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The mission of /drg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of play by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing game competence through promotions and by advancing the interests of its members.

last: >>1325501
reminder: nobody cares what your dwarves look like
me on the far left
Can someone post some dwarves? I need some inspo because the game is all about that drip
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Wake up, Mr Freedwarf… Wake up and smell the rockpox
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gordo if he fat?
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How the hell did you guys manage to make them cool? I have hard time finding decent stuff. I think they need to add an extra slot for the hair/head piece.
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the majority of the the pre-season cosmetics shit on the newer stuff

get to opening them crates/overclocks boy
I wish the game had more helmets, never cared much about beards.
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what the other anon said, but also just hit randomize until you see something that looks semi-decent, and tweak the parts you dislike
matching weapons and armor is free brownie points, but generally avoid overly gaudy and bright colors
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This drip looks so good to me I never changed since I made it
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>Old School Engi
>Chilled Gunner
>Veteran Scout

This + this pickaxe + Megacrop/Dark Future on all weapons

The same style for nearly 2 years
The only decent cool thing I managed to create is a black dwarf lol
But thanks for the heads up.
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dwarves gotta look like edgy space marines
reminder: everybody cares what your dwarves look like
Hey! The anon crying about "gunniggers" made a video!
I want gunner to put her cigarette out on me
I'm going to masturbate to her voice without actually parsing any of the things she said
There are girls here
So true, helmets are so heckin' bad*** and inclusive, beards are kinda sexist and problematic
>whine whine whine
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These are old ones, i will post recent ones later.
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Do you play this game with friends?
I have so many fond memories of playingvdrg with my friends since 2019.
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>detonator takes out two dreads
gotta say: nice
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Kill randoms, Behead randoms. Roundhouse kick a random into the concrete. Slam dunk a greebeard into the trash can. Crucify filthy noobs. Defecate into a random's beer. Flush randoms into space. Toss randoms into active volcanoes. Make randoms check my dubs. Feed randoms to glyphids. Curbstop tranny randoms. Judo throw randoms into ore chippers. Karata chop randoms in half. Pee in a randoms air tank.
i say this
Just like every other poster here
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>inb4 dark future paintjob is boring
i don't care
Nice beard
>hosting egg mission with more bugs 2
>hallway with three eggs in a row
>pull them all, two waves triggered
>bugs start vanishing from right in front of me
Gosh, how buggy.
max active bug should be at least 3x on more bugs ii

BosCHAD uprising NOW
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wise chinese man
last time I used Bosco was 2 years ago kek lmao
This dwarf cultivates.
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plebbit prime
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>cropped .webm-tard is back
>gunnerposting is in full effect
i guess the new season brought back all the retards
post lobby doe
ah, you're here as well. anyone got the picture of the doe photoshopped into the spacerig?
Most skilled gunner
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I feel like the game could really use some kinda progression system outside of just collecting cosmetics and overclocks
Mining for stuff is supposed to feel more like a roulette - that's why people have been playing Minecraft for over a decade. You go mining and find rare useful resources.
Meanwhile almost everything you find can be bought, and the few things that can't have barely or no use.
Since the devs seem keen on expanding Hoxxes lore beyond just the bugs, why not add scattered remnants of a lost civilization? Have random events where you can discover collectibles for a trophy room on your ship?
Another idea is something like a rock garden. We have morkite seeds, so why not have a room dedicated to passively cultivating ore? Make a progression system for it that isn't just "pay resources" or "finishg 5 random missions" and you've got more people coming back to the game thinking "I should check up on my rocks" and then playing a couple matches since they've got the game open already so why the hell not?
Idk, just my thoughts on making going into new matches more exciting since they start to blend together quite fast the longer you play
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>cant spend your surplus resources or do anything with error cubes
>cant find super rare collectibles that you can display in the memorial hall
>cant find super rare plant seeds/alien eggs and hatch them back in your nursery/garden
>cant decorate or personalize the rig in any way whatsoever

GSG came so close yet so far to making the ultimate co-op grindan game with an endless loop
>>cant find super rare collectibles that you can display in the memorial hall

The total lack of rig customization is baffling to me. We know they can do it with holiday events. Modders do it. Even basic shit like letting players pick the lights at the bar or the color scheme of some of the metal would give so much life to the rig, never mind actually letting players display collectibles or decorations.

It's such a basic thing and they can't brush it off by saying "the space rig isn't that important" when they keep adding shit to it like the arcade game or little details like the elf in the cup at the very top with the jet boots during the holidays. It's just laziness at this point.
activate windows
>Have random events where you can discover collectibles for a trophy room on your ship?
this is essentially pickaxe parts
>why not have a room dedicated to passively cultivating ore?
that's the mineral terminal, you 'passively' earn credits by completing missions. the minerals wouldn't grow anyway without some form of progression that isn't based simply on irl time passed
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>Really fucking short on nitra for some reason, fought tooth and nail every wave
>Everyone was always running less than half ammo
>Hive Guard spawns
>Engie and Scout stalled it while Gunner and Driller went around to get Nitra to avoid more random waves
>Manage to get enough for another resup in an unexplored room, nice!
>Everyone gathered at the Drillevator
>The plan was to kill Dread, then immediately resup and start the Drillevator to avoid more random spawns
>Apparently Scout and Engie had had some bickering because Scout told Engie to take the last ammo resup, but he refused, his reasoning was that his Breach Cutter was full and didn't deal any damage to the Hive Guard weakspot.
>The Dread fight continued down until about 1/3 Hive Guard HP
>Someone starts the Drillevator
>Now there are Drillevator swarms and a Hive Guard + Sentinels
>Obviously, we failed because it was 2222 and not everyone had full ammo prior to the Drillevator
Anyway we re-ran the same mission with Toughness 2 disabled and my death number went down infinitely (from easily 4+ to 0)
>duck and cover
Gimmicky but legitimately fun as fuck, seeing like 30 acid spitters crawling on the cave ceiling was a rush.
i feel like any change requires the rig to be reloaded and maybe they think that's a no-no
>rig customization
Host-only cosmetics sounds like a bad idea, especially to a joincuck like me.
anon they won't even let you promote without reloading the rig, let alone change seasons or god forbid there be any sort of personalization.
they created a mess 8 years ago and refuse to clean it up.
It's Dorf fortress all again
>misstype "gunkseed" as "go" in chat
>gunner starts drillevator alone with the greenbeard engi
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>>misstype "gunkseed" as "go" in chat
I tried to write "goonkseed" for the funnes, but mistyped enter after the first two letters
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got what you deserve
should've dropped on their heads
My first ever attempt I didn't even die once. I can see how it would be hellish with full 2222 though.
Unfortunately I don't have any friends, so I just play with randoms.
You can make friends here, that is what the thread is for!
Almost everyone here is a pseud
>low complexity morkite refining
>droppod door opens to a nemesis and korlok
>can hear a detonator, multiple breeders, and scalebramble
>teamwipe in under 20 seconds
welcome to hoxxes, now get out
*full 2222, the other 3 who are greenbeards with hacked accounts*
I felt so useless as driller when everything is so far away
should've stayed in the pod and used the bulk to kill the nemesis
run away from the korlok and bramble and kill the breeders from outside their range
wow so hard
explosive det subata
hh epc
anything cwc
>kicking russkies is.... LE BAD!!!
Gunnerbro btw
cwc has at best 5k total damage and can't hit weakpoints, it's trash for sniping so many rangedfags
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>get Crystal Nucleation
>think its ass at first
>realize it can freeze entire hordes with zero effort and barely any ammo used
What the fuck
That should just be a default feature of the weapon
Tell me how.
>realize sticky flames would have killed all the frozen enemies 3 seconds ago already
>don't touch cryo until S6
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Nice attempt at falsification, zigger. You do realize that people could just click the link and read the first reply and discover your little hoax?
>every mission take a few moments to just stand at the top of the ramp and surveil the area
>2-3 dwarves always rush off into the middle of the darkness and immediately down
>repeat ad naseum for every new mission or new cavern
>rarely die while the rest of the time usually racks up 3+ deaths each mission

It's almost like being a spastic dumbass running into the middle of an uncleared room is a bad idea or something and taking 10 seconds to just observe is the proper way to approach new areas or something.
Whenever I play during real North American NEET hours cyrillic players have been nothing but the biggest of bros and love to talk on the mike even if we can't understand each other.

Asians are the trash that must be removed from online gaming. Trolls, hackers, and shitters all at once.
that's why you take boiler ray on it
that helps fuck all when the crawlies are all around the cave
XAACB, the same as every other cryo build
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>for the first time ever, manage to freeze a bulk at a low enough hp for my team to finish it and cancel the explosion
>during fuel cell refilling no less
>no one says anything of it
i love being a cryobro
acid spitters clump up ime
>Clutched a freeze on a bulk on escort haz5 + during final phase of the heartstone, with dotty on its last plate

I got one nice in chat, it's a thankless job
>that time you practically solo a dwarf-Vietnam and get "thanks for the carry" as you're the only one to make it to the droppod
>Makes a normally online game
>Also makes it entirely optional to do everything offline
>even gaining things like overclocks can be done without ever putting the game online

This company is based asf. I know what game Im going to play during the apocalypse.
This. Its why I didnt buy Helldivers. As soon as I learned it was online only, I wasnt interested.

If I cant play that shit on my steamdeck in the middle of a meadow miles away from society I most likely wont enjoy the game.
Id like to hear what you'd do if nem is spamming his gay projectile shield into the drop pod opening until the damage resist wears off and then he just fucking reaches in
A fast overheat wasn't an option.
"A wise man does not reply to a post asking for dwarves; he simply provides to the thread."

>pump action
actual best, no contest
shit. should have gotten the 3 round burst from scunt instead
>every single new gunner OC
okay i guess, mortar is stupidly fun
>every single new scout OC
borderline worthless
the damage mark one has potential on elims at least
>flame wave
too expensive for how niche it is
>ice sticky flame
literally just use sticky flames if you want sticky flames
>goo bomb
uhhh cool i guess? just gimme another gimmick that takes too long to setup for a mediocre payoff when I can use literally anything else
goo explode is good for sabos if you're tired of taking flamer
why does nobody, and i mean NOBODY use field medic when it's actually needed
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What armor is that driller wearing
dark future
>Prepare for the fucking apocalypse
You two are my new favorite schizos
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Good looking mod
>Faster pickaxe
why so many literal cheat mods?
for the same reason people only use iron will once everyone goes down instead of using it to help out their team so they don't go down in the first place
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it's only worth using iw early if an objectively desperately depends on you like dotty, iw is misused a lot too but at least a lot of people have the sense to save it for when everyone goes down
meanwhile i see people use fm in the early parts of a mission when both other teammates are alive and there isn't even a threat of a grunt
I don't use crutch will. Just get good.
if you're good and want to carry then it's your duty to act as mission insurance too
>at least a lot of people have the sense to save it for when everyone goes down
yeah, that's the worst time to use it, and it sucks that everyone does this because reddit youtubers tell them to
>everyone goes down
>1 guy uses iron will
>he revives one guy
>he goes down because there's no red sugar anywhere and he's not running vampire
>guy he revived is all alone to face whatever IW guy dragged over
or my favorite
>everyone goes down
>everyone uses IW
>no healing
>no one can die early to get revived
>everyone goes down at once at the end of their IW timer
>mission failed
if these retards would just use their IW while at least 1 guy is still up to prevent him from going down, mission success for these shitters would skyrocket. i am so tired of being the only one left alive carrying the mission when i know these 3 shitters have IW saved in their back pocket and then only end up using at the end of the mission when they die 2 inches from the drop pod to scurry in like rodents. these mfs have the gall to complain that im taking too long to kite everything away and kill it when they have the tools in their hands to revive themselves and their teammates instead of jacking off while i do all the work
every mission type is good besides xtrac, get taste
>i heckin love waiting for an arbitrary drop pod timer after speedrunning the aquarqs
>also i heckin love fighting massive swarms needlessly if my team doesn't know how to speedrun
badly designed period
Take the cryspr oc that gives you +5mt range, its so simple yet so fucking good. With the right mods you still get 5sec slow sticky, 20mt range. Also slower flow rate means more radiance usage (need to hold fire for at least 1 sec to deal heat and damage)
Just set shit on fire at max range and most bugz will be dead/about to die when they reach you. Pretty good.

