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>Free Download

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Will we be getting balance changes tomorrow?
I expect some nerfs to damage reduction items and cards
NA customs pls join
No balance changes, but they are reimplementing some of the old recolors.
It's just an innocent picture. Get your mind out of the gutter, anon.
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Why dont more people play strix? Seems to be a very oppressive fore, more than someone like saati if you can aim
The only people that pick him are aimbotters and BRs trying him for the first time
I downloaded a crosshair overlay and seem to dominate most lobbies
Not lookin good
A crosshair overlay is not cheating, it’s an accessibility option.
Mopsy can we not?
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Its no different than putting a dot on my monitor but you're right. I'm willing to do anything for that Master achievement
It kind of is. There already is a good crosshair in Paladins but they intentionally take it away from you when you play Strix unless using the crackshot talent. It makes quickscopes immensely easier. Counter Strike does the same, removing your hipefire crosshair when you have an awp. But both games also are openly ok with such overlays
>old skins made it back
>one of tyra's guns is bugged and cant be bought
>still gotta pay full gold even if you already owned the skin but not the weapon
>Maeve's green skin hair is fucked and i think its using the missing texture colors and eyes are fully white
i WANT to give them a pass for at least bringing the old stuff back, but fucking hell, man...not even this is bug free
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Been a while since I seen this video lol
It's fine if people want to suck Shroud's nuts but crazy how they say he isn't a cheater
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How could he cheat at sanctioned LAN events though? He isnt bringing his own rig
aren't cheats these days also built into drivers for KB+M so they run off the memory of the devices
First ranked game in over a month. SA Anon picks a second damage instead of a tank. We lose. Ebrytiem

See ya in a month Paladins!
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Scrubz, you already got spanked for this opinion on the Apex General when they caught you roller cheating.
What happened on /vg/ has zero relevance or bearing on /vm/.
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>Has an opinion that sucks
>It doesn't matter because I had that opinion on another board
Doesn't change the fact that you're a scumbag cheater who has no concept of the slippery slope when you said "custom crosshairs" aren't cheating when nobody else is using them.

Then you get caught after spending years for talking trash on another person who had forced console auto aim just to be caught using console auto aim with JoyToKey and not being transparent about it so you could have an unfair advantage queuing against console players while using a keyboard and mouse.

Your opinion is worse less than dog shit.
>>old skins made it back
Does that include Skye's recolours?
sorry anon, no skye
Sounds like a couple of my matches today
Thats a retarded image, an overlay, something you could implement physically with a sharpie is nothing close to using scripts. you're all tards. Its explicitly allowed in game and many monitors have the feature built in natively now
the point is he literally went down the slippery slope of custom crosshair to straight up cheating
its not a "slippery slope" you're just a retard
Yes, actually, putting tape on your monitor is a form of cheating.
The video I posted is from an online event. I wish I clipped it when I heard him say it but when asked about the amount of cheaters in csgo esports he said "back then it's just what you did. Everyone was cheating so you just had to do it too"
This too kind of before the huge crackdown on cheating and gambling
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I was looking for this on /vg/...
When did we move?
wtf happened?
>a single shitpost* ignites a intra-general war between /smgen/ and /palg/

>/smgen/ divorces /palg/ and moved to /vm/

>/palg/ remains on /vg/ for a couple more months before dying and moving to /vm/

>/smgen/, now thriving, is a popular general on /vm/ while /palg/ is still struggling to re-establish itself

* https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/452428736/#453470823
Is Strix stronger with an xbox controller and aim assist?
What about Zhinners?
/palg/ has been dying for years now, this is simply the latest stage sadly.
no. Download a crosshair overlay if you want to play strix
My 2k monitor comes with a crosshair button. Do I just flick it on and that's it?
I dont have your monitor anon why are you asking me? Just go into shooting range and see if it lines up with your quickscopes and scoped crosshair. The smaller the dot the better
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>Started with "It's just a custom cross hair it helps me aim better"
>Turns into It's just an auto aim assist built into the game that only consolefags can use
>It's fine that I'm using it because I can aim anyway, this just makes it easier
It literally is by definition the Slippery Slope dude. How many levels of denial are you on?

