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The Third Person, Third Biggest MOBA, based on various World Mythologies.

FACT: The 4chan clan is [SmGen]: Smite Gen Plus! All new players are welcome!
Most members are on around 10pm-4am UTC+0. Party up with anyone you can find.
Regulars usually talk / LFG in-thread, don't mind them.


>>NDA Closed Alpha is NOT ongoing, DO NOT ask questions about it, it WAS NOT leaked here
>>New Magetoon Goddess, Hecate with Open Alpha, May 2nd
>>Closed Beta at 30th July at 23 Godtoons
>>Five total new Godtoons before the formal release at 50 in early 2025
>>Roadmap planned for 100 by late 2026
>>Finishing catchup of 135+ by ~2027
>>Basically, we're fucked

>New Player Guide + Splash Art Gallery



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Shi2 early roster
New = *

Seen Playable
> * Jing Wei
> * Susano
>The Morrigan
> * Yemoja

Divine Legacy / Pass / Confirmed
>Aphrodite (forma breast reduction surgery)
>Baron Samedi
>Cupid https://files.catbox.moe/43goae.mp4
>Guan Yu
>Hou Yi
>King Arthur
>Nu Wa (forma niqqab)
>Sun Wukong

Mentioned / Datamining / Unconfirmed - https://smitedatamining.com/smite-2-datamining-upcoming-cross-gen-skins
>Ah Puch

New Godtoons (x5)
>Hecate (Mage)
>Mordred (?)
>Aladdin (?)

~ 62 / 50 Releasetoons (~10 mentioned are postlaunch)

11/24 - 45% of Assassins
14/24 - 58% of Guardians
11/24 - 45% of Hunters
16/38 -42% of Mages
8/20 - 40% of Warriors
59/130 - 45% Total
don't care still not playing shit 2
don't care still not playing shit 2
not gonna play shite 2 ugh I know I know but basically I'm just not gonna play it AHAHAHAHAHAHAH.
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I will be playing smite 2, buying gems, and leaving a 5 star review.
Can't wait for the next seasonal costume.
Yemoja shoving two fingers into your asshole and giving your prostate a good rubbing!
Yes at this point I am doing it solely to piss that one guy off.
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>negro toon
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SMITE 2 will copy the cool west african gods from SMT V.
why dont japan make good looking black men? you have
A) Racist caricature
B) One-Piece tier goofy looking retard(pic related)
C) sameface as any other anime character, but brown
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Medusa will be nerfed.
She was already nerfed into oblivion when they gutted assassin items.
>but you build her like an adc
no you don't
Niggers aren't good loking.
simple as
overtly black characters, unless they're attractive women, are offensive to the senses
Dishonest question
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i have a new method of not tilting. whenever my teammate is shit, i think to myself, maybe he is going through a hard time right now. his wife left him. his dad molests him. maybe he has a terminal diagnoses.
she can function with adc items and adcs are always broken because of how much damage dealer cock hi-rez slurps on a regular basis
>that platinum-border Poseidon who went 0-8 and had less gold than our support causing us to lose the ranked game and lose 214 (!!!) MMR.
Yeah, I HOPE he has a terminal diagnosis!
>Throughout the game I kept talking about Argus' master's derriere
>When the game was over, I was reported for Hera-assment
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this probably sounded good in your head, until you remember every nigro outside of this place is the bitch in ya ear telling you that it's just an alpha and it's gonna actually infactofcourse be the next best thing since smite
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daddy's home ;). lmaoing at the fact that they changed my name
They wont even let me buy gems to change my name either. The transacation literally keeps getting canceled. I guess from now on I am player67392
Your only option now is to turn on streamer mode and become a Scylla one-trick
actually ive decided to be a clio one trick
prove it by posting a clio clip
might as well go max cringe and main set
non viable godtoon
Get online. Now.
i will when shite 2 has another alpha/beta
hop on.
proc. now.
There are two times to use a global emote. at the start of the game. at the end of the game. so why the fuck, do you make them fly 200 feet into the air, out of the victory/defeat screen? who designs these?
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thoughts on sephiroth datamined crossover skin?
wdym? btw I honestly think she sucks. she's a bad jungler and imo the only mode she's good at is joust. But I'm still gonna main her because she's pretty cool.
she's just bloated, has a cringe gimmick, and is generally a crutch/no-skill god for terrible junglers/players
shes literally bad tho
clio is really good, you just say shes not because you dont want to accept that youre not playing some nighskillnichehipstertoon
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>fatalis back
I will now play your game
I don't like the circumstances of it and the other items coming back because of Hirez's pants on head retarded marketing team, but I do like that they're back. Now give Chronos haste back on his 2.
>generic elf
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ze plan is zimple... ve suck ze sovl from SMITEGAME.
is this supposed to be cupid? where is his big head???
a skin, but he is getting a visual rework to have that bodytype. its over.
>going full shota-bait with cupid
This is not aphro
>good looking black men
Im in a really good mood so I want someone to play smite with me tonight :)
no one is online. youre a lah
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nobody want play me :(
>playing a soon to be EOS'd game
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tonight I will not stop playing smite until I get a notable cliodhna clip.
This is my dog lol
36 days without an attack speed jorm penta
36 minutes without a cliodna clip
I have like 15 hours of smite2 footage from last month and like 10 hours from this month but I just cant bring myself to edit it and a big folder or random smite clips. I even already did most of the thumbnails. I think I've done thumbnails for almost all of the possible gods in the list for smite 2 except I think Atlas, Mordred and Aladdin.