Or take snowball cryo with microwave (with boiler ray) and delete shit at any fucking range. Boiler ray still has 50% chance yo proc on frozen enemies so you can get the triple damage without triggering useless temp shock on big targets and chaff dies all the same.

t like 25 levels max rank driller
I don't mind online only but fuck any kind of anticheat niggerware
*game randomly glitches and you get launched across the cave at mach 10, dying instantly*
Is bulldog klassik working?
how do you manage to be so incredibly wrong
chaining temp shock is faster at killing big targets
Barely faster and uses way more primary ammo
tell me how dragging aquarqs to the minehead then scratching your balls waiting for a timer is more fun than eggs (best type btw since it's literally just xtrac but not shit) or salvage (get to explore for mini mule parts then manipulate surroundings to your liking for the events) or refining (pipes what else needs to be said) or elim
it's way more ammo efficient since you don't need to burn 1/4 of your cwc ammo on killing a single praet
it doesn't take that much primary ammo to freeze/ignite anything, radiance does 90% of the work, plus your primary is always going to have a ton more ammo than your 2ndary
Uhh sir, your drills, axes, power attack?
eggs are fun

salvage is sitting in a cuckshed waiting for an arbitrary timer that always goes slower than it needs to because the scout won't sit in the bubble to speed it up

refining is ok but riding pipes loses its appeal when the driller just makes a beeline to the pumps, no one helps build pipes, and the fact that you aren't rewarded or punished for clearing the pipes quickly/not clearing them fast enough. you will always have the same number of leak phases at the same exact percentages no matter your skill level. you don't gain time by getting the bugs off quick, you don't lose oil by letting them beat on the pipes

the appeal of PE is that if you play well you are rewarded, and if you dilly dally you are punished. you can go as fast as you want
What about them? They work better with temp shock too.
>freeze praet
>axe it once
>temp shock for the kill
>power attack it if just manages to survive
You've now saved 2-3 axes for things like mactera and most of your CWC ammo for more temp shocks
>if you play well you are rewarded
this is where you're wrong, how is watching "01:54" tick down with the only opposition being 3 grunts spawning as everyone looks at each other not knowing what to do a reward for being fast
temp shock does only 200 damage
Also you remove the freeze status that other players can capitalize on.
>freeze praet
>power attack it
>proceed to drill it down with barbed drills
>finish it with cwc for aoe damage in 2.5mt radius
You've now saved fucking everything
>the only opposition being 3 grunts spawning
try not playing on hazard 3
I don't know what point you're trying to prove when you keep moving the goal post all over the place. Yeah, if it's frozen, and your team is shooting at it, that's more efficient than spending CWC ammo on it, go figure. But this whole
>power attack
is needlessly convoluted and clunky. You're gonna get hit by everything else while you're doing this clownshow
PE has inflated payout and a very open map, that is your reward for having to maintain a fast pace and deposit in one place with no mule.
>how is watching "01:54" tick down with the only opposition being 3 grunts spawning as everyone looks at each other not knowing what to do a reward for being fast
You are also forced to watch molly move her fat ass across the map with eggs. Less crappy on smaller egg missions but those do not pay well at all. Large egg missions you are stuck twiddling your thumbs similarly as you are with PE. Or you could do the sane thing and look for more goodies to bring into the pod that you missed while rushing, while you wait on the pod/molly. Mine some gold.
t. haz 2 enjoyer
the g2k burst fire and stubby probably doesn't suck shit on haz2
drillevator would be better if the platform was slightly wider and you didn't have to babysit 4 fucking nodes constantly breaking
>pump action
>actual best, no contest
It doesn't provide engie with anything he was lacking and it can't match cycle overload and MPA in damage.
>shit. should have gotten the 3 round burst from scunt instead
Recoil OC is a meme but the reworked turret arc is the best one the gun has now.
>flame wave
>too expensive for how niche it is
You will do far more damage and heat with the charged shot than you will with the regular stream for 25 fuel.
>goo bomb
>uhhh cool i guess? just gimme another gimmick that takes too long to setup for a mediocre payoff when I can use literally anything else
For 7 goo ammo and 2-3 EPC shots you can demolish entire waves. With a little bit of luck you can remove praets from existance in 4 player h5 with just a single charged shot. If you think that holding LMB, pressing Q/2 then clicking LMB couple of times is some "long setup" then maybe you should play some other game.
why would you focus praetorians as driller anyway
and you can just keep it frozen while you deal with grunts
pump action gives you more total damage than mini shells while having AB and pierce
the downside is the poor fire rate which can be mitigated by animation cancelling
autism about muh breakpoints (lazymaybe) is just stupid when you are literally doing double damage per shot thanks to pierce while still having the highest total damage out of any shottie builds
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>can mulch glyphids reliably without needing constant headshots unlike MPA
>can hit things at range unlike Cycle Overload
>can shoot through glyphids
>is more fun to shoot with the pumping
>is so strong I don't even need to turret whip anymore and just use the auto shotty mod
Pump Action is great.
Pink hair when?
ok but what's the point of a mediocre crowd clear wep when every engi secondary does it better
>game is unenjoyable with a shitty team
>this is the mission type's fault
>pump action good because it lets me shoot grunts (and absolutely nothing else) better
gunnigger mentality
there's no gas if it's frozen
use your imagination
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>kills 90% of the enemies better
>kills heavies effectively too
Yes, Pump Action is the best.
It's been my experience that 90% of the times I activate Field Medic on a downed player they just die within 5-10 seconds of being resurrected because they don't run Breathing Room even though it is objectively the most important armor mod on that tier, or they just suck and don't do anything meaningful to help after being rezzed.

And most of the time you can just resurrect someone fast enough with Field Medic's passive that you don't need to use the active ability. Even during swarms, the bugs will usually target the downed dwarf so you can stand there surrounded and still get them up without wasting it.
You already have rose. Also next season which is only 17 months away.
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>only 17 months away
did you finish the current performance pass?
you gotta eat up before you get to eat dessert
It's pretty fun to join random 2222 games and explain to shitters how to play the fucking game

but then my friends log on and we play actually fun difficulties
STFU nobody cares
And by fun difficulty I mean haz0.5x0.5
and when i say "haz0.5x0.5", i actually mean the brief introductory tutorial

look at all that sweet sweet cope at my skillz
1v1 bitch

No perks
Gunner only
Azure Weald
Anyone else having problems with the game dropping their inputs? Like having to tap multiple times to switch to another gear?
Oddly enough, if I limit my FPS to 30, there's absolutely zero input drop, but when I play at 60+, the shit starts creeping in.
CPU too weak?
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what in tarnation
this never happened
congratulations, you unlocked everything and beat the game
this has been an issue since season 3 at least
that's when axes became unusable as client too
something happened to their network code and they never acknowledged it so they're not fixing it
Yes I know that, but why was my core thingy in the omen base and not on the cube?
>we play actually fun difficulties
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why do the new skin tones have such pronounced purple eye shadow
>shoot with goo or fire instead.
>the enemy is now dead, rendering the need to combo or have allies shoot them obsolete.
The best cc in any game is dead.
Because you took hyperflop?
But enough about Haz1
Nucleation kills them as well
just tested it, it does use more ammo
Suck on my liquid morkite pipe.
I like playing haz 3.
I could play haz 4 and do well enough except for when we get the exploder RNG missions and they show up 5 times.
but haz 3 is meditative, I have fun not stress.
No sleep. It is a cry of help from the devs.
my gf on the left
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just compilated my outfits for every primary
one thing I appreciate about this game is the variety of outfits and looks you can make, I very rarely see a ton of other players with the exact same outfit
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oo I like that top middle gunner
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>predrilling on dozer mission
instant leave
>predrilling on dozer mission
instant button press
Even if you get kicked, the result is the same
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also instant calling them leaf lovers
you forgot a step
>calling resupply pods at the spawn to fuck them over
I wish more driller colors had glowing eyes like that. Only two of them do from what I remember, and I do not like either of those color schemes.
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>the one time a guy asked me if we were predrilling, in all of my 700+ hours, I told him "predrilling isn't a real thing people actually do"
>corruptor and a korlok both spawned along the path
>he left, assuming it was going to be a fail, no doubt cementing his belief forever that predrilling is a real thing and that it should be done
>and then I had to sweat my balls off to make it into a win
I refused to eat my words, but he'll never know
I've once had a korlok spawn on escort and dotty drove over it, instakilling it.
Is it just me, or has regular Haz5 been nerfed or made easier with S5? I can admit I am mostly a Haz4let, tried Haz5 at some point and got utterly rekt by the speedier mobs and all that. Now I can breeze trough Haz5 even with more mobs 1 or 2 active like its nothing.

