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Now with more PRONG

Elite: Dangerous is an online space flight simulation and combat, trading + exploration game that takes place within a 1:1 scale simulation of the Milky Way galaxy.

Most Lakon Type-8 specs now confirmed.
Size: Medium (barely)
Core module sizes: Powerplant 5, Thrusters 5, Frameshift Drive 5, Life Support 3, Power Distributor 4, Sensors 3, Fuel 5 (32tons)
Optional module sizes: 1x 1, 1x 2, 1x 4, 2x 5, 3x 6, 1x 7
Maximum cargo capacity: 406 tons
Hardpoints: 5 small, 1 medium.
Supercruise Overcharge optimized for control and endurance.
Stock specimen was observed to travel at 154m/s with 2 pips to ENG. Compare with 157 for a Type-6 and the expected ballpark for engineered thrusters should be around 250 thrust and over 500 boost.
FSD range said to be long, though not dedicated explorer long.

The Type-7 is officially on suicide watch.

Oh and apparently there's another new FDL variant called the Python Mk2.

>Trading and market tools

>Space Chinaman's ship and module discount emporium:
Look for high tech stations with power Li Yong-Rui for the best selection at 15% off. Example: Ray Gateway in the Diaguandri system.

>Theorycraft your spacecraft:

>What the fuck is engineering?

>Elite: Dangerous wiki

>Where's all the alien scum?

>Rice up your cockpit:
>The Type-7 is officially on suicide watch.
At least it's only 17mil. I'm betting the T8 will be around 50. OTOH it's the first sub-T9 that can actually mine properly.
Also the medium HP is underslung behind the cargo hatch like some sort of seismic-charge-launching schlong. Might even be the first real rear-mounted turret depending on its FOV.
>Oh and apparently there's another new FDL variant called the Python Mk2.
Aside from the SCO cheat code what's the point of this in actual combat? The internals are more power intensive than the FDL while it still only has a class 6 plant and distro, so it's both power and distro constrained compared to an FDL. You don't really get to take advantage of the hardpoint config, plus that also means no huge slot for guaranteed pierce.
Old af 'official' /vg/ wing. Semi active.
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It's mainly a gank boat. It handles frags really well and you're not getting away from it in supercruise in anything else. Also slightly more maneuverable than the FDL and basically the same speed.

Good 'ol Space IRA.
It's a dedicated gank ship. I imagine it'll be useful for the new power play, it can catch anything in the game in supercruise, and has the firepower to kill it
What am I locked out of by not having Odyssey?
I mostly just trade, not interested in exploration or anything like that.
Not a whole lot. Footy content is either FPS combat or exploring. A few features are locked behind Odyssey but nothing a trader really cares about.
I see. Thanks anon.
I'll keep trucking like I normally would then.
I assume the Type-8 won't be Odyssey exclusive, because it would suck to miss out on 406 tons of capacity in a medium pad. That and the SCO optimization will open up outposts and long distance ports for actual serious trading.
OTOH it's $10
I unironically find scanning plants to be relaxing, and it's surprisingly lucrative.
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I dread the day Fdev shuts the servers down for good; There's no other space game that scratches the same itch quite like it. SC seems alright from spending a couple days on it during a Free Fly, but its just not the same and won't be able to ever replace it imo. I hope when it gets to that point Braben will sell the IP to another developer who could make a sequel on a new engine, there's so much potential here it's a goldmine.

For example, in the final CG of Elite: Dangerous, they could finally reveal the general location of Raxxla in a 10k LY radius, and when discovered it's found to be some kind of teleporter or wormhole to Andromeda, and the sequel would take place in this expansive and unknown alien galaxy. There'd be unlimited possibilities for new storylines, alien races, ect.
no dream, only cashshop and 6 month early access
They claimed they'd release the code for both client and server when they sunset so there's the possibility of the community continuing it, but that could have just been BS they won't keep to and we won't know until it happens.
I hate surface landing so much.
Do I really need to do it in order to grind out engineer stuff?
Just use auto land
>Do I really need to do it to grind out engineer stuff?
For engineering Odyssey stuff like suits and guns, yes, and you do need an SRV for collecting surface materials
>finally upgraded my DBX to a point I'm happy with
70ly jump range baby, feels good.
Technically you can get raw mats from asteroid mining but I imagine that would take forever.
I can only go exploring for several weeks at a time before coming back to the bubble and taking a long break from the game. I don't know how people manage for months on end.
If you have a carrier you can easily switch things up while exploring instead of being stuck in a jumpaconda the whole time. Like buzzing canyons in a courier or SRV base jumping. Doesn't really matter much if you wreck your ship if you installed UC.
I guess I need one more trip into the black to afford a kitted out carrier...
AGF resistance mod is getting a buff today. No more damage penalty, and it can be applied to any guardian module, not just the basic three weapons. So stuff like guardian FSD boosters and module reinforcements will be usable regardless of the environment.

But while they said ANY module, there's no way it'll work on the pre-engineered Salvation weapons. The resistance is an engineering mod itself so it'd be impossible to apply to pre-modded guns while keeping their mods.

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