>bix nood for moba shit
The fact that these powerful yet simple words started all that will never fail to be top tier.
There is no denial. Putting a dot on your monitor isnt cheating
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>Ignores the entire second part of the point.
What are we going to laugh at you for next, do tell? Will it have to do with defrauding other players? Maybe you'll defend using AimJunkies or perhaps even just full blown stop giving a fuck and admit what you really are. Go stream Valorant if you really want to prove your "skills". Watching your lack of game sense during your two hour Paladins Comedy Tour was great but watching you commit public suicide by playing the FPS with the tightest anti cheat would be divine.
Still can't buy it through the champ page. FUCKING POGGERZ
I have no idea what you're talking about fag, go back to twitch or twitter to cry about your favorite feminine streamer
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>Throws a defensive fit when told to go stream on the highest security anti cheat
Consider that nerve touched.
meds. now.
Is scrubz in the room with you right now?
>crosshair overlays are............................ LE CHEATING
Shut the fuck up. It's literally just a piece of tape. Go away.
uh oh cheater melty
Thank you, Subzstance, for once again reviving our dead general.
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On my odyssey g7 and old AOC monitor you just turn on the overlay in the menu.
Honestly I don't know why these games don't have big circular crosshairs, shit makes judging splash damage so much easier.
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>Scrubz having a meltdown again because the truth hurts him like a vampire standing in the sun
You love to see it.
but why?
>he doesnt have 3M stashed
lmao even
nigger, i have over 6M, the game just wont let me expend it
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Is it in the game naturally? Is it in the accessibility options? If no then it is an exploit or cheating unless absolutely needed due to medical or circumstantial situations.
If yes then it is within the "rules" and boundaries.
the image you posted destroys your point. Capcom approves of those controllers, they dont ship Street Fighter with an arcade stick either, is it an exploit to use anything other than the PS4 controller?
If you read the name of the file, that was the point. Disregarding Smash games tournament rules, Hitboxes were considered a cheating peripheral until fairly recently in the FGC. Daigo's Hitboxes were banned when he first started using them because of too many buttons and macros
But now they dont have macros, that arent already built into the game, so what is your point? They're allowed and not cheating. I can say from experience that I could never play fighting games until I tried them with a keyboard.
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One of my points is that what was considered cheating before, is now allowed but what is allowed still walks a small margin to being possibly banned
Dynamic mode in SF6 is offline only nor allowed in tournaments. Classic and Modern Controls are allowed thoughever because each mode were designed that way.
Broly Legs(RIP) had plenty of advantages that other players were not allowed to use but he could only use his tongue and partially his hands to play
Paladins currently has no constant crosshair on the screen because of certain weapons/champs. Using a crosshair on said weapons/champs is cheating or exploiting because it goes outside of what was intended for the game. Examples being Strix and certain Viktor weapon skins
Certain tournaments used to ban keyboards years ago as well because they didn't have a well enough understanding of how to determine if macros could be detected or used
the fact of the matter is these crosshairs are natively built into modern monitors these days, you keep bringing up the past but its not really relevant, Hi Rez explicitly allows such things and Capcom allows key based controllers.
Taping a dot to your monitor is not an "exploit" by any metric
>the fact of the matter is these crosshairs are natively built into modern monitors these days
That is a peripheral to play Paladins, not Paladins itself
>Hi Rez explicitly allows such things
Please provide an official statement where Hirez allows or encourages 3rd party crosshairs to be used in Paladins since certain champs have their crosshairs taken away
>Capcom allows key based controllers
They didn't used to because it wasn't intended and used to be against the rules, which could also change and controllers/peripherals need to be within tournament and game standards
>Taping a dot to your monitor is not an "exploit" by any metric
It is because it is not naturally included in the game to provide an enhancement in some way, shape or form
Another example is how Gears of War pro players would tape their monitors at home but were not allowed to do so at LANs
Nobody was ever pro at Gears of war
Look, I see the points you're making, on the surface they make sense, but the idea of taking a sharpie and putting a dot in the middle of your monitor as an "exploit" is just extremely silly.
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Silly? Yes. A technicality? Yes.
i remember sticking tape on screens back in the 90s


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You were called a bitch back then. Nothing has changed now. If you're doing something that others aren't allowed to do then yes, you're exploiting the balance of the game by nature because you're giving yourself a crutch nobody else has.

Imagine for a moment two snipers are having a one on one and they both know where eachother are respectively and both need just one point to win. However one sniper is using a traditional scope but the other is using a scope with a backlit reticle and automatically tells you the distance of the target is away from you making it easier to calculate the bullet drop. Which sniper do you think has the advantage? Are you starting to understand why giving yourself unlimited unfair advantages in a game where everyone is supposed to have the same default advantages makes you a supreme ultra faggot? It says a lot about your "skill" level when you need training wheels just to ride with everyone else.
cpu match then uninstall?
That is a completely false comparison. In reality both players can put a dot on their monitor if they want. You need to get your IQ checked, you may be entitled to government compensation.
You cant fool this old fox, scrubz
guys, I miss switch paladins
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>In reality both players can put a dot on their monitor if they want.
In your world everyone would be cheating, think they're entitled to (just like your mother is to welfare) and it would ruin the game's community and the company who owns it would tank. Maybe you can brush up on some old Boomer shooters and sharpen your aim instead of being a cheating zoomie faggot.
What an overdramatic, retarded response. Your analogy was dogshit and had no connection to reality.
Even cheap, shitty 120hz monitors come with built in crosshairs nowadays, this has been an industry standard for almost a decade.
At this point everyone has this advantage except brown people still stuck with 60hz displays...
Post lobby
This dude actually responded to someone four hours later
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no dogs were harmed in the making of that image
years later and you still cant "draw" hands properly
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Is there a way to tell eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee who is using another input in crossplay mode?
Or is only way to disable crossplay in settings then assume everyone else is using the same?
(Do playstation 4/5 virgins get grouped up with xbox chads? Or seperate?)
Deja vu?
1v1 20 points NA
How am I supposed to prove 1+1=2?
Are you pretending to be a bot or just really salty that people use this thread to have fun playing together?
post screenshot of lobby doe
I need to ask for your permission and take a picture every time I host a custom game like some twitter/x user just because it tickles your funny bone?
I pass on that mr.babies first AI advertisement.
It's a 1v1 lobby.
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nu hu, I can

>People can commit war crimes but when they do it people shouldn't get mad because everyone can
this is what porn sickness looks like.
i don't know if relating exploits in videogames to war crimes fits as being porn sick but it is signs of something
Hello newfag
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I like how Scrubz slowly carried the goal post away from the issue of the Slippery Slope that he started with custom crosshairs and the fact that it literally lead to him abusing auto aim intended for controller users in the most dishonest way possible and carried the goal post back to "It's only about cross hairs" like we're retarded and don't remember what this is really about.

Instead of picking up a goal post how about you pick up a job and some integrity you lazy wigger?
He asked for a 1v1 but didn't post the lobby lol
quite the opposite from what i've seen. Are you shaming people into being cannon fodder for exploiting streamers/YTers?
>/palg/ practically had an army of regulars who would push a Streamer's face into the dirt for as little as existing

The only cannon fodder is the people with TTV and a checkmark in their name.
What are you talking about?
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>I don't know anything or how to join a paladins 1v1 lobby.
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Don't lump me in with that faggot just because I like monitor crosshairs...
Post the lobby, pussy.
How does not screenshotting myself hosting a lobby make me a pussy?
You presented the challenge, post the info.
Okay niggerfaggotkiller, Oh wait that's me after I'm done with you.
Oops I almost got baited by you lol
You're obsession with Subzstance is sad.
At least cod fags have enough balls to stand behind their 1v1 challenges, you pussy.
You said I don't have balls to stand behind my proposed challnge? Can you stop lying for 2 fucking seconds or will that make your clitty leak? I am reluctant to expose you to everyone in this thread but you fucking asked for it you retarded fuck, got one served up for you warm and ready you: password(beta)
Post the lobby then.
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>Post lobby or else!

