on contact with shields and its usability would skyrocket

also it requires a particular setup to make up for its weaknesses
I can't imagine trying to use the MGL without running charge n' slam
RPG to cover direct burst damage when you need it
explosive mines to fuck over people chasing you in close quarters
dome shield to protect yourself during a retreat or a push
>it's got a surprisingly long fuse time before it can explode on impact
Isn't it actually not time based at all? It just goes off on the second impact.
no but that's the thing
it can explode on direct hits with players, but only after a certain time or distance
That's the thing, setting up for effective use of the MGL requires you to both play away from your team and requires a very specific map setup, both of these things put you at a massive disadvantage

It's dogshit at worst, situationally useful at best

>Power Shift
>the same gamemode where every medium always has APS
>thunk thunk thunk
>APS gone
that was easy
>thunk thunk thunk
>zap zap zap
that was easy
you do know the APS got nerfed so it can only shoot down 3 projectiles now right?
three nades from the MGL and it's destroyed
there's always atleast 2 APS turrets on the platform, so I'm not really worried
that's still not a problem
it's really not a big deal to spam the MGL in a nest of APS and get rid of it in like 5 seconds
I can just take cover behind the hundred barricades me or my teammates placed, no biggie

new ranged-melee hybrid concept
>grenade drops right over the barricades
lol, lmao
man the barricades are the least of my concerns
if anything they act like pinball stoppers that "catch" the grenades for me
alright sure, keep having delusions of adequacy

every MGL apologist in this thread is samefagging
>just make it explode on contact with shields
this is the last thing it needs
basically the only way to counter it on powershift
you said yourself the med aps sucks
>Imagine a light using their superior positioning resources to snipe from a distance while their other team mates are up close.
Ftfy as your example essentially exists in this way. LH1 and Sniper rifle were the worst things to give lights.
Shouldve been medium guns as some mediums tend to stay at medium or long range to support from behind.
But I agree. Its the MGL is weird for the heavy.
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>inb4 plebbit
Yeah yeah, except this place has maybe 5 anons posting a day and plebbit is clearly a go to source for embark at this point.
Wondering if Embark sees how bad it actually is?
>add a CS bootleg mode
>surprised its now filled with the same cheaters infesting CS
fuck NEXON
>complaining about cheating when the entire country of china is not banned
The MGL32 didn't get better, but the players did. Improved game sense, getting a better idea of how the map flows and generally where people will be, leads to grenadiers being able to constantly harass people practically anywhere in a 50m radius. Who cares if it's not that great in direct fights when you're knocking people out without even seeing them.

People are just picking it up now because the MGs got tweaked again but Heavy doesn't have much in terms of new toys to mess with.
I don't care. Go back.
do people actually ADS with revolvers and anything non-automatic?
You've got people fucking zipping around at near light speed at a distance of like 3 ft and getting closer in like 90% of engagements, just hipfire man
What the FUCK is "ADS"?
use a search engine retard.
What the FUCK are you on about?
>fuck NEXON
Its weird. I feel like I'm back in 2014.
Tribes is being trashed again by HiRez and Nexon is fucking over the Finals like they did Dirty Bomb.
acronym for aiming down sights
>do a mecha sword skin
>give it to medium's dualies instead of light
>the class that can do the anime teleport cut shtick

light got the katana, the one that's more known for, and the medium got the wakazashi since they're short swords
I launched the game, saw that last week's contracts were locked and closed the game
>and closed the game
Lewis and M60 feel like wet dogshit now, rip
I swear they also changed the hipfire of the lewis, I could have the barrel down the enemy's throat and it would still somehow miss
yeah they fucked the recoil
heavy has no normal gun now
I guess there's still the SA, but sometimes all my pellets hit while others, my pellets vanish into the ether

