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>What is Ninjala?
Ninjala is a free-to-play arena brawler where you face off against other players using special weapons, skills, and green cum gained from magic Ninja Gum.
>Is there single player content?
Yes, although you do have to purchase it. Ninjala is primarily a PvP game.

>Official Websites

Anime Episodes, Manga Chapters, and More: https://pastebin.com/xVggDhQ6

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Free jala giveaway

That one GungHo America artist who has been drawing Gumchi lately has been revealed

Don't forget that there's currently a pass matsuri and a 4th anniversary campaign along with a tournament this weekend.

Featured Battle schedule too.

Pic related for patch notes. They're not much, but at least the patch didn't make things worse for once. The new weapons don't seem overpowered either, so in a way this could be called a miraculous patch where GungHo didn't fuck up even if they only fixed one or two things and the play environment is still miserable.
I love the fan but not collab, 50% discount and anniversary base sucks.
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Feels like a funeral more than an anniversary
Is there any way to force the CP to pick a certain direction during parries?
Yeah, tell it to attack and pick a type of attack.
I tested this since the switch has a built-in mic and it works, you just have to say some directional phrases and it will continue the same direction until a new phase is told.
I meant the pause menu you baka. If you mean in the waiting room rather than training mode then there's no way to do it because the waiting room sucks
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I was only goofing anon pls but I don't think there any ways to change the cpu brain for parries, other than what >>1346351 said.
Fat ninja thighs
previous thread was
Apparently both reporting and sending mail to NinjalaTV doesn't do anything. I guess the official site is the only place to leave feedback.
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More cum factory
Why is there a Winter Tournament 8n summer?
so you can make your ninja sweaty and have a reason to shower with them
I wonder how delectable a sweaty ninja can be..
would anyone like to tb at reset to get dailies done?
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Maid 2:Maid Harder has arrived
>waste money on gacha for the maid outfit
>they put a better one in the shop for less than I spent in the gacha
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I was worried this one was going to end up being in the gacha as well, glad they decided against it. This one has a lot of really cute details on it
>using the gacha

I only use the blue coins every blue moon lol
I got like 3900 of these...
Gonna do mine now, let me know if you still haven't.
The gacha one has a katana on the back, looks OoC for a maid which weapons should be concealed and elegant knives.
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I concede
The new maid costume is cuter than the gacha one
Can someone post the gacha maid outfit to compare, please?
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There ya go. The newer one is on the left, right is the older one.
Oh, now I remember why I hated the older one THE SKIRT IS TOO LONG!
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Also the headbands. I think I like the older headband on the newer outfit more, the ribbons on it go nicely with the ribbon on the back of the new outfit
Well what a surprise, GG J glad we ended in the same team.
me too! GG
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Continued cumming
Personally I like the longer skirt/older one. Then again I like maids outfits for well actually being maid outfits
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It peaked here… the game went to shit when they stop giving out more outfits… now it’s fucking boring grindfest that doesn’t give you good rewards. Odin was the last good season.
Lab was already infecting the game at that point, no season after it was added can be peak. You can blame Lab for filling up the pass with garbage research points too
Season 8 sucked and i think it was one of the worst seasons, if not the worst, up to that point. Only season 4 rivaled it in how awful it was.
And then season 9 came in and made the game progressively worse until the point we are now.
Season 8 was awful but season 9 was the point where the game became basically unsalvageable and every season since has only been worse.
Season 12 and forward was a mistake.
Haha for some reason the fan parry feels so fast I just can't get used to it
Surprisingly it's a very short window unlike every other counter in the game. I can't get it that consistently either since it's not frame 1 and it doesn't last that long, but the weapon would be pretty annoying if it was easier. They'd basically be invincible with that and Wind Caller's projectile immunity if you didn't need actual timing for it
I wish this wasn't stuck on switch
What a cute ninjer with nice thighs
It started sucking when they were giving out just two outfits in the pass
And not when the balance was dictated entirely by who hit the most stationary targets? Nor when it was also dictated by who could steal the most kills? Not even when they added literal pay-to-win that would entirely undermine anything pertaining to balance?
Don't think about it too hard, he's just here for the cute ninjas
Tournament soon
I am looking forward for this tournament, seriously, the fan is very fun.
Not really looking forward to it, but I've been labbing Yo-yo builds all day and this will be a decent environment to try them out in at least
Tournament now
The participation prize is 5 matches with at least 500 points right? Or just one match and I'm free to go?
5 matches with 500 points each for the drugs and the free money.
Participation price is just participation.
This game really hates me to have me spawn not only to those who can ez bind me but also to my buds I hate fighting against, I'm so sorry Mal Mal
GGs T, doesn't seem like either of us had much luck there. BR respawns really are some of the dumbest things in this game
Game assisted *teleports behind you*
Nevermind, that was hell, 5 battles and I fucked off.
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Ggs, I hate how this is still a thing. There are so much better spots for spawns but nope, gotta spawn put of the open or next to someone ready to special abuse ya, also
>4th place is 14 points
>next match
>1st is 16 points
Oh, I forgot it was the tournament for the ippon and stuff. I thought it was just a regular nothing tournament.
For stinky like me, it matters zero to none when it comes to gameplay. I was just there for the cute ninjis doing cute stuff
I may have encountered the first cancer fan user, as always tournament has to bring the worse from this game.
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>gamble good placement
>lose it all like an idiot
>climb back 10 matches
>end up at at same placement again
masochistic bean behavior
but at least i made someone DC i guess...
Can relate to that at least you seem to be on a better spot than me, baffling how just attempting to reach get 200 points from the initial score can turn into an ordeal.
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i only got one victory royale
That entire tournament was godawful. You could see the instant win buttons materializing behind you in real time every single match.
I'm sure I've asked this before, but how much to go from beginning of weapon research tree to obtaining the alt special?
I though it would be fine for a bit with how my first two matches played out and boy was I wrong, It was like everything that could go wrong did, matches on WNA were impossible I even ended on one of them unable to make a big weapon and the game loved dropping top 100 players on my matches.
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That was pretty much my experience too. Battle Royale's nothing but luck these days and if you aren't using a weapon with an instant win button the chances of one showing up out of nowhere to interrupt anything you do increases dramatically. I was hoping to try out some builds in a labless environment, but being forced into 8-player matches ruined that because there was never any breathing room. Doesn't help that instant win buttons like the four broken projectiles completely invalidate anything without projectile immunity or armor in addition to being able to steal points from across the stage at no risk to the user.