>At least cod fags have enough balls to stand behind their 1v1 challenges, you pussy.
Are you quoting yourself? Do you unironically need meds?
nigga this entire thread is new shit fuck off
post 1v1 lobby doe
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Hey pal, you quoted the wrong post

post lobby doe
You lumped yourself in with him by using one.
I need a crosshair overlay because I have a medical condition.
No I didn't and you're a pathetic loser, The end.,ö
What are you talking about
Hello newfag
Take it ez babe it's just a rectangle with a dot in the middle...
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Haven't played the game since forever but still curious how my mains are doing...
>make the mistake of poking my head into this thread
I hope this trash dies and/or you queer newfag preteens return to >>>/vg/ or >>>/vg/ or whatever gay subreddit you heard about 4chan from.
I brought up using a crosshair overlay to help play strix and this triggered some sort of sleeper phrase causing you to derail the thread nonstop about your nobody boyfriend
uh oh melty
Only reasonable excuse because you have a handicap to begin with.
The top 90% of players using some form of handicap that makes the game a cakewalk for them while everyone else is just easy prey. Aim assisters, script kiddies, sharpie monitor marks, ADDERALL GAINZ.

What can a poor boy do?
Viktor is a little outclassed by other damage, with a decent team he can still be poggerz. Fernando is best tank and off-tank, his ult can turn team fights if you are godly. Barik a bit weak compared to REAL tanks. Strix is for shit eating pieces of fuck who want to lose ranked games. Lian is an unstoppable fucking monster, they nerfed her and she only got stronger.

If you are playing solo then all champs are shit.
>Strix is for shit eating pieces of fuck who want to lose ranked games
I do the most damage when i play strix but it still isnt enough to carry south american teammates ruining NA
Wtf did they do to the SEA servers now?
I am trying to join a practice bot match in SEA and the game instantly kicks me out to the main menu when I lock a champion. Same problem isn't happening on all the other servers but my ping is only good in SEA. Everywhere else it's more than 180ms.
last i heard sea servers were effectively dead
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>Dead sea
it's because he aint Lian/Tyra/Cassie/Vivian/Shalin/Saati who can actually carry as a proper damage champ instead of some backline shit-eating shitter. I see strix as another dmg genos tier troll-pick. This only applies to ranked though.
I shit on Cassie's and Shalin's regularly, and about 50/50 with Lian, good strix players play as a flank never in the backlines waiting to die while scoped.
>Check /vg/
>"Wah? they finally ded?"
>Check /vm/
Post more Ash with bigger assets
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Carrying around a cannon dressed in plate armour all day would surely make her glutes her biggest asset.
Dear god, Comfy made me blow a fuse trying to get a decent upscaler to work...
Thank god Forge is just a1111 but 3x to 10x faster.
What model do you use? I havent kept up with SD in over a year, whats with all those models bing uses?
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I just use Autisam Mix SDXL.
I haven't kept up with any of this shit, I just decided to pick up SDXL one day and figure out everything from scratch...
I see.
Thanks for the info.
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What are viable items for damage/flankers, tanks and supports now?
Back in my days we only had 4 items and it was pretty easy to choose which one to pick. Now I feel so confused...
4 items per category* I mean
bigger not smaller
Look up...
best one yet
i said what i said
Back during the beta I expected a lot more items to get added, the game should have went in this direction a long time ago
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>also resilience does not work on slows, knockbacks and knockups anymore
What the fuck is it even good for now? That was the entire point of that item.
wtf is a resilience?
God damn janny tranny...
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sorry for deadnaming
I meant Unbound™
based pedophile
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I prefer the term cunnysseur.
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>mfw I'm now realizing that VideoAnon's movies are the only way to watch Syberbolt's old content now which is in the form of clips and pieces
>Even the whole video that caused Montrail to get instafired is like dust in the wind now
In the end he really did become the archivist.
Pretty much everyone gets Armor Plating. Unbound if literally any CC is on the enemy team. Wrecker if there are shields on the enemy team. Some damage kinda need deft hands, but not really. Only a few champs can benefit from lethality, trigger scent is for when you know you are good at your champ and capable of getting kills.
I never buy wrecker when i play strix and it drives my latinx teammates ape shit, I dont waste my time shooting shields why dont these nigs understand that
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>resilience does not work on slows, knockbacks and knockups anymore What the fuck is it even good for now?
They kinda butchered it in two halves.
Now you need sentinel+unbound to get the benefits of what used to be the old resilience. CC was practically useless once someone maxed their resilience but now they have to waste another slot on their items for the same effect. Shitty decisions by lorez like always.
Does the "Show card cooldowns" option work for anyone?
It's like poetry, it rhymes.
Essential Strix mentality
Ranked needs to be region locked. I cant handle South Americans anymore
having played ranked in both NA and LATAM, there is virtually 0(cero) discernable difference between the two player bases
Stay there
jajaja, you cant even keep us out of your country, much less your region

