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What are some of your favourite multiplayer maps?
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Death Island
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I miss just vanilla tf2 servers that ran this map 24/7
Strike at Karkand also. Just a timeless classic.
I really like Chinese in Timesplitters
I'll never forget playing this map in a public server once. I was my team's commander and we were the U.S. and getting fucking stomped.
I noticed the path to the other team's tank spawn through the river was completely unoccupied. I gave a short little rah rah speech to my team and told them "you guys can pull off this comeback if you take the river to their tank spawn and take the point."
Believe it or not (considering it was a public server) my team actually fucking listened to me and took the point. The moment we took the point I told everyone "KILL THEIR FUCKING TANK NOW." And they listened. Then I told everyone "EVERYONE DIE NOW AND SPAWN AT THE ENEMY'S TANK SPAWN AND CAMP THAT SHIT WITH BOTH FUCKING TANKS." And they listened.
Suddenly we were fucking slaughtering them with both tanks, holding their tank spawn, and made up a 100+ deficit to come back and win.
To this day this remains one of the only times I can remember a public FPS team actually cooperating and behaving like a team and pulling off a victory by doing so.
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Based op

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