Pic unrelated, I just wanted to keep playing afterward to try giving those builds some proper testing and Team Battle was the only way to get matches. That was a mistake, as TB has plenty of its own issues.
Am I weird for finding bolt slash a lot more satisfying?
No, because it is more satisfying. Variable Stance is just a boring instant win button while Bolt Slash takes some foreplay to get you that explosive finish
I am getting paranoid over the confusing signals, no diaries, collabs and now no annyversary base suggest we are in "maintance mode" but we got a whole new weapon type with loads of new mechanics, since last season the official english twitter has been more active than ever and the gunho main twitter is posting development artwork and now hosting an art contest. JUST WHAT IS OUR CURRENT STATUS?!
Random thought, but it really is weird to me that there is no 'photo mode' in this. Splatoon has it and they refuse to put basic bitch features in that game (why the fuck is there still no volume slider damn it). Though I'm not giving splatoon credit. It is pretty damn limited
As much as I try to avoid doing so, I started having some hope about the reason of the seasons current state being due to them working on Ninjala 2, granted is unlikely so I don't recommend it.
They don't seem like putting too much effort on new stuff, if any I'm even surprised we got a new weapon, I sometimes wonder what's their scope besides battles related to this game growth, fishing made me believe that perhaps they had some big dreams with the game maybe I was too positive about it, but I digress. Is quite funny how both game could improve by taking notes from each other.
Ninjala 2 is unironically the most likely possibility at this point. GungHo is treading water with no signs of stopping right now despite how little content we're getting each season. It can't just be releasing content they already finished when they rebalanced almost every card in the game for the fifth card slot and created entirely new weapons. If anything, this little bit we're getting is probably only being added because it can be reused for a new game.
Why do I play this game if I'm just going to play casually?
There's no way to play it competitively anymore. Everything is RNG.
Does exp gain + affect pass tiers?
ninjas cute
Hmm I gotta play fan again. I started wondering why I was playing, but went to Izuna dropping. Think I needed to chill my head. Playing in the middle of the night probably doesn't help. Asians in my experience go hard
True, but they don't want me to see how cute because no photo mode lol.
I no longer have any hope for Ninjala 2. They're not going to fix anything. There's no way the people who originally made or balanced this game are working on it anymore and I am certain of that now. The people left at GungHo don't understand anything about action games.
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Fanart contest
The student type with teal/green hair is pretty much the design of one of the fashion model characters, can't remember who.
I am so sorry for that, G. That migh as well have been a 4v2.
I tried to not mess with you as best as i could but i needed my missions done. Sorry for anything unpleasant.
You don't need to be sorry though you barely bothered, heck I tried to do the same so I was quite surprised to discover you binded near the end, if is about the victory I usually don't care about that just getting the missions done is a shore itself.
Wish there was a different fist/gloves weapon set that didn't look goofy. I don't mind the ogre ones, but I would prefer a different Ninjutsu. The claws look so dumb and personally I dislike punishing blade. Not in terms of usefulness and such
I could play Ninjala but I don't even feel like finishing the season pass this time.
I am good today. We'll see if I even come back to play. That was unplayable. Back to back to back bad connections. Do the... I don't know what they are called. og katanas? Does their alt special gum bind? And does it one touch? That was fucking cancer. That and the... I don't what the fuck they are called. I'm not finding the name for the 'type' in game. What I call katanas I guess. God man. That with the connections literally killed my drive to play this game again.
Razor Edge gum binds with the charge-up effect of the Master of Change card. It's especially annoying because of how fast it is and the fact that it goes through multiple targets and sets up guard breaks. It shouldn't 1-shot, but it does way more damage than it should and you'll probably be dead after a bind with it from MoC.

Also yeah, the Slash Types or iaito katanas are absolute cancer. Literal instant win buttons on the alter special and their basic moveset is way too fast and long-range besides that. Things aren't going to get better, so I can't say I feel like playing anymore either. At this point I'm just sticking it out until the end because I said I would. Whoever is left working on Ninjala's balance does not understand the basics of game design.

For the connections, I'm pretty sure the resort made everything worse somehow since that's when the lag started getting bad. That and less people playing means you get matched with people who have worse connection to you
And the matsuri-less days are back.
The best thing about them is that we don't have to play the game. We're free men until the next one.
I am tier 70 right now, if from now I only play during matsuris, I can still make it?
Yes, no clue if you would finish on the second or third one though.
From my own anecdotes yes, you can make it. Now wether you make it on the second or the third would depend on if it's a regular 3x matsuri, a two week long one, or a 6x matsuri.
A 3x matsuri would leave you at around the late 80s early 90s IIRC.
And a two-week or 6x would leave you at the late 90s or outright let you complete it deending on if you got some extra points from somewhere else.
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In this episode of the anime, Kappei's ancestor cums on everyone including himself.
Yesterday was Komerika Day, tonight is Man-to-Man, and tomorrow is Turf

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