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>what is eve
mmo space sandbox
>what is eve really?
ded game
>ingame channel
>should I start playing EVE?
probably not
>previous thread
Amarr is space mexico.
Cope harder gringo.
Damn, what does that make Minmatar? Space Honduras?
Can they make the structures look less ass?
Minmatar space is like the Gobi desert.
launching 3 new PI characters this weekend. Do they fly epithals or squalls?
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>Robbed a bunch of skyhooks
>Turns out the owner can just immediately shut you down by turning the skyhook off then on again, which destroys all the loot without needing any sort of timer or risk at all, can be done in a shuttle
>All they have to do is warp to, right click, turn off, turn on

Good job CCP.
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Saved myself the frustration by not partaking in the activity at all, you know how dumb CCP can be.
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woo, been manually moving loot to Jita the past 2 days to sell quickly to make use of this deal.
Got 3 accounts set for 12 months. Hopefully some stuff sells fast enough so I can set up 2 other accounts for the 3month pack
this post has been brought to you by ccp!
Go to the gym, you need to lose 30 pounds.
>12m omega
>24M mct
I've never used mct but shouldn't this be the other way around. What's the point of having mct when you don't have omega?
It's to bait you into buying another 12m omega obviously.
Omega gets you the 1 skill training slot, then every month you use 2 MCTs to have all 3 characters training.
After 12 months you would have consumed 24 MCTs. If you only care about 1 character then you can extract the sp from the 2 others and sell it and use the profit to buy this deal again, so you basically play for free.
can I get a quick rundown on skyhooks
XL hooks for XL noses
Think of them as power plants in Red Alert 1/2. If they can't produce "power" the production/defenses of your base isn't working.
but what can you steal from them and how
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You can steal the gas needed to power Ansiblex gates and cyno jammers. It can be quite valuable.
In order to hack it you have to clear some rats from around the skyhook, then hack the skyhook itself which holds you for 10 minutes. It immediately notifies everyone in the system when you start a hack, then after a few mintues everyone in adjacent systems, then again systems adjacent to that.

It arguably makes C2/NS wormholes the most valuable space in the game until the prices come down because holy shit you can make some isk by rolling into a system, robbing a skyhook, then just dipping.
unfortunately CCP are fucking dumb and if a corp director just turns the skyhook off all the loot is instantly destroyed which is probably not intended.
human society doesn't like thieves
should i clear 2 different havens with 2 ishtars or the same haven?

i wonder which one is better
The rats rep enough that it bothers you -> 2 in the same haven.
The rats do not rep -> each Ishtar in its own.
>Isht*r pilots
>rats defend sovfag's skyhooks
is this real
Technically the purpose is to prevent them from just rolling in with a hauler to collect their passive income, they need to kill a pack of belt rats first.
sovnull should be able to spawn navy npcs to protect their shit through system upgrades
SovNull should spawn pirate NPCs that automatically reinforce and later destroy their citadels in systems where they don't active rat for a long time, which should cause the anoms to upgrade until eventually they start sieging structures.
the game should make everything i dont do worse and everything i do better
is the stolen shit high volume then? fucking christ ccp
More like ICKYTURSA!!!!!
if the shit was small it would be an immense advantage for the nullfags, raiders would never find any amount worth stealing in the skyhook.
a full (regular) dst of ice at npc buy is 1b
a full (regular) dst of gas at npc buy is 200m (at jita buy its 6.5b but you destroy every buy order above npc)

get to raiding magmatic gas before the price plummets
>no 6/10 in nullsec
Can HAC clear 6/10? I heard it's easy than 5/10 because less dps but not sure.
Angel - two parter annyoing as shit. Boss battleship might eat you alive but idk
Serpentis - two parter. Second part has magic neuting towers that can suck dry regen t3c
Gurista/Sansha - generic
Blood - gay web room
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death to underpricers
Any of you buy up the entire supply and then relist at a lower price to piss off the industrialists?
that shouldn't piss anyone off except you for wasting your money
man theres some faggot in jita trading reaction materials that goes full gevlon and absolutely fucking kills the price any time it spikes

its really annoying to deal with, he dumps to below build cost if you try contest price and then a couple days later the price is back to a healthy margin
enjoy your 0.1% margin faggot
Isn't that the wow player that complained about Eves economy until he understood basic shit about buying and selling and then pretended he was a genius tycoon.
very semitic of you
he complained less about the economy and more about every single person who played eve slightly differently to him iirc

then ragequit and went back to auction house
>noo you have to minimum isk increment with my bot if you undercut too much my software doesn't work and that's not hecKKKin fair to me
>I just delete my margins...because I just do
>undercuts u
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>Be me
>Try living in Null sec
>End up leaving because I made more isk in high sec
>Try living in wormhole space
>Fun content but I have to fuck around going back to high sec to make isk

