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>What's new?
3.23 is LIVE,
3.24 to enter testing soon with the rest of 3.23's features
4.0 is back on the roadmap for Q3
Citizencon is scheduled for Oct.19-20 in Manchester

>New to Star Citizen?

>General info and useful links

Previous thread: >>1326754
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Buy triangles.
Already did have capital torpedo triangle, large attack triangle and medium EMP triangle.
excited for the cargo update
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unironically excited to load for 1h
pic literally makes fun of germans retard
Legitimately want it to be a regular contract I can pick up and get paid to do, either for people or for npcs.
Blessed baker
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I fucking hate the designers of this game, everything is so needlessly fat, it's like they're designing interiors and furniture for a game in 480p.

You cant tell me not a single person has pointed out to, them that materials like steel or whatever exotic alloys they use in lore, has plenty of strength to be able to do its job at like 1/10th the thickness.

It's like there's not a single one of them that looked around the office for 2 seconds for inspiration when designing a tabletop.

And dont even get me started on ship and cockpit layouts, literally go on youtube and watch a 10min vid taking place in a submarine or surface warship and you could make something more userfriendly and intuitive than the dogshit childrens drawings they've conjured.

Same shit with weapons and armor, they're Americans ffs, go to a range if you dont own a rifle already.
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death to fatties
It would be very cool if they added a beacon or something where you get paid a set amount of uec per 10 minutes or something (paid for by the beacon creator) to be a shiphand.
>being a slave driving shift manager because I'm paying by the hour
based yes please
>in quantum
>if you got time to lean you got time to clean, sort out the inventory, pick up those water bottles, and I better not catch anyone throwing them out the airlock or you'll be going out to get em!
>mag boot to the hull of the ship in quantum
>tractor beam in hand
>autistically rearranging the SCU boxes on a Hull-Cs cargo arm.
that what the F2P slaves will be for
No one's going to want to be playing as an NPC.
If the game ever comes out, normies are gonna piss shit and cum until ships can be obtained in 2 days of playing and everything be automated for them.

They already completely scrapped the idea of making it a space sim because it would be too hard if retards had to press more than 2 buttons to jump from one place to another.

My autistic ass would love it if operating a ship required some actual skill and knowledge, even if it only had half the fidelity of a modern flight sim, that way you'd actually have an incentive to hire a decent pilot for your ship, leaving you in command as the captain, able to do other shit in the meantime. But god forbid mmo's ever go back to requiring some player interaction outside of random pvp.
>No one's going to want to be playing as an NPC.
They will when the F2P slaves are banned from owning ships. Only subs can buy and own ships. Youd have a lot of poors who couldnt afford the 15 dollar sub who would gladly be my turret cuck and engi minion. The only issue that would arise is if they lead a revolt. Thats why Id then hire a handful of security to ensure there is no mutiny on my ship.
no cargo ptu this weekend?
>(Frjádagr) We are currently not intending on a new PTU build release today and are going to be taking down the 3.24 Evocati PTU build in about an hour for the weekend with the intention of having a much more stable build by Monday
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I'll be leaning out the hatch yelling "remember, high value to the center, low value outside, in case of pirates! that's also what your yubarev is for!"
but they don't work on the weekend?
this and that 40k game where orks were free are two rare cases where having a f2p underclass would actually be a perfect fit. in order to pay people to alleviate the tedium you need people willing to do that work for some coin. we can't all be whale admirals
It's a damn shame I love piloting but also have decent leadership skills and can afford ships. Since my passion is flying but decent leaders are harder to come by, so I'd have to be the captain.

I'm sure most people want to be the captain for prestige, but in a real crew it's a shit job managing people and filling in for people who are unable to perform their task.

As for slaves, I doubt that will be the case. Even if it was game mechanically possible, you couldn't trust them nor would they be very useful. Even with meager aUEC pay.

Mercenaries are useful but they will demand fair price for their job and have no loyalty.

It's a bit of larping but also I'd argue quite accurate.
>you couldn't trust them
thats what the three giga niggas you hired are for. then you need to hire an additional 4 security for the F2P security you hired in case those dudes rise up as well.
What do you mean f2p slaves ? I don't remember the planTM for Autismo Citizen to be free to play, did I miss something ?
there is no sub and will be no sub ever that was a core crowdfunding promise and if they break it they'll get lynched. It's be a matter of buying the game or not.

The Idea has been repeatedly floated that SC would have a free to play option but the catch is that you can't own Spacecraft, Vehicles or Property without actually having bought the game, you can however crew ships, be mobile via mass transit systems and take contracts to accumulate money and there could perhaps be some way to earn your ownership in game likely through rep or via some absurd amount of game currency.

Basically owning the game would be your citizenship/loisence to exist and the F2Players would be an underclass of less-than-citizens People who live in the UEE but cannot own meaningful property or force multipliers like spacecraft. They can rent apartments and own equipment, but like for example if they wanted to make a squatter camp outside of UEE jurisdition theyd have to hire or hijack the vehicles needed to do so.
Only virgin women allowed in bodyguard detail
>I'm sure most people want to be the captain for prestige,
Hard Disagree.
To be the captain is to be the party leader, to be the responsible one. Most gamers flee from responsibility, I think the people arguing that you'll never find crew are just projecting loners who think everyone else is as hostile to be crew as they are. Reality shows a different course in gaming where support and secondary classes radically outnumber willing leaders and people will to take on responsible roles.