cope seethe dilate
based wetback
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Furia still sucks.
Her ult should give about half wrath gauge charge or more
She falls off heavily late game because her wrath gauge stops charging as fast because of how cauterize effects her healing capacity. They should make it so that her healing stays effected by caut but her Wrath should get the full numbers or gauge charge it would get if she didn't heal someone effected by cauterize. Those are good enough without making her broken
her ult insta wins teamfights no matter what
>no matter what
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>play 50 siege patches
>boring but whatever, i can just farm those in bots
how the fuck did i even manage to do that? the M and P keys arent even close...
Anyone who has an uncle who works at hirez, can you find out if the Maeve cat skin will come back so i can buy it? thanks
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biden bros.... we're losing..................... fuck
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Just couldn't do enough to save this...
the enemy has such shit stats how did you lose this?
Our flank was getting destroyed by their flank. He would harass the enemy teammates, but would not take out the enemy flank first, which he should have since she was doing decently. I did my best to keep everyone alive and protected, but I was only one person.
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Heads up, paladingdongs! Some eceleb on twitter said that the event pass timer is bugged and we have about 3 weeks or so. I can't be arsed to go look through CMs tweets or discords to see if its true but I'm inclined to belive it is, since the ranked split is neding in about that time. Better be safe than sorry
wouldn't be the first time. that thing is constantly fucked and I don't think they care to fix it.
Good thing I don't play Ranked. I will finish the Event Pass in that time, no issue.
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Took a break at the start of the previous pass, how are the servers right now?
People are saying it's better now, playable at least, but I took a break around the same time and haven't played lately either, so I can't confirm. SEA is kil though.
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I love nigga technology!!!
good size. now add some muscle like she's supposed to have
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Pay up piggy, but for real once you add "fit girl" or "muscular girl" in the positive prompt the lore falls apart and I get this really ugly looking cartoon style.
I should try and test out some artstyle loras and see if that fixes this problem.
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>ugly looking cartoon style
Looks pretty close to the paladongs art style. Also where do you find high quality screencaps of this game? I don't want to install it again just to take screencaps of Skye's butt.
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can you post the rar with the loli ash again please
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This shit is super hit and miss...
I guess adding bimbo to the neg helps a bit...
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Nice general you got here....
now this is the good stuff
This is the AI and pedophile general.
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Nice hand you got there.

Oh wait
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Poor scrubs... Always the bridesmaid, never the bride
it's missing the 3 rings and long creep fingers
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great reaction image phonenigger
meant for >>1348510
meant for >>1348775
buy an onahole...
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>6 years since Paladins releases
>Fernando still can't angle his shield up or down
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Never forget the wasted opportunity that was the Egyptian Maeve skin...

How OP do you want that greasy fuck?
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>Bounty coins are still in the game
Ranked is off the menu
>Nando OP
Just buy wrecker
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Based. Is this a new toon?
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there have been rumblings of actual new content coming... who's to say when
(nothing about that is here)
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there used to be a greying tower alone on the sea...
Is this game good again? Put hundreds of hours into it back in the day but haven’t played since Furia came out. Just changed too much and wasn’t having fun anymore
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>29 viewers for the entire category
>e-girl gets all the views
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TFT mode? Realm Royale mode? Left 4 Dead Mode? What is this!?
>DnD dice rolls
>90 rolls
I think that rules out a lame colab with WotC.
okay seriously what the fuck are these posts suppose to mean? watch this lead up to fuck all
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Half my c drive is gone since I switched to SDXL...
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>DevilHS style
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Didn't do much with her using his artstyle lora, I mostly just did Coco and og Tawna stuff with it.

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>I mostly just did Coco and og Tawna stuff
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this is the one game I usually mute people and encourage my teammates to work together since it's the most toxic community i've ever seen
guess I got drunk one night and mocked a console child
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Fucking lol. At least you're free now.
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>Of all the shit that gets typed and goes unbanned in paladins, that example was the last straw
>They say "examples" but only provides one example
>Banned by a smigger
This is why I try to limit my shit talk in voice chat
I'd probably get so mad I'd go to HiRez HQ if this happened to me over nothing like this
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yeah I usually do. they were probably from SA and i muted them because their accent sucked and were complaining and afk in spawn
I have like 4 backup accounts from back when hirez had it's own launcher so I can start on another account with most of the roster...
unfortunate that I really like the game
I haven't had a timeout since... 2018 probably when I played every day and would just drop lobbies back to back if they were shit and hop on an alt
crazy that they would bring it up. i play maybe 5 games a week nowadays
more Ash please. less yiffing.
Does that cock come in black?
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Happy 4th of July

Happy Independence Day, America

You're welcome World.
I saw the whole vid on yt, it's quite long but he uses soft aimbot on cs or at leadt used in the past, this explains the fucking unnatural microflicks between each shoot.
It's fucking insane how normies can't see it, literally a "Fraud"
once he said he will never show kbm because that's cope from the haters lmao
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I'll do both, later...

creampie pls

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They continue to taunt us by flaunting what they took away...
Paladin sisters, what happend to you? Like finding out your long-lost brother is homeless on the street rattling his cup, so sad!
Apparently the dice rolls are absurdly high as a joke, we don't know what the teasers are actually for.
year2 of 0 content
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>It's impossible to bring back Third Person
>Play a curated roster of Champions in Third Person

