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File: gangshit.png (2.2 MB, 1903x999)
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Hello /vm/, I am making a small scale Minecraft anarchy server for 1.20.4 . Yeah you guys might come to the conclusion that this is just another poor copy of 2b2t and you will tell me to fuck off but I just generally want to have fun and talk in the game.

The server has 20 slots, hacks and dupes are allowed, the server is running on decent specs so you can fly without lag and is open 24/7.

The server in question is called "KikeJew Ver 0.3", might be offensive to others, but I really don't care. Only named it that way because you can just say/do anything you want without bans.

##### ID: kikejew.exaroton.me #####
The versions of the game are as follow:

KikeJew Version 0.1

-Removed Flight hacks due to immense chunk lags
-Removed a /msg exploit that allowed hackers to see your location
-Added TudorP as an Operator


KikeJew Version 0.2

-Added /kill command for players who are stuck
-Added a random spawn location for the main spawn
-Added security plugins for individual accounts
-Added custom server image
-Added gemjak as Operator


KikeJew Version 0.3

-Added a user skin plugin
-Players can start the server without owner input
-Shortened the randomized spawn radius
-Removed Operator from TudorP
-Removed the flight hack limit
-Extended the server to operate at 12 GB's of RAM and with a 6 Core CPU
>Added a green text plugin


I hope you guys are interested in this server and see you there :)

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