Every MMO ever is limited by the population of tanks and people willing to lead groups. Most players are followers in search of leadership.
>there is no sub and will be no sub ever that was a core crowdfunding promise and if they break it they'll get lynched. It's be a matter of buying the game or not.
idk i can see them doing it. otherwise how could they possibly pay for all those servers. especially if there is going to be lik 10 servers per system, more depending on the needs of the players, and then multiply that by 100 for one shard.
Hundreds of thousands of people bought the game on the promise that if you buy it you have access forever no further costs. Many MANY people particularly way back when, would not have pledged upfront for a sub MMO I certainly would not have paid tons of money a decade in advance for a game I'd have to pay to retain access to.

The ONLY way I could see them getting away with that change is if they Had a sub for post launch buyers like No sub is a perk of being a pre launch backer. But if they flip on that for people they sold the game to as a subscription free thing they would 100% get sued for it.
Like if there was a class action suit against them for it I would join in because I backed for a game with no sub, and if they want to charge me to retain access to the ships I paid for I'll take them to court about it.
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>lmao sub
Yeah the only reason I haven't gray marketed my game package after MM is because all the websites to do it on are fucking terrible. You put a fucking sub on this game, you bet your forklift certified ass I'm straight up gifting the thing to the first person who pipes up in global chat.
Also what's with this fucking psychopathic need to have a bunch of people suffer in this game? I want everybody to have as good of a chance as me, it gives me more targets and the chance for better fights.
i get not wanting to break a pledge but explain how they can possibly pay for gorillion servers they will need when its 1.0
what part of they have raised 700 million dollars without even launching the game is unclear?
They ahve for the past several years been making more money each year than the last.
Sales are accelerating as they near release and as the games demos become increasingly impressive.
I dont think funding is going to be an issue for SC for a long time.

As for server access dont forget that CIG is directly partnered with Amazon, StarEngine is built of of Amazon's Lumberyard engine and will serve as an advertisement for Amazons engine/server capabilities. They have a deal for server access long worked out and that deal surely includes escalation of services with commercial release of SQ42 and SC.

the F2P thing isnt suffering its letting people play the game without buying it, its free trial mode just like Most MMOs have If anything SC free mode would be far more permissive than most. And yes it does provide an obvious pool of crewmen for the people who want them and are willing to trust huehues pajeets and chinoids on their ships(I am not and will never)

Its not about chances or making a target class, its about letting people in free in a limited way cus there needs to be an incentive for them to buy the game, and by their presence they provide a service to the game/community they provide human crew that will almost certainly be better than NPCs for most tasks. Its symbiotic not predatory. People who want to try the game with no risk can, people who want to pug some crewmen have a pool of what amount to temp workers to pull from.
>f2p creates a permanent stream of low level labourers that turns over into a smaller pool of buy ins
>this means the majority of them will be new players who have yet to make a choice
>using f2p labour will be effectively like using a temp agency irl
>which is to say absolute gutter humans who have to be told how to put one foot in front of the other
could actually be entertaining. I want to be an abusive chaingang boss paying my illegals under the table (letting them steal a single-use ship at the end of my session)
they really should go with the citizen/civilian distinction, in lore it being tied to service or whatever but actually it's game package ownership
>(letting them steal a single-use ship at the end of my session)
having 2 tiers is worthless since an MMO cannot survive on 1 time purchases, all you do is invite criticism of "P2W" or the game being designed intentionally grindy for the plebs etc.

Make no mistake, SC will have a subscription, it will just be wrapped up in a form palatable to modern audiences and offset via whales the same way every big MP game is nowadays. They will also continue to sell warbond ships, but that should come as a surprise to no one
>all you do is invite criticism of "P2W" or the game being designed intentionally grindy for the plebs etc.
we already have both of those
>swap out XL-1 for the slowest piece of shit quantum drive
>take mission from the two furthest points on the map
>alt tab and enjoy my free money while doing something else
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beacon pay you when you're within proximity, combat assists you have to be within a couple kilometers.

Ship hand you'll probably have to be within like a shiplength of the beacon to get paid.
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one of the ugliest, shittiest vehicles in SC
>the old multi ship hangars
why can't we have this.
I think we will be getting them back eventually.
I certainly hope we will

