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/vm/ plays Hunt: Showdown British Edition

Engine update AUGUST 15


Newbie here. Can someone bring me up to speed on the mosin dolch jokes? I assume they are OP?
You hit someone with the mosin then quick switch to the Dolch for an easy kill. You can spam the dolch to pen walls too. It's a one two love tap combo that is pretty strong.
>fighting bounty team
>they grab one bounty
>run away to extract
why tho, they were Chinese
"Maybe if we leave one bounty they won't chase us!"
>watching two solos fighting for bounty after slaughtering everyone
>following each other through walls
>check their profiles afterwards
>multiple games bans on record
The Devs really need to do something about that. One player can ruin the match for 11 other people.
colorado map and event leaks, new boss, prestige charms and skins. new rifles and rival trauma.
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>This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Crytek
So how to view his info now
I haven't played in a year since they added in the alligator boss
Any quick info I need to know before I get back into this shit?
everything is still in that one cunt's discord like i said in the previous thread, its hard to post anywhere else because it gets striked
now is probably a good time to come back theres no event until august 15 (engine update), the meta hasn't really changed but they nerfed melee damage to bosses by tools (dusters, knives) by 50%. flare pistol and fusees burn bodies now so everybody takes those and instaburn.
>fusees burn bodies
Hell yeah that's a good change
the flare pistol is better, it burns intense and you can shoot hives/armoreds with it, resupplies from special ammo now. also every gun is unlocked at rank 1 now, only variants and tools/consumables have to be unlocked.
So how do I join the weird discord?
just saying its not a /vm/ or /vg/ thing, just some leaker.
Thanks bro the new map looks dope. I love me some mountains with gold mines and quarrys.
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Just like your momma
Only 24,000 players that's grim! It seems this game can't build up a consistent playerbase because new people are scared away easily from sweats and smurfs.
That’s just what happens to any niche multiplayer game, the skill floor rises over the years and it weeds out the people looking for something new and burns out people who can’t compete/keep up. I’m feeling pretty done with it for the most part
>t. 3k hours
Free to play when
It's $15 lord help the Brazilian that can't pay that much
Ever since the introduction of self res and matchmaking prioritizing faster queues over fair ones we have situations where higher stars derank (some on purpose) and cannibalize the lower stars who simply quit because no one wants to be wallbanged through 2 buildings by ratchaz in 3 stars. People come back for events but quit between as well.
the leaker said necro is going to become a burn trait
i used to play games with less than 10k players and didn't consider them dead, why would you want a game to be played by 250k low iq normies? everything about hunt is niche and its in a perfect sweetspot in my opinion, i get matches at 3-5 am with no problem as an insomniac.
also all the retarded cosmetic shekelgrabbing would happen just as much if there were more players. the games that are all super popular these days are populated by young kids who aren't into FPS anymore, the average hunt player seems be like 23 years old atleast, i met multiple 40+ year olds.
Spear is OP you can attack 1000 times per minute
im having terrible streak....3 days in a row, can't aim for shit, taking shit decisions, straight up no seeing anyone
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Nvm I'm back
>TWO krag buffs
I'm fucking kraggle rock bitch
Can shoot like a pro all day long YEEeeAH Buddy!
More newbie questions. So we unlock some weapons/ammo by using other weapons? I see people mention using a certain loadout for an entire prestige. Interesting, I usually run whatever my hunter came with until I pick up enemy hunter weapons that look better. What are some noteable unlocks?
Someone drop the leak video to dropbox, imgur or something wtf.
it gets copyright struck, genius.
each weapon has their variants, for example, if want to use the centennial shorty or sniper, you first gotta play with the "base" gun which is just the centennial, same thing goes for ammo types but that will be changed soon, all ammo types will be unlocked from the start.
In streamable or daily motion? I HIGHLY DOUBT.
Go to blibliblnibli the Chinese website
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>kill a solo
>another solo comes
>kill a solo
>another solo comes
literal aids when they're sniping and better than our teammates
>Shoot a running dude far away
>Find a corpse with guns
>Can't loot it
>Doesn't show me having killed anyone on the last screen
Are there NPC hunters now or bots or something?
Maybe he already murdered someone
leaked INFO:
New wild target: Hellborn; will apparently stalk Hunters through the map

Next Event: Scorched Earth

You can now earn event points from killing elite AI (meathead, hive, armored, immolator)

Sealed Cache will return, can now spawn with a "Sighted Rifle Case", which can also spawn at normal supply points

DLSS support

Centered crosshair

New Audio System: "CrySpatial"

Bear Trap is now a tool
Burn traits are being reworked; there are now "Burn Traits" and "Scarce Traits", burn traits don't necessarily need to be found in the world, but scarce traits do.

Witness Trait (5 Update Points)

Shadow Leap Trait (Scarce)

Necromancer (Burn)

Shadow (Scarce)

New Pact Trait: Surefoot: Can hold prepared items while sprinting, SOLO: crouched footsteps make less noise
Throwing Spear stats:

33 Bloodling Rank

Price 65

Damage 325

Throw Range 290

Melee Damage 105

Heavy Melee 280

Stam light 34

Stam heavy 55

Stam throw 34
1865 Carbine stats

15 Battle Pass

Ammo medium (7+1/21)

Damage 135

Cycle 1.8

Reload 9.2

Velocity 340
Infantry 73L + Sniper

24 Battle Pass

Ammo compact (17+1/20)

Cycle 1.2

Reload 17.9

Velocity 400
Rival 78 Trauma

34 Battle Pass
Crossbow Deadeye

10 Battle Pass

Steel Bolt 225 velocity, damage 197
Martini Henry High-velocity 500 m/s
Imagine being so butt hurt by solos you give them a burn necromancer. Butt hurt I can rez 5 times? Just kill me dummy
I cannot stress enough the utter fucking stupidity of fighting another team at extract instead of the team EXTRACTING. You dumb fucks.
Necro burn will apparently apply to both solo and team, and solo necro will prevent you losing an hp bar, so solos can run all large bars.

