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Busy playing The Last Descendant

>What is Lost Ark
A pay-to-win MMOARPG set in a grindy, gatekeeping world with bad designed fights where the mistake of one player wipes the whole raid and wastes the 20 minutes of progress you had, that times 18 raids you must do every week to stay relevant.

How alive is the game?
Dead. Check steamdb, half of those are bots and half of that are on your region.

Who is left playing the game?
Gambling addicts who are weak willed and heavily sunk cost to leave at this point aka mazies. They are in too deep they are beyond saving.

How much p2w is this game?
Not a single player can progress in this game unless someone whether it's you or someone else pays real money for their accessories/build through a currency called pheons.

Is the game censored?
Yes, skins are censored, multiple instances of race swapping NPCs and the shadowhunter class.


>In-game Chat
Make an alt on the server of the chat owner, send a mail saying you want to join and include the name of your main, if its still alive.

NAE: Lerynsere on Balthorr
EUC: Daddypump on Ratik

NAE: Touchfluffytail on Balthorr, password is fluff
EU: Handholding on Ratik, password is mods

Previous: >>1333485
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it's over
we can survive on /vg/ nyes
maybe martial artists are alright
i dont think she can handle thaemine's sword
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sucking on slayer's nipples...
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/xivg/ won massively. You guys shouldn't have been so cocky. Imagin thinking a gook mmo will amount to anything.
anyone who pays a monthly subscription fee for the ability to play a single video game in the year 2024 is mentally fucking ill
You tell em sis
>Buys the in-game weight limit boosters, drop rate pets and underwear, pay2win pvp clothing, upgrade mats and """optional""" sub from the cash store instead
A subscription is cheaper than gook p2w shit.
lost ark is like ff14 if it launched and never fixed with a realm reborn. just shyte all aroun
>Rmt millions of gold, get fuck all progression
>Pay your monthly sub which is cheaper than aura and you get to fully enjoy everything
If solo raids, t4 or whatever KR is getting in a week flops it's over, more over than anything you've seen before in this game.
also xiv is fair that if they sell emotes or some other small shit they dont charge a fortune for it for the most part. for example lost ark selling a single picture emote for coomers cost 55 usd for each one. fucking gooknigs man
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All women in this game are built for Haal men
also art from 2021, this game is dead. i checked r34 and lost ark has 5 pics that arent korean made over past 5 years and there all shit
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do ALL your dailies
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the aura is 100% optional, and offers next to nothing

10k hours in, haven't bought it once nor would I even consider it

meanwhile you literally have to pay to log in
Yeah it keeps the shitskins away for the most part. A sub is always better than a p2w cash store and you're mad if you disagree.
>keeps the shitskins away
if only! alas, in reality, only a shitskin would be retarded enough to pay a monthly fee to access a video game
nah they prefer f2p, thats why f2p always has the worst communities. im not saying sub mmo communities are amazing or anything, but you cant deny its a lot better in comparison.
What a horrible argument. Did your parents refuse to pay your wow sub when you were young or something? Because I have difficulty believing you genuinely believe the things you are saying. Reminder we aren't just talking of bot arc now, the average cost of a decent account in BDO used to be like 500 or so, that's 3 years of subscription money, except it gets worse when their "optional" monthly wasn't that optional to begin with. I really don't understand people who defend literal pay2win stores in videogames
ummmm you can have a good account in lost ark by spending 10+ hours every day therefore it's not p2w (:
I don't need a good account to have fun in Lost Ark.
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A game who's primary playerbase is in Korea has limited art from non-Koreans, how surprising. If Japan doesn't get on board, the r34 drawn art scene is usually pretty meh.
Western r34 leans more towards 3d models/animations anyways. Echidna managed to draw in 2 animators that I've seen so far. (zxcvxex and Croove) Both seem to be interested in making more with Lost Ark.
Kallenz also recently made an Echidna model that's rigged up and usable for NSFW works. Same person that made a Vykas model a while back.
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Also just found out Kallenz made one for Artist too.
She's also built for Haal men Satan
even the most fringe jp anime shit gets trillion artwork, and even good quality ones. even the few lost ark gets its all shit
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Question for when I return next super express. 3rd slayer likely have 2 slayers in T4 or scrapper(1520)? I dunno if there's a point in multiple of the same class when solo raids come since I won't care about gatekeeping and gems/engravings will be free.
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that awakening dfo spectacle creep is so fucking gay. they should have never done it. solo raids is the only thing I could keep myself awake for. it better give reasonable gold.

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