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Welcome to Anoncraft, A Vanilla Minecraft SMP server for anons.

>SERVER IP: Anon.Minecraft.Best
>LIVE MAP: http://anon.minecraft.best:8123/

>Rules: Don't be a cunt: no griefing, no stealing, be respectful to other anons, etc.

The server also features things like the ability to lock doors/chests and individualized loot from world-generated structures like nether bastions and End Cities so everyone has a chance to get loot from there.

All anons are welcome, feel free to ask questions in the thread, post builds, and talk to other anons who play here.

-Server Has Been Updated to 1.21!
-Construction on the new group build, "Cowboy Town", has started!
-MORE hats added! wandering traders have a chance to sell them!

>Previous Thread:
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qrd on the lore of this?
Oskar is gone Becauae some MF faked on him and think this is a great idea
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The tiny cows are cute, we need more of them please
What is the problem of these MF calling me oskar and even trapped me
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Purpleskele dont deserver to be janny he is a motherfucker
Good morning saar
Good morning MF [stealthy]
you know if you admitted it they would let you go right?
Why am i goona admit the fake because i am not oskar
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>Saar please redeem saar!
>waaaah samefag waah waah!!!
you look like a retarded nigger lol
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My gold farm makes ~140 blocks/hour in afk mode, much more if you are using a looting sword.
it's really good, i'll afk at it for a while to stock up. any plans on making a bartering system attached to this thing with a toggle to collect gold blocks or have them turned into ingots and traded to piglins?
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this is what minecraft is all about
I don't think it would be useful, bartering station near it can barter 128 gold ingots at once, so it is easier to just carry your gold there. But maybe it is worth it to build a sorting system for barter.
nice castle bro
Now that is beyond kino.
We must have a feast in the forest kings hall
Holy based
>the statues of legends in the back
was expecting a lightning strike
Why am I banned?
Take a good guess 0skar2
who's Oscar?
stop putting signs all over my shit, i don't give a rats ass that you were here stop defacing my property bitches
Steeve was here
I went to fuck my girlfriend and on her ass was tattooed "Steeve was her."
steeve is your girlfriend?
The calm before the storm
I liked oskar he was nice with me and gave me stuff

i think he knew i am esl too

i am going to come back one of these days
>0skar? Why are your hands wrapped around my ass? Oh my God! I never knew you were such a man. Take me, 0skar, take me now. Use my body for your desires. Take me and use me!
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this is one cosy storage room you've built here
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The Asylum can successfully contain prisoners now. Our current prisoner is clearly a case of psychotic delusions keeps asking what bj is over and over and screaming at his own toilet.
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Containment breach
Thanks to Steeve overworld shulker farm finally works btw
based project, can i help in any way?
What version is this server on?
Updated to 1.21 now with trial chambers and dog armor and whatever else
I can think of a few people who need to be locked in there.
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I'm Nobody
this is so gay
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this is gay
Steeve, I'm really high, help me.
Blinker checkpoint
what's up with this "Fotrik" guy
it begins, took him long enough to start shizo posting after being banned
I'm glad Fotrik is gone.
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catgno making people quit the server
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Message to cat
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Why can't people on this server just be normal? Do you actually care about any of this? Have you tried going outside?
Hey chuddies, I'm LEAVING the server! Actually, before I leave can I broadcast a message? Yeah FUCK CATGNO, FUCK FOTRIK, FUCK PURPLESKELE. Somebody post this on the thread so everyone sees it and KNOWS I'm leaving and that it's because of these players, surely that'll have an impact on the server, otherwise I'm LEAVING FOR V CRAFT
2 out of those 3 are banned, and you'll find worse players on the other server anyways
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>you'll find worse players on the other server
Seriously. Just look at this thing in the other server's spawn.
These people are suck at minecraft. Not a chance they're good!
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is that suppose to be impressive? It looks like shit
I want Fotrik back, I want CatGno back, and I want Purpleskele back. Bring back the heroes of Anoncraft.
Based schizotower
Do you want to meet them?
>Purple-skeleton dick
Actually cat gets lots of sex
sex in minecraft doesn't count
purp why did you leave us...
sad to see you go yume, i hope you reconsider
Purp dont come back no one likes you fuck you
I like purp :(
>pick out a nice spot out of the way of everyone else
>come back online to find someone else built near by
>ugly wooden shack i have to look at every day
so this is what it's like to play on a server
Are you ban evading, Fotrik?
fuck you purp, unban me right now
>"i-is that an ugly wooden hut? fortrikman save me!!!"
>meanwhile the ugly fuckhuge statue whose gaze you can't ever escape from
This is Fotrik. I want Purpleskele to come back to the server immediately. I want to play with him forever until the end of time. He was my favorite player, and I want him back.
This is Purpleskele. I want Fotrik to come back to the server immediately. I want to play with him forever until the end of time. He was my favorite player, and I want him back.
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cat cheats guys!!!!!
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Tell my Steeve, tell my ordinalorder
I hope they understand
I'm not crazy, I'm just saying
Sometimes Fotrik deserves a second chance
Tell my space_race, tell my witcher_geralt
I hope they understand
I'm not crazy, I'm just saying
Sometimes Fotrik deserves to be permanently banned
i swear these posts are being written by an AI trained on nothing but the content from these threads and the server
How would you even know if the content of what's being posted isn't related to the topic of Fotrik and how he was banned from the server? Imagine if Steeve was around right now and what he would say about that. space_race and Purpleskele deserve better than this
He had a 2nd chance, and a 3rd, a 4th, 5th, 6th, so on and so on. He's cooked. Done. It's over. He has no one to blame but himself.
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we're done when I say we're done
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Dear Fotrik Customer Service,

I am writing to express my disappointment regarding the recent purchase of your product. Unfortunately, I encountered several issues that have left me dissatisfied.

Defective Product: The thermal imaging device I received was defective. It failed to perform as advertised, and the image quality was subpar.

Poor Customer Support: When I contacted your customer support team to address the issue, I faced long wait times and unhelpful responses. It’s frustrating to invest in a product and receive inadequate assistance.