The entire engine update got leaked/hacked in China, so some of these might be off due to translation issues.
>1865 Carbine
>Ammo medium (7+1/21)

I don’t understand, isn’t the 1865 Springfield a single shot trap door rifle like the 1868? Unless it’s not the Springfield, but what other rifle would it be?
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It’s a Spencer.
>Compact ammo sniper
>Infantry 73L
It's just a Winfield Musket without the bayonet, it has the exact same ammo count and ammo type. I wonder if they're just going to make it, the Winfield Musket, and the Sniper variant their own thing separate from the Winfield line.
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the new sparks sniper skin is unironically the thing i'm most looking forward to, i never use the gun because it has no skins, despite it probably being my highest headshot ratio weapon

also i'm expecting the game to be borderline unplayable due to bugs when the engine update comes out. would be weirder if they didn't fuck it up.
The subreddit has some of the whiniest babies I've ever seen in my life.
Bunch of crybabies. The game is fun and this patch is awesome to tide us over till the engine update.
That would be the case with Tarkov, but Hunt has a pretty good track record of squishing bugs. They actually use their Test Server knowledge, and are not afraid to roll back things that don't work.
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this is sarcasm right? every single patch breaks something, sometimes pretty severely, then they take a week or 2 or longer to even address it. right now theres the graphical texture-flickering, people getting rewarded skins that aren't in the game yet (people were already getting the leaked hunters and gun skins), the spear's stats are probably bugged too. it took them like a month to fix death cheat back in the first tides, resulting in every player running around with max level hunters fanning eachother. some bugs have been in the game since launch
There’s one obscure bug I never want them to fix. As a prestige-fag, you can’t refund traits you don’t have unlocked yet. However, if you go to the health bar respec tab, you can refund any of your traits regardless of if you have them unlocked.
It didnt take so long to fix the death cheat, maybe like 2 days. Same with the LeMat bug like last year, they rerolled the whole patch.
At least they do shit instead of EFT that still has bugs from 6y still in the game.
during the first tides event the death cheat thing lasted for atleast 2 weeks, i remember quite well because i used it to prestige atleast once a day and reached prestige 15+ from 1.
Lmao necro now a 4 point burn trait, nobody except snipers will use them, hell, there won't be a reason to not play sniper as a solo, and it will make people rat even more knowing one death will send them to the lobby basically. Reducing stalemates my ass.
pretty much all these changes make me cringe. why the fuck do we need bullet drop? i assume they are trying to force the meta to change by making people use more scopes, but that just means mosindolch becomes mosinsniperdolch and nothing else. i hate when a niche game completely changes to try and appeal to a new npc target audience that doesn't actually exist and can't be reached.
I really don't understand, it's like they don't play their own game. All they have to do is incentivize more active playstyles. I'm not talking running and gunning or automatic rifles, but at least not fucking rewarding people that sit in one bush the entire match
Headshots will now be lethal at any range, they literally want people to play sniper, and also want fights to be as short as possible, what are they even thinking? People camping outside the lair and not doing the objective already have a massive advantage
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>chink hacker spawns in game
>deletes the entire map with chain pistol fanning headshots across the map 1000m in the first 2 seconds of the match
solokeks doomposting, good.
they are setting a ping limit.
free to play when
>russian hacker spawns in game
>deletes the entire map with chain pistol fanning headshots across the map 1000m in the first 2 seconds of the match
The game is like 10 bucks or something? What the fuck dude. Are you like 12?
This is a buff to compact and medium ammo while making the shots about skill. I've never seen anyone cry this much about a game that actually ADDS MORE SKILL TO A GAME.
its just going to make ironsight guns trash to use, mosin spitzer metasweats will simply use mosin sniper as they already did, and shitters who spam their winfields into the distance are going to get lucky headshots. and solos are most encouraged to rat with a sniper.
non issue, hackers wipe lobbies either way, what they need to do is implement a proper anti cheat solution.
yeah, so it evens ground between Long ammo and the others, as stated. Its a buff to the compacts and mediums
If a solo can revive only once, then you shouldn't be able to revive your teammates more than once. That or they should give us solo lobbies, or disable playing as solo completely.
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the Pax bullets start dropping at 10 meters omegalul, the spear has less drop than a fucking gun
Only range wise, but I assume long ammo will have less drop than compact, but even if this wasn't the case, it will only encourage people to play more snipers, especially solos with the necro change, as with a scope they'll have a massive advantage over iron sights on range. There will be no reason not to camp outside the boss lair with a sniper because now they'll be even stronger as you won't be able to aim people far away with an iron sight or aperture. This will just shift the meta from long ammo to snipers.
No reason to peek with any non scoped weapon from a window anymore, no reason not to play shotguns and hide in a corner or play sniper anymore, no reason to play actively anymore really, don't you like this balancing? Now buy my legendary-mythic-ultrarare skin
This shit, has literally not changed anyway what so ever.
Necro change just means if you drop the solo, he comes back once, not 5 times. And still is spitzering your ass, just like before.
You dont seem to understand things have always been this way, the solo is just little bit weaker now and trios have more tools to shoot back without running the meta mosin.
>have more tools to shoot back
But they don't? Now if someone brings a sniper it will dominate any long range encounters, because you literally can't shoot back other than maybe trying to fish for a lucky headshot. Long range will be locked to sniper rifles, you won't be able to even build a shotgun loadout with a pax for long range backup anymore because apparently pistols will suck even more than iron sights rifles, and guess who usually uses snipers? Solos, and for good reason because now going short range, with only one revive, against a trio would be suicide.
So nothing has changed but compact and medium ammo can try to fight instead of not getting the kill even with a headshot. Got it.
it was an unneeded change that will just stir things up without fixing any issues, unless you're ok with shooting in the general direction of a solo sniper, or better, at the air above him, hoping you hit a headshot.
Can we please make these retards play their own fucking game before doing nonsense like this
i actually fucking hate the spear and have used it like once, something about it just annoys me, not just that its overpowered right now but it doesnt sit right with me
Things I can do now that I could not do before. Im happy with the change and I get rewarded for taking a risk and delivering it.
I really hope the silenced vetterli gets heavily buffed because otherwise it's fucked, super slow bullet that'll have a massive drop
Just had the most Hunt game possible. The entire game I don't hear a fly, go to the lair but somebody else is already banishing, good, manage to kill him but he resses before I can go to his body, after a small fight I'm out of ammo so I rush outside to the nearest resupply, dude grabs a bounty and follows me, I go towards him, but he runs back in the compound, I decide to wait it out, somebody else grabs the other bounty, it was actually a duo from the start wtf, they rush to extraction where apparently at least three teams are camping there, they all kill eachother and I see the last solo extracting. Why do people play like this.
Me two nights ago: " I bet these fucks never put this DLC on sale."

