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How is it? Is it worth playing? It looks charming in it's own way and I found a private server that looks decent.
What game?
looks like Highspell.
Are you for real or just trolling? It's Runescape how it originally looked like.

2D runescape is best runescape, period.
i never got into rs2/OSRS. i played the beta of rs2 and then went back to botting on rsc. idk I like rsc so much better than rs2 for some reason... the hand drawn sprites etc are really cool
what server are you playing on? i bot on rsc.vet
Are there any worthwhile RSC private servers out there? I always found RSC fun to go back to but not when there's only like 3 active players.

sorry i'm op that's what i'm on
No private servers on any game are worth investing time into. Non official servers can very easily suffer from cheating, developers who accept bribes, etc etc. And worst of all, for no reason whatsoever they can choose to end the servers permanently.
I dont see the value in ever playing any private server ever.
I'm pretty sure thats albion
>I dont see the value in ever playing any private server ever.

it's fun
Reminds me of Genfanad, never heard of niggerscape.

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