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/vm/ - Video Games/Multiplayer

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File: ujnerage.webm (2.41 MB, 960x540)
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2.41 MB WEBM
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Over 650 unlockable playable characters from series' entire lifespan, along with some Konami guests
Over 70 stages, totaling around 500 variants to play on
6 different Battle Mode rules - Survival Battle, Reversi Battle, Dodge Battle, Hyper Bomber, King Battle, Battle Royale
Plethora of different items, many of which you already know and love, some never seen before (if you're not into it though, worry not - you can turn them off)
Frantic gameplay up to 12 players

To enter the server go: Battle Mode > Online > Enter the one server that appears > Select room.

If you're bad/new, feel free to ask for a handicap.

Pass is: read the filename
Lobby up

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