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transfers happening today because of saudi esports world cup roster lock, hooxi gone from g2, more to come
that event starts on the 17th, followed by the indian lan on the 23rd, and blast groups on the 29th
i thought generals weren't allowed on this board
this is an esports discussion thread, sanctioned by hiroshimoot
I would like to discuss the lead-up to, and games in the upcoming saudi esports world cup
>this is an esports discussion thread

>Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vm/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/
expecting ences -goofy + simple move any day now
g2 nitro but unironically though
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>recurring threads about a specific game
this isn't about the game, it's about esports
do you see a crosslink? do you see an edition? do you see the word general? were there 2 threads on the board at the same time?
go bitch at these guys
>it's about esports
oh cool, what do we think of Dark's GSL win? he kinda stomped Maru.
it was alright, kinda boring when terran plays the same thing which forces zerg to play the same thing, six times.
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niggas is mad
i'd be mad too if a flip stand-in showed how easily replaceable i was and cost me my job
stewie is han chinese
>do you see a crosslink? do you see an edition? do you see the word general? were there 2 threads on the board at the same time?
rules say nothing about these btw, not sure why you brought them up
his last name is yip
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why are you not adding the // in /cs2g/?
newfags I tell ya amirite lads
>do you see the word general?
could mean anything
it's an homage
honestly don't know how much better g2 would've done with say karrigan, nor that they can get someone better

for all they know -nexa +m80 was the missing piece
Op refuses to make breads that are aesthetically pleasing. Nigger doesn't even use proper grammar in his shitty little blog
any hooxers in thread?
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So who is the replacement?
You now remember lekr0
Karrigan is used to players he can potty train or that are already potty trained
That that leaves out 50% of G2
i don't have an x (formerly twitter) account, has kassad tweeted anything yet?

top kek
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>inb4 hooxi eliminates bleed for the last spot at the shanghai rmr
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>3 million player drop
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Grammar scares the local schizo.
take it back, I'm not chinese
But you are han chinese
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solo queue is the most soul crushing experience on earth
you have to be entry, shift, support and caller to even have a chance of winning and if you whiff just a few shots it's fucking over
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face of a man who just got top 1000 solo queueing
this is the future that awaits you if you keep playing this shit solo
>The Truth about Skyesports Masters 2023

>Skyesports, the leading tournament organizer in India, took a significant step in reviving the local esports scene last year by announcing the Skyesports Masters 2023, boasting a prize pool of nearly $245,000. However, Dust2 India has found out that nearly 10 months after the event concluded, most players have yet to receive their share of the prize money.
This is meant to be surprising?
didn't ask
sir they were pakis
Remember a guy here desperately defending Skyesports and getting upset at people laughing at it.
Reminder that the m4a1s spammer was literally Indian as seen by the /int/ posts
Not really a problem exclusive to Indians. E-sports tourney organizers are notorious for delaying payments or never even giving the money. Not even a SAAAAR.
Yea, its usually equally subhuman organizations, like brazilians
Actually they were Australians and the schizo was right all along
As much as I don't want the Blast and ESL duopoloy, they seem to be the only ones who don't fuck up.
Maybe PGL too but I feel like they had some scuffed tournaments.
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>xertion is 19
thats just weird man
lmao a bunch of big streamers are streaming the EWC
what happened to the boycott
based hag lover
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>ZywOo then shared that he doesn't watch demos to prepare, something that has become a staple of top-tier CS in recent years. "I'm watching the game while I'm playing, and I see things instantly, but I'm never rewatching it. Once I have seen it once, I don't need to see it twice."
kek demofags btfo
demo watching is slave work, for the igl and coach
>doesnt demo
>doesnt dm
>didn't play the AWP until was forced to because his new team lacked an awper
imagine if he cared about CS
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Apologize to the goat
insane that 5 years in or whatever he's still just the bland "haha I don't know" guy
no one has ever had a real passionate feeling about him besides his mom
>nooo you can't just be who you are you have to buy a Porsche and celebrate New Year in Dubai and wear flashy clothes
based ZywOo
Zywoo, maybe stop eating and play the game then you might win something this year.
see? it's crazy, even when you're trying to come up with things to talk about, you just invert memes about other players
>be who you are
who is he?
I'm sorry you're jewish
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There is literally nothing wrong with being Jewish
Good to know there's a kike here so I won't wonder about some of the jewratty posts in these threads
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freya's NVRGE
what'd the jews ever do in cs
steel had the matchfixing thing but dazed set that up
danes are the jews of cs
also flamez is cute
Not the Israelis?

