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>What is this?
Korean anime-styled battle royale with moba controls/skills. Currently 8 squads of 3 for a total of 24 players per game but they may bring back solos and duos in the future. Game has been in early access for a few years and version 1.0 has officially launched on July 20th, 2023. Ranked season 4 started May 2024.

>Steam Link


>Eternal Return 1.0 Animation Intro (Full Ver.)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqDLrvrl_p0 [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

>Dr. Nadja's Beginner Guide
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3tDK2EcO80 [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

>Match History, Character Lookups, etc.

>Interactive Map

>Items/Tac Skills/Augments





>/erbsg/ friends


katja skin
so weird i was in a plat lobby as silver 2.
na, right?
Na lobbies are basically
>Diamond Up
Idk about lower than silver cause I reset to gold/plat between seasons. NN staff did a poll about changing matchmaking a few weeks ago and this is what we got outta it. Overall, people seem quite happy with it.
I've started dodging unranked games when I get queued up with sub-level 30 sub-5% winrate average 2k damage on damage farming poke characters
I am all for teaching new players but it feels that these players are playing the game with their pings, chat, day/night cycle, and map disabled.
That's like 99% of games though. You also can't dodge games where one of your team mates goes afk after night 1 which is like 80% of games. This is how bad normal games are at EU now, no wonder people are quitting this game if this is their first experience to the game. It wasn't this bad previous seasons, NN needs to up their tutorials or something this is fucking awful.
idk what do you expect anything goes
why would you ever play rio when any other adc exists and does more damage
and does no damage which means their team beats your team.
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>pinged my markus to make his helmet like 8 times throughout the game
>found a tree and would have made him dwarf helm at the end if I didn't spend all my credits on cams because my teams doesn't fucking use vision items
I just want human teammates
autist girl with a cool barrett, wish they changed her eye colour to fit the black/pink outfit
the worse one are returning players who won't join teamfights and try to rat........
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>this wasn't actually the PDF
now I feel foolish
about as foolish as when I went full England in two matches in a row
it is what it is
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Sissela Sex
>get a myth teammate in norms
It's that easy
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but na myths are dogshit
this is norms we're talking about
the fact that i was able to still win when my Adriana decides to pretend she's an assassin and flanks into an enemy team and dies in 2 seconds just by virtue of having another teammate that does know what they're doing is a saving grace
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>Should we dive in a dream?
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>the rank 1 in EU is a Chiara onetrick
holy shit lmao
even if that region tried their best they literally can't stop themselves from having their face and balls stamped on by her
didnt know that SA had a circuit....
2 drops
drops still not working for me since feb.
relink your account and twitch account maybe
It's because she's a waifu that's why good players play her. If Darko were a waifu, easily top 3 across all regions.
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>Lumia's cumduspter
Only in EU where everyone stand and dies in the R
there should be a new tier for low elo between silver-plat.i keep getting into plat lobbies as silver.
Same age as Leni btw
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Fixed your image. Brown people do not play Eternal Return
>Doesn't know that Jan teaming with Sua and Chloe is canon
Jackie a shit, Leni a shit.
>not Grey Skinned Faceless Mute Self-Insert Man
you're fucking up
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why are these people not just automatically put into bot games every game until they can finish purples by day 1
we're back on with another drop stream
returning player maybe
>add someone from the spreadsheet
>they ask who I am to which I tell them I found them from the spreadsheet
>they delete me
Sorry bro your message didn't come through for 30 minutes after I asked, so I thought it was an accidental add. You can readd me. I haven't had anyone add me since season 2, so I forgot
that's what you get for trying to make friends on the internet
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Huh, I also got a random add from someone I never played with before, I'm assuming that's you? If so just ask me whenever I'm online and I'll be down to play a few norms with you. Ask me before this Wednesday night or else I will be entrenched in ZZZ instead
what do you mean scupb
you gonna sleep for a week?
no it's just more gacha cancer
releases on July 4th which is america day and i have a 4-day weekend so i'll probably be deep in the gacha trenches that weekend
There are black people IRL who have greyish skin.
>3 melee comp that mashes the fuck out of the tank
why wouldn't this work
Cause any mage/adc with a brain will poke you to death before you're within sniffing distance.
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It works against teams with a rioshitter doing nothing but spam basic attacks like bot but not with people who knows play this game
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>Ready for a summer adventure?
professor jast + drops
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>Lose (1) fight early game
>Teammates are too chickenshit to ever fight again, run away from every single ping on the map, and just want to rat for the whole game
Fucking why man.
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I have come to accept that playing solo norms against mythril 3 stacks is playing the game on the hardest difficulty
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new chapter
>Go for the eyes, Elon!
Wait, the bird has a name? Is this oldlore revived, or newlore?
...or is it a Website Formerly Known as Twitter joke, based on the spell icon having a blue bird on it?
why are the numbers red?
>magnus loses AGAIN
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I just want to play Laura every ranked game but these freaks lock in shit like adc they don't know how to position as, assassin they don't know when to engage as, or discord kitten characters that have no impact. I just want 2 humans with hands to lock in reasonable characters for their skill level so I can play my mediocre pick that I actually have fun on, instead of playing tank for the 8th game in a row. I'd rather slowly climb on a fun character than be forced to play the bike bastard every game because someone instalocks Rio or Tsubame then position like shit so they instantly die and have 4k damage at the end of the game, at which point why did I even pick tank for them? Other than for camping guide which is such an insane augment
hags sex
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>"bummer" space on event board
>thought it gives you the emote
>it's a skip
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I can't believe this is how I find out there's a web event happening
I've only found out until a few days ago myself. Missed 50+ dice. Kuso event.
Logging into the game shows you a newsletter and on the right pane you have an event promo bwos...
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NN's bias for Sua is real and constant
Delete this image, it hurts me
Have you considered just playing Laura anyway and applying the gap?
>play the bike bastard
Have you considered mixing it up with a different tank pick? Maybe you will enjoy one of the others more.
More artwork reworks for removed skin when?
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Alright with ZZZ coming out tomorrow night I can finally say sayonara to this stack-2-win game for the next 2 weeks

