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File: side1.png (296 KB, 582x723)
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this hurts desu
>play competitive moba where people are even more cancer and retarded than usual
>the game is turbo jank and is reliant on op characters, items and rng in order to win the game
>be surprised that people are angry and hurl insane insults at others because they are desperate to win the match
This is entirely your fault, either mute/block people or uninstall the game.
>This is entirely your fault, either mute/block people or uninstall the game.
Hit em back with the go make toast in the shower.
Then quit
>is reliant on op characters, items and rng in order to win the game
tell me that you did not played leauge last 8 seasons without telling me
i did not touched it for 2 seasons but i am cetain that this is not about op items but about counterpick meta and dominating early game
Life begins once you stop playing lol anon. Trust me and stop playing this cesspool of a game and never look back.
can someone leak the new season?
i already know they are working in a new client because this dog shit interface can handle TFT, league and other game modes.

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