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I genuinely think venture is the worst fucking designed character of all time. I've never been super into the whole culture war political grift shit, but this is too much. They took 80 hours worth of marvel movie dialogue and condensed it down into a shitty bucktoothed moron with a giant milwaukee drill. Who could forget such creative and interesting dialogue like
>"Excavation Initiation!"
>"Losers, weepers, you big bozo!"
>"Oops! sorry!"
it's not "goofy endearing dialogue" its just the most annoying fucking thing anyone could have ever wrote. first and only nonbinary character and they shit the bed by writing the worst fucking cornball ever. eat shit blizzard.
you deserve it for playing shartwatch
She speaks in all this outdated slang because, and I can barely contain my laughter, she's an archeologist.
that's exactly what faggots that parade around with rainbow sparkle pronouns are like so i don't see the problem
Joss Whedon and his consequences have been a disaster for pop media
Just change the language pack to JP or something, i had to do that when kiriko released because kiriko is more annoying then venture. Also, i started to play a lot of venture and it can feel like old doomfist if you are using your drill dash vertically up and down. Especially down on to people. I think its great that you can escape like old doom too but u have to time your cd a lot better.

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