I hope they all get cancer at this point. They're just rubbing in the fact that they've been lying to everyone all these years.
Did they ever say it was impossible? I know they said that for VGS, but I thought they just said it wouldn't be coming back for fairness reasons or something.
>Did they ever say it was impossible?
no, that anon is seething at shadows
Ranked has me tilted to the point of taking up heroin to ease the pain. I can only play at prime SA hours and the constant silent team mates going damage genos or double healer or two off-tanks or double flank is making me want to forget this game for good.
Same. Went 16/2 last week, somehow only went up one rank, this week I am 1/11. Constant trolling by shitters.
Need Evie to look like this
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Pleas, let me rest...
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It's a travesty there is no Evie summer skin or any showing skin but from her default skin she has a petite body, not muscular like that.
Meh, she looks good like that
shadman face
speaking of the devil, i dont think i´ve ever seen any AI that uses Shadman´s style
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You made me do this.
i didnt make you do shit, that was aaaaaall you anon, aaaaall you
I like where this is going...
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yiss, I am growing stronker
never has a gen fallen so far
the gen has fallen, billions must frown
there are worse but yeah, this is what happens when someone doesn't die when it was supposed to
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based thread
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Don't feed the obvious humiliation fetishist, every time you give him attention you help him tug one out.
Mount Everest looking real good this time of year
It's just Paladins finally getting some deserved representation
Built for BBC
I main Pharah in Overwatch and my buddy wanted to try out this game. I played Drogoz and ended up hating it. This game is also very buggy and I don't know how it's managed to be out for so long and still have so many bugs
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Are you sure this is a rabbit hole you want to go down? It's (still) a beta, after all. Anyways try out Bomb King or Evie. Or get a better Drogoz deck
I think both are inferior to Solider, but at least Drogoz can't be oneshot when he is bumping his head in the sky box.
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She's just suffering from brain freeze, the ice spirit had a craving for ice cream.
...and BALADINS!!!
If the milk for the Ice Cream came from that elf mogging that cat girl then I'll have what she's having
If paladin so good, why no paladin 2?
Smite get smite 2. Where paladin 2?
Make no sense.
>This game is also very buggy and I don't know how it's managed to be out for so long and still have so many bugs
Terminus works in mysterious ways.
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Zanzibart... forgive me...

Paladins 2 would excite me but would certainly be bad
Also it would have to compete with whatever idiocy valve is working on
Add some sort of inside joke in the background and the skullmans himself would be proud
All I want for that crack addicted tranny is to kill himself before he diddles someone's kid.
Associating trannies with those who like cute girls just makes you a feminist
He literally got caught lusting over irl kids on discord on top of transitioning after his knife fight with another crackhead...
>He literally got caught lusting over irl kids on discord on top of transitioning
I don't think that's accurate
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Come on now, him lusting over real kids and making porn of them is old news.
The tranny arc is still ongoing and debatable, while his arrest record is piss ez to look up.
Just seems like edgy shenanigans as usual, I'd need more convincing than that
>The tranny arc is still ongoing and debatable
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The duality of paladongers.
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>install this game
>everyone is a non communicative piece of shit
>no one works together
>people chain feed into bad fights and feed ultimates
>the match only gets more unwinnable each time they do this
this is my bi-annual ritual.
If you want more read up on his New Zeland Farms thread or watch the Turkish Thomas video, the man is a genuine pedo and a waste of talent.
Also, the tranny arc was basically him being "ironic" and posting photos of HRT bottles and brown girls cosplaying him while pretending its him.
>and a waste of talent.
he never had any. its why he kept memeing with with being edgy and controversial
>Watch videos essays by some view farming toobers and "do your own research"
Or you can just provide the proof since it seemed like he's just being edgy as usual
>the tranny arc was basically him being "ironic" and posting photos of HRT bottles and brown girls cosplaying him while pretending its him
So... He didn't transition and he was le ebin trolling with some fan girls?
That can be applied to nearly every artist though. He's far from the best but at least it's was more distinguishable than all the sakimichans running around
>PvE confirmed
How much you want to bet it'll just be a half-baked LTM?
>Openly lusts after and makes rape porn of a child actress being brutalized
Come one now...
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It's literally nothing
Yeah so did every hetero man when that movie came out, take your feminist shit somewhere else
You watched some underage newfag jewtuber cry about the way the internet used to be. So you weren't even around back then no wonder you're kvetching. Back when men could unapologetically like cute girls without an uproar and lolicons didnt have to pretend there is no connection to cute girls and anime didnt censor itself
I've been on the internet since 2002, I generally dislike Tom (I think he is to moral faggy and a sellout) but he did a decent video summing all the shit Shad did in 20 min.
I genuinely believe shad is a pedo for all the porn he made of real kids,his open lusting after real kids and threatening the dildo riding gnome with making porn of his step daughter.
Yeah no shit so is every lolicon artist and any man not tainted by modern feminism you inept newfag, majority of this website.
In Sleepycast they were all asked if they'd still be friends with someone if they got v&t and they all said yes, even Zach Hadel. Its very modern to pretend to care about this stuff nobody bat an eye at the X-23 stuff back in the day
This is what a porn addiction and Quartering thumbnails do to a man's brain...
Also, its funny you mention Sleepycabin because almost everyone from there distanced themselves from Shad and Stamper
>20 minutes of pearl clutching over some guy being edgy and limit testing