Lack of Resolution: Despite multiple attempts to resolve the problem, I have not received a satisfactory solution. I expected better service from a reputable company like Fotrik.
He should be banned from the server. Its clear he use hacks
we're not banning everyone just because you're upset you got banned, move on
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thank you to my supporters
holy based
well here we are our servers at 2 players lets reflect on what we did to get here. so we collectively decided that banning and punishing regular players was more important than having a active and established player base that would attract and keep new-fags. we decided that a hands off non involved approach to server management would just magically let things resolve themselves but actually just made everything 10x worst because our server management isnt only completely out of touch but apathetic and lazy. its gotten so bad even purp of all fucking people just walked away and hasnt said a single thing to anyone. its over boys you cant just ban all your players because they do bad things we shouldve just thrown them in fotriks rp asylum and had a fun rp punishment but instead we had to just get rid of everyone we disliked. our lack of proper rules for staff to enforce has let this server just destroy itself.
>players broke the rules
>got banned
>somehow this is a problem
>nooooo we shouldn't ban them, we should just lock them In a cell where they can't escape or do anything so we can watch and laugh at them, this is fun rp!
If there are 2 servers and one of them has nazi admins and the other one has "apathetic lazy" admins, I'll take the lazy one, sorry
I see the fotrik schizoposting has finally resumed
Free CatGno
What player base its 5 purple skele alt always afk so this active playerbase
Free SkelePurple
purp was banned?
he's just butthurt that the griefer's he's been protecting for so long have finally gotten banned for good so he left
Im having a Fortrik moment!
>Fortrik theme starts playing
you're either a janny or a complete fucking tool if you don't see the problem. if you want your server to be professional enough to have rules and a moderation team you should at least have the mods be able to uphold this "professionalism" you're trying to show. planetminecraft trannies got this right, i'm not sure why Steeve can't.
several people got their shit messed with because mods either didn't make sure they're all on the same page or just outright abused permissions, citing non-existent rules and server etiquette.
any attempts to resolve these issues on here have been derailed by retards who can't amount to anything even in a block game discussion, this was in turn spun against the people affected, using the same schizo "samefag" arguments you've been re-heating since the server started.

>tl;dr you tried to make this a redditor server full of arbitrary rules but you're still backwards /v/tards and fumbled the PR side of it, now you're gonna eat shit until a new wave of newfags comes and it happens all over again
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A purple color skeleton and a orange catman holding hands in Minecraft artstyle

Feel free to explore this blocky world where unlikely friendships blossom!
>Rules: Don't be a cunt: no griefing, no stealing, be respectful to other anons, etc.

seems fairly straightforward and i think the two individuals that were banned were very clearly in violation of this
>mods either didn't make sure they're all on the same page or just outright abused permissions, citing non-existent rules and server etiquette.
Do you have a learning disability?
purp was a deranged homosexual that stuck up for catgno because he was a deranged homosexual aswell. After his buttbuddy got banned he threw a fit and quit. He was an annoying faggot and a terrible janny that barely did any moderation. He wouild mostly stuck up for people that didn't deserve with and were deranged griefers like cat and fotrik.
you do better than, you try
>purp was a deranged homosexual that stuck up for catgno because he was a deranged homosexual aswell
>"The only rules are Don't be a cunt: no griefing, no stealing, be respectful to other anons, etc, unless we deem you to be different than us, then you can fuck off!"

Holy shit you guys are actual redditors lmao
>t. bbc watcher
obviously you're obsessed with porn /pol/tard, makes sense why you can only comprehend surface level information
Compare this thread to >>1217129 and you'll get the answer to why there's 2 people online. It'll crash and burn before steeve steps off his retarded hausemaster "hands-off server owner" larp :P
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ok retard
There's two players online because Fotrik (You) and CatGno drove off regulars. Both of you should've been permabanned long ago.
>9 more players for space_race and other retarded jannies to ban
Delightful, I'm sure they'll have a blast
>Fotrik (You)
lol you're a schizo retard that doesn't have the reading comprehension skills required to know who he's talking to on a 4chan thread, no wonder you're bootlicking autists like space race
server is too racism they call me other player why no reasons
stop act more happy thank you
why banned many player
stop sell /vcraft/ not good
let's take a quick look at the Anoncraft janny team.
>one janny bans players for violating impromptu rules because they don't like certain players
>one janny refuses to enforce the rules and doesn't log on at all
>another janny only comes on the server while heavily intoxicated
>the rest are apathetic and standby while active players are wrongfully banned to avoid "rocking the boat"
we have an all star cast here
talk about these problems in-game instead of anonymously if you want something to actually get done. there's no way to prove that all these posts arent made by the same guy therefore everything said here is just going to be ignored
There is no problem. The trolls are banned and are now whining about it. That's it.
yeah im banned for bettering houses they didnt care about before
who was wrongfully banned?
Stop talking to yourself, Fotrik.
are you really advocating for more strict nazi mods?
What the fuck? No. No he's not?
>If you want to discuss the server don't use the thread made to discuss the server where you can get your point across in one fluid paragraph. Join the actual server instead and try to communicate with whoever is online at the time while 8 other retards talk over you and meme.
Either you're too backwards and scared of samefagging (which doesn't at all invalidate the shit i brought up btw), or you're an actual mastermind at stirring shit-shows to keep your thread bumped. In the latter case congratulations, you had everyone convinced that you're retarded.
the opposite
write in a book then, ill even give you one
Why are 4chan niggers so against anything effective? You despise discord, you despise thread communication, and then you wonder why people get banned and start shitshows here because there's no other way to reach you. I'd say you're stuck in 2010 but even then people could grasp the concept of a public forum and how it can be useful.
we can discuss everything and we do discuss everything on the server when we have problems and debates. People just use this thread to stir shit because it's anonymous. Every chan server I played at has this problem of thread derailment and shizo posting. The best course of action is to just ignore it
>one janny bans players for violating impromptu rules because they don't like certain players
i just want to clarify that i actually haven't banned anyone other than catgno's alt for going around greifing spawn and random builds. i didn't ban fotrik and i still don't know what he finally did that made it happen. i didn't ban catgno either, he was banned by someone else for a reason i'm not clear on because i didn't press the person who banned them. on top of that calling them "impromptu rules" when they're written on the sign board at spawn and are in the OP of this thread is retarded

i don't hate fotrik and i don't hate cat, if you knew what i was like before you joined the server you'd know i actually end up warming up to players like this. cat should be aware of this as i messed around with him trying to "rape" me for a few days before he was banned and fotrik should know this too as i got off his case and even tried to bury the hatchet by helping him and purple with ideas for their insane asylum for trouble makers

by all means keep using me as your pillar of hate if it helps you in any way because it doesn't phase me negatively but i'm not and never was the problem
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sorry i couldn't type it in for whatever retarded reason :)
>2 people banned for greifing and being a cunt and not being respectful to other anons
>b-but there's no transparency!!
Have you tried reading the OP faggot?

>>Rules: Don't be a cunt: no griefing, no stealing, be respectful to other anons, etc.
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monster sighted south west of the map
>anoncraft has cryptids now
damn, did this server actually die because of awkward, cringe drama?
Shut up you black footed slug slurping crouton crinching chain smoking baguette sniffing butter fingered fur licking soap dodging clouf booter surrender monkey
you got banned and your boyfriend left, that's all
>"If I repeat the same thing 20 times maybe it'll start to mean something!!"
>i actually end up warming up to players like this
>cat should be aware of this as i messed around with him
Didn't you ban a guy for killing you once? LOL
nope, i have banned a guy for going around killing everyone with hacks before though does that count? my death counter is at 0 if that means anything either, if what you're claiming is true - which we know it ain't because you're baiting for drama - it wouldn't be at 0
wait did fotrik get banned again? can i get a qrd
No retard, we still had like 14 players on during peak hours. The only ones that left were drama fueled erp-ers or actual griefers with spoiled ipad child syndrome
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Turns out automatic barter would be very useful actually (I need like 11 shulkers of blackstone for a project),
I designed this in creative world, I think I'll build it later on server. But luring piglins in would be a pain, Also it will need tons of iron (like 3 stacks of blocks+) and more redstone than I own.