What the fuck
What the fuck are you doing in hisec that makes more money than wspace sites?
Triple boxing hawks in the abyss. It's not technically better than dread krabbing a c5, but I haven't got a c5 set up and I can't fly a dread regardless.
How much isk/h is that?
I don't know how exactly it compares to WHs in 2024, but you could just do C4 in marauders or C5 without drifter and probably not be much worse off.
Also WH PI can be pretty good, milk that if you wanna live in one.
It really depends on RNG because if you get shit spawns you go negative, but I make about 220m profit per t5 on average and I can do between 3 and 5 an hour depending on losing ships. It's significantly more for t6 but I'm too much of a scrub for that, and also the t6 Hawks cost about 1.2b for all three compared to my own shitfits which are 150m and completely disposable.
Angel spawns in second or third rooms are ~9%, and they're automatic death, but if it's the first room I only lose one Hawk because I don't enter the other two until I know I don't have an Angel spawn.

I'd rather dread krab because it's way less tedious, but it's hard to justify risking that much isk when I can make as much profit with so little investment from Hawks. It's just tedious to run.
let's talk about dust 514
remember to half this for the real amount
>Get Dust 514 starter pack
>Comes with 50 caldari tanks, fit them out like passive drakes
>So much shield and shield regen, I basically cannot be killed
>Rocket turret still powerful enough to delete any infantry I find, regularly get over 60+ kills in a match
>Never really lose my tank either

>Have mouse/kb setup
>Amarr beam lasers function like the Unreal Tournament plasma beam, except the damage ramps the longer you keep it on a target like an entropic disintegrator
>Become the complete bane of anyone wearing heavy armor because they're too slow to dodge the beam
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kinda miss it.
if ccp is launching a windows shooter does that mean the year of the linux desktop has come?
Litereally all they had to do was copy dust and not tarkov.
I remember huge hype over it and all the major corps recruiting dust divisions as everyone was still under impression that it will tie into sov somehow.
>Have a good idea
>Don't have any money
>Sell out
>Completely bungle the exectuion

CCP's biggest consistent fault is their insistence on keeping everything in-house. They should license the IP to studios who actually have experience in relevant fields rather than trying to do it all themselves.
It doesn't matter anymore, FPS is basically a dead genre now.
The Rupture is slow for a Minmatar ship, but it more than makes up for it in power. The Rupture has superior firepower and is used by the Minmatar Republic both to defend space stations and other stationary objects and as part of massive attack formations.
>space Haiti
>It doesn't matter anymore, FPS is basically a dead genre now.
What's an alive genre?
Roguelikes and Soulslikes
Dumb mobile shit for girls.
I got the 3 months of MCTs, now it's time to set up my other skill ques and I just now remembered that figuring out what skills use what attributes is actual fucking aids.
>reactions are mem/int, planetary stuff is charisma (lolwut) and science is int/mem
Come on.
And trade skills are even worse, switching from willpower to memory at a random point.
Was this really necessary?
It's not 2010. Remaps don't matter
>literally adds months to your skill queue
>doesn't matter

Attributes should be removed entirely.
skill issue

its easy as fuck
spaceship command is per/will except t2 specialisations which are will/per
gunnery is all per/will
science is all int/mem
reprocessing/reactions is mem/int
>tons of boosters and free sp
>muh remaps
Just play the game retard
But CCP won't spawn anoms in my pocket.
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>waah I'm afraid to branch out
The price of low tier site deadspace loot is going to crash with no survivors as soon as nullsec gets the minor farm going.
The new escalations don't drop deadspace loot, just bigger bounties.
yeah retard let me just do all the faggot dailies on a dozen manufacturing characters every day for the next year
vs remapping, setting queue and only ever logging into those characters to start jobs and fill extractors
stay poor loser
I have a million BPCs from the Abyss, what do i do with them? The Entropic Disintegrator ammo seems to have good margons, but is it actually worth producing in large quantities?
According to 4chan, soulsborne slop.
According to the internet, gatcha games
Way people are these days anything with less than 3 million online is dead unplayable don't bother tier
How do I price researched BPCs and BPOs?
>join fleet
>nobody wants to fly tackle/logi/support
>i cave and do it
>forever relegated to multiboxing dictors and hyenas and logi frigs
>Do we have eyes on gate???
>no of course not, i guess I'll do it
>wait there's hostiles here lets not fight normally everyone just go get Vargurs
>enemy either deaggresses or we feed vargurs to HAW dreads