Ain't no way.
>People who make it into an industry known for blacklisting people for the most petty and benign things such as eating at certain restaurants distance themselves from a brand risk
Imagine my shock. That's not the argument you think it is.
>Quartering thumbnails
Nigga shut up. May as well have just said "you chuds"
Quartepounder is an Ian Miles Ching Chong tier grifter that helped Onions Goy try to ruin Daddy Jim, he deserves nothing but ridicule.
The real reason they're not friends anymore is Stampers and Shads crack addiction.
They fired their brains and started to fight publicly (online) with Chris witch just snowballed into almost everyone turning their backs on them.
>Quartepounder is an Ian Miles Ching Chong tier grifter that helped Onions Goy try to ruin Daddy Jim
This is like reading moonrunes. Translate it please
I don't know who Stamper is but regardless there's a big gap between annoying crackhead and edgy attention addicted autismo
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Tldr. Sargon and The Quartering tried to pull life ruining gay ops on MR.Metokur because he laughed at Sargons failed Liberalist movement.
Also, I find it funny you call me a new age when you don't even know Stamper, a founding member of sleeper cabin and an NG icon.
Ok I do member that
>I find it funny you call me a new age
Nigga that wasn't me and alright I do know those animations I just didn't know the artist. There's plenty of NG icons to know and not know. I'll bet you never even beat Ganguro Girl or Crimson Room
Never underestimate my autistic knowledge about the internet, over the 20 years on it I have seen so many things I would rather forget.
Also, It's funny cuz Tenma did a play thru of Ganguro Girl.
>Never underestimate my autistic knowledge about the internet, over the 20 years on it I have seen so many things I would rather forget.
That's basically most ppl on this site before the 2016 invasion of /pol and /v
>It's funny cuz Tenma did a play thru of Ganguro Girl.
It's an unsung hero of gaming classics
What are you larping zoomers even talking about? Who the fuck are all these astroturfed internet personalities you keep name dropping? Can we get back to talking about Skyes butthole please?
Her name is Grape Elf, newfag
I dont watch Jewtubers but you seem to filter your entire reality through what manchildren make videos about online. This is all you are.
They distanced themselves because they were dicks not because of pedophilia, they were fine with that
I think this is relevant to paladins, no?
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Certified kino.
meant for >>1358043
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>New Zealand Farms
>you seem to filter your entire reality through what manchildren make videos about online
Nah, the only funny internet man whose opinion I hold in any regard is Jim's because he is the only genuine person on that god forsaken website.
Also I knew about everything Shad did way before that grifter got the coold scoop (like usual), he had bean on my "if this person dies I'm going to make a DSP outlived another one joke" list for a looong time.
>The guy who's content is harder to find and keep up with than a fat Nun at a mosh pit in the middle of summer
Meh he fell off
Dude, just follow him on YT and xitter, he shitpost pretty much daily.
And nigga you for real?
His last stream had 17k live viewers.
Fuck posts I want videos and streams. 17k viewers that will have to wait 3 more years for his next appearance, feels like he used to get more anyways
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I'd say he won. Man obviously made his money and spent it/invested it wisely which is something these Youtube streamers rarely do. He basically created an exit door for himself which is something that doesn't exist for the Youtube bread circus. I think I even remember him saying years ago that if you're not saving your streaming money for retirement or your future then you're retarded.

I'm pretty sure the same won't be able to be said of these Vtuber and Twitch Gamer types since despite having an army of advisors and agents you know they're blowing through that money faster than MC Hammer.
Okay good for him but what does that have to do with what I said?
He is back to streaming monthly again, his health is still getting worse and god knows how much longer he can stream.
The man is literally falling apart to the point his ribs brake easier than the cheapest chines plastic.
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So back to a monthly schedule but for seemingly a few months...
It's not over yet, he is getting more energy and is going on other streams as a guest.
So we get our 1/2 monthly streams plus guest appearances on other streams.
Kinos is back on the menu baby.
Paladins: Champions of the Realm
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They way I thought they were talking about the game being in maintenance mode
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>Tidal Surge
>Count em 5th Ocean update

What is their obsession with the ocean?
I think this one might be a repeat of the event with the bosses or whatever they were that you could come across in matches.
>All this time thought skye was voiced by holly franklin
>now its Bryn Apprill
inb4 Christmas skins in Summer again
Dear god, I wish I was in Australia right now...
>anniversary quest line
>just play the game, dude
actually on their side on this one, theyre probably not paid enough so a break disguised as an update is good
expectations for the tidal surge update?
>we got pve before overwatch 2
ow has had pve for years now though
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>Wave Defense Mode of different flavors
>Basically Mann vs Machine
>Bring back Shore Patrol and Pirates Treasure
>And Dark Depths
>Showcase every other previous pass but Dark Depths
Kek, they know. You can't pretend any of those skins look good. Dark Depths also marks one of the biggest perfect storm of shit shows this company has ever had. They may as well have brought back an OB64 flashback update.
>They may as well have brought back an OB64 flashback update.
Call it some shit like 'Winning Draw' with RNG card drops and throw it up as an LTM
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>They killed Maeve.
get raped, kitten
I saw some hits to Zhin for the first time in a decade so I'm happy
Of course this fag sounds like this
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>massive buffs to kinessa
>nothing to strix
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remove them both
These item changes are going to really shake up the META.

Will shitters STILL pick seris when she can't escape at all?
egirls don't care about meta
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Custom is up, this is not a drill
Title: /palg/
Password: beta
Region: NA
>Old background
You can't fool me.
is that AI art?
Because Evie's face looks like Shadman's artstyle.
Why are you crediting yourself in your AI Arts?
>Why are you crediting yourself in your AI Arts?
Look at that gibberish closer and try to put 2 and 2 together.
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No mr.president, get down!!!
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>your father survives an assassination attempt and you get to go to Japan for protection
Kill yourself retardmrl
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>Announce that Kinessa is getting mega buffed
>A sniper tries to assassinate the most popular presidential candidate the day after

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The right item can make all the difference.
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What did she mean by this?
My honest reaction to the absolute state of American politics.

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Undisputed content capitol of the world since 1776.
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Now that the dust has settled... Can we all agree that this is one of the most impressive plays of all time?
Dont touch the poop...
Itt gets off to it.
This wigga really went "I'm Mr Meseeks! Look at meeeeeeee!" lmao
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I have never used a roller in me life bruv
self replying or mopsy(tranny) assist.
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Yo, my Io figure finally shipped!
Io looking as good as usual for hot glue
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>When the match went better than expected
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>Less than 500 yards away
>Dark colored clothing printing next to a blue sky to the point normies on the ground can see him with their phones
>Still misses
Tippity Toppity kek. Marksman at best and marksmen still usually hit their mark in a useful way.
>Marksman at best
Semantics. Still a sniper by most definitions
Haven't played in a year, how's the new PVE mode?

