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Bank literally will not let me spend $20 on a 2b2t subscription. Haven’t played the damn server since 2017, worked fine then, fast forward I wanna see if my base is still there and shit won’t work. Along with this, is the server still relevant? I’ve seen some videos saying it fell off. If anyone knows a way around to pay for a 2b2t subscription lmk (don’t say PayPal, I’m banned from there)
Try to open an account at a different bank? Unless you're in a country where that's difficult
im not making a new bank account for 2b2t
2b2t got gentrified with fitmc faggots and modern minecraft slop but it's still the only playable tranarchy server so ur aight

call your bank idk
How the fuck do you get banned from PayPal? Isn’t that shit owned by the greediest faggot in the world? Just tweet Elon that you don’t believe the holocaust happened and that you need your PayPal to continue your free speech pro-slavery campaign and he will personally restore your account that day. For faster results, tell him that Grimes is attractive and looks like a natural woman.
I still fucking wonder how many of 2b2t Nerds Inc members are trannies, I bet at least 20%
popbob is a literal tranny now, look it up
Right... iTristan is next then?
besides popbob this server if full of trannies and unless you're friends with someone on discord and know a dupe method there is literally zero point in playing
how can you be so autistic you play on the same minesperg server for 13 years

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