and yeah I agree, I just like to remind people of CIGs shittiest moment now and then.
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>tfw we already had customizable hangars with living spaces, offices etc and they reworked them out of existence
ok, and hundreds of thousands of people bought the game on the promise that we'll have Newtonian flight model and look at where we are now
>MMOs can't survive on 1 time purchases
tell that to all the F2P waifu gacha games.
As long as CIG pumps out powercreep ships on the regular they will not run out of money
P2W games are not valid comparisons for obvious reasons. If you want to "play" those types of "games" then you are still forced to pay a subscriptions (through participation of the gacha)
I hope you've bought your mk II citizen
No you don't. They are f2p precisely because the barrier to entry is $0/month.
The only difference here is that those games have you pay to gamble for anime girls and here you pay directly for virtual spaceships
if the paying player gains any advantage over you in any scenario due to spending money then the barrier to entry is not $0. Show me a gacha where the F2P player isn't kept on a grind treadmill that they cannot feasibly 'complete'
Do you honestly think that paying will not get you any advantages in SC?
Also, there's plenty of gachas where f2p can """compete""" with whales because there's no pvp
On the contrary, SC already has P2W via ship sales / LTI and was always planned to have P2W through the sale of currency. These are of course mechanisms that a western audience deems "acceptable" since in game systems are typically not crippled around it and in-game investments can usually be exchanged for equivalent value. you can't get away with gacha game levels of shit unless your audience is Asian, Eastern bloc or mobile.
>You can't get away with gacha games levels of shit
Have you not heard of genshin impact?
>moving goalposts
> not a single person has pointed out to, them that materials like steel or whatever exotic alloys they use in lore, has plenty of strength to be able to do its job at like 1/10th the thickness.
They just love a huge factor of safety in the standards of the distant future due to dumb 3rd world people constituting the majority of spacefarers.
>Same shit with weapons and armor, they're Americans ffs, go to a range if you dont own a rifle already.
They are Bri - ish, the only thing they'd fight over is sunlight.
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>release an update which completely breaks the spaceships in the spaceship game
>devs waste time on fucking furniture
This is why this game is a laughing stock
>release an update which completely breaks the spaceships
hey welcome to every update, glad you're up to speed. but seriously, what's broken about them? I haven't seen any major spaceship specific bugs in a while
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>go to a range if you dont own a rifle already
lol, lmao. if you just put current day guns in, people get mad, if you try to design for 900 years of innovation, people get mad
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...I uploaded the wrong reddit screenshot. time to evaluate my life
ship sales allow you to skip ahead, currently the largest money sink for progression in the game is the ships because they limit what you can and can't do in the game.
There are constant wipes resetting progress unless you have ships bought from the store with real money so you can do whatever profession you want effectively far faster than a starter with the cheapest starter packages in the game.
The option to rent softens that blow somewhat, not sure whether you can rent a vulture though.

I would say it is pay to win by definition as it allows you to reduce your penalty after your ship is destroyed by simply spawning another.
There can be other benefits that cannot be obtained in game involving money as well such as buying multiple starter packages to create multiple accounts so you can keep committing crime.
pretty sure the vulture currently cannot be rented, saw people complaining about that on rsi
Nta but specific ships are fucked. Not sure if starfarers still has no atmo, many ships have broken buttons and ships line reclaimer are interestingly broken in new ways in every update.

Some bugs are multiple years old by now, even in ships.
I am probably melting either kraken or Perseus to get reclaimer until they are released. Just because it's quite hard to get now with aUEC and I lost my reclaimer to a bug in .1a. reclaimer is also the coolest ship in the game and im also kinda liking it over every ship even in jpg format. I'm pretty ready to use it as my capship :S so maybe it was good I lost it
What you have have a real money reclaimer you lost to a bug? You should prob talk to support or something
once you have obtained the waifu then that's it
the only difference is that you may have paid anywhere from $0 (but a lot of time) to a few $100s to obtain a waifu jpg.
by your logic, SC is also a subscription because you HAVE to buy every new ship that comes out.
Nah, got it in .22 with aUEC
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yo comrads titizens. how come no one posting leaky screens from current avacado build? or people really care about NDA in those parts?
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Where are my sexbots, Chris?
They're free to talk about it so why risk getting burned for pictures that don't really add anything
Yeah I don't think that's a bug but a reset, I had bought a Corsair in 22 that was gone after the wipe as well
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a few pictures and clips can be seen in bug reports
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can't buy reclaimer at the moment. do you know when it's coming back?
Most definitely the IAE sale in November. Until then its anyone's guess if they run some sort of smaller event that will also put it on sale.
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>900 years of innovation
I mean this would be fine, sorta, but surely by then you would've completely done away with the need for a human to put themselves in the firing line in order to shoot.

I dont mind them favoring gameplay, but the bulky = powerful trope is getting old.

Speaking of 900 years of innovation, the inconsistency of turrets being either manned or remote ticks me off like pic rel
How the fuck will prospector work in 3.24? I return from mining session, have to now detach the saddle bags and put them where? Do I repackage the ore into boxes or just stick the bags on the freight elevator?
>inconsistency of turrets being either manned
you need to ramp up your lore skill, homey
I can't believe they're wasting dev time on this shit
this just makes the Drake™ Cutlass® STEEL® even more of a joke considering you could probably get a much better ship and just install some seats lol
If something like that existed in SC I'd actually commit, tf does that thing have a bulbous bow for if it's not moving through a fluid.

My real problem is just how players interact with the turrets and how hard/easy they are to get to in a pinch. In some ships you have to run a half-marathon through wonky ladder passages or fucking WAITING FOR ELEVATORS ON A WARSHIP, just to get to the damn turrets. While in other ships you can just chill in some central part of the ship and jump on a remote console if someone pops up.

Like, again, for gameplay reasons I have no problem ignoring "muh realism" in favor of ww2 style manned turrets with the gunner potentially exposed to enemy fire in the event of a shield breach.