You've improved a lot from the /vg/ days man, good job!
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Not even remotely close rollerbitch. This clip is up there with them though.
>Stops an ulting Drogoz dead in their tracks with tech I didn't even know existed in this game until seeing this clip
>Kill is so dope it erases the other team kill from the kill feed at the exact moment and just gives both points to Vora
>Most appropriate music playing in the background
>Had edits done to it just because of how cool it was

There's lots of clips that deserve to be in the category. Yushinoda taking on an entire team by himself not once but twice, QueezleJones leading an entire team on a wild goose chase, Jack humbling that Androxus player in a 1v1. Your clips will never appear in that kind of category because they aren't genuine.
self replying or mopsy(falseflag) assist.
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>pushes ult button

choose 0
>pushes aimbot button
>impressive and/or notable

choose 0
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Why do you insist on pics of my cummies?
Are you gay or something?
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Why would I want to see your cum?
I still remember you encouraging me to hot glue my figures, you can't fool this old fox anon.
>you encouraging me to hot glue my figures
I've never done that, I said they needed to be hot glued and I offer myself to do it
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>Only 1 item in the chest
What was the point again?
Entering a mans mancave just to cum on his figure a is still pretty gay...
Just don't touch my balls and I'll be fine. Better yet just send Io to me
Get a job hippy!

Come on man don't be like that
>Links it
Based, very nice site
>Smite Ambassador posting shit like this
You know what, I think as unhinged Romanova was with her derangement syndrome even she never sank down to these levels.
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Stu replied, the person is from basically the Smite AOC.
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To be fair to Romanova she also had to deal with schizoMRL stalking her. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.
This general is so dead that no one will notice if I say I want to have three-way sex with Ronin and Lancer from Rogue Company
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Cat GF
Romanova got real close I'm pretty sure
She did #2 of his bullet points. Is that ok with him? She's a "volunteer" so it's ok for her to say that? It wouldn't be over policing, she's calling for violence that these cunts would be so appalled that if anyone else who had differing political views had done the same
He's bad but nothing to really worry about. She worked out to get square like a fridge, made photo posts daring those gosh darn sexists to try and fight her, but she couldn't handle a retarded, literal small-dicked incel with the body and vernacular of a melted marshmellow who wanted to fuck her dog?
Oh yeah I forgot she did that, nevermind. I forgot half of what Vodkanova did honestly.
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The mopsy slayer herself also draws?

I kneel.
Cat GF. Cute GF. My GF.
I don't think the devs know how to reward people with an item directly so everything comes from a chest. Or maybe they think tasting the chest animation will get up to buy others.
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Lucky digits of patrician taste.
Zamn, I didn't realize she drew that. Drawing already feels like some lost, esoteric talent now.
I misunderstood, it seems like the artist was just using those posts as prompts, at first glance I thought that mekakitty had drawn all of it. Didn't realized the other comment was by another twitter user
Yeah it was probably easier to just put everything in a chest and be done with it. I understand the idea of the other chests giving a chance for someone to get what they want instead of having to get to a specific level but having a chest only have 1 item in it and you having to go through the entire rolling process seems like such a troll thing to do, especially since the rolling animation hasn't changed or gotten any better in years
Riveting general, glad I got back into paladins to experience this
That's the most zoomer shit I read all day, congrats.
I'm oldschool, all I want is Ying
i want to play this game but all the reviews on steam say the servers are fucked is that true? it looks really cool and ive heard good things about the actual gameplay
Ying-Anon is that you again?
Servers are off/on but usually decent consistent.
first time here, so no
or yes, if that gets me lewd yings
the game stutters constantly and hardly runs, but I dont think thats a server issue
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Post Hardwear.
You really shouldn't have any issues running the game at 1440p, ultra settings and 120+ fps on any half decent PC.
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The game runs like shit on my beast PC and shitty laptop, its a bug with that version of Unreal engine. Sometimes it gets completely unplayable
I only had that problem when I switched from my 970 to 5700xt, you sure this is not just an AMD problem since UE still doesn't play nicely with AMD cards.
Also don't touch the poop.
I would never buy an AMD product
Good goy.
I don't have many performance issues. Lag is basically zero, some latency problems where people kill me like a second after i run around a corner, or ult with nando, it goes off, on cooldown and I instantly die. I get a game crash once every 3 months. Sometimes the loading screen hangs for a few minutes after a game before putting me in the lobby.