Me today: " :o "

I was thinking about getting Beast Hunter but I wonder if it's one of those skins that make it easier for enemy hunters to see you. People like the tubby redneck but those fat naked shoulders can be seen a mile away inside cover. Also, I wanted to get skins for the melee weapons and med kit. Can someone shill some decent dlc packs?
the reptilian is hard to spot around anything green
The bayou has fallen... Bullets must drop
People will burn 50% faster. Red skull some people. Chokes only last one minute.
That's the only thing that should have changed, solos being able to revive, only once and only after spending 4 points on a burn trait, wasting both points and a trait slot, while if you play on a team you can get revived 5 times for free, it's just unbalanced, call me a crybaby all you want. What bothered people was having to babysit a burning body for 2 minutes, something that could have easily been fixed by making the burn speed of when you're down the same one when burning alive. If they didn't want to deal with that, they could have just added solo only lobbies and avoided all this necro bullshit. It's not like tarkov where allies are not marked in the hud and solos can hide in your own team or something like that, in Hunt solos have an objective disadvantage, even before this necro nerf.
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anyone know whether the burning speed is only for downed hunters or in general? imagine how gay it would become if they decided to make incendiary and fire bombs basically guarantee a chunk removal.
the new meta
>incendiary krag for fire rate (sniper because bulletdrop
>incendiary bornheim match
>no pistols ever
>4 hellfire bombs
>no choke, flare pistol and spear for killing bosses
>never revive anyone, just instantly leave match on down
You're a crybaby and i think every single player who wants free shit for oh no, carrying the burden of being solo :'( should play just some other fucking game.
I'm not asking for anything "free", I paid for the game, and as long as solo play keeps being a thing and keeps being so unbalanced I'm going to keep complaining. Also the fixes I'm asking for would be so fucking easy to implement, I'm not asking for the moon
>If a solo can revive only once, then you shouldn't be able to revive your teammates more than once.
That's a exactly what they did.
no, if I understood that correctly, only necromancer is a single use trait, that means you can revive your teammates from a distance only once, or if you're a solo, you can self revive only once, but after using necromancer, or if you don't have it, you can still revive downed teammates up to 5 times just like before. This is a nerf for solo players because people complained that you had to burn solo bodies after you killed them, and the fix should have just been to reduce the amount of time it takes to totally burn down, instead of reducing the amount of times you can revive, which simply makes playing as a solo even more unfair. Playing as a solo is already a huge disadvantage, and currently you could only revive if you spent 4 points on a specific trait, but now they further nerfed it so you can revive only once, but teams don't get nerfed equally? You should be able to revive your teammates only if you have necromancer, and you can revive them only once then.
fuck you retard solo necro is a pain in the ass game was better when dead people stayed dead t.solo player
>playing as a solo necro is hard
tell that to the sniping fucks and super giga solos that fuck up entire trios even without free revives
You're asking free shit because you insist on playing the game on solo when its clearly made for duo and up. I really hope they remove solos from bounty hunts completely or put them in their own bracket so i don't have to deal with people like you. WAA I DESERVE 5 RESS BECAUSE IM ALONE. No you dont.
>when dead people stayed dead
Yes, if you're on a team and die your teammates shouldn't be able to magically revive you. Everyone should stay dead after dying, there shouldn't be a distinction between solos and teams.
>super giga solos that fuck up entire trios even without free revives
You're complaining about some people being better than you? If you can't kill a solo as a trio it's just skill issue, you literally have triple the eyes, triple the ears and triple the resources, and it's not like tarkov where you can accidentally shoot your teammates since they're marked in your hud, there's no advantage in playing as a solo.
The game allows me to play as a solo against teams, that means solo play is intended, if they remove it, or add solo only lobbies, then I'll stop complaining about the clear, objective imbalance between solos and teams.
Yes, i really hope they remove solo from team plays since every single solo player has the worst fucking takes about the game ever.
you know trios weren't intended originally in the game right?
unlimited headshot range was already a thing back in the day, they removed it for a reason, this just means we'll return to the times of compact ammo spam, and together with ammo drop it will just increase the number of chainpistols and rng kills, this is not a good change.
People that think solos don't have a disadvantage must be retared, they have all the rights to complain
they've typically never played it and are low ranks so they get stomped by the one competent guy, its not that hard or annoying to get rid of a solo at all, if a solo is pushed properly one time its over
the summit1g stream where he just spend 2 days trashtalking the game was super retarded aswell, he acted like de-ranking by getting up and instantly killed was somehow a good thing because he'd stay in literal 1 star territory where he could effortlessly shoot at deaf-blind people which according to him meant the game has no depth and he was owning everyone despite not playing it.
High ranks are the minority in the game and aren't relevant to the conversation. No one balances for the 10-20% of players.
>there's no advantage in playing as a solo.
You can snipe and third party large fights and no one will be able to effectively deal with you because they're actively fighting. You'd have to be retarded not to see that as an advantage. The way the MMR works too is you're stronger than the team alone.
complaining about solos is typical 3 star stuff, the average is 4 star, above that is just playing meta only and playing the game as a dayjob.
Then you don't really need to care about necro buff do you? You're not 'escaping' or getting any kills in the high ELO anyway according to you because solos are easy to deal with.
you third party as a team too, teams do anything solos do except with 3 people instead of 1, sniping is also not that great in hunt despite what people say, its not that rewarding as a solo and especially not easy to wipe a team
i don't understand what you're saying
Solos not being able to rez more than once will not matter because by your words high mmr players kick their ass anyway. So... it doesn't matter. You don't need those extra lives unless you're trying to manipulate your MMR by dying a bunch.
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shrek chads it's over
And why shouldn't you be able to third party or snipe as a team too? If anything it's even easier. Solos do that because they're forced to play more conservatively to survive.