>australia losing to new zealand in IESF
imagine being a fucking australian cs fan when you can't even beat your sister country
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
on paper the nz team is actually better than the aus one, but like 4/10 players aren't actually playing
>australia losing
can i get a score check?
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these are some kino matchups
Wasn't iesf another one of those tournament orgs to not pay out?
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things have changed a little with saudis squeezing themselves into it
it's been a bit dodgy in the past, but now it's run with the saudi's so it should actually pay out
New Zealand? More like Poo Peeland
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There will be real deaths
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new vtuber who will maybe watch competitive cs dropped
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>non-jp chuba
please be female (male)
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kino mongolz/flyquest final incoming
Well guys, I accomplished my goal of fragging as hard as my teammates @ LANETS. We really had some terrible games where we could get nothing going as an entire team so we did not make it far, but we still had better placements than our previous events.
Also fuck Fluffy Aimers
That is all
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i thought there would be less retarded threads now that you have to link your Steam account to post
sorry but what the hell is that dish though, it looks so typically French, barely anything on the plate and it probably costs 500 dollars
second round of her first game on stream
I can carry her...
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>g2 snax
so retarded even the jokes didn't predict it
looks like carpaccio
You're not serious right?
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g2 sure loves their sidegrades for the past 2 years
Huh, checked their twitter after seeing your post and it wasn't there.
Still, why?
taz coaching, they love their nepotism hires too
overdrive leaked it, the announcement came out like 5 minutes ago
>sidegrade compared to Hooxi
stop sniffing glue
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wow these people are starved for happenings during player break
How is that any different to here?
i fucking hate niko
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yeah this guy is the one to improve g2
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it's probably nepo... but his rating was decent for an IGL on GL

disregard their slide from rank 11 to 30, that was all roster changes, not his fault
fucking terrible signing, m0nesy and niko to falcons when?
Id keep hooxi until they get someone better
it just seems a waste of time to get snax for 1 major cycle before the boot

bleed +nexa

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kassad is gonna enroll his team in every t3 qualifier available just to find and shit on hooxi with this team
>role clash meme
it comes up when discussing getting most out of players
a player doing x role doesnt always perform in another role
Snax has zero respect for taz
>i fucking hate niko
hello redit
reddit loves niko
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>Taught m0nesy how to play CS
oh I'm retarded and didn't read the right side
The right side being true doesn't make the left side false
>jabbi pretending he did not see
>it's real
I have zero respect for Taz
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>fucking terrible signing, m0nesy and niko to falcons when?
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>I want hooxi removed from G2!
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jitu is done
you just KNOW monesy and niko are both leaving
>G2 is not performing as expected
>let's use nepotism and bring our friend!
>G2 is not performing as expected
>let's use nepotism and bring our friend!
i don't look like this though
>spunj has been advising talon
talon jks confirmed?
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JP chuubas have a shit taste about FPS games.
Either they play APEX or Valorant all day.
You’re not seriously doubting Snax right?
this has been known for a while now
jks would be ruining his legacy joining a dead end australian team
>says anyone has shit taste while which vtubers
sounds like hades is going to liquid
>They were looking at all these different AWPers and stuff, and the one that they were close to getting, I believe up until yesterday, replied and was like "I got an offer from a top 10 team," or his management did or whatever, and then he was off the table. And it has to be Liquid, because I think most of the other teams are going to EWC so Liquid have a little bit longer because of the BLAST window, so I think that's what happened.
hltv article a week ago:
>As for the AWP role, Talon are understood to be exploring their options in the European market, looking at players like ENCE benched sniper Olek "hades" Miskiewicz and Nemiga's Beksultan "khaN" Ospan.
I forgot he was on GL or that GL even were a team.
This is literally the same as Zews convincing Liquid management to sign Skullz, except this is the Polish version.
Is she /here/?
Who do you think is advertising her?
why didnt g2 get cadian
surely he'd be better than fats
>English broadcast will be remote
oh yay mistimed casters who react to things with 2 second delay
oh well maybe they stop being retarded and manage the delay this time around
that was with casters being remote but stream being local, with both casters and stream being remote it should be fine
there's like 20 people here, be real
i am not her
>nooooo my heckin advertising is totes mcgoats natural!!!!
fuck off
would - bit + simple sound good at this point
IM looks to move up
JL does his role well and has high ceiling
wonderful is the best player currently
>uhh but the ROLESSS!!!
This reddit shit needs to stop. There is only an IGL, AWPer, and rifles.
Uh but you see if you have two banana players and your team signs a third it’s literally impossible to shift someone off of banana, HLTV said so
its 2024 and people are still riding that irrelevant australian loser's dick because he was on a team when niko and m0nesy were peaking
Didn't you get kicked too nexa?
and yet nexa has a team and jkcocksucker doesn't
>he doesn't know
no one is taking an over the hill fucking baiting loser
not that dogshit team flyquest and certainly not a dogshit team like talon if they want to win trophies
and liquid aren't buying jkshitter don't even imply that
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niggas is boilin with rage
your being proven wrong is what helps me get up in the morning
you being proven wrong is what helps me sleep at night
niggas is STEAMIN
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please be my gf...
Snax again?
welcome back rainwaker and patsi!
>KASSAD: "nexa's stats in the last six months don't reflect his capabilities at all"
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kassad interview dropped
I know journalists need to keep writing shit and publishing it, and its difficult to come up with material during player break but come on
not literally everything is printworthy
an inside look at managing a team and who's calling the shots (hampus cutting and recruiting players) is at least more than "yes, we tried really hard, yes we expect great things coming up, we need to relax and play our own game, etc."
he keeps talking faven up because they still own his contract, but you can just skim that part
based floppy exposing this dogshit game
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cadiaN's system wouldn't mesh with a star-driven team like G2
Literally who
>OverDrive talking about cringeworthiness
this guy is only "relevant" because he was sitting in praccs with Team Spirit
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liquid are addicted to adding random shitters from t3 scenes
lurk, support, entry, anchor.....
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new paycheck stealing just dropped
Is there nobody else in NA?
no they all left for valorant
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>YEKINDAR reveals he paid $500,000 to Virtus Pro to buy his own contract and join Team Liquid in 2022 .
no way hahahahahahaha
and then liquid gave him a $500k signing bonus
just a way to circumvent sanctions on vp because of the ukrainian war
so uh,,,, can we -hext +stewie2k -daps +valens just so we can have an all azn American cs team? (yes ill consider nitr0 azn lmao)
>starry to Tyloo
I can't wait to see Tyloo kill Flyquests dreams a second time
im not hooxin but i think its a mistake to kick him before bringing malbs in.

