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Wish we could turn back time edition

>Latest news:
>Official news:

>Marketplace (now available for everyone)

>Server status:

>/r6g/ links:
Pastebin is removed because it got removed

>Stat checking:
Tracking individual operator stats is dead, Ubi took down the APIs.

Last: >>1294270
anooon the OP is shit, gameplan and r6db are dead, stats.cc is the new stats website, I wanted to make the OP myself when I woke up
reminder to put your BP cameras on the floor
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we are so back
This was my favourite game from alpha until around White Noise when it started to drop for me. I stopped playing entirely just after Mozzie dropped. Anyways, how is the game now? Worth coming back to?
I wish my aim wasn't so fucking terrible
Practice more
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It's arguably at its best state but this season is really lackluster, in terms of content and cheater if you're on PC
Season 3 should be the best one of the year, it'll release in September
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just came back to the game myself, im having a lot of fun
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just make a vg thread already
there are deader games on there than siege
ill bump the motherfucker myself
>just make a vg thread already
We're banned there
I have 10k hours in shooters
it aint getting any better
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>Worth coming back to?
Water's fine bro. Many years of Siege for me, still enjoy it as my main online FPS.
>We're banned there
I was making threads for a while but jannies kept deleting them, some anon one day replied and told me to make them here on /vm/ because weren't supposed to be making them in /vg/ anymore
That doesnt even make any sense
How long ago was this?
Siege is big again now so I feel like it should be ok
I think it was around Commanding Force so early last year
Try baking one when we're done with this one tbf, maybe they'll be fine with it now. Some of the oldfags may not know we're here and maybe they'd be back
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hop on macie's stream for hvh brainrot
it's amazing
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When did this game turn into a literal, unironic, unfigurative embodiment of ass cancer
jinxi is fun
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i remember this one lmao
>wtf this game is popular now? UGHHH

guess you gotta go back to Due Process
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here is another one
>game is popular now
>everyone literally only watches one sperg for his retard antics
I hate to break it to you, but the game isn't popular.
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a decade old non-F2P game is #20 on steam. dunno what your definition of popular is
I played a lot until the Lion release (my first season pass purchase) when the pop count jumped and teamkilling became an epidemic.
I cut back playing hard and basically missed out on my entire season pass I had paid for because of how out of control the team killing was...
I tried here and there over the years to test play a little and the tk'ing was still an issue. Even after the self dmg patch for tk'ing I was getting tk'd by 3 and 4 stacks.
So I stopped many years back now.
Tried it a few months ago and saw terrorist hunt was gone, so I played the tutorial shit, and literally, first match I was team killed by a literal prepubescent kid and his friend both screeching in their creepy cracking voices.
I uninstalled.

How the fuck do people not quit over this shit?
No other game have I seen the team killing be so bad and out of control, all while the devs don't seem to give a shit at all about the issue.

I loved the game, got to gold in early seasons and I'd try again, but wtf is with the tk'ing??
Can someone explain it?
TK'ing is done by angry children or cheater stacks. Unironically if you git gud (be a higher MMR and match with generally higher skilled players) it will happen less. Also just play ranked, not quick match or standard. Obviously don't bicker over mic or instigate / ask for it. I don't see a reason you'd be completely innocent and they start out TK'ing. I know this does happen, but more likely you did something to rub them wrong. Not saying they are "right," but clearly there is some kind of pattern where players choose to TK you. Surprisingly don't think I've encountered senseless TK'ing this season, but plenty of cheaters.
>tutorial shit
>with others
bro if you mean AI playlist, play that shit solo. tf you need other brainlets for? i wonder what the numbers of people matchmaking for AI playlist even are, insane you'd even do that.
>it must be your fault
>only play ranked to avoid the terrible community
>the community is such trash that you shouldn't play co-op vs bots

Thanks. I won't be playing.
Yeah you clearly have your own immaturity. Imagine getting so triggered by some team-killing in an online video game you rage uninstall. Cool don't play, we don't want weak ass bitches like you.
kek btw dealing with 4 Ranked games in a row with cheaters. I'm chillin. Play some music, have some fun playing cheeky defense shelter trap strats, alt-tab if I'm dead. Imagine being such a cry baby you rage uninstall a game lmao.
>co-op vs bots
Nigga it's a warm-up. For solo players, to kill all the bots and warm up. You think you need five real players to get through that shit? Peak Gold type shit for real lol, y'Bronze homie
I've never been teamkilled a single time this year, so clearly you must be doing something to make it happen

I bet your name is something like JewBurner1488 and people just know you're not worth playing with.
are you playing with 800x600 resolution because of performance reasons or because "pro players play like that and it stretches playermodels and makes aiming easier"?
I miss times when Siege had tectical atmosphere and no fortnite-like looking operators with alien sci-fi gadgets.

The game fell off as Rainbow Six
Tom Clancy is rolling is his grave
We need new TRUE Rainbow Six, like RS3, not like fortnite kids playground.
So literally never
I spend a lot of time staring at my teammates asses and the stretched res makes them bigger so they look better and I can spend more time staring
valk and iqs ass are especially big i recommend you try it some time
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>youre performing a little too well here have 4 mute retards vs a full stack have fun ;)
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This is why I don't play Maverick
To be fair, the guy in the webm had the motor skills of a drunk Parkinson patient. Maverick's fine.
What's the next event and when? That pink attachment skin is 850 on the market and I wonder if I should sell it.
This clip is old
Its easy to say "everyone on console is an inbred retard nigger" but when that clip was taken was prolly when the game first launched and it was laggy as fuck and body shots did no damage
>muh spess gadjidds
>muh skinz
>muh tagdigool admuhzvere
maybe go play a mil-sim then? faggot???
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New peak bros let's frickin goooo!
the introduction of the shared reinforcements has been disastrous
I have to reinforce 4-6 walls every single round
I feel like I'm a fucking janny

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