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I'm going to host an Enigmatica 2 Expert (E2E) server on 1.12.2 soon. Is anyone interested? this is an autistics-only modpack~
I'm still getting the server up and running, if anyone wants to play.
that depends, are you the shuten avatarfag from /v/? If so, yeah i'll join.
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we're one post into the thread nonny...yes, that's me. you want the discord invite? i'll post the plain server IP later when everything's configured.
Why don't you try making this on /v/? /vm/ is kinda slow.
i was actually just fucking around, i don't enjoy minecraft very much. Apologies.
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i might later, i'm a little scared of it being too chaotic.
that's a shame, though the server is just a general /v/non server, and not just for MC.
I might check it out one of these days. It's just that i don't really enjoy discord servers. See you around man.
shame the v thread died, I was looking forward to more posts, it did sort of devolve into unfounded paranoia towards the end though, how is the minecraft going shuten-anon?
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mhm, it's a shame. i think it's just one poster derailing the threads. regardless, minecraft has been fun so far, we made a lot of progress!
ooo? progress like what? what kinda pack is it? if you dont care to tell me dont worry about it, I'm just bumping to keep the thread up and its nice to post here and not join the discord to chat (I'm shy and antisocial)
>>>/vg/mmcg has a slight lack of serbs at the moment, you could probably get about 4 people from there
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i thought about doing that, but i feel like adding a bunch of hardened veterans will disenfranchise the majority of the players, who are just starting the pack. i might ask around anyway though, it's not a bad idea!
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sure i'll join op send discord or somethin
okay! we;ve made a little bit of progress since i first posted, but we're still in the beginning stages. i'll be on soon!
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i didn't see this reply! it's a "kitchensink" kind of pack, with a lot of mods! you progress by creating a source of energy for machines, or magic for magic mods. the end-game goals involve using lots of mods together to become very powerful! so far i've just been farming food.
>enigfartica 2
>gachanigger avatarfag
hard pass
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here's your attention, we'll still be having fun in the meantime.
the irony of an avatarloser calling anyone out for seeking attention
epic projection
hey op, i remember you from the /v/ thread. i've not tried modded minecraft before even though i have a few thousand hours in vanilla. do you have any recommendations on what to start with? E2E seems cool but it'd be a bit much for me i think :p
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nice to see you again! umm, let me think...if you're brand new, there are basically two types of modded. there's old-school tech mods, like the modpack tekkit, which you've probably heard of. every significant tech mod on any version below 1.16 is based on tekkit's foundation, so start with that if you want an old-school feel!
the second camp is new minecraft modding, which is based around this mod called create. the create mod is really fun, and very aesthetically pleasing! it's not as progression-focused and is more of a sandbox that encourages creative building and factory construction. if that sounds more up your alley, start with create!
you can also try enigmatica 2 normal, the normal version doesn't have any custom recipes and you can just play around with the mods.
make sure not to overallocate RAM to minecraft!! it doesn't need more than 8 gigs, nearly ever. i play modded with 4-6 usually.
i hope you have fun!
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arigato shuten anon ^-^ i didn't actually post in the /v/ thread but i remember your voice! i remember hearing about tekkit. i watched a little FTB and TFC too, a decade or so ago on ethoslab's channel...
i watched the create trailer. the trains are incredible! it's almost more like factorio than minecraft. that's pretty exciting. i will have a look at the E2 normal version tomorrow. that said i will probably try something older so i don't get too terribly overwhelmed right off the bat hah. thank you for the tip about the RAM btw :)
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it makes me happy to help! have a nice time~
Has it gotten sexual yet?
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i mean i'm a flirt, but i want this to be a real thing, so no. i've behaved myself! and made sure no /trash/ people have filled up the discord/game server.
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new link, since /v/ is linking the thread.
Drizzy won
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here you are nonny! i hope we can play something.
>general game server
so not just minecraft? what do you guys usually play besides it? i'm not really into minecraft.
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we've all been playing mahjong a lot in addition to minecraft, but i think the server's interests are varied. there's a lot of people who play monster hunter, a fair amount of people who play fighting games and league, and someone who plays final fantasy, among other things. more than likely there's someone else who plays the same stuff you do, unless you like playing soviet mario bootlegs or something.
>unless you like playing soviet mario bootlegs or something.

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