Every time.
Why would you fly anything but Vargurs?
Because if you fly vargurs you opponents either leave or drop dreads on you because you're a retard putting a bunch of vargurs on the field with no answer to a dread.
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>Fit Squall for warp speed and align time
>Sabre sees me land on a customs office, decloaks and drops bubble
>Activate my interdiction nullifier, warp off to another customs office, pick up my cargo
>Sabre lands on grid just as I'm warping off, aligns to follow me
>Lands on grid again just as I am warping off
>mfw Sabre can't keep up with Epithal Mk2

This is just dumb
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You got your skin right? It took only an hour or two, you still got time.
No, because Vanguard doesn't work on Linux.
you could already do this in an epithal
How is Caldari in faction war?
Suitonia, take your fucking shills back and throw then into the fucking volcano.
Why the fuck do people use slurs in Local and put their multi-year old account at risk of getting banned? Especially against the chinese, they fucking love mass reporting, you shouldn’t give them any ammo to use against you.
it's fun
Retards still think it is 2008 and everything goes.
check existing contracts and undercut
Desu you can lose a lot of weight quickly by only eating chicken and broccoli for a month. A lot of what you lose will be water weight and not fat though.
Because those people are based and not cringe like your zoomer ass.
>Scan lowsec neighbourhood for the corp
>330m from ghost sites for my troubles
Not bad for an hour's work.
I report most racism with my 13 accounts. I'm okay with racism against chinks and beaners, but anything else I go out of my way to report multiple times.
This is not a shitpost, I actually do this. I even do it on osrs in the /vg/ clan and have gotten multiple people muted and mad there.
>This is not a shitpost
No one thought it was, it's completely in line with how faggy EVE community is.
People need to grow up and stop being edgy children that nobody likes aside from their small echo-chambers. Reporting doesn't do much in the long run, but the time without them in chat is much nicer to actual humans.
ok soilent
>stop being edgy children
>calls others subhumans
>He thinks racists are human
lol, lmao even. Try harder
go back
Grow up
Kill yourself nigger
I actually feel sorry for you and your parents
Post your nose, your hands and yourself in an Omen
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Nigger nigger nigger, nigger nigger? Nigger nigger. Nigger nigger nigger...nigger.
I like it
of course you do, ccp agent
>transfered an old alt from an inactive account to one I'm using, because it can fly DSTs
>Log in to it for the first time in forever
> it has 10b worth of large skill injectors sitting in its hangar

So that's where all that isk went
Dust/Vanguard just needed to be planetside 2 with an EVE style economy and sandbox but both times they fucked it up by trying to make low effort trend chasing cash grabs.

Seriously, deploy to a planet, set up your main base (Warp gate), shut down enemy infrastructure before they can redepoly to you. Conquer and upgrade factories, labs, extractors, ect, for export to space, fight off pirates/drones/trigs for PVE.

Instead we get a basic bitch battlefield clone with a ticket meatgrinder system and fucking tarkov, neither of which screams EVE Online but on the ground.
i second the idea of making vanguard plantside 2
>tfw no minmatar tomboy gf to cuddle and shoot guns with
>tarkov, neither of which screams EVE Online but on the ground.
Tarkov already is EVE online but with guns instead of spaceships.
The original Tarkov playerbase was mostly EVE players killing each other waiting for fleets.
t. was actually there in the early days
I hate the Upwell Structures, especially the Astrahus and Fortizar. While I can understand the Refineries and Engineering Complexes are very basic and utilitarian, the citadels beyond the Keepstar just look like shit thrown together. I would be extra upset spending the ISK for a Fortizar and it looks like someone piled steel slabs on top of each other.

Makes me pissed that the faction Fortizars aren't available from FW LP stores or something and are just limited editions slowly fading with time. I blew up a faction Fortizar with my corp once, felt like shit since it was one of a kind and still had its rig in place. I'd consider buying one for my wormhole system if it wouldn't be a bigger target than a Keepstar.
The scale in EVE just doesn't work for Planetside style battles. There's far too many to have meaningful and unique topology for each planet and certain planets are just not reasonable to have a large scale infantry battle on. Best the devs could do would be to take a slice of the game world, such as hotspot systems in FW zones, and make that were FPS battles could happen.