Did I get better? Are the new overclocks carrying me? Or did they remove something from Haz5 and put it in Haz5+?
Dunno. Sometimes it feels I get instadowned from full health for seemingly no reason.
Feels harder to me if anything.
>dozer mission
instant skip
>t. promotionlet
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I simply don't care about the goodgoy points management gives out for doing work I don't want to do.
exactly, that's why you freeze them
isn't MPA better for heavies
>I should get a free holday on my birthday! Everything else is slavery!
Which? If you're saying TS uses more ammo, you're doing it wrong
that's not kosher
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good job making the crushed helmet work on the engi in the 2nd row
there's monochromatic, combat cleaner, and plastic
I think the issue is more that he got a single sad little microwavable pizza out a frozen box of them, they couldn't even be bothered ringing up a local chain or anything for something fresh that can be shared with his coworkers
>inb4 everyone got microwaved frozen mini pizzas
I think he would prefer cake
Solid list, I would personally swap egghunt and point extraction
btw I figured out who you are, you gave enough hints last thread...
I do not like how any of them look. Monochromatic is okay.
That is an acceptable reason to be upset
spill it I wanna laugh
grim, perchance
Go ahead, entertain me. First and last letter of my Steam handle.
Anyone have any recommendations for a more hygienic dilator? This one is making me itch
mossberg 500
be sure to press the rapid expansion switch
>Waiting 2 minutes for the Drop Pod to arrive is le bad
>Sitting around picking your nose waiting for the MULE to lumber all the way to the drop pod is perfectly fine
Have you even played Deep Scan? You have to wait fucking forever for the MULE to walk all the way back up the chute made by the Drillevator.
Protect trans classes
smg overclock is grim
Tell you what else is grim?
The state of my asshole after my boyfriend comes over
Hot, I'm going to use my goo blaster in her pussy
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I love playing gunner and scout because I can engage smoothbrain and "haha I shoot bug" and "haha I mine mineral"
This doesn’t make any sense.
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>join lobby
>engineer(host) blocks himself in drop pod and tabs out until we finish the mission
I kneel
because this game's code is trash, you should know it by now
I liked litophage meteorites randomly falling into the cave some time after starting the mission. I wish the game had more varied random events like these.
I hope next season is some horrific bullshit like rockpox infected rival tech dropships that crash land and crack open into dozens of baby rock apes, that are unarmored and squishy but 3x faster

just a clown car of last seasons' greatest hits
>t. Mines minerals as gunner and shoots bugs as a scout
You mean something like:
>random dread spawn
>rival uplink hub
>nemesis spawn
>korlok spawn
>lithophage corruptor spawn
>meteor shower impact
>lithophage meteor impact
>core stone
I think he meant event that spawns after the game starts in a manner that requires some reaction.
>gunner is underage
>engineer and driller are the only employees of a sensible age, driller having seniority
>scout is old and retired
>ultra buttman is old and decrepit
did I understand this right?
Scout has broken hips like an elderly person woud
luv me cryo
now if only there weren't so many weapons in this game that did fire damage, completely nullifying my freezing progress
Pressure waves are fucking stupid
Fun when the box is in a good spot, miserable when it isn't.
A bit long but has the best finale. Filters retards.
Extraction but good. Who doesn't love pipes?
Ending is too easy. Some weapons really suck on drillevator.
Too long. Limited weapon options.
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People posting tierlists?
Alright, objectively correct opinion coming through
i genuinly don't get it
Shockingly close to mine, but if any tier should be empty as a power gap, it should be the one before sabotage.
only yellow bananas is edible
>Random dread spawn
I've already had three of these fucking things since S5 started. I only had one in the entirety of S4.
I haven't had any in S5 and had like 3 in S4
Sorta, but what >>1343087 said. I liked that meteorites weren't just there in the caves at mission start but came raining down during the mission, and also deformed the terrain on arrival and had to be dodged. Random Dreadnought spawn and meteorites fulfill that criterion of appearing suddenly. The other items on your list do not.
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First actually funny post in one of these threads for a long time, congrats
>random dread spawn
It's very fun when it happens, but I've only had that happen twice in my 400 hours of game time. It doesn't help that this spawn is restricted only to some mission types. I've only seen them on Mining Expeditions.

In fact, I got a random Dreadnought Twins spawn within the first couple of waves in my very first mission, from the first assignment, "Objective: Conquer Hoxxes IV". On hazard 4. It really surprised my greybeard friend. I had no idea how rare that was and thought it was scripted. It left a strong impression on me and I've wished for more such random encounters ever since, but alas.
I'll never forget an otherwise unremarkable morkite refining mission that had 2 back to back dread spawns in place of the waves.
I prefer fighting dreads outside of elimination missions since you wind up getting terrain thats not tailor made for them, makes for some scrappy fights since you also don't know when they'll happen so you cant even prep an arena for them in the 10 seconds youre given.
Never made banana bread with a mushy brown banana? That shit is bananas.
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They simply needed to add a cosmetic shop that takes mineral/error cubes as currency at an inflated price and it would be perfect. This is definitely something they should have thought of before people played this for 1000hours and have enough resources to buy the whole shop in one go, this is also true for player level rewards.
I want to build a proper dwarf hoard, dammit
I've seen two dread spawn during a single refinery mission
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>a secret vault where all your credits and ores are physically stored
i'd literally never stop grinding
Sorry, no, you get flappy bird arcade machines and prop hunts instead because that's what zoomers want
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>any day now... i's gon be free...
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>milestones like "extract X amount of bittergems" physically show up in your vault
>spend huge amounts of resources to commission statues and works of art with your gold and jewels
>take a scrooge mcduck swim in the big pile of gold
>take trophies from all the dreadnoughts, nemeses and other big things you kill
>take trophies from all the dreadnoughts, nemeses and other big things you kill
The fact that we don't have the DRG equivalent of strange counters for our weapons is criminal. The game already keeps track of individual bugs killed, as you can see in the bestiary, and it also tracks a whole bunch of useless information like distance walked. They absolutely could have given us a new number to chase endlessly. Even if the only purpose of its existence would be to tickle the autism a bit.
I really like it. I’m used to high recoil shooters and having my bullets go exactly where I’m aiming is nice. I also mostly play solo haz5 more bugs so it’s not like the game demands a lot from my loadouts
>make haz5 room with 1lvl extra bugs, coxpox modifier
>two promotionlets join, gunner and driller
>super promoted scout joins
>gunner and driller keep going down, spend about half the game incapacitated
>I go down 2 or 3 times having to deal with all the bugs with non-meta loadout
>scout stays alive mostly but spends a lot of time away taking care of cockpox
>eventually me and scout go down
>failure result screen shows I had 300+ kills, gunner and driller had 51 kills combined
I don't get it, why play the harder difficulties if you're a shitter?
Greed. Beginners dont have much unlocked, so they need cash the most.
Harder modes should instead have a non-monetary incentives like trophies (as been discussed earlier in the thread) so that it's more rewarding to experienced players than new ones.
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Some no-promotion players are fine, what really needs to happen is use the player's progress on the going lethal assignments as a restriction for joining public H5 and H5+ games until they've cleared them. Private games behave as currently, and being in the rig with the host changing difficulty should also stay the same.
People still need to make to jump from H4 to H5 eventually, they'll get eaten alive until they learn to account for the difference, but there should at least be a baseline expectation that they can clear the difficulty below it first.
Still doesn't make sense to me, if you don't have a lot of overclocks and upgrades unlocked, there isn't a lot of places to spend money on.
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im so fucking tired bros
>Confidence, is a slow, and insidious killer!
S is reserved for liquid morkite, it's a rollercoaster tycoon crossover.
>there isn't a lot of places to spend money on.
>16 unlockable weapons
>12 unlockable grenades
>24 weapons worth of mods
>mods for tools, pickaxe, and armor for each class (formerly flares too)
>first promotions for all classes
>the entirety of the shop
>and they start with 0 of everything
>there isn't a lot of places to spend money on.
Even before the overclock/promotion grind and the eventual cleaning out of the shop, the game frontloads a lot of shit that you gotta pay for before you truly have the baseline class options made fully available.
A lot of people hated scout because their first impression was the pre-buff GK2 and they had to stomach that until they finally could unlock the M1k. The new player onboarding experience is a lot to take in, and a lot to pay out with not enough to afford it.
>guys you need to get on zip or youll die
>always that one retard who doesnt listen and gets downed
>chain reaction of the other two trying to revive him and getting downed too
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>drillevator didn't drill the crystal
>everyone stuck way above ground
>scout zips down
>everyone else falls down and dies
Amazing game
You have to play dozens of games and level up before you get all the weapons and greandes though, and you don't have to buy all mods for all the weapons. The shop is entirely cosmetics.

I don't know if the experience is that different if you only main a single class cause I spread out my early games on all 4 classes, but I do remember having to play a lot of games before being able to buy the different weapons and grenades.
>1 guy taking 4 players worth of aggro because cowards are on the zipline again
Learn to cc the corespawn and the event gets trivialized without you needing to put on a diaper first.
I hope they give them a jockey grab or something specifically for people on zips so people have to learn how to do the fight.
>I don't know if the experience is that different if you only main a single class cause I spread out my early games on all 4 classes, but I do remember having to play a lot of games before being able to buy the different weapons and grenades.
Because overclocks, machine events, and deep dives are off limits until you've promoted, the general advice is to main until you promote once so you can get started on the overclock grind sooner rather than later.
Its a bit gross that endgame can poison the experience as early as someone's first mission.
>Learn to cc the corespawn
Yeah good luck with that on 5 2222 with 3 retards.
Of the shitters who joined my team, one was unpromoted and the other had 1 promotion. They shouldn't have a lot of overclocks to spend money on since the game drip feeds them.

None of this really excuses why they joined a difficulty they weren't prepared for. If you're a shitter who can't contribute, don't join hard mode. It's quite simple.
Then don't play H5+2222 with random retards. Take off the enemy damage and/or player vuln. Maybe have just 1 point in each? Also maybe coordinate an actual plan with your team before starting? Tell them not to zipcamp. Have the whole team killing spawns while scout focuses crystal? Have the driller drill the stone open in 0.5 seconds when he can? Its a very simple event.
>Then don't play H5+2222 with random retards
I can carry through everything else except core stone because it doesn't time out like every other event.
>Also maybe coordinate an actual plan with your team before starting?
Motherfucker if they cant even follow the basic instruction of "get on the zipline" why would they listen to anything else?
where's that "ziplines are useless" faggot now?
This lol. Sometimes I have to repeat several times because the greenbeard gunner doesn't read chat, but omce they're up most know to follow example.
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QUIZ: You're hosting a Morkite Refinery mission when suddenly your teammate begins building this pipeline.

Do you kick them or let them cook?
I gotta see where this goes
*power attack pipes. teamkill, kick and instahwban them*
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I get more cooks
I was initially curious but I would’ve probably kicked you halfway through that shit
your platforms
your hoverboots
your jumping on scout head
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I was the host thoughbeit
>haz 3 with huemonkeys
>lose after 10 mins
>haz 5+ with burgers
>2 broods, 2 breeders, a barrage infector, a ton of little critters and a random dreadnought at spawn
hueniggers suck so hard on this game, never play with them
If he's gotten that far into it thats not "suddenly", there was already plenty of time for me to have stopped him if I wanted to.
However I have a very simple principle for him to follow: he built it, he will maintain it.
Most pipelines are made responsibly so that all dwarves are able to repair them and be quickly dispatched towards. If you intentionally make a pipeline thats both a pain to clear bugs off of and a pain to simply get to the break points, youve nominated yourself to be the chief executive of dealing with it on your own.
The only time that a wacky pipeline becomes an issue is if there's a warning that is regularly throwing extra enemies at us and sapping our ammo (mactera plague, swarmageddon, rival presence, etc) or if the culprit is avidly refusing to lay in the bed they've made and/or is grieving the team in other ways.
There is only so much nitra in the cave, generally there is going to be more than enough to take care of everything as well as any events that spawned. But if it gets to the point where the team is actively being strained then they've earned a trip to the medbay with the rest of the team when we inevitably die trying to melee everything to death.
>your jumping on scout head
>stayin put more than 5 seconds
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Post your perk loadouts
Thorns and Vampire on Everyone
Deep Pockets on Scout and Driller
Born Ready on Gunner
Elemental Insulation on Engineer