If you can revive your teammates 5 times there's no reason at all why you shouldn't be able to self revive 5 times as a solo as well, it wouldn't be balanced anyway but it's at least something, for those few times where it can save your hunter or win you a fight. If deranking is what bothers you then maybe what should be fixed is the fucking horrible MMR system and it's not a self revive problem, don't you think?
Every single time I bring instakill traps to hunt my team sets off 2/3. Every time. Fuck stop running around so much.
More players = more noise and less stealth. You can't effectively sneak as a team. A solo can easily.
it's really not that hard. only need to send one guy into compound to get clue while other two zone/check perimeter and potential enemy directions
people are just retarded and want to all go loot compound
hunt isnt really a stealth game
it's such a small things that I wouldn't really call it an advantage, you just have to tell you teammates to not be braindead and pay attention to soundtraps. And even so, in 4+ star lobbies nobody gives a shit about making noise, it's all about gunplay and positioning.
>no one gives a shit about noise in cheater lobbies full of aimbots and radar
are you legit retarded? a team is obviously advantaged against a solo you just don't have to go fight him one at a time like in a fucking jackie chan movie
4+ stars is full of cheaters, 3 and under is full of smurfs, according to you nobody plays this game legitimately, then why are you even here?
You're going to go fight the solo headshotting your trio while you're in a compound fight with another team? Kek, good luck with that
if a solo manages to sneak in and kill your team you have a problem with your team. Playing solo is so much harder and frustrating that I think solo players are masochists, the game is unbalanced against them and it's only annoying to to deal with them, something that apparently the devs don't plan to fix
I'm here to dunk on crybaby solos who think necromancer doesn't need to be tweaked. It drives away new players. No one gives a shit about your greasy cheeto 5000+ hrs played.
you really need to play solo for yourself once, or think about the times your team actually got wiped by a solo vs a team, a solo is never as strong as a team even if he has to be killed more than once, all it takes is the usual skill of positioning and tracking players, kill once and insta-burn and then they'll be 1 shotted even by pistol arm shots.
all bodies need to be watched to begin with, regarding snipers they cant really catch up on you if you just run away
its annoying to have to tell you that you are shit if you suck at countering a solo but its really just in your head.
Sorry bro I main solo so I know what I'm talking about. It's laughable trying to say solos are weak. We're gods.
the #1 strategy of solo is literally to grab the bounty, preferably by getting there first and trapping everything, and find a way to escape while avoiding any fighting at all
ok now imagine if 3 good solo players teamed up in a trio
And a duo can't do that I guess? Or a trio? >>1348356
You're right, and I stand my point, revive shouldn't be in the game at all, you die and you either return to the lobby or spectate, even if you're in a team. Hunt is the only extraction shooter that I know that has this shitty mechanic, but if the devs really don't want to remove it, then they either should add solo only lobbies, or make the revive capabilities between solos and teams as balanced as possible, amongst other things, while obviously fixing mmr and burn time for dead bodies.
It's useless, it's like they don't have a functioning brain, how can they not understand that having two players fighting you is worse than having only one.
>the #1 strategy of solo is literally to grab the bounty, preferably by getting there first and trapping everything, and find a way to escape while avoiding any fighting at all
I wonder why most solo try to avoid fighting as much as possible, mmmmh.
Playing alone turns this game into an actual horror game, it's something that I think everyone should try at least once. Mad respects to solo mains, I'll still instaburn you tho.
>I wonder why most solo try to avoid fighting as much as possible, mmmmh.
thats my point yeah, solo strategy is always to cut through or utilize serpent and even if you succeed you can only take 1 bounty anyway, i actually find when solos are around in a match when i'm in a team, the game becomes a lot more dynamic and unpredictable, it keeps things interesting even if it is mildly frustrating when you notice the bounty is suddenly running in a different direction
He is right about everything tho.
Solo = High MMR player
Trio = Mid MMR players
High MMR wins because we're better it's simply a fact of life anon.
Bro bro why can't you understand 3 shitters will always beat a good solo? 3 shitters have 3 guns, 3 eyes, 3 ears, they just win okay?
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>its the solos fault the team is bad
>I NEED the game to babysit me... it's not my fault I have no friends to play with... please let me continue abusing game mechanics to fight people... please bro... not my fault
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>heads up, squad. we are 3 against 1, this is a clear disadvantage so be on guard and do not push. stay still and hold tight your vetterli deadeye. over.
>he abuses the friend invite mechanic to bully solos and then calls solo players advantageous
it's somehow the players fault if the devs can't make a decent matchmaking system and can't implement a simple thing like making so that the deaths immediately after you revive won't impact your mmr.
>brand new teammate
>0.4 kd teammate
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updated static image?!
devs on fire
Can you still check your exact mmr or is that impossible now?
they removed the data from the text file for some reason
so no
Love that Denis claims they want to reduce stalemates after nerfing the flash and lightfoot, two tools allowing for extremely aggressive play leading to shorter, decisive battles instead of shotgunVmosin garbage we have now
I really don't have much faith in the new changes
it mostly seems to be subtle ways to casualize the game to appeal to new players that might have low retention rates, just in time for the new engine upgrade which they probably are going to market as some kind of re-launch of the game. i think they have contempt for the hardcore playerbase and don't see the game last many more years so they want to milk as much out of it as they can, like which 1000hour+ player is going to buy their 50th new gay skin these days? nobody
i forgot to add, the stalemates never really have anything to do with balance from my experience, but rather the core game mechanics and maps, its always 2 shotgun players knowing eachother's exact whereabouts stuck in position, a team getting the exact right compound while carrying concertina, etc.
Depends how much the old base is spending on the game. How much do the servers cost vs people who buy the game at $15 and then don't spend any more money. If it's not profitable the game isn't worth keeping alive. That's capitalism right there. You notice how most Hunt players have around 1000+ hours? Hardcore players keep playing and new players quit and don't spend any more money.
im prestiege 100 and can confirm there was a 3 year meta of either

they nerf quick swapping window from .7 seconds to almost 2 seconds which made this combo way way worse. and they nerfed the dolch at least 5 times before i stopped seeing it every fucking game.