The other reason it would never happen would be that forcing empires in EVE to have to worry about planets and need an entire other branch of their alliance to handle them would upset null. They'd rather can the whole thing than risk a massive alliance in the FPS world would cut into their profits. Imagine Goonswarm not being able to control its home system planets because some FPS vagrants just set up shop on them and fucked them out of planetary exports.
Just keep it lowsec only as it was.
They can't have a significant connection between Vanguard and EVE because there is no adequate anticheat for FPS which means that if Vanguard has a way to break the EVE economy, it 100% will.
So any links between them have to be minor or just symbolic.
I don't know what kind of retard logic prompted CCP to make an FPS when cheating has successfully turned it into a dying genre that requires more money invested into the anticheat team than the development of the actual game (and fails anyway because of undetectable hardware cheats)
connecting games like that is ultra retarded and makes them both more likely to fail
>connecting games like that is ultra retarded
No, it's ultra fun.

>makes them both more likely to fail
>FPS when cheating has successfully turned it into a dying genre
Cheating isn't just limited to FPS. Virtually any competitive game that has a decent population and the potential for RMT will be cheated in. Other than overcomplicated anti-cheating mechanisms you could remove at least 90% of cheaters and botters by just IP range-blacklisting all the subhuman niggers such as various flavours of chinks, jeets, russians, venezuelans and huehues. Of course then you still have the problem of all the chinks and jeets that are already in the west but that'd be minor in comparison. If I were making an online game today I'd unironically block any non-eu/eea and non-flyover USA IP ranges from even accessing the servers (yes, both east and west coast USA can go fuck themselves). You wouldn't be able to buy the game, hell you wouldn't be even able to access the game site if you are not from one of those IP ranges.
Total Subhuman Death.
If there is money to be made, you'd have hundreds of them move over to your state because the lack of competition makes botting even more profitable.
The culpability is not just on the seller, it's also on the buyer. Actual retards with no hand eye coordination buying cheats to bump their Counter Strike rank is one thing, vacuum cheaters in Tarkov are a completely different flavor of cancer, which is incidentally the same as botters in EVE.
They don't care about the game, they just want to make money so they don't have to waste their life with a mcjob.
The solution is not a technological one, it requires the the government doing something, but the government is even worse and they'd rather take bribes from cheater "cartels" and arrest legit players than solve actual problems.
We could talk about how the core of the issue is caused by the matchmaking system dumping everyone in the same bucket, but that's just how it works now, nobody can be fucked running and curating their own server these days like it used to be done.
>it requires the the government doing something
>The solution is not a technological one
True. Reminds me of a comment in a 6 month old /v/ thread that says it's a cultural problem, not a technological one.


It's one of those rare good /v/ threads and I think pretty much every aspect of cheating in modern "gaming culture" has been discussed there.

I still stand by what I said though, it wouldn't eliminate the problem but I am certain it would significantly lower it. After all, moving a country just to cheat in an online game is a significant step up from just downloading another hax.
This always makes me wonder just how many losses in multiplayer games I get are legit. I was pretty great at Quake 3 and Counter-Strike in the distant past but as time went on I got worse and worse at FPS games. It's culminated in that in about half the games I play in modern CS, I just get completely stomped, and the other half is a close struggle against the enemy team that could go either way.

I once chalked it up to me not playing as much anymore, getting older and slower than I once was, but now I can't help but shake the feeling at least some of my opponents are just outright hacking in various ways. At least in EVE, it's pretty easy to figure out who's input broadcasting or botting.
No reason to touch Exequror navy when Omens have existed since forever.
>exequror navy issue
soulless garbage
>omen navy issue
soulless garbage
>This always makes me wonder just how many losses in multiplayer games I get are legit.
I haven't played an online PVP FPS game in quite some time (I've been playing Dark and Darker recently but I don't think that counts as a pvp shooter) so I really couldn't tell you about the current state but even back when I quit it was getting bad. These days if I want to play a PVP FPS I just play UT99/2004 with my buddies (both online and IRL) on our own private server.

Ever since gaming became an actual "career" (with streaming, tournaments and shit such as in LoL) it's been going downhill. Even back in the UT99/Quake era you had tourneyfags but since the internet was nowhere near what it is today most competitive playing was limited to LAN parties which means that even if you were an anti-social spreg you still had to have at least some social skills since you were there face to face with people (and face to fist too if thing got heated kek).

