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What country has the biggest Counter-Strike scene?
Poland, russia, turkey

Eastern europe in general is the biggest because any decent player playing Tier 2-3 can live comfortably making 1000$ a month. Then you got many tier 1 teams from the region as well.

Scandinavia used to be big with Fnatic, NIP, who made their longest win streak in 2012-2013 with over 80 games won in a row. 9ine and gamer legion are also from there. Also coincidentally the biggest cheaters in CS are also from there, such as Flusha lol. The swedish scene from 2014-2018 was notorious for being a cesspool of cheaters, many of which made it to tier 1 teams.

Germany has a big scene as well with big icons like SK Gaming from back then and Mouz recently becoming a top tier team in the scene with their academy talent.

France is fucking dead even with Vitality being considered a top team. I think the scene died the minute LDLC left CSGO altogether, most teams struggling to garner communities and fan bases and are basically money furnaces. Vitality is only alive because of an israeli investor pumping cash into it and Zywoo being a star player worth millions. Most decent french players end up playing for teams in the UK/Scandinavia. 3DMAX is making a good come back and got a lot of interest locally but many inside drama within the team makes it a hit or miss bet for them to reboot the scene in France.
Russia and Poland
If you're a Russian in the kitchen, what are you in the bathroom?

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