dolch is still a 3v1 sidearm of choice though.

the teams finally ready to run the game . tested the water with teamkilling and saw a month ban.
hackers are dropping like flies.

this engine update will be a turning point and either save this game, or kill it entirly.

but i see effort this time, i hope.
someone throw him in the pussy wagon
I'm excited since there's some big changes. A lot of the huge changes will scare off the addicts though. The people that want Tarkov but refuse to play Tarkov because of how fucking ass it is.
the way they got rid of looting bloodbonds and reduced weekly challenges and removed login-bonus is pretty clear they are struggling somehow and want more money from new players, the crosshair thing is also purely because it turns off noobs
I'm sad I missed all the juicy blood bonds and hunt dollars. I started playing a year ago and I'm fucking broke in everything.
is there a fifield wojak yet
be the change you want to see
afaik crytek is still big into debt, also the execs clearly Clare more about the next crysys, probably hoping it will bring them back into relevancy
desu. this i fucking hate playing trios and then running into some solocuck whose body i have to babysit now because if i proceed to play the game he will get backup and shoot my back.
and i fucking hate playing duos or trios for the same reason, if i don't babysit a body their IRC (insta-rezz-cuck) teammate will immediately start necroing them and it's like whack a mole.
Necromancer is a massive fucking problem.
If solos want to play solos in a fair environment, have your own queue or play soul survivor.

illiterate niggerfaggot
Go play on your own dumb solo apologist. Eat rancid hooker ass.
like i said, illiterate niggerfaggot
Solokeks BTFOd
Going solo is supposed to be a challenge, you can't be getting up to 5 times and win the game just for that reason
The actually good solo players aren't complaining because for them its actually a buff to revive at full health, the only ones complaining are the shitters
The MMR is busted so you can find 5-6* solo players in 3* lobbies. Which is how you get people like Hornet and RachtaZ (although both are also ping abusing).
Finding a solo as a trio or duo also ruins the flow for the rest of the game as you have to sit around for 5 minutes to watch the guy burn. Most would rather be compound fighting.
Bold of you to assume you'll get close enough to burn my body. *Exploits and headshots you*
> Demoted to 3 stars after not playing for months
> Hop on Hunt
> Get paired with two of the stereotypically bad, random 3 star teammates that you can tell have never been above 3 stars
> Match starts
> They both obnoxiously talk to eachother over the mic
> I tell them to shut the fuck up because everyone can hear them
> They ignore me
> We approach the enemy-occupied compound that's obviously being baited
> You can tell this because the boss has been defeated, but the bounty tokens are left alone inside the building
> Of course, my 3 star teammates are so moronic they can't tell it's bait
> They both rush the compound and immediately die one after the other
> I shake my head, head to extraction solo
> Later that night, I'm easily promoted to 4 stars in 3 more matches
> On my steam profile, I see salty comments from my retarded 3 star squadmates bitching about how I didn't run in and die with them

It makes me sad how shitters that pick up Hunt don't seem to understand that you get good at Hunt by SURVIVING, not dying.

There isn't a replay system in this game, you cannot analyze your mistakes on death. The longer you survive and hold onto your life, the gradually more skilled you will become.

Shitters just don't understand, bros. It makes me sad. But hey, some players are hardstuck 3 stars for a reason...
>sit around for 5 minutes to watch the guy burn
It's not the solo players' fault though, it's the devs that somehow didn't predict that babysitting a burning body wouldn't be fun. All they had to do was make the burning speed of dead bodies faster, and maybe fix the atrocious MMR system, disallowing you to derank if you die immediately after you revive (or making it so that only one death per round could affect your MMR), and solo necro would have been ok do deal with, but now instead of doing just that, crytek overstepped, like they always do, and both increased burn speed and nerfed solo necro, as if playing solo wasn't frustrating and unfair already. This is the flashbomb situation all over again, crytek doesn't want to deal with something so they just nerf it to the ground and hope people stop complaining, if they at least could give us solo only lobbies to make up for it, like it has been already suggested before, but they won't even bother.
>it's the devs that somehow didn't predict that babysitting a burning body wouldn't be fun.
The devs in general have this lack of foresight for things like these.
Tbh. the only way self-rez could work is if the corpse would literally be swallowed and then spat out and rezzed at the edge of the map on one of the spawn points or something.
But even then, why does self-rez even need to be a thing, just leave it at cheat death?
Solocucks were complaining in first place not because they wanted to have a fighting chance against dogshit tickrate server and dogshit trades, but because they would lose their hunter. Cheat Death already solved this. Self-rez can be removed.