I just wish they'd go for either one or the other, take a look at the carracks layout for example, 1 remote cause they couldnt be asked to figure out a way to make it accesible, while the others are manned through elaborate, (waste of space imo), tunnels.

Like, IRL we already have cannons that are automated and everything that's done during combat on a modern warship, happens in the citadel, a central armored command station with a layout not unlike what you see in the command center during a space launch. But again, manned turrets are cooler and offer more interaction and epic "sprint to your station while under fire" scenarios. If only they'd just go with one or the other.

OR, at the very least let it be lore manufacturer specific, so Drake is manned turrets, Aegis is citadel style for example.

Modern warship interior(Cant turn into webm cause filesize limit):
Has subs ^

>tl:dr I wish the game devs were as autistic as I am
Turrets would not bother me so much of there was an option to just slave them to forward fire. Like the mustang's chin turret or the F7A turrets. As it is though, they're just wasted hardpoints I wish I could swap out for a real gun
There should also realistically be an option for all turrets to be slaved to a single turret gunner
>tf does that thing have a bulbous bow for if it's not moving through a fluid.
It's for gas giants
IAE sale yeah. Every year military ships go for sale, then industrial, then both.
I have seen video of a reclaimer with slaves turrets from yesteryear - pretty impressive warship, guess people couldn't handle that industrial ship has such firepower
.1a had a bug where some aUEC ships disappeared from fleet. Notably not all my aUEC ships did. I have heard a theory that destroyed unclaimed ships disappeared and it checks out on me, my reclaimer was destroyed and unclaimed.
the carracks bubbles turrets way down at the end of the arms are the coolest thing about the entire ship.
gotta consider life support.
ships are built to keep like 150% of their crew breathing. so a Freelancer with a max crew of three and four beds probably has life support for five-ish. You could put 30 seats in the cargo bay but they'll have to survive on their suit oxygen or you'll all rapidly suffocate. That of course limits your trip duration and your suit-o2 passengers will arrive with depleted oxygen, meaning its not a good way to drop them into combat, for example.

Dropships have improved Lifesupport capable of sustaining their full complement of troops.
not my problem, everyone is gona be wearing a sperm suit while the gear is in some SCU boxes
The suits are supposed to have short supply of air and replenish it at ships if the ship life support is not over maximum capacity, but even then it's a little bit odd system - needlessly complex

Eg. What about players on elevators, reclaimer elevator pushed to space, Corsair elevator on the roof.
What if you rotate people to be outside the ship or inside the ship (eg. Carrack)

We are so far away from the mechanics that are supposed to balance these that dropships are useless while being the most expensive variants
>everyone suffocates 15 minutes into the journey
Now it's your problem.
Time to remove windows from warships then. I'm all for it.
its sad the game already has the "tech" for screen cockpits and we STILL dont have a capital ship wit ha fucking screen bridge
well you see what you want is to locate the entire CIC and command staff in a large, prominent glass dome that also forms the exterior pressure hull.
then you want to send it into combat in knife fight ranges in space with a species that not only sees ramming as a valid tactic, but an encouraged one.
SC lore is frustratingly bad
Bridge windows are aesthetic, screen command decks deep in the hull are soulless, tracking shots through the bridge glass are kino.

I understand your point but Role of cool negates Spacescape is aesthetic and you be experienced firsthand, looking at a bunch VR panels is not the same. If you're gonna do that why not just fly the thing 100% unmanned by remote control from a groundside simulator. cus if were gonna talk about realistic, having manned spacecraft built for war at all is unrealistic, that shit will all be drones.

This is a sim but it is an MMO First space opera sim. Not a hard sci fi sim. Certain tropes must be observed or the game will turn into boring slop. If you're gonna be fighting from VR in a command bunker deep in the ship why not just fight entirely from third person for better situational awareness? like if its all screen and cameras, why are the cameras not out on a cloud of drone where they are less like to get damaged and leave you blind? Why do we have guns and missiles at all instead of every ship just being a drone carrier with point defenses that sends its swarm to attack stuff from safe stand off positions?

This is 80s sci-fi, were trading gunfire and torpedo volleys at short ranges and by Christ were gonna watch them fly through our huge panoramic cinematically pleasing bridge glass.
but the kind of screen bridge i want would be technically the same feel as a glass dome, my pic >>1348922 is screens not glass,if anything you could even get better visuals
>Tracking shots through the bridge glass is kino

Absolutely, realism should not be priority no.1, I just think the way they're currently designing multicrew ships is kinda crap. We have no systems to grant us any kind of data sharing between stations, nor anything that would be able to provide a CO with decent situational awareness.

Everything feels like a standalone module slapped onto the same flying platform with no ability to coordinate anything outside of trying to verbally pass along information, without even cardinal directions for reference.

The game feels made for fighter size ships, even when you're aboard the larger multicrew vessels.
that's because multicrew is barely functional, because alpha. Like every time you see something where you're like "this could be better than it is" remeber the game is totally unfinished. What the doomer are saying this week the game is not live or released. It is a playable alpha and huge parts of it are placeholder, incomplete or entirely absent

The game IS made for fighter sized ships currently. Engineering and resource network is like step one of actual multicrew gameplay.
>technically the same feel as
feels are not technical.
as no it is not the same. Thats like saying a relly good simpit is the same as flying.
Also it's not like Esperia fixed this problem with the talon / prowler technology
I don't mean it with any I'll intent, but I recommend you check out some battle scenes (and why not more) of Expanse.