If anybody wants to help here is litematic file: https://www.mediafire.com/file/1bor0z4167dqsnk/Gold_farm_barter_fix.litematic/file
quartz, leather, gravel, crying obsidian, string and netherbricks are also good to have in large supply especially the gravel. if you need any help with resources i can offer what i can, can't help you build it though as i don't use litematica. i've definitely got the 3 stacks of iron blocks for all the hoppers you'll need
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so fotrik is gone? hell yeAH
Let me tell you. I need help from Fotrik. I need help from Fotrik.
If anybody wants to build, tell me first, I have minor changes for this schematic.
Let me tell you. I need help from Oscar. I need help from Oscar.
Fotrik is a schizo nut job. Gonna make myself some sloppy joes now. Lol how's that Steeve?
Oscar is a schizo nut job. Gonna make myself some sloppy joes now. Lol how's that Skele?
I have a few extra stacks of redstone for you, just let me know where to drop them off
I wanna see colt run.
I just realized Steven is Ominous Man. So cool..
Imagine Fotrik in her bikini...
witcher geralt is a schizo
Today I met my heroes, his name was Steeve, and Omni Man..
Steeve, ready to finish Invincible?
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Coordinates 590 333

List of things I don't have:

Redstone Dust 31
Hopper 112 (chests are already crafted)
Redstone Repeater 23
Redstone Torch 22
Redstone Comparator 20
Sticky Piston 7
Dropper 9
Dispenser 6
Observer 5
Crafter 3
Target 1
Piston 1
Hopper minecart 3

i was gonna put some stuff together but it looks like you're pretty much done getting everything you need
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Here is a world download of season 2. (not the entire world). It's only the overworld and is lacking some areas, but it does contain most bases and builds.

You should not share this this can be use for some exploits
I havent played minecraft in years, are blacks allowed on the server?
Yeah, I also built it, the only thing left is getting piglins.
Only if they are gay.
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It is ready
very nice and thank you for the contribution, i'm gonna need a lot of gravel and this will help immensely. i'll afk here later and if chests get too full i'll empty them out into some shulker boxes and leave them in the chests, i doubt we'd need an actual shulker loader but it would be good to not waste over flow just in case someone really needs over 100k black stone or whatever
Season 3 when?
Pride month is over btw, you can stop being gay.
>my death counter is at 0 if that means anything either
Does that also apply to your alt account (octate)?
it does apply to my other account and steve can attest to it as that account hasn't logged into the server since before new worlds - like season 1 and the current season 2 - were added. anything else you want to try and spin to help whatever narrative it is you're trying to push but failing at?
did anyone make a blaze farm yet?
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sure is, it was made a couple of days ago but the rates are only as fast as a blaze spawner will allow
hey guys, what the hell is sculk exactly? I'm an autist and out of all the things in Minecraft this is the thing i've become obsessed about, what happened in those ancient cities? what is this alien ecology? what does the realm of the sculk look like exactly?
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you ever see the alien movies? know all that weird shit xenomorphs put all over the walls to lock living creatures to the walls and to help prop up xenomorph queen eggs so the face huggers can emerge and latch onto whatever mouth it can find to lay eggs into? in my head sculk is the same kinda thing, unknown mass created by a creature in order to help it "maintain" its existence. note how wardens drop catalysts on death, its catalysts that spread sculk whenever experience is fed to it and this in turn allows sculk itself along with veins of sculk to grow. within this sculk it creates more mass to help the warden with its duty, sensors to hear sound and trigger shriekers and the shriekers themselves to alert a warden that something is nearby that needs killing to drop xp to spread more sculk from a catalyst so that it can consume everything around it with sculk

is this the shulker farm? very nice fort build, i didn't know blackstone and nether bricks went so well together
>spin to help whatever narrative it is you're trying to push but failing at?
this nigga talking like he's on r/politicaldebate i'm dead
i've never been to reddit before so you would know best i guess, was that an insult or are you praising me? this is why i'm so naturally hostile, i have to deal with retards like you and the person desperately trying to call me out on 2nd hand information they got from another retard way more than anyone should have to put up with
you do have god mode enabled a lot just like steeve does tbf
who even plays this server anymore
We all moved to /v/craft
Regular ass people with lives and jobs now that all the schizos and drama fags left
Yes, the server that's so great it needs to constantly shill in our threads in order to stay relevant.
Why every time I join a server it fucking dies instantly? Am I cursed?
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>this is why i'm so naturally hostile
It's an American holiday, calm down. There will be more players online for the weekend like always, don't worry
Don't worry you'll have another faggot drama once another janny does some retarded shit and people get rightfully upset about it, this server can't go longer than a month without some shit happening
that's what happens when certain players value "lore" and "legends" over actually playing the damn game
No I don't think that's the problem actually, but that take does make you sound like a soulless NPC. Can you send a picture of yourself holding a piece of paper so I can make sure you that really exist and this isn't some dead internet theory shit?
>people care about social aspects of a multiplayer game
go build farms and afk at them all day in singleplayer you fucking retard, you're taking up bandwidth
How do I get out of spawn?

I seem to be trapped in spawn.
spawn is fixed now

add global and local chat which are joinable / opt out so that we can have kino RP with our next door neighbors in local chat.
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im sorry i was told to build there. i wanted to build in some fuckoff part of spawn that has a good view
Noooo!!! You're NOT supposed to interact with other people and have fun, roleplay and lore are reddit discord tranny cringe!!!!! We need 20 people online all playing like they're in singleplayer that's why we opened a public server!!!!
I'm Fotrik and I'm going schizo again!
Never meet your heroed
Stop pretending to be me.
i only have it active when i'm around other players or afk and this just disproves the claim even more, if i have godmode active how would someone be able to kill me?
I'd rather throat a log of shit than be you.
the fuck do load into the season 2 map

im retarded
Moss portal with the map arts at spawn
spacerace is illiterate and unable to hold his own bodyweight irl
Steeve the shulk curse is back the server is restarting again and again Help <<autumnrock
steeve broke the server again wtf
How many are gone now?
heroes never die
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Red = Banned/Has left
Yellow = Unknown status or old players
i didnt leave im just taking a break
Also it's inaccurate
Idk guys maybe it's time I shut it down
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>He doesn't know
You're not shutting down anything, Fotrik.
Steeve the server is restarting as i am trying to join it say internal server error
Steeve why have you banned me autumnrock
Stop pretending to be Autumnrock, Fotrik. He's not banned.
Steeve tp me to spawn i am in ancient city and getting kicked as i am joining in its me real autumnrock.
server just restart as i try to join
Steeve why autumnrock is banned and i am real autumnrock no fotrik
you're breaking the server every time you try to join forcing everyone to crash, i had to ban you so other people could play. if you can figure out what's causing you logging in to crash the server then we can let you back in, can't do much about it if you're preventing others from playing
Now that the dust has settled...
what went wrong?
not banning the 2 retards who forced about 6-7 people to quit over the past month a lot sooner, that's what went wrong
You don't have any proof.
Also, the lack of players started just a few days ago.
The dust can never settle until steeve takes responsibility for his lack of direction of the server and refusal to acknowledge the lack of proper enforcement of the rules of the server. Unban those who have suffered for his lack of ownership and maybe things will get better
lack of players was never the problem, let's not shift goal posts now that you know i'm right. the problem is long term players leaving due to fotrik destroying their bases by blowing them up so he can build something he thought was better and cat being a creep begging everyone to let him suck their dick every 5 minutes

