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Is Quake Champions dead? Did it ever live?
>did it ever live
You need to make a game that doesn't leak RAM if you want it to be successful.
That's not all you need, but considering they failed at that mark, no. No not really.
kek i still have like 30+ followers or whatever they are called from the alpha/beta tests. not a single one of them are still playing this overwatch clone ofc
It is absolutely nothing like Overwatch.
>tfw there is still shill money for this game 8 years later
>tfw can finally play it now at 64gb RAM
No not at all. It was DOA mostly due to performance issues but also it literally had next to zero marketing. The graphics and audio however were top notch and they could've easily gotten more attention
It was a mix of good and bad.
No player servers was bad.
Early balance was off for hit point disparities and move speed.
At the same time the active abilities were widely imbalanced. Some being utility and others being straight damage.

But I also think quake champs did a lot of interesting and good choices tho.
The bots can be fun to play against with friends, to this day, and that's something most games don't offer.
Beyond the bots I do personally like how they sort of split up different movement mechanics into different champions.
The sliding, air strafing, doublee jumping, wall jumping, etc are all neat little mechanics from the history of arena shooters and its cool to be able to play them in a single game..
And some of the champion abilities are okay too, stuff like the grapple hook is just more movement, while ranger's little blink grenade is a neat function as well.
If they had instead made these abilities non damaging utility/movement abilities, I think it would've been better received.
Similarly, the different passives have potential as well, like rangers reduced self DMG for rocket jumping, or the skeleton guy's immunity to fire, etc.

In a lot of cases those early era problems are fixed, it just took them far too long to do so. I think a period of quiet work on the game behind the scenes and a big loud relaunch with steam's cooperation to get it on the front page, with coop vs bots front and center for newbies would bring another wave of people to try the game.
It might actually hold a population with how well balanced it is now.
But regardless of all that, to this day my friends and I will play some vs bots now and then. Or 50/50 splits and use bots to fill out teams..
And you can still find instagib and duels matches.
So its dead, just not a corpse.
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>It was DOA mostly due to performance issues but also it literally had next to zero marketing.
No. It was DOA mostly because it came out in a genre that's been dead for over a decade, had little to no culcural relevance and nobody knew how to play it. The lack of marketing was probably the second biggest reason. Technical issues were at the bottom of the list, since PUBG already proved even a broken piece of shite can easily become the most popular game in the world.
It came out on early access a good year after doom 2016, which is the starting gun for the boom shoot renaissance, it literally could not have been more perfectly lined up to succeed with respect to the gaming landscape
Even if Bethesda played all their cards right, they only had a very brief window of opportunity. When QC first came out of beta in August 2017 you had to pay for it, it wasn't until a year later that it became f2p, at which point it was already too late because BR had completely taken over the market.
>They had a year of free reign in a market they were dominating and their output was an ugly game with needlessly high minimum hardware requirements (read: poorly optimized) even without the leaky RAM. I'm sorry, did they need a decade to stop pissing their pants? Bethesda did what it's done since 2005, failed to adapt or even refine.
They couldn't keep pace with their own low standards let alone the competition.
The green text was a fuck up, I'm taking notes from Bethesda I guess.

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>F2P garbage that is a strict downgrade form games people have already been playing for 2 decades
It was doomed from the start, the GAAS model alone completely guts any potential a game like Quake has by nuetering its custom maps and mod support in favor of its GAAS dogshit.
What does that mean?
GAAS = Games as a Service
Which means...
it means you vill own nothing und you vill be happy
It means you can't run your own servers, you can't create your own game modes, your own maps, ect.

Everything the game has comes directly from id, and suprise, its also all paywalled/timegated because league of legends exists.

Problem is you can already play Quake 1 2 and Arena with decades of custom maps, custom game modes, ect. Quake Champions compared to everything before it was a graphical upgrade, but at the same time a massive gameplay downgrade
Community maps were amazing in Unreal Tournament.
You have to consider relative to the game's niche. PUBG was complete barebones chink garbage yet at the time there was no greater multiplayer trend than Battle Royal especially with the peak of Twitch. That was an anomaly, as you can tell since PUBG quickly fell into irrelevance once streamers left and real developers capitalized on the genre.
For QC to even scrape up a new audience, it had to appeal one of the current trends (hero shooters, still trending) and deliver a solid product. They did the first thing right, but their delivery was botched. Had their game development been more robust they juuust might've been able to get much more of the market share than just half assing the launch with ZERO marketing. Like, did they even intend on going forward with their "current popular thing" plan? But hey, big developer flops are becoming normal now.
They sort of alienated their core fanbase here too. No QL or prior Quake player would appreciate QC, so they couldn't even get a sorta 'unified community' game either. They fucked up on both getting the new audience and retaining their old audience. Granted, Quake players are the hardest to please. Now the entire playerbase are newfags who are years late to the genre yet only have the worst variation of Quake to play.
>Quake players are the hardest to please
StarCraft or lineage 1 might be harder, Koreans are wackadoos, but it is hard to improve on perfection. Quake arena still plays like budder
Shame that Epic outright killed the UT series and then swept it under the rug
Whatever soul they had left died in the fortnite mines, to this day the least authentic and original game I've ever seen, there's not an original idea in that entire game, its identity is derivative. The only thing it has to call its own is the level of marketing budget spent on it to court toddler interest.
>overwatch clone
overwatch didn’t create the concept of characters you retarded zoomer
What game did Fortnite copy?

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