Dash on Everyone
Berserker on Gunner and Driller
Beast Master on Scout and Engineer
True endgame is making rollercoasters.
I am them.
My pipelines are designed with convenience skips in mind but practicality is secondary to likelihood of going "weeeeee" !
>resupplier, born ready if flamer / goopgun
>see you in hell

>born ready if using LOK1, Breachcutter
>beastmaster / shield link

>born ready on all but minigun builds
>resupplier / element insulation
>iron will
>shield link

>heightened senses

I've never liked Dash, I know its the meta pick and is really useful, but I can't get used to using it even with an alternative activation button, I always forget it exists. Also I like being a noob on Gunner and stacking damage resists.
>Field Medic
>Dash (Heightened Senses on Scout)
>Born Ready
>Sweet Tooth
There is no reason to bother with anything else.
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>(Heightened Senses on Scout)
What did you find funny about my post :)
>Born Ready
>Field Medic
>Iron Will
On everyone. I prefer that it's consistent across dwarves so that I don't confuse myself.
christ, what kinda loadout?
still here
just because they added a random event that it completely trivializes as a crutch doesn't suddenly make it a good tool
thorns (resupplier for haz5+)
unstoppable/born ready/friendly
dash/beastmaster/field medic
tier list BRs, chinks, and commies
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>Resupplier/Born Ready
>See You in Hell
Scout gets Deep Pockets instead of Unstoppable and Field Medic/Heightened Senses instead of Dash. Sometimes I'll use Unstoppable as a flex slot for something like Strong Arm if I see there's a low promotion Scout, or I'll swap it to Elemental Insulation if we're going to Magma Bore or Rad Zone

All you Beastmaster faggots disappoint me, btw.
Imagine not using Heightened Senses.
why has nobody posted cool dwarfs
I wanna see if someone managed to make the nerf gun paint work
>core stone
>driller places c4 on top of the pillar
>explosion doesn't even reach the actual core stone and it needs to be dug out manually
>he repeats this for every phase
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I would've hoped he put it there so he'd be able to detonate it to dmg the stone.

Also, why do they keep making bosses with a "weak point" that isn't actually a weak point, just a big health bar? First the Caretaker, now this thing. I'm sure there's a few others I'm blanking on...
Can't balance between classes properly. If the scunt with gigachad weakpoint build goes down, driller with no weakpoint weapons has hard time carrying.
except that's demonstrably wrong, because everyone is doing driller damage, because there's no weakpoint
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>What the heck? Mr Burns Control gave me a nerf gun not a real gun! D'oh!
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It's good for fighting the boss bugs. Especially if you're solo/last man standing
Deep Pockets
Sweet Tooth
Born Ready

See You In Hell
Iron Will

I only play Scout with Hoverclock and Special Powder btw
O just surround the digger with mines on engine, literally 0 work. You get so much nitra on those you've got like 20 mines to drop
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>be engineer
>hop around constantly during fight
>only stop to refill gun for two seconds
>everyone is down except me
>inshallah, I shall just nuke then
The fact devs added a new "can you juke" filter is beyond based.
>>always that one retard who doesnt listen and gets downed
With me it's always the entire team but I don't revive them. I solo the event then double tip without asking.
I find it works best with Neo-Tekya, actual Nerf guns have all kinds of useless details and slanted angles like Neo-Tekya has.
Friendly Fire & Resupplier
Dash & Iron Will
>Driller, Engineer, Gunner
Elemental Insulation
Big Pockets
still waiting
Yes, that's the point. If scunt/engi/whoever did bigdick extra damage that would kill it in seconds (or you have critical weakness in effect), it would make the fight even more trivial to one group while making it unreasonably hard for another.
Payday 2 had a vault in your safehouse where your offshore cash was represented as piles of cash, I'm sorry to say that it grows old quick and after the first few days of excitement I ended up only looking at it every few months.
>it would make the fight even more trivial to one group while making it unreasonably hard for another.
Good. It would teach people to properly build classes/teams for different missions while still allowing shitters or autists to play it their way if they absolutely insisted. Variation in playstyles and outcomes = good, everyone having the same milquetoast experience in the interest of fairness = bad.
Born Ready / Vampire (driller)
Elemental Insulation

Iron Will
Dash/Field Medic (scout)

Elemental insulation is so good now after the recent update
Why's that?
A bunch of bugs had their damage type changed to poison.
is that one of them impossible armor paintjobs
Uh, not really
>get sniped by fireball that comes out of the dread's ass in 0.1 seconds and travels at 800km/s while you're shooting at the 2nd twin/sentinels and the dread is facing someone else
>get hit by phantom range dread bite/swipe even though it looks like you're 30 feet from any nearby surface
Even when it is useful for camping, that's still it being a crutch and not a good tool for mobility
He's talking about the monkey core stone, not the ommoran heartstone
>If you spec for a specific fight that's unfair to the people who didn't
Retarded shitter
>Retarded driller main has woken up and started shitting his pants again

Post your 12 deaths "carry job" bro
he stole it from driller, yes
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>speccing for a randomly spawned fight
>speccing at all
Turbo leaf lover
>Hmm my primary/secondary is built for single target dmg and has a weakpoint modifier, let me try to use it against this boss
>Oh, my primary/secondary that's built for crowd clear does the same/a better job but with more sustained dps
This is dumb
You criss cross a few so you can catch them if you get snooped, also you can use the speed zip to dodge
is there a mod for faster ziplines i can take loaded into rando's games
ANS btw, if that matters
>literally every assignment still has caretaker in it
cool once in a while. Every few missions not so fuckin much
>know there's going to be a fight literally anywhere
>set up ziplines
>suddenly don't have to worry about fall damage (The only real threat in the game)
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kek he's seething
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any mod to remove mortar rounds's smoke?
holy fuck cant see shit if you fire more than 3 shots in a row
I know there's a mod that disables ALL particles, but I'm already using the one that disables all particles except weapons and tools.
just don't shoot at your feet
don't have to worry about fall dmg in bunkers either, and they're cheaper to set up while being more effective
You're going to have to use the one that disables all particles
You still take fall damage? Haz4 moment.
ah yes bunkering, truly the peak of skill in drg. not like oppressors and bulks exist and fighting in open areas is actually fun
what is your definition of good then
>ah yes zipline camping, truly the peak of skill in drg. not like acid spitters and mactera exist and fighting in cramped areas is actually fun
everyone has so much CC that bulks aren't an issue, oppressors die to like 2 power attacks and some chip dmg, and the driller can just dig an escape tunnel at any point
Actually useful for traversal, I'd guess. All the other tools do the zipline's job better, without spending a quarter of your ammo.
guess what, none of them can do what the zipline does uniquely for the entire team.
the only thing that's comparable is the grappling hook and that comes with the caveat of not being useful to anyone other than the scout.
it doesn't need to be as good as the grapple hook but for everyone because it's counterbalanced by the rest of gunner's kit.
gameplay elements don't exist in isolation, you aren't smart. you don't even understand what the zipline can do in the first place.
NTA, but that's cap. A platform bridge with a gap in the middle does the same job, with the added benefit of never falling off. You just kill everything on one end and jump over the gap to kite everything that survived.
i didn't mean zipline camping at all, i meant using it as an anti-fall damage tool so you don't have to stay in one place and can continue running around but ok
>buh buh buh muh platform construct does the same thing
no it doesn't. it does a couple of similar things but it doesn't do all of the things.
get your zoomer lingo the fuck out of here.
>you don't even understand what the zipline can do in the first place.
zipline fans try not to be cringe challenge: impossible
>No argument
I concept your aggression
yeah it does. it keeps you safe from ground-based bugs and fall dmg, and it even clumps up all the bugs instead of spreading them out like a zipline does
>it keeps you safe from ground-based bugs
bugs will walk over platforms if their pathfinding cant find any other way to get to you
it's painful how few people know how platforms work and how to use them to actually literally direct the flow of bugs to go where you want them
>platforms reduce fall damage, they do not prevent fall damage
>platforms block line of sight, ziplines do not
>platforms cannot provide a horizontal speed boost
>platforms are not permanent fixtures, which can create issues when weapons, bugs, and throwables can cause terrain to be carved
what part of "similar but not the same" do you fail to comprehend? Do you think that just because two tools can accomplish the same task that they're entirely interchangeable?
The creative depth of this fucking thread extends only as far as the elevator pitch for what their basic operation is. Momentum doesn't exist, the grapple just teleports you from one point to another and only for mining minerals. Molding terrain isn't a thing, you must only drill straight lines to the objective and drop pod. Platforms exist as DRG's yellow paint telling the scout where to climb on the wall, and otherwise are used only as stairs. And ziplines only connect 2 points in space just like the drills but in empty space instead of in the wall.
Every single one of the mobility tools are multi-function and interact with the rest of their respective class's other tools, it's entirely the fault of the user for only thinking they have one purpose. You don't blame the hammer for constructing a worthless garbage shed, you blame the incompetent carpenter.
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>have 7 cluster charges diving towards a praet
>tap r
>bugs will walk over platforms if their pathfinding cant find any other way to get to you
try actually reading instead of being a low iq negroid
>it even clumps up all the bugs
-the bugs clump up on one side of the bridge
-you jump over the gap to the other side of the bridge that is bug-free, because they're all on the side of the bridge you just jumped off of
-shoot the bugs as they path off that half bridge towards the side you're on now

its genuinely like you people are illiterate or something
>platforms reduce fall damage, they do not prevent fall damage
they prevent it if you use them correctly. in any case, youre not putting ziplines up anywhere where the fall is so great that you'd take fall damage from landing on a platform anyway, the same is true of platform bridges
>platforms block line of sight, ziplines do not
this is a good thing, it prevents the AI from hitting you from certain angles while not affecting you, since youre a human being which is much more capable than bug AI
>platforms cannot provide a horizontal speed boost
try dashing
>platforms are not permanent fixtures, which can create issues when weapons, bugs, and throwables can cause terrain to be carved
nothing youre using apart from C4 or nukes is going to ruin the bridge, and youd have to be deliberately trolling for that to happen. you might as well make the same argument that you can get knocked off the zipline and downed from friendly fire

>more shitter babble im not reading
you are not as smart as you think you are
ziplines are shit and are gonna stay shit outside of being used to cheese ground enemies because the devs are too incompetent or unwilling to make them actually decent. all they have to do is give them an upgrade that makes them 15% faster somewhere, but they refuse. all anyone uses them for are camping, sliding down tunnels a lil faster while dash is on cooldown, or grabbing minerals the scout wont
The carpenter being GSG, because zips are garbage lmao. Get that Danish cock out your mouth.
Anons sure are eager to literally cheat in a PvE game.
>all anyone uses them for are camping, sliding down tunnels a lil faster while dash is on cooldown, or grabbing minerals the scout wont
It is a sad truth. You can join any game and basically beat a gunner sliding up anywhere on his stairmaster by just climbing, or make it down nearly as fast by strategically falling. I see the exact type of zipline usage you are describing all the time, it really is depressing
Ziplines are a godsent on those cunt hole in the ground aquark missions, I'm just saying
driller tunnel/engi platforms are still better, im just saying
That can describe any number of PE cave gens. I'd rather have a driller tunnel anyway, I can throw the gem up faster
nnnng thats so much work though when I can just afk for a minute on those slow ass ziplines
why are you people so autistic
>race someone on a zipline vs you in a tunnel
>wave of non-swarm bugs spawns while going up
>zipline ignores bugs while tunnel makes you fight
>platforms are just unsafe as fuck for throwing your quark
>its the zipline arguments again

