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I made an MC server for fantasy roleplaying and world building. You can make your own nations, write lore, and create stories about your history. It is really inspired by another MC server called Stoneworks, but we have a custom made worldpainter map instead of just a vanilla one.

We will also have different eras in the server, such as the columbian era will give players access to a whole new part of the map, and the industrial era, when we will add custom resources for you to extract.

We try to use plugins only relevant to the current roleplay historical period, so for example, since the current era is the medieval era, we have a custom melee weapons plugin and a towny plugin, to simulate the experience in the 12th century.

Rules can be found in our discord! : https://discord.gg/g74fZzZyrV
We are planning to release the server in 2 weeks or so, and we are posting constant dev updates.
Your brother is a spoiled, entitled brat who thinks everything is his and everyone should give him everything just because. Your parents did that to him because they always gave into his rage fits and tantrums.
How are you any better? Why should I join your server?
Your custom map is small, wasted potential. Take this from a custom map maker who did 50k x 50k heightmaps
the bigger the map gets the lower my sanity gets
also having a small map I'm hoping to produce more player interactions unlike certain earthsmps that require nation tps to even have the semblance of mp
dw in this server we expand the map after one month

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