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Anyone else feel like multiplayer games have gotten too hard?

I mainly play shooters like CS2 and PUBG but lately its gotten so bad I can't overlook it. When I play these games I just wanna relax and chill, but most people now are trying SUPER hard to win & playing like its a fucking tournament. It doesnt matter what game mode you choose, casual, ranked, optional silly modes, everyone plays serious as fuck and it's just not fun anymore. The whole vibe of modern shooters is like PLAY BETTER LEARN THE META WATCH STREAMERS DO AIM TRAINING and it just sucks ass.

I don't know what to play anymore man. Overwatch and Valorant are the same. I just want my fun comfy FPS back
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You're getting older and your fine motor skills and reaction times are starting to degrade. Not enough for you to notice, but enough that it makes competitive gaming more difficult. You just can't physically compete with people aged 16-21 anymore. Sorry to say, but it's true. Happens to all of us. I would start looking into RTS and MMOs.
I'm 25. Reaction time apparently peaks at 24
In my opinion, reaction time is FAR less significant than people believe. Unless you're aiming for god tier APM in starcraft or you're a world class fighting game/FPS player, it doesnt really matter. What gun you're using, your loadout, your spray control, your angle, crosshair placement, these are far more important. If things come down to reaction time that's usually because you messed up somewhere.

Older gamers do have less energy they're willing to invest into games though. Getting hopped up on Monster & Adderall so you can play CS2 for 8 hours just feels retarded as a grown man. Most adult guys are not going to copy Twitch streamers to learn the meta of some game. We'll just play some single player game instead
games like cs2 and pubg have the problem of sweats in all of the ranks when i was really into csgo i would aim train and i was in silver because i was a virgin faggot just play mmos or more chilled out games
im 33 and top 2% in premier and i dont even play very often.. 1.3k hours
oops meant to reply to
I understand all of it.

>FPS being played by low IQ thirdies trying to emulate their domineering mothers

>everyone treating it like a literal job

>everyone thinks like they're le epic streamer they're currently simping for

it's all so soulless
maybe you should find a better game
people who played cs were always joke to me
dont play competitive games if you dont want to be competitive, wow so difficult
>FPS being played by low IQ thirdies
This is why I don't like the genre. Gone are the days of the frat guy marine dudebro /v/ used to make fun of. If you want a purely white competitive game you play racing sims.
>You're getting older and your fine motor skills and reaction times are starting to degrade.

i don't think that's why. i think the difference is that gaming is more popular and its also much easier to find videos on how to get better. people like OP coasted on their reflexes and innate gamesense to do well but when faced with people who watch pro vids on their lunch break and practice grenade throws before work are simply going to be better.
Nice bait, I'm 40 and everyone commends my reflexes
>I just wanna relax and chill
then go sleep on your bed idiot

i'm pretty fucking relaxed when i am playing titanfall and i rarely have to pay full attention to the game. i'm usually listening to something else while playing and i still win most matches.
The problem is the games you're playing,
tactical shooters have been absolutely ruined by the competitive mindset
Does the same apply to shit like R6?
I always sucked at CSGO but I recently picked up CS2 and I'm surprised how little I suck now, I often wind up middle of the scoreboard. I think volvo has gotten better at matching noobs with other noobs in a conscious effort to generate the next gen of skin addicts. I recommend only playing Dust2 casual and switching sides anytime you're fighting a stacked team. Alternatively, you could always go back to spamming pipes into Dustbowl stage 2 spawn room, but valve servers are dead and community servers are far sweatier than the casual games of old. Even so, tf2 is the champion of casual FPS.
jesus my dude, cope harder.
These people do not "try super hard" they just are, most of them probs giving less than 5% while falling asleep.
What's the issue? That you're denied your cool moments and dopamine, but in which way? 1) you can't enjoy where you are on the bell curve or 2) you can't enjoy matchmaking with others on same spot on the bell curve.

One means you get assblasted because you are losing some rankings or other shit other that you miss raking up W's against mob lowlifes. And as you seem to be like 30 playing only older games there's no more totally obvious people.

In both cases do not worry, you were same whiny bitch as a child and as a teen, but just changed the cope phrase.
you need to cheat like everyone else to have fun these days
what the fuck nigger, one is a cheating infested shithole and the other is a cheating infested shithole filled with sweating chinese, if you want to relax with a FPS play no mans sky or something else
You're not bad

30% people are just cheating nowadays. Statistically you'll have a hacker each game. If you take these games seriously you'll just want to kys. If you aren't a literal pro just play to have fun. Playing like it's your job is pointless. These games are pointless.
that’s because you are schizophrenic. Take your meds
I miss the energy you felt to have your k:d higher than 1
Huh? What did you say to me bitchboy? 1v1 in iceworld in ten hours
don't play competitive games

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