Airlock yourself
>macteras spawn
>both zipline and tunnel users now have to fight
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every time I click the same lobby the error message expands
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wider than the screen now
I can drop the crystal and fight the bugs, or throw the crystal and throw a grenade at the bugs, and then sprint past with the crystal while they're all thinned out, or even just ignore the bugs and dash past them. The zipline user is forced to drop or throw his crystal and lose all his progress upwards as it falls back down the pit if he wants to not get shot down by anything ranged and lose all his progress anyway.
>jump and press E
>dodges ranged attacks and can't be knocked off
No it doesn't, try playing on something other than hazard 2 where the projectiles move like molasses. Also >>1344176 you're afk, you can't dodge.
trips of truth
6/10 pretty good
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>you don't understand guys, i always fight specifically over chasms that look like this, there is no other terrain in the game therefore i win the argument
i dont think driller tunnels with a satchel charge crater in the middle is part of the argument
Oh no. It's retarded
the zipnigger is confused and frightened by the counterpoint
Except ziplining has it's use and place, bunkering doesn't.
Except bunkering has it's use and place, ziplining doesn't.
>decide to play scout after not doing for so long
>the one time I don't use m1/gk(AIS) and use drak
>there's a fucking betc
I hate this game sometimes
Bro, your embedded dets?
not him but i love cryo minelets with blowthrough too much to give it up
>join lobby
>no dupe class allowed
ah yes
my favorite ragtag in h5 escort
a 2112, fat boy tripple dipping engi who doesn't use his singular turret and platforms until pinged
a beginner gunner who does not know how the game works yet but joins h5
a driller that c4'd the whole team thrice including himself
i dont like playing scout
you can temp shock bet-c's proto-rockpox blisters
there's no winning. the host is obviously tired of not having a scout and being without light, or having two scouts and somehow being just as blind as before but lacking on firepower, but the tradeoff is you get teams like that
cluster missiles should detonate by simple tapping R and not holding it
or by pressing LMB again
just be fucking patient, someone is going to make a mod for having another hotkey.
i was not prepared for the increased enemy speed and increased friendly/self damage
i'm actually kinda careless and retarded even in h5
Having only used CM in its current form, I don't see the issue, it feels fine holding R

Also, reminder that fall damage scaling with hazard level is dumb. I'm fine with everything else scaling with haz lvl, but not fall dmg. It's not like the gravity is higher; your jumps aren't affected, and you don't fall any faster. It just punishes you for getting used to falls from certain heights in lower hazards. A four foot fall in hazard 4 now suddenly breaks both your shield and your legs and downs you in hazard 5 if you've just been revived, it's ridiculous. It's like the one thing that should stay consistent between hazards.

And no, I don't die to it all the time, I just think it's a poor design decision and was reminded of it by the player vulnerability modifier.
SimpleQOL guy is looking into it.
Gunners who cant get kills make me so mad. It's your one job just click on the bugs how do you fuck this up
Haz5+ 2222 drillers make wide, interconnected networks of tunnels that you can easily evade a horde in. Haz4 drillers just make a single narrow straight line tunnel like retards
gunner's job isn't to kill bugs

driller and engi are kind of better at it
Driller and Engi are good at killing trash
Gunner is good at killing everything.
when i play scout on h5+ i run ahead, gather the horde together, and herd them back to our AOE classes
Isn't that the way to play? be the bait?
There is a limit to how many bugs can be aggrod to one player at a time.
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Some of you guys are pretty cool. Don't come to Hoxxes tomorrow.
>interconnected networks of tunnels that you can easily evade a horde in
the bugs also use the tunnels, that's how they are programmed. Not 100% of the bugs are aggroed to the players, some will disperse and cover a wider areas to take bites at kiting players, and on 2222, those bites will easily break shield and damage health.
can I make a buzz lightyear with the new paints?
>jetty boots spawn
>people still want engie plats
>people still want driller tunnels
>people still want scout to grapple to really annoying shit
>nobody wants a gunner zipline ever
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>Don't come to Hoxxes tomorrow.
I can't afford a day off, money don't grow on trees you know
non-drillevator jetty boots are terrible
All the fighting, nitpicking, minmaxing, elitism and arguing over every little thing in this thread just proves nobody here plays the game with friends. When the game is actually really fucking fun, no matter if the hazard is 4 or 5, no matter if someone has a "bad" upgrade or overclock, no matter if someone has meme perks or mines gold. Why don't you have friends, /drg/?
friends are xp waste
>Why don't you have friends, /drg/?
they're bad and mine gold
And ziplines manage to be even worse.
get a load of this faggot
t. haz3 enjoyer
Seems like I struck a nerve.
>noooo the game is fun because i get my homo piss orgy partners to carry me
Post a full, unedited VOD of you completing a Hazard 5+ 2222 mission with your 3 so-called "friends".

Wym? Gunner zips and jettyboots are a match made in heaven. Maybe play on difficulties higher than Haz2 and you'll learn that gravity still hurts when a greenbeard(you) overheats his boots while zooming accross the cave.
Nice bait, ChatGPT
>jetty boots + ziplines are a good combo because the jetty boots overheat
>also only hazlet greenbeards overheat their jetty boots
Why are you admitting to be a hazlet shitter?
any gunners here have strong build for haz5+? struggling a bit currently
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this would be even better if it was a scout
"fun" is subjective and not quantifiable

haz5 2222 is objective and quantifiable
>some OCs are just straight up ass in 5 2222
playing gunner at is effectively minus 2 hazard levels
you are getting filtered by fucking haz4 lmao
Any vanillabros moving up from Haz5 into Haz5+ to get a taste of what modchads have been playing on? How's your experience been so far?

For me, More Enemies 2 is peak fun, but I guess that's a popular sentiment. I generally feel pretty comfortable with that setting on every mission, I usually add Aggressive Enemies 1, too, or 2 if I'm feeling spicy.
I don't much like the other two modifiers, but when the mission has beneficial anomalies like Rich Atmosphere, Critical Weakness etc, I'll usually add some to increase the payout.
So far I've tried 5+2222 a couple times in some easy missions with beneficial anomalies, short morkite mining and elims. I'll admit the setting feels like proper Hazard 6 with how heckin' hard everything is. I haven't been able to complete a single mission, but it was close once. We died on the run back to the escape pod. I like how difficult the resupply situation becomes and forces everyone to be very mindful of nitra.

Tbdesu Haz5+ is probably the best addition of the season, it introduces a new "endgame" in place of EDDs. I really like the added challenge.
ok lets duo haz5+? i wanna see your performance
>she's begging to be carried
Gunnersisters, she is making us look bad...
ok so just troll and nothing important
Haz5+ is all about DoTs and debuffs. I would run stun burning hell with VB and throw down shields as often as possible. If you want to be really safe use stun bullet hell with aggressive venting. Pile up bugs around you and then nuke em with AV.
My friends get filtered on the difficulties I like to play on.
>he doesn't preserve the zipline speed buff across the entire cave
Jetboots are fine
Congrats you're literally a bad friend.
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thigh gap?
Theyre grown ass men Im not carrying them.
>not carrying your friend
If you can't carry him in a videogame, how can you carry him when he falls irl?
Least miandrist toxic masculine
I feel so sorry for you.
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>why, yes. I do carry the game and purposefully go down from time to time when it's safe so that the others don't feel too bad. How did you know?
problem with bullet hell stun is: stun doesn't last forever + takes very long to build up to AV

i am talking about maxed haz5+ solo

in practice it looks like you're spinning all the time to build up overheat, so you get slowed and eventually overwhelmed by swarm + spitters

need somethjing more mobile and faster hard hitting
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>he doesn't use the ziplines in 40mt long downward tunnels
people love that shit
Don't engage with the troll
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>The OMEN Laser 2-swipe from full shield and HP on 2222
holy fuck
>Start a haz 4 dread
>collecting Nitra
>no promo engie joins
>he immediately wakes the dread in the vertical pit of a room we're in, walks off a cliff, dies and proceeds to spam X
>just alt+f4
Nah, I think I'm good for now if these are the kinds of players currently online.
Why didn't you jump?
Everytime I play the sabo as a driller I end up hard carrying caretaker
why are you complaining about shitters in the shitter containment haz?
Yes, every competent Driller funs fire during sabo and finds a way to drop c4 on top during the vent phase. You're not special.
>You're only allowed to complain if you play max difficulty
>what is Haz3
Haz4 is more of an intermediate zone
If it were only that, I almost always end up doing the damage to rest of the caretaker as well as everyone else hides next to supply pods and go down
just had a game where some guy gained 10 levels after 1 mission
he was rank 200 something as well
what was going on? cheats? mods?
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>cheats? mods?
Wemod probably
not really
you need to go back
with what, you don't have any good single target options? youd have to be eating the same amount of resups as anyone else
you can complain all you want but if you’re surprised to get wet when you wade into the ocean I’m also going to call you retarded

Haz3 is only shitter territory of you’re a German. Otherwise that’s learning the game or pure casual territory. Haz4 is and always has been dunning kruger central
>*Haz5 is and always has been dunning kruger central
anyone playing below haz7 is SHIT
Carpet Bomber 32212 if you're carrying, Minelayer System 12222 if you have a decent team
Lead Spray 13232
an alternative to Carpet Bomber is Composite Drums 32222 but from my experience it's not as effective as Carpet Bomber but not by much, it does give a lot more ammo but if you have a decent team you're not gonna need that much ammo at all, might be better than Carpet Bomber for carrying
I'm driller, I clear caves. Singletarget should be other class' problem. But I have to carry and plink the caretaker to death with whatever I have.
Grunts dont have stun cooldown and it's not that difficult to constantly reapply it with bullet hell if you sweep your crosshair around. 5+ doesn't have that many extra enemies so you only need 1 or 2 AV per swarm to clear all the trash. You need to kite in a circle to pile everything up around you. It's a little tricky but definitely doable.
yeah not what i asked, what are you using as a driller to kill the caretaker since you're carrying
goo and radiation, since I was grinding the weapon mastery levels
>radiation cwc
>on sabo
>against caretaker
oh my god youre the 12 deaths guy 'i carried' guy
Actually I went down one time, two of the other guys were greenbeards, so I can't blame the too much. Also it was low gravity, so the goo wasn't all that useful at range. The radiation DoT ended up doing most of the sniping for me.