patch notes
Matchmaking Improvements

NA & EU & SA Servers

Matchmaking for normal games has been adjusted so that experienced players are more likely to be matched with others of a similar skill level.

what will that one anon complain about now
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hoooooly fuck wait a second... i-i can stop having beginners on my team even in norms????
>Sua buff again
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Nevermind I'm Mihoyo's strongest soldier again
filthy micuck
>Sua buffed
>Vanya buffed
>Theo nerfed

they exclusively balance around Korea
Can I get filter so I can't get forever-gold player with avg. rank of 6 and 5000 damage per game after playing 500 games this season in my diamond game?
>ravenwing skin is purple themed.
What did NN mean by this? She looks fa as fuck, they won't be able to top this skin when they eventually release her epic one.
nice flame barrier on arm
>purple themed
I am ready for the matchmaking update to Normal games to do absolutely nothing because majority of skilled players are either grinding Ranked or 3-stacking in normal matches already so solo normal players will queue into beginner teammates still
you can play ranked
they exclusively balance around Sua's huge fucking tits*
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>Adina nerf
I hate it.
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I'm offically average
look everyone
a weeb
Another total paizuri victory in my books
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don't make me kiss you on the mouth coward
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Adina did nothing wrong.
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wtf they killed shoichi
The most notable part of epic skins is usually the voiceline changes anyway.
Are you actually on Asia servers? Cause if you are plat is above average over there.
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>"meh dark o is so easy to deal with"
>gets nerfed
will /erbs/ be less smug now?
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Did she get buffed in size again?
would spend all of my mobility cooldowns including flash to just dive face-first between those tits of hers and inhale loud enough to deafen an indian elephant
Most ADCs don't do that much damage.
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>character in bio and in-game dialogue: cold, calculated mercernary with a morally ambiguous past and no hesitation in killing
>character in all official art: cute retard
how odd
No, Sua was always the biggest, in terms of size:

Sua > Jenny > Eva > Aya > Laura > everyone else
Katja is one of many attempts of NN in replicate Sissela formula to the modern audience, what do you expect?
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Yeah, back then in BS Aya was the biggest tits of the franchise and got fanservice skins due to it (bunny aya, xmas aya, summer aya, etc), then Eva and Jenny arrived (the later surpassing Aya), which didn't last very long after the devs released certain korean librarian and caused a point of no return.
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>jenny ignored by nn to shill sua 24/7
>When she was just starting out in the movie industry, she used to carry an autograph book for her fans. The faded autograph book still remains empty.

I was reading her lore. :(
Next summer should be microbikini Sissela
It's actually incredible how everyone seems to have completely forgotten Jenny exists
I don't think I've seen a single person play her at any point in the last two seasons and it's not like NN notices she exists either
I don't think she even gets patch notes updates
I mean, she had insane stats last patch, pretty sure she was like top 5 out of all characters in rp gain, top 3 rate, avg rank, win%. She did just get nerfed this patch.

It's more that only people who main her really play her, because her playstyle is kind of just weird, despite how simple her kit looks. I think I've only seen shinonome play her from the kr streams I've watched.
>get matched with literal lv 7 Vanya player who does 5k avg dmg over the course of 4 games
I thought NN fixed the norms matchmaking
>Everyone's saint
>Everyone's cumdump
They did fix it all right, I can't even get into a normal game now. My queue timer reset twice, back to back. Man, I already wasn't planning on playing ranked this season because of this rng weather system and now they take normals from me. I spent all my A-Coins on the personal shop and I'm only 7 tokens shy from Summer Beach Debi & Marlene but since I can't get a game, I can't clear dailies, participate in the dice event or get currency in any form. Literally how can play, I can't even hit bot lobbies. Just revert this shit.
watch for drops
>Played 2 normal games
>First game a duo of above 30 level dudes. Both were kind of meh but at least they tried their best and I wouldn't expect anything more from normal games.
>Second game one above and one below level 30. The above level 30 dude spend all game soloing random stuff and ended up with 3 legendary items but was like 8 weapon levels below rest of lobby and died alone doing grand total of 600 damage all game.
Not enough data but at least didn't have afk player or a level 5 player in team.
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Drops are fucked for me, I only got one box out of that.

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