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>4 out of 5 of my games I'm the top player who has to hard carry (forced losses)

>eventually I get given a pity round to get an easy win

>then I get shit all over again

why is modern matchmaking such trash? I feel like an unpaid booster. I'm not even great but I have to absolute drag literal deadweight teammates to a win. this forced 1.0 or whatever is so unfun and dumb as fuck.

if are above average the sbmm just exists to make you miserable. it wants to drag your winrate down by any method possible. usually garbage lobbies.
what, would you rather be permastuck in some particular rank on a ladder instead? the system isn't the problem, it's (You) and your unreasonable demands to always win competitive games. it's why they've made MMR systems like they are, to try and please you unpleasable always losing reatrds. can you stop making this thread already? if you actually gave a fuck you'd just be playing in organized events instead of bitching on a south eastern asian rice planting social exchange such as our own.
I was Gold 2 in one season of Siege and plummeted to Copper 5 the next. How did that happen to me? I quit the game afterwards.
matchmaking is always dumb

I remember playing OW when it came out
I would 4-5 gold medal hard carry into barely losing because one person used a dumb ult or something all the time and I could never get to diamond because then I'd get team stupid and de-rank.

I remember in cs go being at silver elite master forever and then I played with a consistent group for less than a week and after breaking into gold I rocketed up (lots of solo queue) to le

I remember in starcraft 2 being gold and trying to get plat and it would have me play diamonds all the time and a few masters. I lost to just about all of them. Then I lost to a plat and got bumped down to silver lol
i believe the fun of matchmaking is inversely proportional to the complexity of the mm algorithm
The problem is that you think you are better than you are, you probably had 4 games with shit teammates and shit enemies and the second you got put against your own rank you curled up into a ball and started crying. Also I'd personally rather be in a lower rank than my actual skill, It's more fun getting to smurf a little than getting stomped. I'll occasionally throw games if my teammates are being toxic retards just to derank a little.
you deserve it
Just play with your friends instead of whatever randoms the algorithm vomits out
Ask me how I know you have a less than 2.0 kd in every game you play. Sbmm for actual good players is a laggy shit experience full of full squads, campers and only meta setups
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When i played apex i'd abandon my team the moment i got the "time to lose" squad. Atleast in apex you could just fuck off,unlike the non-battle royale games.
But now i would only want to play with a friend or not all. (So not at all).
Play real games (eg. EVE Online, Foxhole) instead of kids' arena shit, lmao.
>abandon my team

who cares only matters in ranked
Because matchmaking tries to make you win half the time, it doesn't care what quality the matches are. I'm sure they try to minimize this but it's still the end result. What's the easiest way to make sure you stay as close to fifty fifty? Guaranteed win, guaranteed loss. Toss you into masters and wood rank interchangeably, thus balance. It's not that obvious all the time but that is the point in the end, your effort doesn't matter because it's designed to make it not matter, if you stood still for 10 games you'd win as often as max sweating. That's the goal of matchmaking, the more you try the worse it feels, especially global matchmaking, it's one thing to be top 10% percent in your local city or server of 200 regulars, it's another to be top 10% in the world. It's not the only thing ruining pvp games but it seems to be the lynchpin of a lot of the dissatisfaction that modern ones produce in people. It just doesn't make for a positive environment, even if the people going in are positive. Elo based matchmaking is inherently uncasual.
Matchmaking in casual was a mistake.
in any system where skill is measured as a function of an exchange of points for wins or losses, you will eventually hit a point where you can no longer win games until you develop the tactics and techniques being used by those ranked above you. simple as. cry more.
>matchmaking is full of full stacks
Take the fucking hint NIGGER
You're playing TEAM games with NO TEAM
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Looks like I've reached a point where the enemies who overperform have sticky aimbot assist all the time. But I don't want to play like a faggot rat with no true aiming skill. So what is left to do? Uninstall? That doesn't sound very good for player retention. Which is what SBMM is trying to address after all.
>I'm not even great but I have to absolute drag literal deadweight teammates to a win.
Yeah that's how I felt about Halo Infinite when I tried playing it for a bit.
Id match in and get some super easy match where I'd go 30-2 and the next 4 matches would be me sweating to carry 4 bots while the opposing team is doing their 30-2 match.
I am not good at fps games either. I'm trash, I have no business getting 30-2 and that's actually where I basically could tell the entire thing was blatantly manipulated.

My impression of the game's eomm/sbmm was that it was not primarily about trying to get me a 50% winrate like some guess (tho it did that to an extent)...
It more felt like the matchmaking was trying to manipulate my dopamine levels/responses by giving me 4 difficult wins or close losses and then feed me 1 overwhelming win to give me a burst of dopamine.
Dopamine is the reward hormone our brain drip feeds us.
Ever do a task where you're losing/failing over and over and you finally figure it out?
That feeling of happiness and pride and confidence is your brain giving you dopamine as a reward for overcoming a difficult challenge.
This process is what is evolved to encourage us to not give up, and to keep trying and improving.
So to me, it was so blatant that this is what the game was doing to me.
I'd fight and struggle for 4 matches or so and then get this overwhelming win to where my brain says "wow good job you improved!" and then drip feeds me a little dopamine.
But I didn't improve, the game just manipulated me to feel like I did.
It was blatant and it was a really fucked up feeling that I didn't keep playing.
I felt deeply manipulated once I kind of realized what was going on.

So, idk about COD or other games, but I've seen it at work in Halo Infinite and I just stay far away from that shit now.
Its evil actually and I genuinely feel like this kind of manipulation needs to be made illegal.
Unless you're playing team deathmatch in cawadooty, it doesn't matter in the slightest how many kills you're getting. You're like one of those retards in DOTA who wins their lane and goes "fuck my retarded teammates, I pulled my weight, I deserved to win that match" while not realizing that your actions and high KD came directly at the expense of the rest of your team and contributed to the loss.

Basically, you're not as good as you think you are and I guarantee the SBMM has put you exactly where you're meant to be.
Every counter strike hater fails to understand this message
No, not all. I just want to, you know, have motivation to become better at the game. With SBMM there's no motivation, because the better you become at the game, the harder your games become, which is NOT FUCKING IDEAL. Like, in a normal scenario, you start playing the game, you're a noob, you get stomped by almost everyone and you bottomfrag every game. But as you become better, you start racking up kills and now you are in the middle of the scoreboard and then you are almost always at the top. In SBMM scenario you are always in the middle. You start the game and you get thrown to absolute NOOBS that you can beat even blindfolded, so that you experience a power trip and get hooked on the game. But, as you sink more hours into the game, the SBMM figures out your skill and places you into the pack with the guys that have the same skill level. And then you become better. But you don't experience it because the people that get matched with you also become better. Correction: They don't. They are just getting replaced by better people.
how the fuck is your reading comprehension this fucking bad
If you can't look at yourself and notice how you're doing a bunch of shit you used to not have the ability for and don't notice it, I don't know what to tell you.
Tell me what exactly am I doing. Cuz I certainly AM NOT having fun.

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