Ironically I think the internet and social media have made people more anti-social. The world turning faster, inflation and economy haven't helped either. Since everyone (normalfag internet addicts that is) is constantly interacting with everyone I think they simply grew to hate other people on a subconscious level. It's kinda like being a cashier 24/7. People need to disconnect, "unplug" and just chill with themselves and their own thought more often.

It's not Tarkov. They are actually going for some sandbox experience like skulking around lowsec or wormholes
Extracting weapons isn't the goal, they want people to stay on the map for long periods of time by respawning using biomass
>Imagine Goonswarm not being able to control its home system planets because some FPS vagrants just set up shop on them and fucked them out of planetary exports.
Their solution for that was to make the troop barges explodable. You don't just get to attack their planet for free. Of course that then makes the fps players mad when they get blown up with no chance. That's why the whole thing was a dumb idea to begin with.
>Cheating isn't just limited to FPS
Its most usable in FPS as it literally covers two of the core parts for you, situation awareness and aiming.
You can use a maphack for RTS games or other topdowns but then you still have to use the information to beat the other guy and they could just make the map full revealed for everyone from the get go as a design choice. That option wouldn't work with FPS games. Then there's genres like fighting games where the only cheat you could really do is one that plays for you but that would get too obvious.
ASSFAGGOTS have dodge and aiming scripts, but those aren't nearly as effective or game winning as FPS aimbots. And good players can exploit those to herd cheaters into walls and such once they understand the automated dodge script. Too bad they're fucking awful games.
But yeah, FPS is in the dumpster right now because it is the most affected. Games like Starcraft are actually relatively unaffected, which only makes me more mad that I'm old now and my wrists can't handle playing that game any more.
>>forever relegated to multiboxing dictors and hyenas and logi frigs
Sounds nice. You don't need to waste your time to train other doctrine ships and can use it to train whatever the fuck you want for "private use".
So why CAN blockade runners cyno? It's a fucking hauler.
its a hauler so it can use industrial cyno
its a covert ops ship so it can use covert ops cyno
Fucking hell viridian gas has tanked so hard that just sitting and mining gneiss might be better isk than going after it.
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>T1 rig

>T2 rig
>Calibration points don't exist
Stupid dogposter.
what the fuck does that have to do with the price of a rig
more like someone bought out all the sensibly-priced t1 and nobody with stocks or the blueprint to build replacements has listed them yet
is that supply and demand?
(not really)
More like you're a stupid attention seeking avatar poster crying about the EVE market equivalent of an attention seeking social media post.
take your meds schizo
Skill issue.
Planetside 2 had its issues but planetside 1 was better in these regards. Going behind enemy lines with a special ops squad to blow up enemy generators so they couldn't respawn, spawn vehicles, ect at the frontlines and forcing them to convoy and repair shit opened them up to attack and allowed you to fight off a zerg.

The issues here of course lies in actual logistics, which planetside 2 lacked for the most part (They removed the ANT from planetside 1 so you weren't forced to convoy to flip a base)

I only used planetside 2 as a reference because it did do 100+ player battles, even if laggy, that was the spectacle of an MMOFPS.

Tarkov is just an RDM looter shooter with no persistance, and thats exactly how vanguard is panning out to be wololoing through ruins to loot bitcoin miners and maybe a weapon upgrade, which means there is zero economic, logistic, or strategic gameplay.
Has EVE tycoon shit itself or is it just me?
just checked not working for me either
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Wouldnt surprise me if the log-in rewards make a return. Daily logins are still a performance metric and as trivial as the rewards were they still made multiboxers login all their accounts every day due to FOMO.
It doesn't help that the new ones are a tremendous pain in the ass
>salvage a wreck
>earn lp

