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>For Stars Reach, Koster has returned to his sandbox roots with the power of today's technology. The developers at Playable Worlds have crafted a first-of-its-kind server architecture running partly on the cloud, which allows players to fully modify the universe. In turn, the worlds (yes, plural) will react. Water flows, creating natural currents. Forests can catch fire. Flora changes as heat and humidity change. Creatures migrate as food sources are depleted. This is a single, global, persistent universe that won't reset during downtime. The actions players take affect the landscape, are visible to all, and are permanent.



This shit gonna be epic for the win guise! From the guy who singlehandedly made Ultimate Online, Star Wars Galaxies, and Crowfall this is finally a MMORPG game that will be a real alternate universe where you can do anything.
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Actually color me interested
Thx for the info OP
>picture unrelated
>advertised with a brown woman on front
doa youve seen the pattern
these games do not sell even if they are good
black women on the cover or in ads detracts from the product
going to ignore this game now and forget it exists because if it's actually good and I play it I will be sad that it shuts down a few months after release
a) They're aliens.
b) You're racist.
c) No one wants you in this space.
hey cool finally people are starting to get sideways progression and real interaction and mmos should have evolved more instead of everyone trying to copy the next money printer

>looks like absolute globohomo fortnut crap and of course they picked muh space and aliems because infinite possibilities etc
the search continues
Raph Koster literally made Star Wars Galaxies, of course it's going to be a space setting, it's a spiritual sequel to the best MMORPG ever made.
Raph Koster is a snake oil salesman who single-handedly destroyed SWG.

It's because of him that the Nerf wars happened that broke the game so badly that they had to even try to resuscitate it with a combat upgrade followed by the new game enhancements.

If he had allowed his creation to evolve naturally instead of punishing people based on whichever class fan base cried the loudest, SWG would have been a huge success.
And they also have Dave Georgeson. He was a major reason why EQ2 was a mess, and why EQN and Landmark failed miserably. From every post mortem interview with SOE devs I've seen they all stated Dave being a wishy washy control freak who changed his mind on major game designs from month to month. Shifted focus and resources from the actual EQ Next game into Landfall which was an unplayable mess. Him being a part of this project is a massive massive red flag for me, and should be for anyone who has been around that long. He's been trying to sell this voxel bullshit technology for the 3rd or 4th game in a row.
Why do they go for these ugly ass art styles?
Did you see the team?
you don't belong here
I don't think I'm into the idea of this players create the universe you can do anything shit anymore.
Why not?
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and dropped
I paid for EQNext/Landmark and i had a lot of hopes hung on it. This feels like the payoff I've been waiting on, please don't let me down chefs.
Yeah I was there I remember CH was absurdly broken (Day 1 Rancors and Grauls in PvP TEEHEE) because it was Raph's favorite. Fuck that retard forever.
Between this thing and the art style my revulsion is off the charts
Lol wait, didn't the devs shut down shop for this?
Have you met players?

For real though you need some core that players can't fuck up to build on and fall back on when players start making their areas worse. I think Eve online is the sweet spot where there's all of 0.0 to do player governed things but there's also considerable spaces they can't ruin.

Crowfall's devs shut down because no-one played their game when they released it. I didn't think it had anything at all to with this company/project.
>Crowfall's devs shut down because no-one played their game when they released it. I didn't think it had anything at all to with this company/project.
Koster was involved and he's now trying to lie that he wasn't.
I just searched through my Crowfall backer emails and they call him a "design consultant" and shill his books which reads to me like not very involved.
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>Ultimate Online, Star Wars Galaxies
2 of my favorite games. this sounds pretty interesting.
However, >>1351277
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>The actions players take affect the landscape, are visible to all, and are permanent.
>randomly start forest fires
>hunt animals to extinction
>every world becomes a barren dead hellscape
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It'll make it to a paid alpha and be abandoned a month and a half later.
lmao there's zero chance this shit sees the light of day
>Dave Georgeson
holy shit didnt know that cocksucker was involved, yeah this game is fucked.
not that it had a chance after seeing that piss poor reveal, reminds me of every washed up shit head who worked on old mmorpgs that did well where they promise tons of shit and never deliver.
I don't get how they can put together some shit that looks like it was made in a game developer class by retarded schoolchildren and expect anyone to take them seriously, like is the bar so low for whatever the fuck investor money they're gunning for? Did they just have to make a demo because they're laundering money and they asked ChatGPT to make it?
No idea but all of these old heads having the GOATs tied to their name are proving they didn't do jack shit on the originals.
The lowkey programmers and artists you can see in the rolling credits in the option menus were the true magic behind these games but the fags like richard gayrriot, ralph gayster etc run around acting like they're the grandfathers of mmorpgs when they were probably annoying dumbfucks to the true talent who get zero recognition many years later.
It's such a red flag with how much this reminds me of fable and peter molyneux, he goes in-depth talking about all of these systems but there's zero evidence of them existing in the garbage footage that was shown.
The only thing I saw that he referenced during the interview was the shitty freezing water and it just looked really really bad in motion.
Yeah but at least he produced professional looking games, this is just student garbage?
I remember the first time I saw that retard david georgeson was in a EQ2 video shilling the shitty avatar lip syncing with in-game voice chat
and everyone meme'd on it with how goofy the froklok looked

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