And if expanse is a bit too newfangled there is also the longer time fandom of battlestar Galactica.

That too new for you? Well you can also check Babylon 5.

All of which, are, by the way - space operas.
Phone posting suck ass
BSG and Babylon 5 are bad.
BSG in particular is just a soap opera set in space, I tried, its bad and I couldn't.

I like the expanse but its not as realistic as people pitch it to be and also the picture of space combat it presents is entirely boring and based entirely around system management. its like EVE is a gameplay sense, all they are doing is turning the automated murder turrets on. Additionally the expanse just ignores the existence of flak, explosive ammunition and steel rain entirely.

All those battles would have been a hell of a lot shorter it the PDCs were firing 40mm HEDP or the missiles were carrying tungsten buckshot.
>It's an alpha

I hear ya, I'm just concerned that they will eventually have dug themselves too deep into their current way of designing ships, that they'll just end up saying "We dont have the resources to redo all these things, live with it" or that they straight up wont know how to do something different, because they never even tried experimenting with it.

Idk, I'm just really averse to the "It's an alpha so everything I dont like will magically fix itself further down the road..."

At this point the game feels slated to have no better multicrew gameplay than like, Guns of Icarus, where the job of the crew is to shoot guns as they please and run around the ship patching holes with a welding tool.

They're already seemingly completely doing away with any semblance of an in depth medical system, which is another big system where I'd constantly encounter the mentality of "It'll change later... C-cause it just will okay!" Even as it became more and more clear that CIG had 0 intention of fleshing out meaningful and engaging medical gameplay.

In other words, if the prototype looks a certain way, chances are it'll stay that way as the team becomes more and more familiar and comfortable with it.
I wasn't so much referring to the quality of the series but rather the style and format of combat
Even in the current MM dispute it's star wars Vs bsg/b5. While none of them are especially realistic - star wars is a children's show with ww2 aesthetic. Bsg and b5, expanse all prove that realism doesn't ruin the experience, enhances it really
>the style and format of combat
People like you show up in every thread about space games.
The number of people who want "truly realistic" space combat is near zero because all it amounts to is staring at dots on a screen and hoping the red coloured dot disappears before you get instantly vapourised.

It's the same reason why no arial combat game depicts a truly realistic modern air combat (fully BVR) experience: it's fucking boring.
>when you arrive to the Distro center before everybody and awkwardly have to wait in the lobby
Or, perhaps you dont know what the fuck you are talking about. Which clearly is true if you think any of those shows mentioned are like that.
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Potential names for my Perseus?
>Graf Spee
Not sure on mine yet, but "Tornio" might be an option.

from your options id say all of them are very common, might be unavailable. But all of them are decent too. Does it have to be single-word name?
I might be cringe and gay and go with a USS-prefix because Star Trek TNG is so deeply rooted into my millenial brain that I can't enjoy it otherwise. I know they're all fairly common but still *somewhat* esoteric enough to not be immediately unavailable.

Tornio is pretty cool, though I'm not a huge fan of naming ships after states/places... Alaska and Montana are already kinda stretching it. Iowa-class ship names might be too common to be picked, especially with a USS prefix.
Roughly 65% of all the space combat in the expanse is shown in 3rd person, retard.
The rest is essentially no different to submarine combat: fully enclosed spaces with no windows and trusting that the buttons you push are doing something.
Go play CoaDE if you want your snoozefest.
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Interesting how you left out B5 and BSG. In those you can still keep your toy-ships and fulfil your 5yo xwing fantasies. But its ok, you can keep your retardation to yourself.
I haven't seen either of those shows so I can't speak for them.
Fair enough.

But I suppose you are right in Expanse, its trying to be realistic to the point where the piloting skill is a bit questionable.
They do make a show out of it but its not very convincing
why are firebird paints still not fixed?
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Citizens. Mostly I hear ITT is whining and complaining. Which is deserving. But no one forcing you to pay for hollow promises and suffer degenerate gaming mechanics. So please post here why you having this "game" and especially why oh why you keep playing it? Thank you.
sorry, these shows are not normalfag friendly enough like star wars so CIG won't consider it
>defend bunker
>get shot down by security while leaving
>go back to collect my shit
>shot down again
>wake up in klescher for trespassing
>why you having this "game" and especially why oh why you keep playing it?

Cant exactly refund it, and I ain't playing it either, not until there's an actual game with actual persistence.

We complain because we dont know how else to communicate the fact that we think the game is moving in the direction of every other modern game, with constantly changing dev and design teams, and with every new hire trying to "leave their mark" on the game, ultimately resulting in a mess with no real identity or target audience, just loads of short term hype harvesting.
what if you don't play why are you even here? also persistence is pretty good lately
Cause he can
I don't play anymore but I lurk this thread to check out what's happening in the game and shit like that. Besides some extreme shills here it's a better place than most to get info
I have played it, and want to be able to play it more, it just seems pointless when things are inevitably wiped again a few months from now, the frequency of wipes has decreased, but they're not exactly gone.
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I do play.

I complain because of human nature, I offset it by also talking about cool shit in the game and in the future.