No, i don't think i will
i liked getting free skins occasionally
it even gave out uncommon skins when it wasn't giving me the boring halcyon dawn/aurora universalis skins
the login skin rewards even gave me skins from concluded events which was kinda nice
Today class, we're going to learn how drag bubbles work.
Same. I'm whore for cosmetics in games but I draw the line at paying for them.
The funny part is that tjis isn't even the first time frat have lost a fleet in this exact manner in zarzakh.
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I believe this latest one brings the count of 100b+ fleets killed this way up to 4.
i need isk, give me an activity with good isk/hr
join tengoo
im serious i need help
>im serious i need help
wir hebben een serieus probleem
Neither planetside game was really "persistent" in the way Eve is though, everything would reset eventually. It's just realm vs realm pvp like in Dark Age of Camelot.
That's how it should be with an eve shooter as well, you spawn in a realm then fight over it and then in the end the winner gets some bonus on the eve map as well, quite good synergy for say FW. The actual trouble comes from the same source as troubles in planetside e.g. when there's persistence and rewards people join the winning side which makes the game less fun. You can't just play a planetside like game with random matchmaking if there's rewards in an other game on the line. The answer to that would be to make the rounds quick but that takes away from the scale and scope of the planetside esque experience. It really is just a dumb and selfcontradictory idea on a fundamental level
you WILL pay hundreds of millions of isk (or its equivalent in plex) for player made SKINs
you WILL spend lots of plex just to get more than the literal bare minimum options for SKIN creation
you WILL spend dozens of plex per copy of a SKIN
or I can just get old better skins...
Exploration is about as good as it gets solo now because gas is almost not worth huffing anymore.
I unironically adore those old angel Spirit skins and buy them whenever I can. They're usually pretty cheap too.
Fuck me those GAS prices. I still want to believe it's from people dumping their stockpiles and they'll go back up.
Any market traders? What are high volume items that are also high isk (aside from PLEX/LSI's) having a hard time finding much past a few % gain at 120b.
Most of my money here in lowsec comes from hacking sites, gas, and ore which gets compressed. Give me one reason to use a hauler and not just use an interceptor/Prospect to haul to Jita.
Do what you like but I don't know how you figured out that 12k m3 is better than over 60k m3.
12km3 at a time is way better than 60km3 in a slow as fuck ship when Safety routinely camp gates. I only haul when we get a spicy WH close to Jita. Had one to literal fucking Perimeter not long ago.
are you implying that haulers aren't good enough or something, just because you have no use for them
No I just want to know what the use for them is because I haven't personally found it yet.
>60km3 in a slow as fuck ship when Safety routinely camp gates
If you fit tank, due to the low value-to-mass ratio gas/ore, you probably can't put enough into a DST to make it worth ganking, particularly if you don't go through 0.5
Either way you can also scout if you have multiple accounts.
what you're doing but minus running a bunch of gatecamps. it's not that complicated
But then why skill into T2 hauler when there's a bunch of T1s that can also carry a fuck ton of shit?
you can't even get close to what a DST can do
+2 warp stab don't mean shit when you run into a real gate camp, BITCH.
explo is like 60 mill/hr if i filament to null, im looking for atleast 100/hr or more ideally also its a fucking pain in the ass to get back to low sec where i live.
Explo is very hit and miss. Today I've found zero ghost sites or even gas in my lowsec pocket, but a couple days ago I found 5 ghost sites pretty quickly for a cool 800m+ straight outta Jita. Hell I don't even have good skills to go Jspace dumpster diving yet. No way are these anom spawns random.
It's not going to fix itself. Pirate ships were a large part of gas prices, even though capitals were driving some of the demand, pirates drive it more for most of the population.

What's worse is because of the change for pirate ships literally only coming from LP stores in a single nullsec constellation, Serpentis, Blood Raider, and Sansha ships likely won't drop all that much in price because the groups that farm them now have a monopoly on them.
Bulk haulers are literally worthless, the only reason they don't get killed is the opportunity cost for the ganker is too high. You won't get more than about 15k EHP if you're fit for cargo in them and if you're not, you're better off taking a fast hauler.

None of this would be a problem if it was possible to escort a hauler through high sec reasonably, but on some of the hauling ships the EHP is so low that RR and ECM ships don't have time to respond to attackers before the hauling ship has been alpha strike'd down. Because there's always a point that an attacking force can reach that renders any size of defense fleet moot, hauling is broken.
>when you run into a real gate camp
there are plenty of situations when it's extremely useful. also it has a bunch of other bonuses and far better stats than a shitter hauler. if you don't see then you're obviously retarded
Haulers should have a reinforce system that makes them unbumpable and undamageable but locks them in place for 15m, so if you have a competent escort you can save them from most gate camps.
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Did I fucking stutter?
The moment we saw how much PLEX a skin would be, I filed that away with the rest of the stuff I'll only ever do if I have a pile of money and literally nothing else to spend it on.
define "good"
hauling isn't broken you're just retarded
If you are good at exploration AND do it in nullsec (preferably as a part of a block) you can make that on AVERAGE while exploring. Sometimes all you'll have to show after an hour of exploration is less than 50m, sometimes you'll get lucky and end up with 500m. Wormholes are a lot more hit and miss, not to mention the zillion signatures that are usually not what you are looking for.