Still annoying to be the only one plinking at the eyes.
He's the most insecure player in this general

All he does is whinge about gunner then post his carry jobs with 12 deaths
p sure he criticized everyone not just gunner
kinda sucks how gunner is unplayable without born ready, even the zipline launcher takes a billion years to reload
how the h*ck are you recommending carpet bomber when mortar rounds now exist
mortar is a broken, powercrept OC and will be nerfed soon. mortar OC is for lazy casuals/tryhard metafags and i do not recommend to anyone. carpet bomber is still the more soulful and honest OC
Real Gunners run Combat Mobility anyway
indirect replying just makes you seem petty and weird, your pick of ls 13232 is also very shit, it's 13231, and cm honestly
so he can hit stuff farther than 10 feet away
Carpet bomber is the supreme grunt mulcher
Hitscan, 9999 ammo, no friendly fire aoe, 9999 mag size. If shit did a bit more direct damage it would be great.
Mortar is great and does single target damage and swarm control, but it has plenty drawbacks.
Single target primary + hellfire coilgun (with fear)
Carries 99% of the games
Not him, but sabotage is the only mission type where explosive reload subata is a justifiable option.
I tried mortar for a few games but went right back to carpet bomber and this was a big reason. Nothing quite like raining hell on some bugs from across the map.
The pump shotty oc is honestly fine. It's my go-to on elimination missions, its obviously not as powerful as MPA

in my opinion they should merge MPA and pump together.
>play after a year
>new haz 5 with modifiers
>enter lobby with it
>wtf bugs are so fast and i take so much damage just from falling/hazards
>eat shit
hellfire + ntp/minelayer
>give gunner ocs that make him do gorillion damage
>becomes fun
who would've thunk?
why is the the guy with literal artillery have worse horde clearing than driller and engi without OCs anyway?
gunner is about sustained damage and ammo efficiency, he doesn't have burst like engi or driller
gunners clear also has infinite range unlike engi's and definitely unlike driller's
revert the hurricane cluster nerf, it required actually thinking and aiming god dammit, and it was still nowhere near as ridiculous as mortars
it's still fantastic, what's the big deal
>why yes I'm a haz3 shitter, how could you tell?
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>he doesn't have burst like engi or driller
He said burst not bust.
idk about carpet bomber but splintering shells has like 4k more total damage than mortar.
as a newtard, i don't see any reason to use carpet bomb over splintering shells, the numbers don't add up
no mods
cb has 7 direct and 12 aoe
ss has 14 direct and 10 aoe
isn't ss better? and the aoe is only 0.6 less
grant me your knowledge on why cb is better please
combat mob OC
that's how I like my thunderhead
you're the one picking an OC purely based on having to lob your shots being too hard for you
VB is the only way you can consider that piece of trash "burst"

This post brought to you by the CoilGOD gang
the oc improves the effectiveness of the mods
Literally none
Carpet is just a cope for fags who are afraid to be labeled "sovlless meta" and want to be "soulful"
tl;dr it only becomes more useful the more bugs you're shooting at + you can reach the AoE dmg breakpoint for swarmers
It does 0 damage either way, and is only good for fearing everything in sight, which Carpet Muncher does slightly better
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I prefer 33121
>using mods
You didn't beat the game.
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why do canadians have as bad internet as brazillians
I use it's a bug thing on scout because it's funny
Bug thing on scout is mandatory. Tons of free nitra for just zipping around caves? Yes please.
wtf u talking about, cluster was fucking crazy.
5 (five) missiles to kill a hz5 4p pretorian
I wish they nerfed the damage per bomblet and not giving you less bomblets
man, i'm always running out of ammo in h5 2222

CB is great, but you are forced to switch to your secondary to anything that's not a swarmer, slasher or grunt.
I like it. Play with both a few times and see which one is more fun to use for you.
I like CB more, just switch to my elephant rounds / six shooter / homebrew powder bulldog and snipe anything with explosion resist.
Anon-kun larping as me, i'm the biggest mod enthusiast here
Hard mode Deep Scan: same as before, but everyone gets regular jet boots instead of infinite
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yippee ki yay
Scunts don't count
You're all a bunch of frauds and faggots
gunner is the only class that would have any difficulty regarding this
>didn't know shit because didn't watch or read anything about s5 and deep scan
>first deep scan was in a no dupe lobby
>forced to scout
>call drop pod
>didn't get boots and just use these
>not riding Bosco
fuck naedocyte breeders
kill all sex havers
does self fertilization even count as sex?
they keep pumping out eggs so they can't be having any time to fuck other naedocytes
i'd let bosco ride me...
maybe it's an anglerfish situation where tiny males literally fuse with the big female and melt their organs to become nothing more than a pair of testes attached to her
Maybe the males are lodged inside them or they have sex one time and then oumo out eggs by the thousands like happens with some organisms.
Gunner's ammo efficiency is a meme. On a team of (not shitters) with 4-of, everyone will deplete ammo at a similar rate and at the end of the mission Engineer will have 30-40% of the kills, Driller 25-35%, Gunner 25-35%, and Scout 15-25%.

Muh Gunner sustain only matters when you're playing with scrubs who never use their secondary, can't aim, and have shit weapon builds, and since these are usually hazlets who don't play 4 or 5 technically having more bullets than everyone else doesn't matter because everything dies to sneezing on haz 3 and below anyways.

The math of the game is very solid, even if it's not what the devs intended. When played by someone competent, Gunner has no especial advantage over Engineer or Driller for kills per resource.
Engi and drilla killed the most swarmers. That's it.
words words words
I play gunner because I there's nothing more metal than gunning down hordes of space spiders with reckless abandon
What this game needs is some on-screen damage meter mod like WoW addons Recount, Skada or Details. Then we could settle this "who carries the most" dispute once and for all.
>More Enemies +2
>Aggressive Enemies +2
>Blood Sugar
You just can't die.
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Yeah but I'm fucking out of ammo
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Any other Oppressor-riders here?
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In fact, it's the last thing this game needs
I don't care how autistic you want to be in this thread, don't bring the rest of the playerbase into it
Gunner can push through dense swarms, deal with any bug at any distance, and make space with his shields. Not something you have to worry about in vanilla difficulty but on modded when you're on the clock and you have to get through a cave with a dozen spitballers, breeders, mactera, etc before the next swarm hits he is invaluable.
I never said single target, I meant burst clear like breach cutter and arguably sticky flames, things that delete everything near you in few shots
gunner lays down sustained fire at long range with great ammo economy (not minigun naturally)
Bro how is LSLS mulching bugs not burst clear but sticky flames which can't even kill guards quickly is.
there mere fact you even mentioned haz4 tells me you're a hazlet yourself
gunner's crowd control from autocannon fear or hurricane stun are essential for haz5+ with the aggressive modifier
gunner's ammo efficiency isn't a meme anymore huh?
retarded fucking niggerbrain LSLS can hit 2 (TWO) bugs per shot
and you're seriously having trouble with GUARDS of all thing?
>retarded fucking niggerbrain LSLS can hit 2 (TWO) bugs per shot
skill issue. aim faster.
>damage parsing
go back to /monhungen/
play haz5+ shitter
already did
Shart Diffractor armor break only works on direct beam damage, right?
It works the same on every weapon. Synergizes with direct damage, does nothing with radial damage.
So all the Sharty T4 upgrades are for direct damage only? That's lame.
>0 upgrades coilgun gets to do 130 damage that ignores armor (and can still get weakpoint damage for some reason) + guaranteed trail damage
>max damage elephant rounds bulldog only does 128 damage to light armor + only 50% chance for neurotoxin
Why does GSG consider this balanced?
With bulldog you click and damage comes out immediately. For coilgun you have to click-hold to slow down and then release.
The speed at which you can output damage is an important factor on a real difficulty setting.
With t5b, it takes less than a third of a second to fully charge
That's faster than any focus shot on the M1000
I meant t2c, of course
The point is, just on pure damage numbers alone base coilgun is straight up better than any bulldog, and then it ALSO comes with massive utility in fear, damage resist and electric trail
Coilgun slows you down, is not a repeating firearm (unless you take TTC), still requires prep to be able to fire, deals less damage to large targets due to its damage type, and doesn't actually get a weakpoint modifier.
The guns serve different purposes and hit different breakpoints on different enemies. You cant surgically compare their performance 1:1 in a sterile testing chamber while ignoring a lot of nuance that make their differences more meaningful.
If anything you'd have a better time comparing the bulldog with BRT since they do serve similar purposes and have more analogous functionality to one another.
Are you joking?
In practice, the only time you ever use bulldog as a "repeating firearm" is if you're grinding up to a praet/oppressor's ass and unloading. 99% of the time you're a firing a single shot, then going back to your primary.
In practice, the prep time of waiting for the coilgun to charge is the exact same as actually aiming the bulldog to hit a weakpoint. (But I'm sure you're a god gamer that routinely outsnipes aimbots, so that doesn't apply to you, right?)
In practice, the 60% extra weakpoint damage doesn't matter, because coilgun has enough base damage to already hit those same breakpoints without it.
>99% of the time you're a firing a single shot, then going back to your primary.
Spoken like someone who has never dealt with more than 1 bug on his screen.
Oh right, my mistake. I forgot bulldog is so shit it needs multiple shots to take out anything bigger than a grunt.
coilgun is shit, accept it and shut up
Even if coilgun outright healed bugs instead of doing damage, the 250% fear in a 5m radius would make it better than any of the other gunner secondaries
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literally fucking impossible

GSG needs to hotfix nerf it
git gud
in max haz5+ solo i use:

coil gun triple-tech OC 12213 (mods from top to bot)

works very well to cc. you charge to 1st only and then click 3 times in close succession wherever enemies are and they get feared

i pair it with plasma missile + stun mod

tried in all missions max haz5+ solo now and usually just have 1 death

(so no, i disagree and think coil is very good)
t. Elden Ring audience
It's not supposed to be balanced.
Not impossible, just not fun. Only more enemies feels good. Making everything an hp sponge that can one tap you is boring autism. If I wanted to sit there clicking on something 20 times until it dies I'd play some faggy MMO. I want to feel like I'm killing bugs, not firing bullets into boulders until they randomly break.
so does anyone else agree that the new mission type is pretty ass?
I feel that you spend way too much time on finding the damn crystals, and not enough on the drilling platform. Nothing happening when you get to the geode sucks, too.
i feel the same
Search is fine
Elevator is Doretta 2, but with mandatory E holding and no room breaching.
Geode and escape is too easy.
There should be PE style ramping swarms once you breach the geode that last for the rest of the mission so you at least have some pressure to get in and get out while also getting something to do during the escape.
i love it
i just did 3 hour session spamming maxed haz5+ with a friend. we lost 1 mission

its possible, just improve ur skill and maybe ur build. cave layout matters a lot, you need room to kite and build that allows a lot of cc. be fast on exploring and mining nitra

u can do it
Forgot to say, we only got to play one mission.
It's not great but it was free. I've only spent 30 € on DRG thru out the years and that does not even pay for 1 hour of dev time so I can't complain.
oh, ok. it takes some time to get used to

i lost a lot in start because was used to faceroll speedrun haz5s. need to adjust
>reach end cave
>haven't found enough morkite
i hate dense biozone i hate dense biozone
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GSG needs to stop nerfing the fun out of the game for zoomers who hate losing
>Hazlets who don't play 4 or 5