Might have to git gud with the flamethrower though, you can be mad oppressive with that apparently
im a flamethrower main now
it sucks cause the lewis was just a good generalist weapon you could rely on in any situation

now your either too close with grenade launcher or too far with shotty/flame/melee
Same, I'd waste people at any range with the lewis, but now you either use the SA or a gimmick weapon. Makes teamwork with a disorganized team a lot harder.
they're just xp boosts, same as the weekly cashout contracts
>have that one teammate that always gets in a shouting match with the other teammate
I'm tired, this was the main reason why I couldn't stomach playing R6S with my friends, it drags down team morale so much and everyone starts making bad calls
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Nobody realizes that with no sbmm and no proper rank the meta shit is going to be even more agressive right?
btw pink team was a stacked diamond all with FCAR skin
it feels like the intent for Heavy is that they were balanced by range and mobility limitations so I get it, and they gave heavy the hook to allow Heavy to continue to reach out, but I don't like that Heavy doesn't feel like it has a single comfortable generalist weapon now
ran full FCAR stack one time and lemme tell you, it was disgusting, 3 wins in a row and we were the single most cancerous team ever. Double heals + demat and we'd just be the bane of every other team. It did not feel good, but goddamn man
Triple fcar is a fucking terrible comp
the trick is to focus fire on the same target. It's not as good as it used to be at range, but it has unironically zero hipfire recoil, you legit don't have to aim. Pair that with 3 defibs and you're unkillable. If you really want, you can have 1 guy bring a cl40 I guess
is fcar that much better than the ak?

i find i run out of ammo too quick and die
Nowdays, they're on the same level. Run whichever you feel more comfortable with
>ranked season where the top 500 get a permanent ultra rare skin
>suprised when everyone in the top ranks turns out to be cheating
Gee! Who could have seen this coming!
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I hoped taking a break for a week or two would cleanse my palate but I had the worst couple of games I ever had.
It's over for me.
My will to play this game is at an alltime low, haven't even bothered booting up ranked either. Now I mostly only play if I have some friends online.
i log on, do challenges and then realize there's no point cause im max level and finished the free battle pass
locking circuits behind a calendar gives the game 0 reason to grind
I'd argue that generalist weapons are what hurt the the game.
The generalist weapons all handle and play like COD guns, so it creates this expectation that the game should be not too unlike COD.
This gets the COD scrubs whining for nerfs on non COD weapons and other such stuff.

I think they should've had the standard military guns they've included, but they should be literal pea shooters like soldier 76's rifle is in overwatch.
Give them cod handling, range, etc, but they do low DMG.
And for shit like the sniper, it should've been like widowmaker or TF2 sniper with charge ups while scoped, making it easier to counter if you get close.
This way it can offer a landing zone to the COD types without creating an expectation of the game having COD gameplay.

Every single other weapon in this game is more interesting than the default COD guns, but no one tries them because the COD guns by their very nature are too generalist and too useful.

I'll be honest, if they did a world tour rule set with no COD guns, I'd try the game again.
But as it stands, due to not tempering expectations across all classes that generalist weapons be the meta, you now see a minor buff to lights and now its just an all lights in most game modes.
no guys medium sucks heavy is killing the game nerf the RPG fuckkk I just want to mindlessly track heads
Playing this game with a good computer at 240hz feels so fucking good. It's a shame that other modern shooters are all kinda crappy because it would be nice to have some variety beyond just nolifing The Finals.
I absolutely agree that so much bout this game is buttery smooth.
The community's retarded balance takes
Rampant cheating
And stupid fuckwad Nexon tier decisions
All add to ruin an otherwise fantastic game with fantastic potential

