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File: Tekken7Poster.jpg (120 KB, 528x704)
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i saw it was on sale in steam so i ask.
i assume only tryhards olay it now so it would be pretty hard to fit in.
but i always liked fighting games and wanted to play one of them so idk.
It's fun, gonna be hard to get into initially because of the player base right now. Also chip damage isn't that big of a problem in this game.
File: V.jpg (37 KB, 371x564)
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Buy Tekken8 instead.
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Tekken has chip damage now?
How much coomer content does tekken have? If a fighting game doesn’t offer any content for coomers, then it’s not a fighting game I want anything to do with.
it's fun but less players online than t8. plus it's all tryhards so you'll get shit on

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