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>joins game naked
>name is in all caps, some baby/drug/diaper shit every single time
>spams vaccuum capusle!, medipack! or some stupid voiceline whole game
> spends exactly 5.83 seconds total in coherency
>picks up more plasteel than the entire team combined
>murders everything around him, never netted/dogged
>scoots around buck naked on the mourningstar after
>refuses to elaborate


who the fuck are these guys I know there's more than one I was in a game with two of them at one point.
lol get trolled
the one that are left playing are usually nutcase, as for vaccum capsule it's some eceleb shit that is trendy on discord
You're the exact kind of person they do this for.
You care what they do.
I mean, griefing is annoying and yes this is griefing so an extent, but until they actually purposefully team kill or purposefully throw the match, just mute and move on.
Helldivers2 has a perfect solution to this: the ability to kick them.
Idk if darktide allows this tho because there is no team killing etc.
>and yes this is griefing so an extent
How? He's doing his role effectively.
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Anyone know the mod to be naked?
There was a kid in Runescape back in around 2005-2006 who was named Dannywizard who used to write a lot in text chat, and every single time he would send a message he would end it with hmmy
>"I sure love this game hmmy"

Like a signature on a forum hmmy

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