They nerfed homefronts but I think you can still pull close to that if you optimize it. Downsides are that you are competing with chink bots and you'll either need to find people or multibox it. Haven't seen what those new 3man frigate homefronts are like. You might want to check those out.

If you are doing FW in lowsec and git gud at it you should be able to hit those numbers too. Downside is that once again you are competing with chink bots and awoxing.

You could rat in C3 with a Praxis but downside is, well, it's wormholes. Fuck wormholes.

I think the safest bet is abyss. I think you can hit 100m/h by doing T4 with a passive gila, which is a braindead fit as well, though a bit pricey. And if you have a HAC or are willing to play with an active fit, you can do T4 even more safer without ever dying except maybe to gankers if you are in highsec. Though I don't think they bother with T4 runners unless you are running something stupidly blingy.

I also think there are some Ishtar setups that can get you 100m/h in null, especially with these new insta-respawning sites as a part of sov change, though that requires you to be part of a block.
Faction warfare farming.
Anything else either takes more attention or isn't as consistent at the 100/h mark.
Might take you a few days to figure out where the peaceful farming systems are in your time zone.
Oh right, I forgot to mention, if you are concerned about putting your character into facwar, you don't need to. Get yourself an alpha account, train it up to a Catalyst or Thrasher and leave the character in your farm zone. This frees up your main character to move around freely so you don't have to worry about where you're at and never have to travel to the shekel zone.
This works because more SP doesn't make you more money once you've got a fitted destroyer.
Why the fuck did the client log me out?
100m/h is shit isk and absolutely awful gameplay. You should be chasing Jackpot sources or vastly better returns.
The reason is simple, if you losing a ship means you have to grind for 6 hours to replace it (and 600m is not an expensive ship), you become severely risk averse. isk/hr is a shit metric because nobody except the mentally ill wants to spend 10 hours spinning and ishtar to pay for a single ship.
The solution to this is actually quite simple. Send all your isk to an alt, put all your assets away, and start over with shit you don't care about. Do the riskiest but most rewarding shit you can afford with a level of risk you are comfortable with and work your way up to actually playing the game. Hunt Ghost sites in a scanning frigate, hunt low sec escalations, do C2 wormhole sites in a Thrasher. All easy, all risky, all profitable, all VASTLY more fun than spinning ishtars or grinding FW LP without actually fighting (also ironically all of these are almost as much isk as you want anyway).
Hunting lowsec escalations probably doesn't work out as better isk/h than that realistically, but it's FUN. It's also riskier, but that risk teaches you how to play the game and acclimates you to other types of gameplay that break the isk/h mould.