even purple is guilty of making 2 other people leave because they didn't want him to be a mod and those 2 weren't the only ones that brought that up either. i don't need proof because proving it solves nothing, disproving it solves nothing. what's done is done, you have your own server to play on now so leave our thread to us and focus on your new friends instead

fotrik and cat are never being unbanned, no one wants them back. he took responsibility by getting rid of one of the worst players we ever had, him being unbanned won't bring players back it will make more players leave and to be honest the less dm's i get asking for him to be banned by everyone else the better
is the autumn situation sorted now. was he tp'd away from the ancient city
I liked Fotrik. I stopped playing when Fotrik got banned. I stopped playing when Cat got banned. I stopped playing when Purple left the server.
>Said no one ever
What do you mean? I just did.
will puppybreath_ be unbanned :3
absolutely not
what a cancerous username
i am in a ancinet city where the sculk is causing this issue like the last time
Save me can you tp me aur kill me save Please steeeve
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Hitler would've made a better server.
Steeve unban autumnrock if i am out of the city
You didnt tp me out of the city
Out of the city? Send me $9.84 plus tax and maybe I'll forgive you
aur kill me
Is this fotrik
it crashed before i could tp you. i think youre fucked sorry
Can you kill me aur destroy the sensor near me in city
or just tell me my active cord i will make a platform there and stop sensor to detect me in
You want to mine with me?
Steeve you can kill me by server options and then i will respawn and somebody shut up fotrik
>you can kill me
Buddy, I've been telling myself that everyday and it still hasn't happened.
why do you want to die, fotrik?
Why, buddy? Oh boy, why buddy. Well, it's because this old warrior's tired. That's all. He's had enough fights on Anoncraft. Won enough battles, lost enough wars. That's me. That's the legacy of Fotrik, and with that, I bid you farewell.

Your's truly,

lol virgin
steeve unban me i have covered all sensor with wool i can join now maybe
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oh boy 4:00 am, minecraft time
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How far is too far out for making a base?
>fagboys, griefers, and literal tranny ERPers stop playing on the server
>somehow this is the worst thing ever
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Maybe fagboys, griefers and trannies was all this server ever was.
>what is /dynmap hide?
/v/craft won
2nd place
If you think there's some arbitrary competition between servers you are retarded
Are the /dynmap hide people in the room with us now, anon?
tick tock, time is up. shut it down, steeve. you lost
Ok. I will shut down the server because you said so
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We're so back bros
Steeve clear autumnrock player data
Kill yourself pajeet
ok try joining again
everyones got Elytras so they'll just pop in whenever they want, but for early game ease (theres a shitload of farms by spawn familiarize yourself with them like I shouldve) probably only go 1000 or less blocks out.
if you know how to break the nether ceiling and can get a portal up there then lol nothing matters
just base wherever you want. the world isn't that big so even if you lived by the border it wouldn't take that long to travel back to spawn.
and for Gods sake make sure you're in the right season (season 2, theres a portal between seasons at spawn)
Steeve do something for autumnrock help me
I'm on my way, just hang on.
hey purp, space here. i read through the book you left behind about how things should change and i just want to say i appreciate you taking the time to write all that out but there's a big problem with almost everything you wrote

steve and i have already tried what you suggested, almost every single thing. you've been here for 5 months, he's been running a servers for over 4+ years now with me being close by for about 2 years and 8 months of that time. you mention a lot of things that happened to you and fotrik personally that never happened to anyone else like banning one player and another leaving. this is the first instance of that ever happening. you also seem to take great pride in having done your best as a mod/janny yet you never suggested a single thing in this book to me or to steve on how you would handle things, especially with fotrik. you just let him get away with problem after problem and your love(?) for him most likely got in the way, sometimes you need to be harsh and i will admit i agree on the banning thing but only part of it

i mostly ban griefers and hackers, never people who've been playing for long times or we consider regulars. fotrik had many chances to be less of a shit head, even i said i would ban him if i found out he blew up someone else's shit and he did it three more times after that and i STILL let him off the hook

none of us are mentally stable, the point is those that want to cause chaos will always cause chaos - they never want to be anything more or less than that. fotrik would never have changed, other wise he would have. no one will change by temp banning them, look at what cat did when i muted him to stop him getting temp banned for spamming chat that one time. he lost his shit and started destroying peoples bases and spamming signs calling me a nigger

i called you out that one time in dms because doc was asking me "why do i always get attacked when i come online?" and you were the only person doing it
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this isn't the first time you've been like this either, this for example. i had two players asking me to have you removed as a mod for this and you claim you're not an instigator or act like you've done no wrong. grom didn't even know who these two were, he used to call me a groomer all the time when he first joined but you just took it upon yourself to welcome people to the server in a way they didn't want especially when they left because they didn't feel welcome

i get i'm no saint either, but i don't pretend to act like one. i am THE arsehole of the server because someone needs to be, but i'm also fair and can be reasoned with as long as the person trying to reason with me is somewhat sane. i even started to "warm" up to fotrik and cat before they were banned but ultimately didn't care if either of them were gone permanently because my mind had already been made up

all in all it is sad to see you go, don't think that even as cold as i can seem that i like people leaving because i don't but i'm also not going to beg people to return. we've been down this path before, you, fotrik, cat and whoever else is gone is just another page in anoncraft history. people come and people go, sometimes they go because they don't like how things are and others it's because they're bored of playing and we accept that

we're all fucked in the head, but you should have talked to me, steve, wither or whoever else first before letting things get so bad that you had to abandon the server and write a book about it

lastly i just want to say it's disingenuous to write like you were the only person taking care of the server because i know that wasn't true, sure you did your part but others did as well and had been long before you joined and some of those people had to put up with a whole lot worse
holy fucking shit no one cares about your wall of text sob story

space you are being very embarrassing. can we please post cool screenshots and not gay love triangle drama
Can somebody ban notidiocracy retard? He broke my shulker farm, stole tons of beacons somewhere and placed them on my base and he also uses some hack to fly.
Hold on I'm at Wendy's.
You're an asshole because you want to be an asshole, not because anyone needs you to be.
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finders keepers
losers weepers
Steeve save autumnrock delete his player data so he can join
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the server is literally full of trannies and third worlders

fucking disgusting
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Space.. You're Psychotic. I'm not reading all of this.. I just wanted some server Improvements and wanted to write a book speaking positively on my experience as janny and things that have happened. I'm sorry that you can't handle that. It's not like your reaction to this is a reflection of how BPD and Manic and in critical need of help you are. Don't worry buddy I'm gone now you can manage all 5 of the new fags who will build huts on different corners of the map and never interact. ~ The Superior Janny Purp