100% agree. It's not even that I imagine Season 3 to be "not fun". It's more that I see the future of the game given the exceptionally retarded decisions they've made most recently and it killed ll hope I had left.
I could suffer the cheaters.
I could argue against the meta slaves
I could grind the purposefully obtuse and time gated challenges.
But the TA ranked abortion alone makes me see the future, as I've seen so many other Nexon games in the past. And it makes me not want to play at all because I can only see hertbreak moving forward
The AK is actually just better now.
>Doesn't play the game
>Insists of stinking up the thread with his copes anyway
>no balance adjustments
billions must die
>entire community complains about TA ranked an a plethora of other bullshit
>new update adresses none of it whatsoever
i just want my lewis back
Other multiplayer shooters just feel slow and crappy because I can't lay down a slanted jump pad anywhere...
They massacred my boy...
What sensitivity do you guys use? I used 45 at 800dpi but switched to 63 at 400, which is more in line with what I use in other games but it feels atrocious in this game. I think I'm too aggressive for such a low sensitivity here.
controller faggots need not speak
I'm on 30/800
Do you ever find it difficult to track in close quarters? At the slower one I use it's fine for Heavy & Medium but lights with dash are impossible to keep up with
if you're coming from cs or siege or any tactical shooter really you'll be in for a rude awakening when it comes to more track heavy games like this or apex (lol). try bumping up your sens a little higher than you usually put it at and you'll have a far easier time. in cs you mostly want to just have your crosshair at head level and do small flicks to peoples skulls. here, you wanna be able to kinda fling and snap yourself to someone's head/body and just start following them with your mouse.
also, make sure you mirror the guy you're shooting and you'll have an even easier time not having your sight bounce around while trying to control for recoil.
I'm pretty used to it, the only annoying part is a light dashing past me and having to turn around
Explaon to me why this game doesn't bave a secondary weapon. Not even a fricking glock goddamn
They don't want melee focus builds to work outside of their effective range.
been trying to find a match for 15minutes
tried both oceanic and asia servers
its so dead
about to try out TA ranked, what should I know?
Yeah, that's the thing that's annoying. I don't wanna give up a light dash backstab on myself and I hate giving up space simply because I can't keep up

I played Quake Champions and Apex at 30cm~ish per 360 but with The Finals it's different because there's some weird deadzone making your tracking straighter than it should be. I actually don't mind it but leaving to play other games after nothing but The Finals it's really noticeable.
Ok I learnt that half of the players are light and I was called an idiot because I actually tried to plant the bomb instead of always going for kills. Even when we won, the game mode is total garbage. Probably won't even bother going for diamond this season, the game feels ultra unfun now.
only thing i can think of is recoil smoothing being pretty straightforward in the finals. i think with apex i saw some people describe using certain sensitivities and shit to have it activate but in the finals you really just have to be consistent with your mouse movements and it kicks in.
rent free forever.
years from now, you will think back on this game and it will be clouded by your memory of him.
I'm positive that guy doesn't even post here anymore. but here you are punching at phantoms.
>that guy
you wanna tell us something champ
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Played two days of Season 3 before I stopped again since it didn't address any of the existing issues I had. I recently checked the Steam Charts and saw that all the players gained from the Season 3 launch have already left. I have some questions for you people still playing:
>What the fuck happened?
>Why does Embark seem to absolutely refuse to do anything other than the bare minimum to fix issues with the game? As in, they never actually replace problematic systems, they just seem hellbent on number tweaking hoping it eventually works.
>Has it been proven Nexon forced Embark to push the bootleg CS mode that is Terminal Attack?
>What are obvious changes you think should be implemented?
>Does The Finals ever have a chance of getting its old player count back?

Personally I stopped playing once it was obvious they weren't going to change how Cashout works. Most matches would just end up with all teams doing literally nothing until the Cashout was about to end since it was a guaranteed win for whoever got it at that point. Not to mention the third party issue making whoever attacked last almost guaranteed to win as well.
>>What the fuck happened?
Embark has no idea what the fuck to do and Nexon is getting antsy that the game isn't pulling the same numbers from release
>>Why does Embark seem to absolutely refuse to do anything other than the bare minimum to fix issues with the game? As in, they never actually replace problematic systems, they just seem hellbent on number tweaking hoping it eventually works.
Because they listen to discord yesmen
>>Has it been proven Nexon forced Embark to push the bootleg CS mode that is Terminal Attack?
Do you even need proof? Every Nexon published game had this bullshit.
>>Has it been proven Nexon forced Embark to push the bootleg CS mode that is Terminal Attack?
Fix the fucking spawns
Revert some of the nerfs, especially on heavy
Optimize the game, some maps run like shit
>>Does The Finals ever have a chance of getting its old player count back?
no, between Embark's nonexistant marketing and the Rival event being a colossal clusterfuck, I doubt it.

Personally I stopped playing once it was obvious they weren't going to change how Cashout works. Most matches would just end up with all teams doing literally nothing until the Cashout was about to end since it was a guaranteed win for whoever got it at that point. Not to mention the third party issue making whoever attacked last almost guaranteed to win as well.
Sorry but if you don't like this, then you don't like The Finals, period. Most of the problems are attributed to the shit spawns

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