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I'm sure at least some of you remember this game, and if you don't, well, why not try it out?

Tales Runner is a Korean MMO where you race against other players in various maps themed around both western and eastern fairy tales.

Unfortunately, the official English server for this game shut down a while ago, but luckily for us there are private ones, such as Tales Runner Deverse!

We're currently trying to build up our active player number, but if YOU join us, that might be just what we need to get things off the ground!


PS: Here's some game footage while you're at it
Hello! Moderator in TR deverse here, I hope that whoever is interested in this private server for the game does give it an honest try, and if you have any concern or opinion about it, please let us know! Let it be known that we are still a growing community and we try to bring players together to have a fun and captivating time together while ensuring the game is both exhilarating and fun to play! Thanks friends <3
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I think it's fun. It looks cute, and the maps look pretty, although I only played like 5 maps.

The game server looks like it's dead apart from weekly events it seems. You can just play single-player instead.

To make an account you have to send a message on discord to someone. It's always fucking discord.

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