Fuck fotrik
>griefer gets several warnings before finally being banned
>this causes an internal civil war because one of the jannies was friends with the griefer
So, what was all the drama about with CatGno?
He got groomed by trannies
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>people openly posting screenshots with hacks enabled
the mark of a shitty server
Hackers are welcomed in Anoncraft space race said so
Sorry, I'll make sure to closet hack next time, you're more comfortable with things staying in the closet after all
I think my choppa gay, I pull him out the closet
Steeve have done something for autumnrock
Why should Fotrik be unbanned again? He's crazy and does the same shit exactly a week after being unbanned every time. It's like letting a mass shooter back into society just so he can commit more mass shootings. He's been at the trial twice already.
Fotrik expanded spawn more than any other player. Sure he tore down some shit along the way and he should be punished for that. But anytime he did he always went through me and I approved that it was super old. There was only 1 time i recall him griefing something that someone was building and it was some player who barely came on he stole like 1 stack of logs and i just rolled it and told him not to again. The worst he's done is grief muttoid which the 1st time he did was completely fine with everyone because muttoid is a unironic fed. But the 2nd time this was a step too far and we needed to perma ban him this. Which is retarded because a day later cat griefed the same house 2 times and no one gave a shit. So yeah we have pretty clear and concise morals and ethics here at anoncraft. It's probably because we have 1 vague rule or something.
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Space are you retarded? This is a /v/crafter he has no builds on the server or association with anyone but me because we're friends lol.
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LOL me too? bro it's so over pack your shit up boys. Space mass banning of anyone he doesn't like total anoncraft 1984 mode.
Just to clarify. All of this is happening because i wrote a book in a block game that had constructive criticism on how to better improve our block game experience. Absolutely pathetic.
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His buildings were ugly af though. Someone else would've built on spawn eventually. Just seems like a quantity > quality thing to me. Like the Mc.Donalds of building
i think its over. if anyone else wants to take over feel free to reach out to me.
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I'd like to announce my retirement from the Anoncraft community.
for the last year and i half i have put my heart and soul into trying to manage a community where we could all pay minecraft together in a chill and stress-free environment. However, I would like to take a break from my responsibilities as real life is getting in the way and coming on the server lately hasn't been the experience i would like it to be. Maybe one day i will make a return but for now i think we could all use a break from the server. Thank you for the time you invested in the server and tis community. If anyone is interested in taking the mantle of the Anoncraft name, please reach out to me if there's anything i could do to make the passing of the torch more seamless. For the most part i did really enjoy the times we had together on the server, so I'm hoping someone else will express interest in taking over.

Thank you for everything, my children of the atom, my anons.
Peace out gamers, its been a wild ride.

This isnt real right fotrik is making this all drama
he was unbanned right after i banned him, i put in his name instead of yours. he conveniently tried to log in right after i did it, it was just poor timing on both our parts. on your ban, i did it for personal reasons sure but also because you don't care about the server at all and your actions prove that the book you wrote was nothing but bull shit

if you cared about the server you wouldn't have been secretly trying to destroy it ever since you apparently quit but needed to come back 9 more times since you officially left. the sight of seeing the server doing fine caused you to become mentally and emotionally unstable as you thought it would die without you being there, you did nothing but spread lies about me to other players who for your information aren't on "team purple" and there are people on "team space" who sent me links of you shit talking me while i wasn't online. but obviously you were too afraid to do it when we were both on the server at the same time

we had one argument before, one single confrontation and it was about you harassing doc when he got online. why did i do this? because he was messaging me asking if he could ban you with the perms he had because he wanted you to stop. this is the only disagreement we had when you told me "i prefer quantity over quality" in regards to players, i don't agree and never will

i never once said bots were bad and actually encouraged them for proper use, like standing afk at farms but was against you using them to harass doc yet again having them follow him and kill him for your entertainment

your actions, your over inflated ego, your inability to not instigate drama, to constantly lie to make yourself look like you're in the right and are of sound mind led to what is going to happen

congratulations purple, you got what you wanted
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this is going to be the only real post on the thread i make about the "drama". i never really wanted to post about it but i feel inclined to at least share my opinion on the matter, and not that you brought me into it. i think the whole 5-star-written, improvised, tragedy stageplay you both of been brewing has been beyond autistic and i feel such a dumb sob fight is completely unneeded in a 4chan minecraft thread. i feel it's most unneeded because it had for one, a supreme retard stench to it, and for two, it ruins the whole advertisement of the server.

the autistic part of the reasons why i think this is fucking dumb to be on this thread is mainly the big sloppy divorce space and purp are trying to improvise on live stage in front of any passerbys, server members, or people who watch it go down for entertainment. i think space has a lot more grounded takes than purple still trying to seem charming and his attempts to "be the man of the people guys!!1". where purple fumbles and acts like troglodyte who barely managed to understand basic human characteristics, space ALSO fumbles by deciding it to be a good idea to fill the thread with walls of text and speak like a self-insert anime protagonist mixed with some argumentative discord mod who just found out people know he's a pedophile. (i'm exaggerating here, but can you understand what i'm saying?)

because of all this, it only worsens the advertisement and promotion of the server since this thread has become a retard breeding ground for over a month or two. i have heard others complain about a lack of newfags or actual players who have stuck around for more than a few hours to a day. i don't care for newfags joining, but as i implied above, i know people who do. so, in conclusion, there are my two cents about this 'drama". it probably didn't express much for it's length, seeing as i put a few braincells and 30 minutes into this post. i feel like the drama is dumb, but it could at best be moved to someplace else.
do tell me if you have any disagreements on this, i'd like to hear it

and best wishes to steeve (if he truly did retire)
Such is the way things go when the server doesn't have an official discord to contain all the retards who promote this kind of shit
this thread reeks of discord teen drama
hence why people are opposed to using discord in the first place
in an effort to mitigate the chance of such autism brewing it has instead developed as a cancer here
god i hate all of you fags
wish this server didn't descend into pure retard drama. i had fun, bye guys
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I am king Purple the Terrible. I wrote a book asking for improvements in block-game and this made a 30+ year old man destroy the server and mass ban shitloads of innocent people. Fear me.
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this is all your fault btw
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you chose the most retarded hill to die on. I hope you're happy. total anoncraft death just like you wanted
Rather than passing blame I think we should just think about what went wrong here.

