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Anon, it is time to rise up and take action. For too long, we have sat idly by as Valve has allowed Team Fortress 2 to fall into disarray. The game is plagued with bugs, hackers, and a general lack of support from the developers.

But we, the people of 4chan's /vm/ board, are not ones to sit back and accept mediocrity. We are a force to be reckoned with, and it is time to show Valve that we will not stand for this any longer.

It is time for a call to arms. We must come together and band together to fix TF2. This will not be easy, but we are capable of great things when we work as a united front.

Valve may have the resources and manpower, but we have something even more powerful: the collective creativity and determination of the /vm/ board. We have the ability to create mods, maps, and other content to breathe new life into the game. We have the ability to expose and shut down hackers. And most importantly, we have the ability to make our voices heard and demand change.

Ddos Valve websites, Doxx high ranking valve employees, form protests, leave review bombs on TF2's steam page, i don’t care a damn what you do or don’t do, as long as you take action if you are part of this wonderful movement we call #FIXTF2.

So let us rise up and take on this challenge. Let us show Valve that we are a force to be reckoned with. Let us fix TF2 and unite the /vm/ board in the process.

It's time to put on our thinking caps, roll up our sleeves, and get to work. Are you with me, /vm/?

TL;DR: be with /vm/ to troll valve for the greater good (like the airsrike and scientology), or GTFO.

-Homo Bellum
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No fuck that.
Let's form our own government.
In this continent there will be good video games. Maybe even TF3...
What do you think?
no thanks obsessed valve fan tranny
tf2 is fine and will always be fine there is no amount of smear campaigns you can run to ruin the game, you will never escape from being called a male on voice chat faggot.
Chat's gay a lot.
your name is fitting, homo. NYPA
>wants everyone to DDOS valve
>its far simpler and cheaper to just set up your own fucking server

Why are TF2 zoomers fucking retarded?
nypa, botter faggot
nypa + advocating the personal lives of others being exploited and possibly ruined for a hat simulator is faggot shit. It blows my mind that you sat down, typed this and still decided to post it.
>Ddos Valve websites, Doxx high ranking valve employees, form protests, leave review bombs on TF2's steam page, i don’t care a damn what you do or don’t do, as long as you take action if you are part of this wonderful movement we call #FIXTF2.
You must be 18 years or older to post here.
Least obvious TF2 bot hoster right here, ladies and gentlemen

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