Smite and Hunt take so much effort to edit. Its literally exhausting to do. Its why everyone who does them is just a streamer that clips and posts their barely edited raw footage, but theyre all big names so they don't get ai filtered and can self-govern, while I have to edit out every kill and attack and listen to every voiceline that a character says and edit out all the death, die, shoot, kill, or vtuber skin cursing bleeps. Its mentally draining. I think I have a few jorm quads in there somewhere. Ill try and edit some in the next few days and look for them.

cute puppy
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There I sorted all the smite 1 footage.
Jorm, Fafnir, Agni, Random, Hades, Ixchel

I sleep now
Why you call gods toon ?
they are gods and toons so godtoons
Forced meme that got funny after two years.
A relic from a forgotten time when /smgen/ and /palg/ were still united on /vg/. An unfunny meme forced by a mentally ill schizo for years until it stuck.
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Go back.
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If you could eat one god's ass, who would it be?
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who wanted this
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>bikini medusa skin
>she's a tatted up roastie
Looks like a protag you'd find in a woman's YA fantasy book
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we noticed magical carries have been struggling, so were removing freyas best item
cannonneers cuirass buff. fafnir buff. old fun items returning. lermy is openhanded with her blessings, praise be!
crazy how they're making smite 1 so bad that people will want to try out shite 2
Name 1 bad change
name 2 bad changes
>we noticed magical carries have been struggling, so were removing non-ranged magical adcs mandatory item that allows them to chase

>Removed Hecate at the same time as giving apollo a 5 second speed stim.
They're just preparing people for the Dota 2 balance experience in Shite 2, by bringing it to 1
i will now be typing gg ez after every match
no matter win/loss, type "gg sorry for [BEST PLAYER ON ENEMY TEAM]"
>gaslighting the best player on the enemy team
how scandalous!
that doesnt work because they know they were the best, you have to target the weak links to perform an actual spirit crushing technique
>that doesnt work because they know they were the best
you'd be surprised, I've baited plenty of them into spamming the chat with seethe and then been witness to their subsequent meltdown in the next game where they instantly leave the post-game lobby.
I'm not that much of a psychopath anon.
I simply enjoy a little ranked mischief.
Yeah, there's been many a time where I was clearly the best player on my team but when I say "gg team diff" they say "hurr durr does that include you XD"
The biggest problem with this is that the lies and slander vencourages the 0-8 scylla teammate to say "see even da enemy team agrees with me!" so they never learn what a ward is
but im rambling on too much. lets talk about Pele's feet.
>off model slop
Now show me the in game feet instead.
the big toe of her left foot has the shape and length of my penis.

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