You're always gonna have to ban people on a server, right? I think it's worthwhile to not get rid of people permanently. Because you're trying to build a community, and let us be honest you can't be very picky here. Anoncraft might be a bunch of weirdos to put it lightly but that's the reason I go there, to befriend other weirdos like me. And not to AFK all day with the same 3 guys that scheme and whisper to moderators to ban anyone they don't like.

Alternative punishments were a good idea. Like locking them in the Asylum for example. Because you don't have to outright eliminate the player, you can still let them be a part of the community. They can log on, chat with their friends and be let out if they behave. It also plays into that whole RP aspect and makes things more fun. They can communicate with the moderators and they don't have to shit up the thread where people also pretend to be them to keep them banned and start drama. You can keep it contained in the game where it belongs.

I think this would easily solve the divide between the players. You'd really have to be such an unlikable asshole to get a permanent ban that not a single person would miss you. And then no one would have a problem.
>instead of banning people, we should be allowed to torture people and play with them until they leave on their own
>this is a totally normal mindset and i'm in no way a psychopath, this is a normal thing to do and won't encourage toxicity on the server or admin abuse in any way!

just let it die. It's over.
Server is going down tomorrow. So long, anons

Didnt you say you were 23 only a fuckin child would think this would work
he's looking back, not thinking of new ideas.

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samefag you embarrass this server
Fuck, I just wanted to build shit.
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Steeve spoke multiple times of shutting down Anoncraft. It's upsetting to think that it's sorta got to end now but nothing lasts forever. Space part of me feels bad for trolling you. But I tried being your friend and it felt like every-time i tried you just sorta made it clear you didn't like me. That's fine, just i wanted to end this off by letting you know despite our differences i tried and i sort of wanted to be. Thank you for this once in a life time experience Steeve I had fun. our problems we're complicated throw blame wherever you want but it's just a block game and it has to end eventually. Steeves got a wife and lots of responsibilities he couldn't be around as much as he wanted this would've happened either way. So be it. Cya guys.
steve only spoke of this after you atarted antagonizing folks and making the server a worse place to be. its your fault this is happening and im glad you are starting to realize this
wow you know when you type it all like that you really start to look like a person and not an attention whore parasite oh wait actually no you dont actually
if you really cared you would have stopped airing this all out publicly a long fuckin time ago.
i'm currently jacking my shit to this thread rn
Don't you feel a little embarrassment posting this?
it was space_race fault you bunch of chuds
Where the fuck do I go now? I don't want to join vcraft, it is already too old, there are tons of already built things, I will just play singleplayer there.
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friendship ended with anoncraft

now bunkercraft 2 is steeve's best friend
>it is already too old
Look at where you are.
This server looks new, infrastructure and farms are not done yest, world is small, there is a lot of space around spawn.
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Did that fucktard just unbanned Fotrik?
Where do you guys want to build on /v/craft.
goodbye, anoncraft
good fucking riddance this server
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I did it.
I pulled the fucking plug

Anoncraft, I'm sorry. It had to be done.
I loved you
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it was fun while it lasted
gr0m is that you?
Wow, very cool concept, bravo. Veteran player here, not on server tho.
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This one is for fotrik.
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its over
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never let your heroes be operator...
took long enough for this chud circlejerk to get shut down, hopefully the one that comes after it is a little more bearable
I am sad that it end and but happy to because it happened
space disgrace should've been booted off the day he had a meltdown over some tranny stealing his beacon several months ago, kinda crazy how it took three separate lolcows to finally get people to realize this guy is a schizo retard with an inflated ego but birds of a feather flock together i guess.
Purple skele your are egoisitic and jealus of space race
Doc craft reigns supreme.
I for one welcome this new era od the server
All I know is how the server looked under Purp and how it looks now under Space

classic minecraft chuddie drama reflection, lol. lmao, even.
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Steve is based for giving up his role and not stooping to the level of thse retarded discord trannies that ruined the server. Sleep well, king. You deserve a warriors rest now, wherever you may be.
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wouldn't know, stopped playing when space race's alt got outed and he threw a fit all over the thread because he wanted to be cute and mysterious while afking on his farm all day.
i've been on and off the server & thread sporadically to stir shit up, i'm honestly baffled it took niggers this long to realize how rotten Anoncraft is.
I guess the 1 track 4chud brain sees power abuse different when it starts to affects them and not exclusively the people they don't like.
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I must confess... I trolled the shit out of Fotrik when he had his first meltdown here, it's kind of funny how the retard ran with it later on and basically trolled himself for me
Fotrik is unbanned now under our new leader docwalugean
this is great news. let's all go back now to thank the Supreme Leader Docwalugean and welcome the return of his right hand man Lord Fotrik.
Honestly things with doc in charge have been the most fun I've had on the server in the last 6 months. We're in the golden timeline now. Doc = God confirmed
Doc backwards is Cod which might seem fishy but it sounds an awfully lot like God.
Steve was salmon god, Doc is cod god. It all makes sense

Doc is actually saving the server for real.
We are living in peak anoncraft times
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anoncraft has fallen

doc has saved us once again
gold era of anoncraft imminent
Docwalugean instal optifine to servar pls
>server shutting down
>no consequence griefing
>most fun ive had
Wtf happened?
nigger tranny
Fotrik destroyed the entire server.
why? This place seemed cool, literally just build blocks.
Fotrik wanted it gone so now it's gone
Autumnr0ck destroyed the server. He killed it first.
What? I do not destroy the servers. I am Autumnr0ck.
You literally did bro
Where is Cowboy town?
If you thought I am 0skar2. then just tells me I am 0skar2.

you don't now what is it like for me.
You ruined the server with your bullshit and now the people that want to play on it can't anymore. Does that make you feel good?
i am not now who you are talking about

i wanted to play too but i did nothing to do this
please if i did the wrong tell me what i do I honestly do not know

i did not do anything I am not 0skar
Did the video game group become an inner circle of insufferable faggots that destroyed everything again? Say it ain't so, Joe!
Did Oskar finally go full schizo meltdown mode again? Say it ain't so, Joe!
>they're still using random brazilians as scapegoats to blame for the server dying
kek. they should add IQ tests on entry at vcraft so you retards don't pour in, you all have a cognitive disability
I thought he was an autistic pajeet
Space if you are seeing the thread join the server idiots are banned.
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/v/craft won
Damn man, I left for a couple weeks and the server goes to shit immediately from all you fags bickering nonstop. Steeve was pretty cool when I talked to him, space_race seems like a huge faggot, he came back after being gone for so long and the server dies not even a month later. I enjoyed my time with y'all faggots troons and autists, gg
This sucks! Please invite me to the next server!!! I am already missing my big boobed British wife @Space_Race
Nigga why is my shit always griefed?
So that's it? No message, no statement, no world file, no nothing?
it was fun while it lasted thanks for the server steeve
Miss you stealthy
Take care buddy!

