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Why was there never a succesful /v/ samp server? I think people here would love it.
im not russian or brazilian
This. Americans are too retarded to set it up.
Back in 2008-09 the OG Partyvan played Samp
This. Arabian and Turkish as well.

I’m still in the process of redoing interiors and the exterior map by hand with MTA, but who knows how long it will take until I get it launched into a server.

>Working on a project alone. Nobody to help. Not even coop edit or anyone who knows how to code and use plugins.
>All the other MTA folk can’t speak fucking English or the forums are full of people who ignore your pleas for help.

But MTAs editor runs a hell of a lot smoother than SAMP.
>but who knows how long it will take until I get it launched into a server.

Never ever because you're a negative perfectionist with extreme scope creep.
>wanting to make the game look immersive

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