I play because of my dream of running a ship with a crew, doing shit in the game. Maybe even RP a bit.

Funny enough I could already do it, just need to find likeminded autists.
>Fruitless endeavor (to use with the appropriate ship)
>Rent money
>12 years investment
>White Elephant
>don't tell my wife
and many more
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Fruitful Endeavor
The number of dumb pun you could do with this vaporwave of a ship
>Robert Scam Industries
>Non Flyable Token
>Crypto investment
>Loner in a Loan
>Capital loss
>Tax Evasion
>Held the line
>It's a feature
>Yankee Swap
>10h claim time
>Explode on landing
>Don't board me
>Squadron 404
>Banu scheme
Battlecruiser 30000
I told my wife about Kraken and Perseus.
Cannot fathom someone telling "babe, the 1600$ on digital ships not in the game is worth it" but it's not my love life.
Then call it
>the wife knows
>we're BACK to beating women
>wife condone
>Cheaper than diamond
>Wedding ring
>sleepin' on the couch
Pending Schism sounds like a based name for a $1500 jpeg for a married anon.
I like it, t. Pending schism - anon

My money so theoretically I can do what the fuck I want with it. Theoretically as if it ruins our life then it's kinda different. Lucky to be in a situation it probably won't. Also I'll try to pass them on to tax deductions next year.

Honestly I'm more worried about CIG never making the ships or me waiting for 12 years to get them than my wife's opinion.
I hope that SC adopt Elite's logic of every ship can have a name 'cause I want to see the creativity of this community. I feel it will divided between like "Punisher", "The Black Pearl" and then you will get like "Whalefucker","Space dad hunter" and "2 more years".
Call your kraken tax evasion then or don't thread on me.
It'll be funny anon, when it comes out of course
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Oh man you anons are on fire.

I'll hold them as names unless I come up with something better, I really like them, they have the "Pillar of autumn" quality of them.

Perseus - Pending Schism
Kraken - Don't Tread On Me
Tax evasion is nice too, and shorter.
The OG Perseus anon had decent but very stereotypical names, gonna see a lot of those.

Plenty of pirate ship names will appear but pirates were terrible at naming ships so not quite as much.
Wife suggested:
>Unsinkable 2
>Buyers Remorse
>(Mánadagr) We are currently putting together a new 3.24 build for release to Evocati later today
What is 3.24 bringing?

Also, all I really care about is a stable player cap increase and pyro, any idea when either of these are coming to any degree?
pyro is 4.0. I think server meshing as well but I don't recall. 3.24 is mostly a drudgery update to make everything slower and suck more; physicalized cargo and no more bag of holding inventory. but we also get persistent personal hangars, that's the one nice thing.
3.24 brings the personal/instanced hangars, cargo elevators, cargo missions, and item kiosks into the game that was originally slated for 3.23. The grand dream of pyro and server meshing coming to a live build anytime soon are as close as it was in 2020, but what 2024 has that 2020 didnt was getting server meshing working in evocati and public testing builds.
>to make everything slower and suck more
t fattie
get back to me the first time you refit your full kit from a storage kiosk
i do and its great, fat
you're not evocati
I've spoke to many evocati, they often have braindead, autistic 'I love tedium so everyone must suffer' mindsets. I'd put money down he is evocati
this was always the direction the game was heading to. real inventory that exists in the game world for the player to interact with. youre crying because maybe you might have to spend 10 minutes putting boxes in crates.
>complain about being forced to do things that delay you from doing missions as quickly as possible
>plays star citizen, where you are forced to travel from place to place manually, to drink and eat, to buy things from different locations instead of being able to buy everything anywhere, owns expensive jpegs where you must have a crew to use it effectively
>does the same fps combat mission over and over again to buy ships that will get wiped and still cannot crew
no dissent allowed citizens, every decision christ robert makes is correct before he makes it, let alone before it is implemented
Chris is literally the epitome of "go and make your own game, then."
So if you don't like it, you should go and make your own game, then :)
starfield, the star citizen killer came out :)
no but it's actually hilarious that the starfield killer came out ten years before it and completely mogs it on every feature even as an online game vs singleplayer