Shitposters got the best of this thread rather than letting it 404 in peace
So sorry to hear about Anoncraft. You are all welcomed to /v/craft. Come home white man!
I'm curious what they were going for with this soundtrack
wrong link?
Is it weird to say sometimes the new Soundtracks sound too musical?
They aren't Ambient enough... I think Rdr 2 did it best by just using a randomly chosen assortments of musical strings depending on where & what you're doing.
Steeve went back to his home planet.
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The space_race effect
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Thanks for the fun while it lasted! Hope to see you again someday, somewhere!
>Private server
There is no private server.
>invite me to the next server so I can ruin it!
like that would ever happen
you would be banned before you could even log on purple skele
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I don't want to go back to /v/craft
I miss the days of running around under the Anoncraft sky... Oh why...
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waltuh... shut the fuck up let the server die in peace
anoncraft jannies...
Let's all do Xanax and smoke weed. Wooahhh wooahhh
/V/Craft is full of schizos. I don't want to go there! Where do I play now?
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I am going to kill myself now. Good bye. I cant stand being around them. The yelling and throwing things, the fighting, the bruises and blood. Anoncraft was the one thing I had, and now it's gone I'm going to free myself from this world. Good bye, and thanks for everything
Whats wrong with /v/Craft?
>/v/craft won

lmao get rekt fags
cool, so now what are you going to obsess about?
this server died
go to /v/craft if you want a minecraft server that's not run by trannies, schizos and allows griefers
i don't git where all this supposed discourse between /v/craft and anoncraft is spewing from considering there's no animosity
it's all schizo posting by a certain player named Fotrik
I was gone for two weeks and the server is gone?
I don't understand there were times when the server was dead for months at a time and now it supposedly had to shut down? Doesn't make any sense to me. You could just wait for it to die in peace and restart a new season like last time.

The real reason it died. You let too many vcraft rejects in. Who would just stir shit up. It was a trojan horse all along steeve...
>join vcraft
>oh forgot your password? no worries just head over to our DISCROD

fuck off faggots
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conflict vampires trying to stir shit up as usual, probably lurking the threads every day after being banned from both serbs lol
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Why would I want to join your server? I gave you all my beacons and emeralds and yet you still burned my house down and stole my diamonds. Then I go to ask the moderators and they were giving you beacons and emeralds just for asking for them, and next you started insulting them. This one time I was helping a moderator with a big build and then you came along in the last minute to like move a little bit of dirt and he gave you double chests of resources on the spot. Everything is always ruined when you're around.
literally never happened. clovermc has no moderators
lmao even
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illiterate niggers need not apply
All these other servers are aids. Bring back anoncraft please, I'm begging you
are there any other good alternatives other than /v/craft right now? i'd rather not go out a few thousand blocks just to find a good place to make a shitty hole in the ground.
No thanks I'd rather not join the schizo /pol/cel server
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Once a /v/craft troon
Always a /v/craft troon
Anoncraft should be back
Their server has a /wild command as far as I know which teleports you far from spawn into the new chunks.
Yay, singleplayer!
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>no server here:
/v/craft chads are rising up
>1 player online and 1 bot
yeah sure
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I never even thought to check /vm/ for a minecraft server and by the time I did it's already dead. Goddamnit.
That's cute
It says that " You are not whitelisted on this server!", what do I do?
Anoncraft will return in season 3
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server's invite only I'm afraid, and you have to come with a recommendation from someone already online there
>server went private and disowned all anons along with their builds
so much for "anon"craft lol what a fucking wrap-up
server did not go private and instead majority of players joined an existing private server running parallel with it so they can get away from the faggot drama
why didn't you just ban them instead?
it's not Anoncraft. it's a different server
Season 3 when?
you got got buddy
Something wrong
I hold my head
Anoncraft gone
a server dead
Sounds like someone was a toxic player.
So where is everyone playing now?
Your mother's bedroom.
just read this whole thread, the sexy cat guy was my favorite part. I don't really give a fuck about minecraft I think its boring.

roblox better
Cat doesn't use 4chan; he's gone forever to the sands of time. Likely hospitalized due to AIDS he contracted from homosex.
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for those of you who wanted to play a public 4chins server that isn't going to die of stupid cancer: >>1217129
/v/craft. It's also cracked.
Most of the following countries are range banned: Japan, Russia, Romania
Later gamers!
mark give me the zucc
Can you give me diamonds.
Wtf, why did you ban my country?
V craft is shit
Where's Spicles
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end of faggy gooncraft die and kill urslfss
>Steeve quits
>Joe Biden drops out of the race
Me want minecraft, why no minecraft?
See >>1367910
I got used to having don kanonji around I guess
I have a confession to make: I'm jewish AND a woman!
>If you think there's some arbitrary competition between servers you are retarded
Cope. There's a very finite pool of spergs.
why server dead
Because players were involved in a stupid drama fuckfest so now they can have their stupid drama fuckfest on a different server. Be glad it's over.
just let the thread rest in peace please
lol really, again just like what happened to /v/craft? I play infrequently so I guess I missed what happened this time.
This, I want to know the drama. God I love sperg server drama, gimme the juicy deets!
It was nothing special. But to get the full context you have to go back to the exodus that happened last year/two years?

Sometime last year or more there was some gay drama that led to an exodus of many players from vcraft. Eventually
the vcrafters outnumbered the og anoncrafters 5:1

Among the immigrants there were a lot of undesirables that were either kicked out of vcraft or hated because of their bad actor nature.

Known as unstable individuals/players that would stir drama and cause trouble.

Nevertheless these immigrants like their real life counterparts would stick together like a family/clique. They would organize together
gather on discord and target certain players or jannies together.

Subversion would grow on the server like a tumor and on the thread as well.

Shizo posting would come to an all time high. And name fags would namedrop themselves among others for attention

Among one of those players was Purpleskele

a gay fat southerner who use to work at mcdonalds.

Steeve a benevolent leader would grant janny status like candy.
Even to mentally ill fagmen such as purp.

Which would later prove to be a fatal mistake as it was more like a trojan horse situation.

Among the jannies there was also one of the oldest players space race

Who was the complete oppositive of purp.

A woman, stuck up, and thinking a minecraft server was serious business.

With all these you had the perfect recipe for multiple meltdowns and drama to occur on the server
which would later on implode as time passed.

Frequent players were starting to become disenfranchised with all the faggotry going on and stopped investing their time and effort.

Teambuilding ceased and the community was torn.

purp as a typical fagman. Would vouch and sweep for fotrik known troublemaker and dramaqueen/ mentally ill retard.

catgno another faggot and furry degen

due to this many players would just leave because they or their builds were frequently targeted by said players.
Eventually after many slaps on the wrists and excuses fotrik and catgno got banned.

This got purp upset as they were his faggot freak friends.

Purp would leave the server but not without stirring up the pot and trying to light the server ablaze.

The thread was full of degen rejects trying to subvert the thread and the server wishing for its doom

not long after most normal players left except for a few misfits.

Steeve a normal individual with a wife grew tired of all the faggotry.

Griefs got more frequent as well as attacks from vcraft.