As for stalemates, i don't think these devs will ever solve stalemates, the game is literally designed to put you at a disadvantage and punish you for playing the game.
If you are the person that is pusing and moving, you are making noise, and you can't consistently beat somebody who is sitting perfectly still, holding an angle.
You might have a couple of surprises, but over a large sample size, you lose.
>Self-rez can be removed.
The problem is that solos had a straight disadvantage against teams, in a game where a stray bullet or a lucky headshot can send you to the lobby if you don't have somebody that can res you, it gets frustrating really fast. Solo necro kinda fixed that, but it's badly implemented and still unbalanced, and will become useless if not maybe for snipers. Deathcheat is a scarce trait that is literally there just to spice things up for those that find it, in a way to push people to be more aggressive and active, but you can't add that to every solo player, it would change the game too much.
>i don't think these devs will ever solve stalemates
Same, as you said the game is designed to punish people that actually search for fights and try to be aggressive, that's why so many people just camp outside the lair or at the extractions, or solos, that have a huge disadvantage against any team, try to rush to the boss and escape as quickly as possible with a bounty, most people don't find any reason to try and meet other players and fight or actually play the objective, especially noobs, and the devs need to find a way to fix this, but I can't think of any way that wouldn't radically change the game.
>just leave it at cheat death?
I think this is the actual solution
Necro is a solo use burn ability to either cheat death and exit with your shit or revive once.
>The problem is that solos had a straight disadvantage against teams
This isn't a problem though. It's entitlement.
Solocucks deserve to be bent.
Why would you give a 1 man a terminator status, when they willingly and knowingly sign up for a fight against multiple people.
If solos want to solo, they should play Quickplay, if nobody likes Quickplay, devs should have removed it and just made a Bounty Hunt Solo Queue.
Giving Solos more power over teams is inane faggotry and all the whiny solocucks should have just neckroped themselves.
They sign up for a fight against multiple people and then complain they can't fight back, this is absolutely ridiculous.
Catering to whiny solos absolutely ruined the course of game's balance and everybody's experience.
1 man should never have an equal chance of fight against a team of 2 or 3.
And like i already said, they were primarily whining because they would lose their expensive mosindolch to "bullshit" (which is just regular game, let's be real here). We all have to deal with "bullshit", but solocucks are, as you would all know, entitled whiny cuck bitch incels whore are terminally online, which is also why they have nobody to play with and are "forced" to solo. They just whine the loudest.
Only one who fucking gets it.
I play duos with my wife sitting next to her in the same room and we dominate. Randoms btfo lmao
i'm glad they are making the leaked new event faster to complete with points for killing AI, i fucking hate the grind. its a pity all the BP rewards look like shit anyway. i wonder if they're finally removing the screaming totems this time, would be dumb to release a new map and then have everybody alerted when a team is nearby anyway.
>the game is literally designed to put you at a disadvantage and punish you for playing the game.
Which is why all of the best players constantly push instead of camping in a compound, right? Clearly you're in 4 star and shouldn't talk about how the game works.
This is exactly right.
Playing solo before was a rush because you could get fucking wiped out at any moment. It was tense and exciting.
During the event when they added the resurrection ability, it made sense because you had to seek it out and forgo other benefits in order to use it. It meant it could happen, but not all the time.

Now all you need is a level 4 hunter and you can do it forever and ever. It needs a fix, badly.
I think a very easy fix would be to force it to eat a large health bar or equivalent in order to revive, so you get maximum of 2 tries, or have it on a 5 minute cooldown.
After a certain amount of hours you don't give a shit anymore and/or just want to have fun, and fighting others is more fun, but it's not something the game actively encourages you to do, this is what I'm trying to say. The game punishes you if you try to have fun, because the objective of the game is to get the bounty and escape, or even just to survive, not to fight other players, and this makes newer players get bored and quit the game. David explicitly said that something like 40% of the playerbase didn't even kill another player before inevitably quitting, and they're trying to fix that. I recently saw a small YouTuber try the game, he just killed the AI, ignored the bounty and went the opposite direction from gunshots or hid if he hears steps, and you can think whatever you want, but I'm sure hes not the only one, a lot of players basically won't even play the game before quitting, without even realising it because the most fun part of the game is too difficult to reach, and this is not good for the game. But you're clearly a 6 start sweatlord and can't even understand what game the wast majority of players are playing and the Devs are balancing for.
I'm sure you and your buddies shit yourself in the pants and immediately quit the lobby if you find out you're against a solo, they're just so strong and have a terminator status anyway, it's just unfair to play against solos so I wouldn't blame you
>have it on a 5 minute cooldown.
then you shouldn't be able to burn them, 5 minutes would be completely useless otherwise. just give solos permanent death cheat like the other anon suggested and be done with it
Are you actually supposed to clear out the zombies and such for points? Or do they intend for players to focus only on bounties and players?
Monsters give some xp but are there only to annoy you, the only monster that is worth to kill if you have a quick way to do it are meatheads (the fat headless ones) because they give almost the same amount of xp killing a player gives and also can drop a trait sometimes.
They're basically just obstacles. If they don't notice you it's good to leave them alive so that they may alert you to other hunters.
the objective is the bounty, the extra AI is there mainly as decoration and to annoy the players Technically the intention is to make players fight for it as the map "shrinks" through clues, until only one team survives, in a kind of blend between battle royale and extraction shooter, but let's say that the game doesn't really do a good job at that
Cooldown as in once they use it they can't use it again for five minutes.
Not give minutes to get back up.
That way you have to completely reassess your strategy after each death since the risk of fighting would go back to being normal.
If I kill a player and take their gun do they get it back when revived? Or do they start with my gun?
They won't have a gun but whatever you swapped will be on the ground next to them
it would be better if they removed monsters from the game and focused more on the shooting and pvp, they add nothing strategy wise more soundtraps wouldn't do and just break the rhythm of the game. "oh no, i have to stab this armoured 3 times to get my clue , oh this game is so deep". but since the devs made immolators immune to poison so they're even more annoying to deal with, i doubt they're ever thinking that.
This is actually not a terrible idea, good job
you swap guns, you take their gun and they take yours, if they revive they can use it against you, but if you have quartermaster and they don't, and you take a small slot weapon from them and give away one of your medium or big, they won't be able to use it
I like the zombies they're cool :3
Every zombie acts as a soundtrap and a way to reward better positioning during fights (ie roofs and other places where they cant get to.)
I can't tell you how many times i've heard another team because of a hive or an immolator aggro from across a compound.
take an empty loadout and kill someone with the derringer tool or spear, then take their weapons, and they will be empty handed
If i'm 4 star, then you are clearly a low iq subhuman, so you shouldn't talk, period.
Even Rachta will tell you that holding an angle is the best way to win, he said it multiple times on stream, but you wouldn't know because you are some mongoloid subhuman cockgobbler.
Put on a trip so you can get filtered by everyone.
i would run circles around this lithuanian geek
Listening to his opinions at all proves that you're shit at the game. Please never reply to me again.
Wake me up when you faggots win the bayou bowl, beat Neenoh, Hornet, and every other Hunt streamer.

