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I have been getting back into DDO recently and was wondering if there are any active guilds on the Orien server where I am playing. I am working on reincarnating the shit out of my toon right now and can't decide on end-game caster DPS or healer, but want a strong guild to do raids and such with. Is Orien still an active server and if not, can I transfer my toon without losing anything i've bought or earned over the years?
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This is what i'm rolling with, currently. I have a bunch more higher level gear in my Bank / Shared Bank as well. Currently farming Feywild quests for decent gear and set bonuses to play around with and make builds. Would love to farm shit with other people for a change lol
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This is the rest of my shit that I have farmed from playing off and on. Really just looking for a guild to play with to keep me interested and give me a reason to play more and push further with my character.
Bump for anon, and /vm/'s ~bi-yearly DDO thread!
Thank you, kind anon! I am still farming more gear as we speak.
Godspeed. I'd probably have played it more myself if the netcode (and RNG of crippling latency issues) weren't so pervasive.
Also /vm/ is a fairly slow board so don't be surprised if you don't get a reply for a day or so.

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