It's actually one of the best games I play for server/client issues.
Nope, still awful. Only good matches when all the circumstances come together, which is rare. So don't think I am good in any sense.
PVE mode isnt out yet, maybe on PTR but its barebones for now.
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>Stand in one place and shoot bots that just get more hp and damage every round
Such pve
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Almost as riveting as running around in a circle with the same gun for hours.
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>Less mechanics and gameplay than a 16 year old spin-off mode from an arcade shooty shoot
Yeah, almost.
>The new art director got laid off
We're fucked
To be fair, I'm not sure how much you can really do with a game as broken as Paladins, especially when they have barely any devs or budget.
Is this fag responsible for Viktor looking like a dyke now?
$20 bucks says that lorez is just freeing up major positions so that whoever comes in can order others around to start gearing up for paladins 2
Kind of like a fresh start, that is
I need to get Masters rank before Paladins 2
wat do
Don't solo queue, for starters
what the fuck are you talking about that makes no sense
>Paladins 1 art direction isn't working out/all that great/Clashing with what the execs want for the future of the game
>Boot the art director to get someone new in with fresh ideas for Paladins 2
Same with how directors walk away from/get fired from movies
Herro my ferrow Paradongs, im thlowing a swimming palty in China and you ale arr invited.
>Paladins 1 art direction isn't working out/all that great/Clashing with what the execs want for the future of the game
okay but where are you getting this stuff from? have you even layed off?
>have you even layed off?
Well ESL-kun no because I didn't give my employers the chance to. However I have been in situations where I had a differing opinion for a plan compared to a coworker, and the person higher up the chain of command moved me to a different department temporarily because they liked my coworker's plan better
As far as this kind of thing, keep up with news about big projects for a while and you start to hear about this kind of thing. You start to be able to see the writing on the wall. Take for instance Metal Gear Solid 5, the new Blade or The Last of Us 2. Clashing ideas leads to the project getting stalled leads to drastic changes of upper management getting someone in who can get them what they want
Or sometimes you just hear about it from behind the scenes and insiders
You'd think they'd be hiring anyone at all if they were doing Paladins 2, but there's been no job listings for EM for a while now.
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Maintenance Mode soon. It makes sense that they laid them off I mean what's there to draw for? The "Victory Together" in that picture is also more ironic than they realize. Don't get too excited either since I know it sounds like a monumental task but if Paladins 2 ever happens they'll find someone worse than Thunderbrush for it or just go full AI for Art Direction and they'll probably use the cheapest Chinese free AI generator they can find that still has mangled bonitus looking fingers too.
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They're probably going to rush everything as usual. Hire a bunch of needed positions at once and then as soon as they have something that looks passable, do a media tour and marketing, building the game as they go with barebones playtests to try and garner interest instead of having something super exciting to play right off the starting line
I'm all for healthy competition but I can't believe they're letting overwatch 2 catch their breath and regain its stride after all its fuck ups
It's not 2016 anymore, being the 'overwatch competitor' isn't going to have as much weight as it once did and Deadlock is coming out soon
>general is so dead it must keep itself afloat on /vm/
new overwatch hero stole vivian's turrets
/palg/ is more alive than ever. /vm/ is a slower board which allows for more thoughtful, longform discussion rather than mindless spam-bumping.
Okay but enough about smgen
actually, smgen has daily pubs and even had their first customs last weekend
Still keeping itself afloat on /vm/
friday night customs in 3 minutes
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Paladins has a lot in common with Mantorok.
I accept your concession
RIP ass
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Jesus fucking christ, paladins is over 10 years old.
>Released in 2015
Paladins released in 2018
You could buy founders in 2014.
Actually its still in beta
Actually it's maintenance mode since launch
Actually it’s a closed alpha network stress test
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>They directly nerfed my Nyx boxing™ playstyle
Add that to the list of fun playstyles that got gutted by evil mojo
feel free to grovel
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Feel free to be in awe.
What did he mean by this?
>Still can't hover the champs you want and like to play in champ select
Feel free to ASS ASS
meant for >>1371206
I log in at night during SA PRIMETIME, I play three games, I lose all three

It's been a great week.
how do you know that
I'm off my meds and the voices inside my head are telling me
These videos are at least 8 years old.
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My clips age like fine wine. There is beauty in elite talent.
did they announce Paladins 2 yet?
subzstance had sex with mastermrl.
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wish he got better at this
is that a new one?
huh...not his worst but not great either
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I have been obsessed with big asses recently...
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What in the absolute bogged face is that?
>Top of hair, bottom of hair and both arms are different quality and depth of field
>Her hands are different sizes and her left hands fingers shrink to make a fist
I hope this was a draft
so have i. tempted to get some related art comms.
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>binge watch all vidanon's video on bitchute in 2 weeks

I miss paladins so much, makes me wanna make one more video. give me a year or something hope paladins stays this long mane
This clip wouldn't even make it into a top 10 montage on YouTube. You really need to move on from the past.
Theres a deep hate within your body that does not allow you to see superstar talent. Fix yourself.
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>washed up wigga posts 8 year old clips
meant for >>1371940
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Why do you talk to me like this. I've only ever been a positive person in the gen.
It would be impressive if it wasn't a Lian clip
What exactly is “impressive” about that clip?

You brought it upon yourself, cheatard.
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but, the info on the previous pass said i had 100 dyas left...
i was about to buy all the levels left, at least i got the white furia skin, and a moji skin out of that
They've at least mentioned having plans for next year. Here's to hoping. It's been a heck of a ride either way. Here's to /palg/
Yeah, they mentioned that was a bug back when the patch went live. Don't think it ever got reposted here though. Sorry Anon.
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i gotta give them points, they keep fucking up every update, but at least they have been somewhat consistent with their transparency and speed in which they fix/find their bugs
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bros... not like this...
my 400 free crystals, what will i do now?
i do like some of the recolors that came back tho
We lost...
Xe tracked a shit-eating Evie moving at max speed completely out of his sight by sound. As long as Xe isn't using aim hacks or, god forbid, a controller shitter then it was a difficult shot.You saying you can do better? Sister?
>Xe tracked a shit-eating Evie moving at max speed completely out of his sight by sound
First of all, there's no sound in that WEBM so I don't know how you can even begin to claim that.

Secondly, Evie isn't really "out of sight" because she peeked around the corner early in the clip. Anyone with decent game sense should keep a rough track of where Evie is (until a soar/blink sound cue is activated). Lian gets lucky by blindly activating her Ultimate and following Evie's predictable blink trail.

>As long as Xe isn't using aim hacks or, god forbid, a controller shitter then it was a difficult shot.
Thirdly, this clip is not impressive or "difficult" because Lian's Ultimate hitbox is so massive that it barely qualifies as a skill shot.
ur rite
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What toons are disabled this patch?
pretty sure its just Io for now, isn't it?
Io Lilith
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what's the point of playing this game if you can't play as lillith...?
Anyone have the discord inv?
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>The Cancellation of Shadbase will be known as one of the most determinatle losses in internet history. He shouldn't of stayed on Twitter to fuck around and the discord shite you are just asking for people to dox and steal info. Shadbase being deleted from the Internet is a travesty at best and will go down as the biggest case of massive faggotry on the Internet.
>Sign of broken man thanks faggots.
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This mode is fun for going ham without some tryhards focusing you.
has anybody been able to beat a wave defense match solo?
closest i´ve got was with Raum and had like 33 secs left in the clock
Bro, Shad aint gona fuck you.
Your too old for him.
I thought Io and Lilith were banned until next week?
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I do the same every once in a while.
>It's been over 3 years since Into the Static
>VidAnon's clips are the only remnants of Syber's videos
All that history... Lost...
That's why you back shit up, I have a 16tb drive just for Yukinos streams and now that Jew Tebe is fucking with his channel I can rest easy knowing I got a full backup.

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