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How old is too old to be playing competitive games? I'm 24 and I feel like pic rel.
Depends on the game. Hikaru Nakamura, one of the top chess players in the world, is 36. Daigo, one of the top Street Fighter players, is 43.
why does there have to be an age limit on what you do in your freetime?
Stop feeling depressed and play those games you like to feel better.
If you mean professionally then halfway into your 20s you're gonna start losing reaction time, ideal age for that is 15-25, often sooner. You can make up for that by strategy or experience though, depending on the game you're competing in.
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That chart is confirming what I said.
At a professional a level 30-40 ms difference in reaction time is literally game changing,
it says from 20 to 30 is only a 10ms difference tho

Because my boomer dad said so.
Hes watching TV right now i guess i should do that.
you just have to understand that you can't rely on techskill and learning things fast, so if you didn't already figure out that fighting games are literally exclusively mindgames you're gonna have some work to do
big surprise that /v/ can't read a basic chart
Im 32 and literally pic related

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