what if malbs is the key to unlocking g2s potential? now if (when) they do poorly they have two different problems to blame and no clear solution

or maybe its as simple as snax is temporary and they know he will be shit and dont care

i never want to see that stupid gooks face ever again
>gut every other team to gamble on 1 superteam making it
seen this one before
2020 gen g was 4 asians+daps
i love this little chink like you wouldn't believe, always gives me a hearty laugh
Now we're in the Liquid picks up anyone phase which will end in failure, then buying out big names and that also crashing and burning.
Nothings changing until yekindar is ousted
They missed out on malbs by sticking with him, or gambling on lake too. Hell fang would be better
Has Richard commented on the Snax signing yet? I need to know what my opinion is. Do I support it because HooXi is bad, or do I make fun of it like everyone else? Or do I not comment on it at all until after his first tournament so people have no ammunition to make fun of me for being wrong?
im waiting for thorin and maui before forming mine
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come on faze body these fucking faggot shitters
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hooxi's shit, snax is shit, taz is brain damaged, it might work anyway because malbs is good and aggro
fake fan
kek it would be funny if fq win again
they've never even beaten Faze ever dumbshit
they haven't even gotten a map off them
it's alright schizonigga, go to sleep
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not even the same core
>doesn't count
hating australians is no substitute for a personality
Am I chinese or not? If i'm chinese wouldn't it be the middle of the day? why would i sleep if I were chinese hmm? your story isn't straight
Believe it or not, chinks aren't limited only to china. It's a big problem but that is the reality of the situation.
>never slept during the day
>your story isn't straight
you're not straight gayboy
So now Chinese people aren't allowed to root against FlyQuest and aren't allowed to live outside of China? Why do you get to decide?
Cause he loves to dickride Australian cocks
>why do the locals of a country get to say i cant invade their country and ruin it with my disgusting chink culture and genetics
China is one of the oldest civilizations in the world still around today.
the current chinese culture that came out of the cultural revolution after killing everyone with a personality and a brain is nothing like ancient chinese culture
If a guy of this built can score a girl like Dona then so can you!
kek newfag
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can we just get one good NA team without a brown monkey shitting it up?
My name is buck and I like to fuck liquid up
Kscerato>>>>>any Na talents in the scene
stfu monkey
Is what I say to any NAmacaques that think they are relevant
damn he's pointing at us....
When's the last time you won anything?
Like 3 weeks ago
why did hooxis sister do it
couldn't resist justin savage's big australian cock, even if it meant breaking up the team

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