Fuck isk/h. The goal is to make as much isk as you can with the smallest amount of grind. Grinding isk sucks ass and if you're making so little isk then you spend way too much time grinding which makes eve not fun.
Get in a t1 Cruiser, get a friend in a t1 Hauler, get a yeet filament and try to rob a skyhook even. My corp made 8b doing that a couple of days ago in one expedition. Do anything except grind the 'consistent' isk sources like FW/Ishtars/Missions/low tier abyss for hours on end
>do C2 wormhole sites in a Thrasher
Deranged post
It's literally not even hard, and it works out close to 100m/hr anyway. I have no idea why retards always suggest big ships for C2's when any of the t1 dessies do them fine.
My problem comes from the shit I enjoy not being profitable. I just want to shoot lasers at rocks in a Venture in lowsec, but that makes piss poor ISK. I can't help but feel in the back of mind I should be doing abyss over and over again as a much more effective use of my time.
So go shoot fart clouds in a wormhole. It's literally the same thing except you make fifteen times more isk in exchange for occasionally losing your 8m Venture and a little bit of scanning.
Something not being hard doesn't mean it's a good use of anyone's time and energy.
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It's literally, LITERALLY better isk than spinning ishtars or doing shit tier FW plexes and very close to as profitable as doing T4 Gamma abyss in a Gila. Upgrade to a Thasher Fleet (35m full fit btw) and it surpasses t4 Gila abyss.
Read my post again because your entirely unrelated response doesn't indicate that you did.
So you were just chiming in with a snide comment that had no relation to what was being discussed?
You're suggesting a pointlessly shitty activity which pays little and is pretty high effort, don't expect a pat on the back.
Also it's absurd that you're pitching this incredibly grindy activity with 100% predictable loot as some kind of wild, free-spirited alternative to grinding.
always ignore wormhole fag posts
Ok so go spin ishtars forever then. Go grind t4 abyss and never do anything else. Just don't try to convince others to engage in that absolute masochism.
>Just don't try to convince others to engage in that absolute masochism
Right back at you.
>The goal is to make as much isk as you can with the smallest amount of grind.
This. Setup PI, industry and start doing trading between stations/regions. it will take a while to research all the markets and industry things properly and to craft your excel tables but after that it's smooth sailing.. If you setup everything properly you will only need to login for an hour or two once every few days. Go beyond that and outsource the mining/hauling/ratting, that is - actually playing the game, to other retards and have them play the game for you basically. All you need to do is login, requeue your industry things and re-adjust market prices, accept a couple of contracts and make some new ones, and just sit back and watch the line go up. It's pretty chill and the best part is, once you get going, you pretty much won't need to undock at all. You can just stay in the station and rake in billions, even trillions of ISK. And if some fag, is telling you "That's not how you play the game, you suck at PVP." just casually pay some merc corp 100b to make his life hell for the next couple of weeks and then ask him to tell you that you suck at PVP again and see how mad he gets. Or better yet, if some subhuman wormhole niggers are getting uppity just casually pay someone to evict them. THIS is the true elite PVP. Everything else is being a delusional F1 monkey, a pleb in other words.
Nice LARP post faggot. Send 100b to a merc corp and see what happens with those 100b.
>c2 sites are 100m/hr
>Send 100b to a merc corp and see what happens with those 100b.
They fuck your father in the shower and then have a snack?
No one buys your shitty reddit LARP. You're just a broke hisec miner fantasizing.
>then have a snack?
how fat are you that you can't write a shitpost without mentioning food?
You gonna get to the point dickhead?
fatty mad
It was your mistake, not mine. Did you ever stop to ask me? Hmm? I've been posting in the same style, the same, the same thread. I am a businessman. Like I said, it was your mistake, not mine.
Now, you charge me with this shit...and I'll beat it. Okay? Let's get back to that isk/h asshole.
>I've been posting in the same style, the same, the same thread. I am a businessman
This is what this nigger tells himself as he mines veldspar and fantasizes about hiring mercenaries.
actual richmen wading in here
why the FUCK would I waste money on mercs when I can bribe afkers with free plex and ships
anyone who even mentions mercs is larping
>You faggots say Jspace is empty
>There's always people in the systems I visit
>You faggots say Null is empty
>There's always people in the systems I wormhole into
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>p-p-please let me rat in peace
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Any of you homos have bulk Morphite for sale under market price? 30-50k units or so.
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fuck yeah
Hello ccp shills. Working hard?
Do you seriously expect me to go to Pochven to mine that shit? LMAO.
"What" ain't no country I ever heard of. They speak English in What?
>>You faggots say Jspace is empty
We told you repeatedly there's niggers all over it. Null isn't so much empty as it is ultra safe because you have almost perfect info on anyone out to get you and nobody wants to deal with the response fleet.
>stumbling across All-Out wormhole in the wild
Is it viable to do solo data and relic sites in wormhole space with something like a Stratios and drones?
I've been wondering this lately, leading me to think that this is all one giant simulation and I'm the "protagonist" behind it all.
spoopy bro
Do you mean sleeper ones or just hacking ones? You can do sleeper ones with very specific fittings on T1 ships, the Stratios doesn't make them appreciably faster. Do C2 combat in an Arbitrator and then do C3 in a Navy Cruiser, eventually come to the conclusion the ISK/hr is too low and you might as well do them in a T3C and take your chances.
Don't do sleeper data/relic unless you want to produce T3s
can a prophecy do 5/10's
Yes, but very slowly.
The Prophecy is built on an ancient Amarrian warship design dating back to the earliest days of starship combat. Originally intended as a full-fledged battleship, it was determined after mixed fleet engagements with early prototypes that the Prophecy would be more effective as a slightly smaller, more mobile form of artillery support.
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>Combat Scanner
>Plex runner
>400 cargo
>Two turrets scaling massively with a 100% damage bonus.
>Complete most dailies by itself.
Pirate sites - do them in a covops.
Sleeper sites - you can do them in a Stratios if you want, but I would suggest a battlecruiser or Praxis, it will do better for less money. The Stratios gets the covops cloak, but it pays for it in naturally low base stats.
>Scan neighbourhood for the corp
>Very last signature I scan is a ghost site
Easy 180m.
Thrasher fleet is crazy, 3 pairs racks, all popping frig rats in one volley.
for me it's fleets of thrashers
regular or fleet issue
you could say that it could even involve a fleet of thrasher fleet issues

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