cannot believe how far bethesda has fallen
the gunplay for this game is so fucking ass, thank god the ships are pretty cool and flying them is decent.
Still fucked that the logic is every thing is tedious and takes a while because "it's was always the direction" and at the end of the mission you get paid 10k and a ship cost on average a million, I don't want the fucking wagie experience Chris.
seems to depend a lot on the gun
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was this necessary? not even a little bit, when I could have lit him up with the main gun, and probably pissed off/drew out the rest of the settlement for some call to arms money.
did it feel awesome? fuck yeah it did. and none of them bothered me while I hovered there browsing more contracts. I can justify it as costing less on the bullets per contract front I suppose.
license to kill player bounties in armistice when?
reminds me of GITS
yeah I can see that. I bet this would be a pretty effective tactic if we ever got some actual pvp bounty content, ie, park ship upside down 10m off the ground at likely outpost so it looks abandoned and wait for target
I did the math the other night and if they want the progression trip from an Aurora to a Constellation to feel like going from level 1 to level 60 in Vanilla WoW timewise (Which I think is a fair time assessment), while buying a midrange ship in between, then people need to be earning about 50k to 60k UEC an hour from missions.
I bought in recently, it makes sense if you've been backing for 10+ years you don't care about your time being wasted. For the rest of us that might be alive to see the release, stop wasting time on bullshit no one cares about.
I played it before 3.23 mainly because it's the most realistic feeling space combat flight sim available that is in active development.
airplanes in space
basically master modes
no combat
no combat
>obscure indie shit
Most are dropped or hasn't seen an update in years
Now since patch 3.23, I've mainly been a patch tourist. MM is too similar to the flight model in X4 so I might as well play that since it's less tedious, has an actual economy, is more polished and you can one-man capital ships
Rebel Galaxy?
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it probably isn't very 'mil-sim' but I actually love how grenades behave in this game, even if their fuses are way too long. can't think of another game that does this, rather than just having flat HP damage
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>Winter Shores
>Sword and Board
>Knife in the Darkness
>Mother Superior
>Lord of Ashes
>Congenital Optimism
>Unknown to Me
>Faintest Noise
>Unbroken Blue
>Merciful God
>Pink Sunshine
>Rooster's Spur
>Somebody's Honey
>Rido's Gambler
>Space Candy
>Steady Hand
>Under the Influence
>Better Than Prison
>Still fucked that the logic is every thing is tedious
you say that but many backers like that the game is going to be an actual breathing game world where its not just you spawning into a ship where you fly right into the action. every single thing is realized in the world and just doesnt pop up out of nowhere. this all hinges on it eventually finishing but thats the vision. so yeah, you can go off and play another game then.>>1350731
>I bought in recently, it makes sense if you've been backing for 10+ years you don't care about your time being wasted. For the rest of us that might be alive to see the release, stop wasting time on bullshit no one cares about.
its not bullshit. even now, when you die you have to get up from the medical gown take it off use the metro and walk all the way to the hangars and call in your ship. you are shitting your pants because you have to spend a couple minutes getting equipment and it no longer magically appears on your ship. having things not materialize gets me more immersed in the game and the original backers paid to have this realized. so yes, go fuck off because you want to be able to spawn right back in the pilot seat and go zoom zoom fight.
>many backers like it
Anon, I don't want to throw any shade but I suspect that a lot of us who waited for 12 years now got some fried wires and any change to stagnation is seen as good. I hope the community can still criticize the bullshit that CiG is pulling (multiplying the in game price of ship by almost 3 now when the pay is bad and it's still a broken alpha for exemple)
I get that tedium can be good (vintage story for exemple) but too much of it and it's sleep inducing
Realistic ui and simulating various real life things is fun up to a point.
I don't think the cargo really is any issue, its a very fundamental gameplay element.
The item kiosks however sounds tedious as hell in evocati. Just adding extra steps to open up the old ui, but just with the item you requested.
But I'm not surprised at all, afterall what is MM but added new steps to existing gameplay.
Yea, walking to a ship, seeing it to fullsize and it's interior is amazing and I love the details.
Engineer being "place fuse" I don't think is the right direction but we'll see how it goes.
Cargo and the item banks seems like a bad way of handling this loop.
Next we'll have people having to refuel manualy or have to pay for a fuel bot but it'll take 2h, come on now.
In my minds eye I was making a survival horror space game and in that the engineering consisted mostly on replacing broken parts with something that just about does the job (imagine replacing a fuse with an iron nail)

I keep mentioning barotrauma like a parrot but its pretty good: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1nfK51kinM4

Its not perfect but from all Multicrew games its the only one (that I know of) where there is no downtime to the crew during travel. Even games like Atlas and SoT where the crew can in theory rotate the sails, its not engaging or even that important.
The video also explains pretty well WHY barotrauma isn't boring like most MC.
Yea barotrauma does it well and it gives you a fear of honking. The atmosphere is great, if exploration in SC could be finding anomalies like in underspace or elite while taking care of the harsh condition of space it would be peak kino. Imagine taking a wrong wormhole while charting it and landing somewhere eldritch
Beyond that too, in SC : why does a civilisation hundreds of years in the future still uses fuses, surely we would have found something better by then.
I think fuses are sort of fine, its more about is there anything else, is that it. What can you do to fix components? Since they can now be destroyed.
We will have to wait and see I suppose.
avocado leaks?
patch notes are literally public
god i wish exploration was like underspace or FL
Update? whats up? No patch notes.
nvm its jumptown event.
Clearly you have no fucking clue about electrical engineering, implementing fuses and fuse boxes is not a problem for a space sim. The problem is that SC should have just been Freelancer 2.
It's a little too late for that. But I don't think it would ever have been Freelancer 2 because all the things that made Freelancer good were not Roberts' doing.
why do I need to do my info every time there's a fucking update, what is the point of the 'remember me option? I'm going back to the old laucher
there's no way. they can turn JT on and off with a switch, they don't need to even patch. certainly not 2.5 GB
It was a hotfix from yesterday, no notes on it.
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I'm thinking I'll build a org/guild around a ship.

It has to be a ship of considerable size - I'm thinking reclaimer. However other options are Hammerhead and carrack. I don't like carrack that much but it is a convenient ship too.

Then later I'll scale the group up according to the ship size, eg. Perseus/kraken.

