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what's the /vm/ go to for open world multiplayer survival crafting kino?
you must've misunderstood
SCUM and Project Zomboid
Ark was great, but its dated and they never fixed the decades old bugs.
>and they screwed the playerbase by dumping classic support and doing a bs remake before Ark 2 is out.
Conan had real potential, but it's funcom so they shit the bed from day 12, and then got bought out by tencent so its borderline korean f2p now but it costs money.
Rust is good, but if you work and cant no life, play offline or just never play cuz more than any other, you will be offlined constantly (also being an FPS, aimbots are an issue).

I like Soulmask currently. Lots of potential.
Basically hoping for Soulmask to grow into its own or for Ark 2 to not be a total dumpster fire.
7 days to die with 2 good friends.
v rising because i like the combat and the implied sexual violence
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Is Soulmask another survival slop? How is the PVP?
Be careful, i got perm banned from v rising for calling a team of 3 (In a duo server) faggots for ganking me as a solo.

They dont care about cheaters, they do REEEE over hate screech
Rust. But the amount of hours you have to put into it is too much. I just cant be bothered. Fun game but too much of a time investment

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