Way to out yourself as a complete shitter

>you need room to kite
if you're playing with aggressive t2 this ain't happening unless you're slowing everthing with goo or neurotoxin
yes, i paired it with a need for build with cc. other examples of cc is stun + fear

mobs are very fast. you can outrun them depending on cave layout but not reliable
>haz5 0222 blood sugar
>Deep scan
>First swarm is a fucking hiveguard
>Took cc and six shooter so I'm basically useless
>Unpromoted driller is just clueless
>Scout and engie both disappear to each end of the cave ignoring the hiveguard
>Try to do one of the crystals since I can't kill it
>Scanner drops in to high, ping it and type in chat for driller to drill it down
>He just looks at me and starts drilling away
>Second swarm comes in
>I'm babysitting the driller
>He calls in a fucking resupply on half hp even tho it's blood sugar
>Scout and engie are still no where to be seen
>Blow my self up with one of those vent things because apparently carpet bomber can do that

Weirdest game I've played
>retard nigger faggot host makes hz5 more bugz2 room
>disbands when shit goes south
I mean, motherfucking nigger why host hard mode then.

didn't even get to deposit the core stone you dumb motherfucker
coilgun is incapable of hitting trijaw weakspots consistently
play better then bitch
>99% of the time you're a firing a single shot, then going back to your primary.
>I forgot bulldog is so shit it needs multiple shots to take out anything bigger than a grunt.
...Just like the coilgun?
I'm sure I was like 15 rez 1 deaths when the fucker quit, I can carry but I'm no atlas nigga
2p and 1p are practically the same
no it's a gun issue, you can't do it either
Oh no, now I just have to wait for it to die to the trail damage instead
enjoy having it fly out of the trail with half health left because you took fear on your crutchgun
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>hairy eyeballs
why do they keep adding shit like this instead of an eyepatch cosmetic in the eyebrow slot
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eyebrows themselves are sparse as is, eyepatch would be a very good addition to that. It feels very limiting to have it locked with two cosmetics.
>no way to switch which eye the patch is on
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>Host haz 5
>Gunner only drop shield once our engi is down instead of use it before hand
Yup, that's kick and ban in my book
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Word of warning guys, special powder is highly addictive. I don't think I can play without it
xbow OCs super underhwlming
dont get why people are obsessed with it, scout has enough mobility and not enough fire power, you are better off taking something else
> be driller
>have no range
>be the only one aware of and shooting at acid spitters/web spitters/septic spreaders
>can barely do anything since flamer, cryo, and sludge can't reach the fucking things
>gunner/scout/engi standing around with their thumbs up their ass eating projectile spam
how do these people make it to h5
NTP, shield and zipline cheese
>turrents and shredders
>inb4 b-but driller can make bunkers
drills are limited by fuel and they don't make you innvulnerable
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I changed some graphics setting and now my drak projectiles are shards instead of bubbles, what's doing this? Don't tell me it's the AoE upgrade or the bouncy shot OC
It was the AoE upgrade :(
>hes so shit he cant use his secondary to kill spitters, etc.

holy shit go back to haz4 you whinging cunt
none of them have the ammo economy to kill 4p haz5 amounts of them shitbird
I just can't play with m1000
how do I get better
click on heads
practice that aim trainer game on steam
equip EFS with blowthrough, it's the best training wheel
ignore grunts
I'm gonna keep using minimal clips with blowthrough and fear
I don't need no crutch
>and fear
>I don't need no crutch
>need to hit the weakspot to proc
>meanwhile stunbabs just have to spam left click
hoverclock focus build + special powder; become a High Value Target-killer while flying around without ever touching the ground
"Stunbabs" can't just magdump until they hit the weakpoint, Satan.
>magdumping with focus shots
stunbab please...
You'd do a better job at HVT killing if you used OCs that actually did damage.
does anyone know if the t1c upgrade will increase the explosion radius of the puddle when you ignite them with the Combustive Goo Mix OC?
sure, damage overclocks would do more damage, but i dont have any issues killing HVTs already with hoverclock. the extra utility/survivability of being able to float literally forever outweighs a little extra damage in my opinion. also, hoverclock is f*n.
Then why do you need special powder as well? It's bit of an overkill to take both.
there's no point in taking hoverclock without special powder
Fun way to build scout crossbow?
What you need it to do?
be worth picking over the other weapons, basically
I'd like to kill big things
electric + trifork with cryo
add magnetic shaft, marked for death and cryo nades for max damage
Phero+one of the elemental bolts if ypu want to clear swarms
Electric+Trifork for single target, combine with electrifying reload to combo
it won't, but it'll make it easier to hit multiple enemies with the same goo splat
unfortunately most big things have crossbow resistance (yes that's a thing)
trifork is good but eats ammo super fast
i like the clean velocity one
>special ammo
>speed on kill
stick them with a taser then dump normals
lil bro watched that rapeyron video where he tried to set up that combo like 8 times and failed 7 of them
>making up fairy tales to suit your fantasy
meds, now
i enjoy rapeyron's videos but his name is so unfortunate
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>Want to continue Riven
>But keep coming back to DRG H5 2222
the addiction ADHD is real, bros
this is how my attempt at playing Rain World died
because special powder is also fun

special powder * hoverclock = even more fun
one of the best games I ever played, it's one of those games I wish never ended
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Go finish Riven right fucking now nigger
Not really, SP is zoomzoom fast while Hoverclock is chill. Juggling between them both and Grapple means you're spending too much time just wanking in the air and not doing anything useful. Like, if you want to just vibe on solo Haz1, be my quest, but that is hardly an effective build outside some specific circumistances.
It's okay, fairly boring and not great, but not offensively bad like Escort is. My expectations of GSG are so low nowadays even competence blows my socks off so I can't hate it.
fair point, i can see this build really struggling in h5 2222, but i've never had any problems or complaints running this as my main build in h5/EDDs or below.

with hoverclock i can survive anything, and with special powder i can be anywhere. scout is, first and foremost a support class, so i believe the increase in utility outweighs the loss in damage (which is still enough to handle any HVT).
How the fuck is Blood Sugar an "anomaly"? It's as obnoxious as Low O2 is.
>one teammate is far higher level than anyone else (2 platinum stars in an otherwise all-bronze team)
>using a mod to spam voicelines like "MUSHROOM", "WE'RE RICH!", burping and farting noises, and even "BULK DETONATOR!" over and over again.
>still goes down more than twice the rest of the team combined
The moment somebody busts out one of those soundboards, I just leave the lobby. They’re always annoying as fuck.
so is Smrt Trigger officially the worst overclock in the game or does that award belong to Conductive Thermals?
Play on a real hazard level so you have some bugs to shoot. there's sugar everywhere I cannot die unless I ram my face into a detonator
Nigger your infinite range perfect accuracy hitscan weapon?
Even with epc you can kill spitters easily
Burst Fire and Micro Flechettes exist
Smrt Trigger also isn't even actually bad at all, it's just the base LOK that's shit. It's easily the 3rd best OC for it after ECR/Exec.
I just wish smrt trigger had ANYTHING to make up for the fact you'll be hitting light armor more often than not. There's literally no reason to use it if you're just going to be waiting for openings on glaring weak spots when executioner is an option...
The base gun already has 150% armor break, so you'll be doing full damage over 90% of the time. Not that it's enough to actually be worth using over Exec/ECR since it applies to them too.
I can't emphasize enough that the OC isn't the problem, the gun as a whole desperately needs a revamp. Half the mod tree makes the weapon worse.
Its very telling that the devs design around haz 2 considering all of the mods on the Lok that make it worse (read: most of them, OCs inclusive) dont actually matter when there are at most 4 bugs in the cave, let alone on the screen.
Its a shame because the gun and its mechanics are interesting, probably the most interesting base gun of all of the S1 primaries and of Engi's other primaries. But the moment you introduce weapon mods you see all of the competition pull ahead because they can be made to do different things and you have the option to build in different and sometimes drastic ways.
The LOK is a useless meme gun. Most enemies are slow and big enough that even shitters can hit them at 20m away and it's worthless in close quarters brawls where 90% of the game's lethal combat takes place.
So its gud?
I played outer wilds and enjoyed it
Lmao zipline cheese breaks the core stone event. They need to include some projectile throwing enemies.
Devs need to ban that shit. That and "modders" running 20 quality of life "mods" thinking they are not cheaters.
Let Gunners have one(1) thing. Please, they need it.
Nah sometimes they're funny. Just like with any soundboard, whats important is restraint from spamming it all the time
>driller throws neurotoxin grenade and plays a fart
>scout falls to his death from the ceiling. Mockingly play falling voice lines over his downed body
>all dwarves pile into the droppod and one guy going (you) (you) (you) (you) (you) as the doors close
>noooo having the equivalent of 4 iron wills (+2 per resupply) isn't enough!!!
>and neither is being able to shit out CC far better than any other class!!!
I hate gunniggers so goddamn much
why? he's a gigantic redditor with a rat face and banker nose
I run drg modless in safe mode and I've never run into one of these people once in hundreds of hours
The one with no damage and shit ammo economy that takes 3 seconds to kill a single acid spitter? The one that's even slower at killing acid spreaders?
Looks like I actually forgot to mention I was playing duck and cover at the time
You know what vexes me? The fact that not a singel weapon has all 3 weapon upgrades for each tier; including support and traversal tools. So many inbalances could have been fixed if they just filled in those gaps and give us more options to chose from.
How about you fags be useful and give some ideas what to add, move, replace or get rid off. Here's an idea, for the crossbow, on tier 4, there are only 2 upgrades, a third upgrade could be an automatic reload so you aren't required to use born ready while using the crossbow.
What'd be the point? Adding more options would be bloat or conflict with what's already there, and it won't get added anyway
Anyone wanna play DRG with me? Looking for some friends to play. I'm kind of new and so is the friend I play with.
is there a mod to delete rollers from the game? call me a shitter if you want, tired of the stunlock spam and universal immunity ruining haz5+
post lobby name, you'll get some takers or some randos
no. take some armor break, shitter
>universal immunity
having more options won't mean a damn thing if they're shit
>no. take some armor break, shitter
haz3 shitters don't understand that getting double shellback spawn on haz5+ salt pits in a tunnel means squad wipe, permanent squad wipe, no chance to resup or revive, end of game with no chance to win
Rollerniggers are the sole reason to take armor break lmao
Devs finally killed the heat mod bug on hyperpropellant so no reason to not take armor break on it.
It 1 shot deletes rollggas at hz5 4p lmao
Haz5+8 demands bunkers. It's non-negatiable. The only way to guarantee a win on Haz5+8 is with bunkers. Every single one of the new overclocks are designed for bunkers, all of them. Season 6 is literally bunker up: the update.
>discussion about dying to roly-polies
>suggests making a bingo cage
FACT: if i ever see the driller building a bunker i kick and instahwban them. i hope this is a universal rule,
>>suggests making a bingo cage
Get on my fucking level...
drill a tunnel up at a 45 degree angle
no, don't jump while drilling dumbass, or else you'll ruin the sightline
>not a single smart rifle upgrade adds ammo except a clean, which adds 12 mag size
do these devs not realize that just because the rifle "can't miss" doesn't mean that it should have half the ammo supply of every other gun
>play exclusively in custom servers when they're up
>one of the hosts is a shitlord that loves spamming qroanar by the dozens from the ceiling at random intervals
>tunnel vision greenbeards always get caught off guard by the rain of balls
>spam GO ROLL ON THE HIGHWAY YOU FREAK as I watch a dozen greenbeards get ROLLED from my safe elevated perch