Put on a trip, faggot. You have already outed yourself as a professional moron.
i'm #1 on the leaderboard and main double nagant pistols (single one in primary and secondary, no fanning) i would 1v5 all of those including dennis schwartz and david fifeld with my eyes closed and 5 meatheads aggro'd
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Now let's see Anon Allen's achievements
Why are double nagants so broken? Some nigga just headshotted all 3 of us on the stairs with them not a single miss
No zombies are badass. If anything they need to add more. Have hordes of zombies attack the compound. Hordes of zombies chasing the bounty. More fucking monsters. Wendigo bosses, werewolves giant grizzlies, and hawks or bats.
I've died trying to silently kill the fucking dogs with helmets than other players so I think they're good to keep.

If anything there should be more variants.
This they should really just focus on monsters and their variants. A bunch of spooky supernatural vampires and shit. Maybe a screamer mob that runs around shrieking like a banshee and is hard to kill kek.
i know that guy, they call him the lithuaniankiller because neither hornet or rachta has ever killed him once, i heard he actually only carries one nagant, he just missclicked the secondary a few years ago but his hunter hasn't died once since. some say he's trained in the dark arts of solo necro..
This is the only game I play right now. I have 3,000 hrs played. Just no other game scratches that itch of hunting other people. Tarkov got too jank with the cheating Chinaman.
people have been suggesting things for years, there are endless possibilities for AI but crytek is either incompetent or incapable due to the engine
the stupid weather effects are the lamest thinkable way to affect the gameplay
according to the surveys people also loved the sealed cache and it really affected how people approached the map, there should be more mapspecific stuff and enemies
Sealed cache was great I'm glad they're bringing it back for the next event
To be fair I think this game was expected to be dead on arrival and so they never put a substantial team toward it after release.
But in general all the event stuff has been fun. Even little shit like chasing around the snakes is a good way to add shit to the huge maps.
hunt has been enormously successful despite all gay faggots
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You're anus is enormously successful at milking my cock
>despite all gay faggots
That's like half of the player base. This game is infested with trannies.
Shut up furry
so whens the next event bros
I bought a DLC skin
am I retarded
I don't believe it for a second
I dropped to 3 stars and every single game there's like half players with 4 stars, sometimes even 5
if there were so many 3 star players, 4 stars would be rare in 3 star lobbies
>the crosshair thing is also purely because it turns off noobs
I don't think that's the only reason. Lowered crosshair is better for hunt because it gives you more effective vertical FOV. But with added bullet drop you will need to aim higher and that's where centered crosshair makes sense.
They had the justification for lowered crosshair but now it's gone.
crysis was only a cult game because it had forward rendering and looked good
every since crytek switched to deferred rendering they couldn't figure out antialiasing and all their games look like shit
I know that hunt is a platform for testing their engine, but considering results, it doesn't look good for them. If they think they can make a new graphic benchmark with this, they are delusional.
Hunt looked absolutely gorgeous early in development, but apparently also ran like shit, before release they heavily nerfed the graphics and added the shitty desaturation+piss filter that made everything look muddy and grey. We could have had a much better looking game if the devs were competent.
not sure how early you talk about, pretty sure they added blue filter at release
piss colors are in the assets
but how could they sell their pay to win skins if everything doesn't look grey?
Probably easier for consoles too
This also doesn't take into account the fact that tons of players intentionally derank for easier games because high MMR hunt is painful and boring
The lowered crosshair was also because it made traps little bit more effective, people needed to either 'aim' or look where they move.
Bros I don't know what DLC to buy.
I'm tempted to pay2win, I'm tempted to buy cool guns, I'm tempted to buy cool hunters.

