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/vm/ - Video Games/Multiplayer

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Welcome to vmcraft, A Minecraft EarthSMP server for anons.

>SERVER IP: 4chan.vmcraft.me
>LIVE MAP: map.vmcraft.me

>Rules: Be a decent fucking human being

Since there is no Jewish influences on this server we don't use a central banking system, instead we simply use gold ingots to claim land as things are supposed to be.

All anons are welcome, feel free to ask questions in the thread, post builds, and talk to other anons who play here.
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Hi guys can I be unbanned? My username is Fotrik.
Shut the hell up and we will ask you when we give a fuck.
The staff has reached a decision and you will not be unbanned at this time. Please try again in 5 months to be eligible to appeal again and we will reconsider this case. Thank you
oh thank you, i will try again in 5 months i guess.
Yeah no problem just wait 5 months between ban appeals, we take rules seriously. You also need to attach the evidence that your behavior has changed and that you have now become a positive member of the community, this evidence could be from irl or another gaming community. We're 4channers like the rest of you, believe me we've probably been here longer than you, but we believe in a basic set of rules

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