Watching panicky greenbeards try to deal with the disruptive enemies in this game you can't just M1+W is one of the biggest pleasures in this game. Why would you want to deny yourself such sights?
add a facemelter driller and we're in business
flight or flight response
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>12 death carry job driller main is having another breakdown

you gonna kill yourself yet or nah?
how exactly are you supposed to deal with qronar sellbacks? it's hard because i have to choose between wasting all my ammo on the armor or going for a power attack and getting hit by the roll
where i wanna see
what are they selling?
anyone wanna play? add me on discord or steam.
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>Implying the cheese shield and NTP doesn't exit
138 magnite for 9,873 credits
what do you expect of the tutorial class, if devs started to nerf the shield or zipline a lot of shitters here would kill themselvs
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you are not americ*n, are you?
I am, you don't have to add me.
>and sludge
AG mixture!
I was using the new OC
>enter lobby
>greenbeards throw themselves to the ground and call me god
Please, my son. The mission first.
>some level 1488 with 420 engi promotions joins my haz5+ game
>keeps dying all the time
>"i'm not in the mood for this"
>driller joins
>Does a total of 12 times throughout the mission while constantly flaming the "gunnigger"
>Tell me he carried and his telling all his friends we are a bunch of shitters
Based. If you're not having fun, what's the point?
>nobody joins
don't join haz5 in the first place if you can't handle it
How can you know you can't handle it if you don't join first?
if you sank 2000 hours into the game I think you should have a general idea of the difficulty level you can handle
the new h5+ difficulty just came out. for all we know that may have been his very first time trying it
I believe that if you die 5 seconds into the mission you should reevaluate if you should be playing haz5, let alone haz5+
In 5 seconds you haven't had time to get your bearings yet, it's easy to get downed by random shit in that time.
if you sank 2000 hours into the game and still blindly rush without checking your surroundings first then I think you should stick to playing something that doesn't require double digit IQ
>poke head out door
>"ok this looks pretty safe"
>pod lifts off
>scale bramble obscured behind pod wakes up and starts shooting
>can't hear that thought over the sound of the pod lifting off, eat a couple projectiles
>take cover to heal up
>ambient horde catches up
>kite and kill
>hear what sounds like a bigass toad or something
>turn around
>new spitballer wakes up
>dodge shotgun blast
>"alright cool, a new type o-"
>die to massive lingering explosion
pretty much how my first blind haz5 2222 run went
oh come on, you've never EVER had a shitty spawn before?
I live for those shitty spawns like in point extraction and refining, and sometimes egg hunt, where you're dumped right in the middle of the main chamber and have to think on your feet to survive and not get sniped. It's the most fun you can possibly have in this game.

>captcha: S0JA
fuck you it's not soi, I'm right.
>Nooo, you have to play it slow and safe, you can't just rush and roll with the punches if you're experienced!!!
>not a single smart rifle upgrade adds ammo
>Tier 1 Expanded Ammo Bags +72 Max Ammo
meant to say OC, not upgrade
I love having to assault omaha beach on hoxxes
Finally got Carpool
ill never get that...
I remember when I got it myself, with 3 people from /vg/
everyone said they got it but I didn't for some reason. Had to stay there for like 3x the time until it popped. Very scary
Yeah, it's so inconsistent. I think one of the guys in our lobby of randos didn't get it either, but the game disconnected
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>join deep dive
>30-40 ping in lobby
>150+ ping in game, same as every other teammate
>rubberbanding like crazy
>quit and join another one
>exact same situation

>host myself
>nobody ever joins
What's taking them so long to fix glyphid not making footstep sounds? It's so annoying.
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>detonator spawns
>we plan to use the detonator to kill the dread
>engineer kills the det in the wrong place
>it starts a corestone event
>elimination with some modifier, i forgot to check
>det spawns
>we agree to get it low then pop the egg
>i hyperprop it in a blister, it explodes from full hp
>crit weakness
>egg got popped as well
give me some fun engi build
but no unstable stubby OCs
Pump action shotgun

Become the Doomguy
does the t5 m1000 fear have 100% chance to proc on grunts? it supposed to applies 250% fear but I feel like it doesn't, even when I'm sure I hit a weakspot
It should, they only have a 0.5 fear modifier, and when hit by a 250% source of fear that still exceeds 100%.
I guess I just fire before the focus shot finishes focusing
the fear has these requirements
>has to hit a wp
>has to kill
>has to be a focus shot
Stunchads keep on winning
playing some haz5
EU btw

password is rage
Anyone wanna play? Give me your discord or steam name.
Is it really?
IGN: Lilslut2015
Is that your discord? Or steam?
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>Rivals Presence
>The Patrol Bots are tanky as fuck
>But become completely useless when hacked
>Shredders become a real problem
>Barrage, Spitball, and Vartok all in one main chamber
Doesn't regenerating bugs apply to steeve? Haz 5+ mods really ought apply to patrol bots...
does amount of nitra mined count towards mission bonus?
I only use the more enemies and more aggressive modifiers, I don't see any point in making enemies even spongier or making myself get one-shot by acid spitter
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>Haz 5+
>Everyone stay in ziplines and refuses to break core stone because crawlers
>I go there alone and get down
>Everyone star getting uppity because I got 1 down
>Pod escape ready
>I refuse to drill and just follow molly
>Everyone gets a fuck ton of downs and falls to escape but me
>not telling the retarded gunner to shoot it until it's broken
nice hazlet team you got there
or you know, the gunner could just drop his shield and let him drill it in peace instead of wasting half his ammo
>>I go there alone and get down
Where's the Gunner shield when the Driller (or anyone, really) has to break the Corestone?
This is my most asked question whenever I do the Corestone.
>turn on the prevent latejoin character duplication
>someone joins before I start the mission
>they pick duplicate class
>then during the mission they complain we could use <missing class>
>Implying the average gunniger uses the shield for something beyond of panic button when fuck up and get supplies without bug's backstab
What a dumb reaponse. Gunner's terrain breaking guns have a few pretty good applications, such as shooting down red sugar from ceiling or the beamers spikes on escort missions. Shooting down minerals is less useful thanks for them getti g stuck, but can be a life-saver in tough situations. But corestone is too thick to shoot through in reasonable time and wastes a ton of ammo.
What was the class?
Bro your C4?
shut the fuck up hazlet shitter, just shoot the base
gunner because we found a core stone and he picked a scout when we already had one
c4 doesn't break core stone
Yes it does.
no it doesn't
>not telling the retarded gunner to shoot it until it's broken
The guy had no fucking idea about shot the base despite was legendary with 60 promotions lol
>gunner primaries can break it but c4 can't
okay retard
>wastes half of his ammo for literally no good reason
>calls others hazlets
Except it does.
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More drillers should start to refuse for drill to pod if teammates are dense retards
Haz5+2222 is kicking my ass. Even with only More Enemies 2 I sometimes run into highly leveled people who get overwhelmed, and fail to carry myself. The upside is that whenever I go back to Haz5 now, it feels comfy and relaxing, like Haz4 used to before Season 5 dropped.
it counts towards minerals mined
it breaks the pillar
Proofs? Please present evidence for your claims.
you made the claim that it doesn't break the pillar first
show us some footage of your weak-ass c4
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>low oxygen
>driller decides to drill to the pod instead of following molly
>rest of team follows except me who tried to warn them
>they suffocate and die
Yes, it gives 2xp each, before any difficulty multipliers are applied
How the hell do you convince these (not veterans, but not complete newb either) Guntards to use their shields
I'm tired of seeing Bronze 3 ~ Diamond 3 using their [[[Shields]]] as a revive tool
you literally can't
>"hey gunner you can use your shield proactively to prevent downs instead of just for revives"
and you'll get one of 4 responses
>guntard doesn't know what proactive means
>gunner makes the argument that if he uses them now he won't have them later for revives (which won't happen if he just uses them)
>"dont tell mi how 2 pley"
>ignores you/doesn't read chat
>most engineers don't use their plats proactively
>most scouts don't use their flares proactively
>most drillers don't use their drills proactively
>most gunners don't use their shields proactively
>only the latter is singled out
Two conclusions: Gunnerwhiners are shitters that keep going down and need the Chadshield to save them and are angry they didn't get it.
The second: The average player isn't able to think proactively. This goes for all classes.
Shield the fucking hackerbot and Dotty you fool, not me
you genuinely don't know what proactively means, which is kind of ironic since you're being reactive by not thinking what you said through at all;
if an engineer were to only use his plats reactively, he'd exclusively use them to break his own falls vs putting them under minerals, making bridges, or other structures like staircases, which is observably not the case. A scout would first have to use his flare gun at all for it to be proactive/reactive, and a driller would only start drilling once a swarm started. None of these make sense because this simply doesn't happen

You're clearly just retarded, and what's worse, you're choosing to act this way on purpose
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rizz check
>Die like your mother did!
Holy based, Redditdivers could never.
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>yfw redditors are actually upset about this line lmao
I dunno if I should waste my time playing bugclick or watching anime
I just listen to culture war brainrot youtube e-celeb livestreams with my game volume on low
You forgot the namefield, Ultra Buttman
I have never even used a name on this site and I don't even know how to. Also I don't know who butt man is or why you think im him.
I would like to know who buttman is though and why you think im him.
>he can't multitask
still waiting
is scorching tide worth
It's stock with a burst attack. If you like stock, sure.
I decided to play some bugclick but I'm fucking done, yet another game with retards who can't handle haz5+ but decide to pop multiple eggs at once without saying a word and then promptly fucking die away from rest of the team
t. cryofag shitter
season 5 update

Missions are painfully boring when no events spawn, but the 100% event spawn mod is overkill. Being able to set everything to ~30% is great
the shitter in question was actually a driller with flamethrower
no you are the shitter
I've only played haz 5 a few times, I mainly play haz 4 and even I know not to do that shit.
But it is fun
>Losing and wasting your time on a mission is fun
shitter cope
but I don't lose
Nice to know that you get carried even after extracting all the eggs at once like a dumb faggot.
You think that is how that works?
That- that one day I exit the pod and there's a Dwarf with a C4 on his hand?
No, no. That's not how this works.

EPIN le reference my good sir, a thousand upvotes to le you! XD
Get him
So I figured out how to clip into the drop pod.
But now I can't figure out how to drop down into the seat area...
i have never played this game with another human and i don't plan on changing that.
>There's also this fun tech with Scorching Tide. It can only use ammo that's currently in your tank, so if you're below 25 ammo in your tank, it will use whatever is left in your tank without losing any damage. You can even use it with one ammo left and still get a regular Scorching Tide shot!
Is this shit still unpatched? Awesome
I thought I read somewhere that tide actually takes from your reserves on that case. But that doesn't make sense because then sludge would as well...
Yeah, I think it's the same as with sludge.
drillers everyone, dont even know how to use their own c4s but to teamkill

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