After one big last grief steeve decided to just nuke the server for it's own good

The server died and this thread is it's tombstone

The end
can't cnnect to server
I like how this thread still has more engagement than anoncraft even though the og server is dead.

vcraft just sucks simple as

Steeve wake up

s3 awaits
vcraft* fugggg
>benevolent leader
>would grant janny status like candy
This but incompetent instead of benevolent. Now where have I seen this in a server before...

The reason the /v/crap exodus happened (god bless subnova but he went out from the frying pan and into the oven of all the discord faggotry that composes the anoncraft community) is the same as what made anoncraft die: poor server management from a stupid grain fed redneck, rampant faggot moderators trying to make their safe spaces and of course all the bullshit that comes with hosting the latest version of mineshit with account verification as a whitelist. How do you expect not to have only entitled brats into your server? "anon" in anoncraft reminds me of the "open" in OpenAI.
People are too busy just playing minecraft instead of shitting up the thread with gay drama. Hilarious how Mark is vindicated by all the retards he banned going on to destroy another server.
weakest deadcraft cope
>A woman, stuck up, and thinking a minecraft server was serious business.
>a woman

Gonna press X to doubt, the only womyn that play Mineycrap are streamers that do it for the money.
catgno was based and redpilled and I'm tired of pretending he wasn't.
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Anoncraft be like
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chill times
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Anon, you seem to be confused about which server is still online. :^)
>attacks from vcraft.
Doc was a sleeper agent.
When this thread is gone how will the two offshoots of anoncraft feud with each other
I dont know what you are talking about. We were just guys having a good time in minecraft but you couldnt accept that
btw here is the partial world download of s2 from 30.6.2024 in case anyone still wants it
Why doesn't someone just make a new server called Anoncraft?
>Hilarious how Mark is vindicated by all the retards he banned going on to destroy another server.
True, the banned spergs really have reverse midas touch, everything they come into contact with turns into shit. I feel bad for the anoncraft admin to be honest.
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Your epic solution: there is no need to moderate a community if there is no active playerbase. Brilliant!
If nobody will do it, I will do it after 1.22 will drop.
my solution is not being a retard granting janny to whoever the fuck you feel like. but then again you love having extra boots to lick.
Because there seems to be a deep misunderstanding about why the /v/craft exodus happened, I seek to provide further insight. As with many matters considered on managing a server, /v/craft maintains no position of being a "4chan server". Nevertheless, I suspect that the reasons for the exodus overlap substantially with those of other servers shilled on 4chan.

anoncraft has not been shut down because its jannies maintain contrary views about players. Disagreements on the underlying nature of the server or our response to it should never be regarded as a reason to avoid collaboration or the use of good games and pastimes. In general, it should not even be regarded as a reason to avoid joining a 4chan server. I disagree vehemently with friends and moderators from other servers online and in person on many issues, and we have great fun arguing our positions ad nauseam. Even if we have no power to reconcile the issues, it is a good exercise to strengthen and refine our own beliefs.
This does not imply that anoncraft has been killed by /v/craft refugees however. There are a number of contextually disqualifying attributes of the anoncraft project. Readers can, with a bit of research, uncover several examples of inappropriate and uncontrolled behavior from both server administrations. The maintainers of the server seem unwilling to reign in content that does satisfy any reasonable criteria for a Minecraft server centered on 4chan culture. However, I am also aware of at least one instance where a server mod abused administrative control in a player interaction to modify inventory/builds of another user to express political disagreements, and even the doxxing of personal information. I can appreciate a laissez faire approach that allows all content to exist unmoderated; I can also appreciate an editorial approach that seeks to emphasize civility and limit gameplay to a specific set of pre-established rules. The handling of both anoncraft and /v/craft is neither for that matter; it is the capricious manipulation of interactions in bad faith.
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Lurking the servers, others have noted some of the technical criticisms of hosting such services. Chief among these are thrashing as each admin deliberation brings massive changes to the serverscape. The announcement for an update of the version or a world wipe has always amassed to drops and spikes in playerbase; Soon, a new version of the game will yank out players in favor of a newly duct taped together plethora of Mojang gimmicks and aesthetic trinkets. These are signs of an immature server; they may reflect a learning journey for the admins, or perhaps just a tinkering attitude that values change for the sake of change. Either way, it inspires little confidence since Mojang does not prioritize the well being of our demographic, which should instead look into perfecting the core spirit of the game by sticking to a stable, stress tested version which minimizes instability and maximizes the "comfy feel" most of these threads shill about.
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Finally, the attitude surrounding both anoncraft and /v/craft seems contrary to the ethos of 4chan. The prominence and emphasis on original accounts and ceaseless updates in anoncraft favors style over substance. Even the name of the server reads more like a mockery of the very idea of being anonymous or belonging to 4chan. Both anoncraft and /v/craft favors form over function in the sense that they'll cater to a disjunct set of a userbase in relation to the 4chan user which seeks unmoderation and the comfort of a shitposter tribe. This is in fact why the /v/craft exodus happened.

A whole lot of words to say nothing of substance, pretentious twat. And what you are saying is a crock of shit. You faggots will come up with every excuse in the book rather than take responsibility for being shitty people who purposely cause problems for laughs.
this is your retard admin btw
>However, I am also aware of at least one instance where a server mod abused administrative control in a player interaction to modify inventory/builds of another user to express political disagreements, and even the doxxing of personal information
and what would that be?
you can be anonymous so you don't need to be known as a retard. stop writing tomes about dead game servers weirdo.
lmao that's exactly what has happened since like 2010.
>Finally, the attitude surrounding both anoncraft and /v/craft seems contrary to the ethos of 4chan. The prominence and emphasis on original accounts and ceaseless updates in anoncraft favors style over substance.

That's true. You know, the best solution is to host it occasionally instead of 24/7 and never ever opening a discord, drama brews when people run out of game related things to talk about.
I'm happy to maintain being anonymous

>It's ESL
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i like minecraft
It was very fun and good until it last i was here just some time ago but all that time was really good ~~~~OSkar
Bye space race,Doc,witcher.andrew,purple,steeve
purple stealthy azertium and everyone else
we will be back if not there's/v/craft
v craft can never be what anoncraft was
but players that know you are there and that you know are there doesnt that count for something
Anon, this is 4chan. That counts for less than nothing.
This is all the same poster. Let's invite 0skar2 anyway, what do you say purp?
thx for this invite i will think
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the construction begins
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/bant/ wall of flags
first s2 map
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oops kek
This is also me. Let's invite 0skar2 anyway, what do you say space?
All these posters are actually me.
All these screenshot make me cry
These anime tiddy maps are superior to vcrafts
what was the peak anoncraft tim for you for me its when space was online and making the bone castle
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fuck you bob
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anoncraft is a emotion that v craft cannot recreate
Is there any other server
where everybody is playing
Vegas New Vada Vegas New Vada Vegas New Vada
everybody dispersed.
anoncraft will rise again
What a shames, but most importantly go fuck yourself Purp lol
In another life and another time, I'll recreate my stables and mountain home.
pour one out for anoncraft

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