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Looks like the devs have finally wised up and started giving this game out for free.
Sadly it's through Twitch prime, you'll get the game on EGS, and frankly it's a bit too late to do it, but it's a start.
The game is about blending in by pretending to be an NPC, unlocking a high-security vault, and stealing the briefcase, while other players are trying to achieve the same. Can be played solo, or in a duo or trio.
Have you played it anon?
Didn't want to include my opinion in the OP.
It's a fun game, I played it solo during the free weekend after launch, and I got it through prime yesterday.
My biggest issue is that despite being a spy/heist game, you'll get little to no punishment for wreaking havoc. Worst case scenario, you shoot 3 guards, disguise as one, and wake them all up by crouching over them (this will trigger the slapping-waking up animation other NPCs do, you just don't see it in first person), and go about your business as if nothing ever happened. The even bigger problem is, the devs have acknowledged this, and said 'well, it's first and foremost an FPS, not a stealth game', and refuse to introduce a hardcore mode with harsher penalties for goofing up.
The game heavily favors reactivity over proactivity, to the point where going AFK next to the vault door and letting the others open it, retrieve the briefcase and stealing it from them is unironically a good strategy, not to mention third partying fights between other players.
Also, the game has between 100 and 300 players on Steam during peak hours, meaning you'll get a shitton of bots when you start out, then a shitton of sweats once you level up enough.
Not a lot has been done to distinguish the artstyle from your run-of-the-mill cartoonish UE game, but it kind of grew on me, and I like the music as well.
TTK is too high imo, and the gunplay is a bit weird to get used to, the devs chose the 'not hitscan but the bullets are so fast it almost feels like it' approach. Gadgets are fun.
I played it during one of the free weekends, and it was alright, but it felt pretty rough at the time. There didn't feel like there was enough reward for playing it slow and properly sneaking around, and solos seemed like the only way to actually get the stealth experience. What risks there were before seemed easily mitigated with a friend. I dunno how much has been improved since then.

Maybe I give it more leeway because it's a concept I'd love to see done well, along with scratching some itches that have gone unscratched (disguise gameplay similar to AssCreed Multiplayer/The Ship, extraction shooter that sends everyone in naked), but I dunno if it would ever manage to scratch them. I did end up getting it off of a keysite for a dollar ages ago, just in case it ever turned around, but even the people who play it don't seem to recommend it too much
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>choose the prophunt gadget
>camp purple room that has a terminal in it
>preferably with a weapon that kills faster
>go literally from nothing to full gear
This is what I'm saying. You can go phyisically AFK and you still get a smack like that and take 100% of their progress because the purple room concentrates the players that much. I don't remember a time when I encountered an actual NPC elite guard there, it's always been players in disguise.
Funnily enough this match still ended in a defeat, I was doing the exact same thing except at the door to the briefcase, and the other guy(s?) never came to pick it up. After a certain while, a 3-minute countdown begins at the end of which the game ends with a defeat for everyone. I thought this would hurry things up a bit, but apparently it did not.
He was either completely AFK, or doing and thinking the exact same thing as I did but at the extraction point.
Also, I have not played a full 10 person match in the past 3 days, it's always 3-6 people running around in the lobby then magically 10 on the intro screen, their names being literally just the agent they chose. So that game could have very well been a 1v1 between me and a badly programmed bot.
On that note, the game hides network information from you by default. That wouldn't be a problem, if the default matchmaking setting (which isn't exactly shoved in your face either) wasn't GLOBAL. Just for the sake of a short queue, the game forces you into a random east asian match where you have 300ms ping and 0 clue as to why you're lagging so hard. The other two settings are "local only" (this is the best, obviously), and "best region" which falls under the same category of retardation as global does, except there is a slim chance you'll get matched on a server on the same continent as you.
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I have a hundred hours into it and with how low the playerbase is, and how quickly you find games, idk if the majority of my time has been spent playing against bots. Serious

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