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I started playing TF2 in 2020 and after 1600ish hours of playing I kinda just want something new and there’s not many games where I could do stupid shit and play normally then leave after a few hours. The only thing I could think of is something like Gmod but that’s kinda it.
Not sure if this counts but I've been playing battlefield 1 and battlefront 2 recently for the same feeling,
the large scale of the battles makes me feel less inclined to play to win since my contribution is minimal, so I end up not stressing.

As far as wanting a 'wacky' feeling shooter there's PvZ garden warfare, but while I have nearly 3k hours in tf2 I can't seem to get into PvZ GW,
heard it's good though.

Since it seems like you want more of a sandbox / social experience I would probably say gmod or hl2 death match or something, modern games don't have the same player base as older games, and it's rare to see players taunting with eachother in game.

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