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Is helldivers 2 still worth buying if you haven't played it yet or has the fun been patched out of it?
damn this board/game is dead
It's pretty much the same it's always been with some more weapons and maps now. It mostly fell off because there isn't enough variety to keep people playing consistently for 5 months straight. It's still a fun game and the big balance update shook up the meta a little bit, just not something you can play daily for many months on end.

You can get about a 100 hours with what's in it now before you start to really feel the lack of things to do. It's more fun with friends but is also plenty fun with randoms, voice chats are 50/50 if they're active.
pretty much this. played with friends from launch, one of them liked it more than the rest of us but nonetheless we all reached a point of being over it. lack of progression / variety / skill challenge / rewards to keep you interested. just another horde shooter.
yea yea idc if i only get 50-100 hours out of it... im just worried if its not fun anymore because of the balance patches. i want weapons that feel good
Its a buggy mess with shitty matchmaking and fatal crashes every second game. Noone is on their mics except kids and third worlders and retards too high to function, and most of your deaths will literally not be your fault because you'll randomly take 3x the damage from the same projectile or physics or standing on a dead bug/tank that still has a hurtbox active. The balance is dubious at best and its only a matter of time before sony starts trying shit again.

If you have friends to play with and know you'll get 100 hours out of it then sure. If you're basically just playing solo then you're not missing a whole lot. Its sure to have immitators out in a few years that might be better
ouch... was looking forward to it. i guess ill just stick to l4d for my co op fix :(
Key issues with it are:
The galactic war is pretty irrelevant now that they kinda shed most their playerbase.
The difficulty is inconsistent throughout missions, sometimes being a snooze fest even on helldive difficulty and other times unrelenting torrent of heavily armored enemies.
Some weapons and strategems are just plain bad and balancing has at times been questionable.
Ability acquire super credits to unlock new weapons has been severely nerfed.

There's also other stuff like them trying to move towards a moderation policy that requires you to affirm gender politics or be banned, but I don't know how that is going and their anti cheat sticking around after uninstalling and so on.
Fun weapons keep getting nerfed
a PVE game about being a cool killing machine killing hordes of bugs nerfing you, the cool killing machine, is retarded I WANT TO BE A COOL SUPERSOLDIER NOT A REALISTIC SOLDIER WEAKFAG
come home, to EDF
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Played from launch. The game was fun pre-nerf, then became annoying to play (read can't use weapons that I think are cool because they became ineffective). The game is not difficult, but you get pigeon-holed into specific strategems and weapons that you don't want to use. Also, community managers are banhammer furries, devs openly mock players with great ideas,sony psn login debacle, scammed banned country players, and alexus game balancer.

I would have probably played past the nerfs and ended up in the "no content" crowd, except they spent more time nerfing fun weapons and introducing new instabilities to the runtime, instead of fixing existing and new bugs. Several of my core group couldn't even play the game because it kept crashing after the first big patch.

Helldivers 2 was an intentional self-sabotage, change my mind.
Dead game. It was fun while it lasted.
They reversed the nerf.

Banning 177 country that was a bad move indeed, but that was Sony fault pushing their agenda of PC launcher.
Devs are on 6 weeks vacation right now maybe in September we gonna have the new faction.
Unless they introduce a new game mode or actually build up something with the mayor orders it really has become just another horde shooter
This game is dead, and the nerfs killed it. Nerf after nerf after nerf. They nerfed everything in the game; enemies, weapons, you name it. In the last patch, they even nerfed THE FUCKING LOADING SCREEN.

So yeah, most streamers and youtube commentators agree that this game is dead. You should not play it anymore.
Developers that build their game around “community feedback” deserve to flop and this game is a prime example. Every gaming “community” is full of retards who will demand homogenization.

In this game’s case, the feedback they listened to was basically “the hard difficulties are too hard” and “my power fantasy is ruined because i can’t solo the highest difficulty,” and now we have been left with a run of the mill consoleshooter.

Community feedback should only be used for bug reports
damn RIP.... i really wanwted to try this game
You can always do that, just get a group going, probably can get some good fun out of it before the stale gameplay loop hits
meh if everything is nerfed to shit that doesn't seem very fun. i dont really have a group to play with either i like playing with randoms in games
I got it just recently to play with friends and I've been having a fun time. I don't see myself playing it consistently for a year straight but for now it's nice and an easy way to keep up with my friends.
is there any chance they add some different environments like city, caves etc... running in same open field with different color palet and skybox doing same 5 obj is boring as fuck even if they add mew faction
They should add vehicles, but yeah, I feel for the big map missions is either open field or forest, and even then, on the forest maps, some have such low canopy that it doesnt feel like a forest and just a bushy section

Since the same lore is all about reconquering habitables planets where the enemy killed all current settlers, cities would be nice to have, I guess they could add stuff like saving actual fighting militia and no just a bunch of corpses
uh oh difficulty 10 and new creatures are coming.
With all the nerfs on weapons, how the fuck do they expect us to deal with that shit.
Are you 12? Adapt and fix your skill.
Game is boring if you use the effective weapons and frustrating if you use the ones you want. The 80GB it requires is better used on other more interesting games until they fix their shit. It wasn't like this before nerfs.

Toxic devs, toxic community managers, toxic dev bootlickers(probably paid shills)

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