when you stack up like 20 legendary hunters and weapons from events, prestige, old bloodbonds, you stop caring because you can only play one at a time anyway and they keep releasing multiple skins for the same weapon, recently they add new skin for a new weapon during events and then next update add a bloodbond one to compel others to want to stand out by buying it, even the dlc sales are a FOMO mechanism at this point, if you really want to try to look for a skin that you think is actually worth the money, and a game that you really play a lot.
i have a lot of skins that i never really get to play because i hate having to unlock variants
some hunters i like how they look but don't play because they look shit first person, some are the other way around, sometimes i just don't feel like the aesthetic fits with my playstyle or weapons.
thanks for the feedback, maybe i'll buy none at all and just get good instead
i'm still a 3star noob with less than 50 hours
Is there any gameplay advantage whatsoever to legendary hunters? Do you start with more traits?
if you prestige and choose legendary item as reward, you might (or probably, if you prestige up to 10+) get a legendary hunter, but it will be a bloodbond one and you can't pick them, might be a shitty one you don't like.
the new event will also allow you to get one for free, unless they are making the entire event premium only in the future. the event's always have 1 free hunter and 1 premium in the progression, battlepass costs something like 800-1000 bloodbonds and if you buy it, a part of the bloodbonds are returned as part of the rewards.
most of them are harder to spot and they also count as T3 hunters i believe, i think they always have a minimum of 11 trait points worth of traits. its not really significant, unless you pick a particularly hard to spot hunter such as pre-nerf headsman or cain.
Do you Cain is still hard to spot, even after nerfs?
i dont know, i rarely see cain being used anymore, probably not. maybe in some specific areas like sandy quarries but you can say that about a lot of hunters in specific areas.
if you feel compelled to buy something just take one you think looks cool and has some stuff you use that is good. sadly a lot of dlc seem to have contradicting shitty weapons like scottfields and variants probably to try and make people use less meta.
i can tell you some hunters that are very easy to spot though, the revenant really stands out (but is really cool looks-wise and first person), skinflint always gets me spotted, the witch hunter for some reason, rednecks and (obviously) redshirt, the black coat (for some reason he looks like an out of place black blob).
it probably wont get you to win much more if you play a harder to spot hunter, but you might notice being shot at more if you pick a really visible one, but that shouldnt persuade you from not using it if its really cool imo, if anything its cool to do if you happen to be good anyway.
How important is the meta in this game in your opinion? I see people on reddit saying you can use almost anything and win but idk how much they're coping
the more expensive guns are designed to be objectively superior, they wont carry you if you're shit at the game but you'll notice a difference when you're atleast competent, if you're good you can wipe a trio with a scottfield but if you're using an uppercut instead its going to be a lot easier and more common
there are some middle ground weapons imo that are fun to use like the martini henry and sparks, a mosin is better in every way but 4x as expensive, but you're also not completely crippling yourself.
i have a 1.45kd and play 3-5 star, if i use meta stuff i will reach the higher ranks more often
something i should explain, long ammo has much less drop-off over range, and the damage is also typically over 125, which means if a hunter has been downed once, you will one-shot them to the body with these guns, which is much less likely with medium ammo even if they say 130 damage like the vetterli for example. you will get kills that you wouldn't have gotten otherwise. besides that they have better stats and even sights, less sway, high velocity, high fire rate (with iron-eye), fast reload speed in the case of mosin and berthier, lebel has 10 rounds. besides maybe spamming dolch up close you can't call anything a crutch in this game though because it depends so much on positioning and map knowledge and push/retreat strategy
man, i forgot long ammo also has great penetration which is also very good in this game.
it always annoys me when i see randoms not taking advantage of it when they can, when you hit an enemy and they are running behind a wooden object or thin wall its very low risk to take a gamble and shoot once in their direction, you'll get a lot more kills making it a habit.
4 stars are rare in 3star lobbies. You're probably a high 3 star low 4 star MMR wise.
there are no low and high 3 star brackets
there's absolutely high and low five star brackets. determining if you play with only 6 stars or 4/5 stars
considering 3 star is far more populated i'm sure the situation is the exact same
you contrarion mook
Yes there is. You can face a bunch of 4 stars at high 3 and rank up easily. At normal 3 you face other 3s mixed in with 2 stars.
Teams are matched by team MMR and you can see it after the match. You can see how modifiers affect everyone the same way. Lobby comprised of 3 stars with a strong modifier will always become 2.5 star. You will never see it drop to 2 star or keep 3 star rating with modifiers. Number doesn't matter.
Anyway, you made it up, burden of proof is on you.
i have thousands of hours and you're talking about 2 star lobbies
I told you the reality of it. you can pretend you know better, i don't give a fuck
this thread is full of idiots
I don't care about your sweaty fantasies. Replace 3 stars with 5 stars, it will be the same.
brother each bracket consists of a range of mmr ratings
3 star is 2300-2600
if your team average is 2550 you're likely to get lower 4 stars in your lobby
if your team average is 2350, you'll probably get some upper 2 stars

this is unanimously the case
is there proof hornet and rachta derank to like 3 star so they can stomp noobs for their streams/videos? i can believe it but in a lot of their videos the players seem to play in ways that make sense for higher ranks. i know their hide their MMR on streams.
psychoghost shows his mmr all the time (and I doubt he plays when he's not streaming desu), there's literally no reason to hide you mmr like rachta does unless you actually have something to hide
There are absolutely low and high 3 star brackets.
Low brackets are all populated by deranking solofaggots that go there for seal clubbing.
t. been there not too long ago
what do I think of the upcoming august update?
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you think some of the balance changes are interesting, the map also looks interesting on the surface but the new map is completely unplayable due to bugged textures, sound issues, and bullet drop making some guns unusable/bugged with bullets not firing anywhere.
you are feeling like this might have been a mistake and are nostalgic about the old hunt without permanent events, rapid fire guns and effects that make sound unhearable, the new rocky map is much more noob friendly due to all the verticality making positioning RNG, and basically no penetration kills.
you cope with the fact that crytek is leaving """dev updates""" and apologies for their fuck-ups on discord and twitter, but its taking more than 1.5 week now.
I understand that these guys stream for a living and during that period of 8-12 hours and that some of those matches of those periods of time will be absolutely insane, but sometimes some of the players Ratchaz plays against just don't know what to do. The type of player that has no idea what angle to push or hold.
Sometimes I'm shitfaced drunk when I play whenever people act strange I just assume they are also drunk
Hornet's enemies are always sweats, so he's always in high 5/6 star.
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kek, actually same.
My friends call me Santa Claus because on the weekends at night I get blasted and bring out the Nitro and average two kills in trios before dying. Sometimes the third picks my gun and runs.
Funny as hell.
hornet does seem to play in high ranks, he also plays solo a lot more
Old Hunt is for skeletons Gramps. Get with the times. We need new blood and people that aren't old grizzled cum guzzling bitter people.
I don't buy it. I don't think he needs to derank because with his reflexes and playstyle he would destroy most teams, doesn't matter if 3 stars or 6 stars. He hits way too many headshots very fast, and makes very little noise while rotating a lot, he gives few info to other players and always ambushes them, almost never taking a direct fight.
I'd rather consider him cheating than deranking. I am 99% sure he's using crosshair overlay, but don't think anything else is involved. If you think he's playing against 3 stars, you're probably bad, that's it.
bullet drop looks like ass, new sights look like shit too
>we want to fix stalemates
>buff traps to increase stalemates

Also the bullet drop looks like nothing, he barely has to aim above the head at 170m, and if >>1346010 is correct and the fucking PAX starts dropping at 10m then this game is legit fucked, it's all still gonna be long ammo and instakill weapons (shotguns&crossbows), even more so than before

Shame about the ironsights, it added a lot of flavor to weapons, but all the other changes are so bad that the sights are the least of my worries
i love to shit talk and bait in the official hunt discord

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