However I think it's best to have redundancy, so I'm thinking thematic-wise; how many would that be. Submarines had shared bunks. So I could scale the 5 man crew of reclaimer to 10 or so. These ships won't have need for so big crews at any situation but it's highly unlikely people will be online at the same time either.

Ship ownership is problematic too.

So what do you think, does it make any sense building it around a ship, which ship and should there be redundancy.
I think a theme/role is better than a particular ship, it gives a bit more flex

like what if there's only 2 of you on, if you're all based on a reclaimer you might struggle, 2 vultures or vulture/cargo might work better
if you want to be based off a ship you'll want it to be a fleet support ship like a kraken unless you're ok being pigeonholed to a single role
skyrim-ass game design
>barely surviving frigid winds and ice on my visor in a fully sealed space suit
>go to place called Frostbite in this environment
>zero doors, all the buildings are open to the cold
>beds right beside doors
>no windbreaks, generators, etc
>just a big garbage fire in the middle as the only source of heat
>shirtless yobs eyeballing me for not being able to tank -40 with my bare ass
if you want to spend $700 on a ship then just do it. inventing justifications with this org nonsense centered around the ship is stupid
Yeah I was thinking about it too, the ship ownership is also problematic.

Agreed, but Kraken aint here for a long time.

Already have, I don't need justification for it. I am genuine in my wish to build a purposeful community to SC, to play with even in this state of the game.
They are Finnish descendants.
Stop using your weasel words. If it's a problem, say it is, and why.
Do you find his words....problematic?
screenshots, videos, etc. you dimwit
all under NDA. they're free to talk about it though, so there's zero reason to take that risk.
Cut your cock off and join the pipeline discord for the leaks.
Twitter brain rot definitely soured me on this word.
I used to use it all the time when writing papers, but now I cringe when I even read it
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your pic reminds me of this meme
I actually remade that meme using the locker room on the Good Doctor fps map, but I lost it in a hard drive failure
>hey buddy I think you got the wrong planet, Goss is two systems down
It's a problem. And you know why, because bedlogging is only for owner and others can't retrieve the ship. And like some anon said, it's compounded by the variable amount of people online at any given time.

I don't find problematic problematic because being hurt by words is a personal weakness. Since I'm not a femboy I can control my emotions like I suspect any self-respecting anon does.
so was the addition of the replication layer in 3.18 the point at which decync started to get really bad? I didn't play it
If any other anons are stuck with just a starter ship and trying to make good money fast, this months $10 subscription loaner for the month is a vulture
So is this basically like sea of thieves with less content since alpha etc etc?
not really even a little bit, no. SoT started with a barebones 'group of friends on a ship' concept and slowly built out from there. SC has that concept in theory but built a ton of content before ever getting to that point. it can feel like that I guess when you've got a group on a ship but generally it's more sensible for everyone to be in their own ship or clumped into several in a small fleet so that's what usually happens, but despite having all the workings for big pvp battles it rarely happens outside events like jumptown, which is running at the moment, and most of the game is pve. sporadic pvp that does happen is more often solo pirate preying on solo traders, or bounty hunters in OP ships stalking and killing people who got themselves a crimestat for doing outlaw pve content
It was because replication layer ran on the same server as the game instance itself, slowing everything to a crawl. It's better now that it got separated into its own service on its own server.
PTU when, I want to follow c2s to outposts and throw their Beryl around
What are the chances of cargo ships like Railen release this year?
If its not on the roadmap then it isnt getting touched. 6 months in they could announce it getting developed right now but theres no way its would be flyable by the end of the year.
except for all the things on the roadmap that just happen cus they are kept secret.
This monthly report discussed 7 ships being worked on without naming them.
In all likelihood 7 ships probably means engineering etc updates to existing ships.

If they started to work on something interesting - they would brag about it. I'm sorry but if it's any consolation; I check every now and then if there is any possibility for my ships to be worked on so I know the pain.
>In all likelihood 7 ships probably means engineering etc updates to existing ships.
They already said every ship in the game is getting updated for the resource network.

Those 7 unannounced ships are probably just the MK 2 Hornet variants like the Ghost, Tracker, etc. We also know of the Mirai heavy fighter, this ship (pic rel) that's rumored to be an anvil starter ship coming during IAE and a new ground vehicle as per usual.
>this ship (pic rel) that's rumored to be an anvil starter ship coming during IAE
Looks a lot like Zeus to me
Where are my cap ships CIG, what the hell.
its not
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>if you can't get money fast enough, pay 10 bucks to farm faster this month.
I swear we used to make fun of this shit
we still make fun of that shit.
the idea of subbing for a loaner ship is silly.
farm enough to rent it which is not a lot at all.
Use the rental to earn enough to buy one with credits. now you just have it till next wipe, no money spent, game = played and you even get a super cheap trial period in the rental to determine if you actually enjoy using the thing or if you should seek other methods of making money.

Its always kids with mommies credit card who think that making money starts with microtransactions.
I'm tired man, it's been over 10 years and out of all this game issues they add furnitures and do a collab for gamerz chairs.
We will never get a good space sim MMO will we ?
Meant to post not reply got damnit
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Its not like the collab with gamer chair company costs man hours. And CIG is probably getting a hefty royalty on each sale.

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