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Which is better overall? Wired or wireless?
They're practically the same, I use wired because it's cheaper, and i've always hated faggots that NEED to optimize their peripherals to get and extra 0.00001% advantage.
>They're practically the same
enjoy your cable drag

>and extra 0.00001% advantage.
it is not the 2000s anymore where you just needed to get a laser mouse
Wired for desktop because recharging a decent mouse sucks
Wireless for laptop for convenience

>cable drag
>"you're battery is at 5% please recharge" flashes on screen
>quickly plugs usb c cable
>uses mouse wired while it recharges
>>cable drag
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>cable drag
the amount of wired i've killed because of the wire itself breaking is annoying. Afer the cable that i had replaced on my old one also broke, i said fuck that and brought wireless.

Havn't even looked back
I use a Logitech G305, don't need all them buttons or LEDs and it's 50 dollars. If it tells me it's low on the battery I just quickly reload it with an AA battery when I have the chance.
I only use cabled mmo mice
I have never in my life broken a mouse wire. How badly are you treating your stuff? Are you just buying the cheapest products?
What mice are you getting?
mostly logitech stuff, maybe that's the issue ?
decently well, and i dont buy the cheapest shit.
It really feels like gaming slop is just a scam. I am interested in upgrading, and logitech superlight catches my attention but people keep saying how logitech uses cheap chinese products and that double clicking will be an issue quickly. Using a bloody mouse since many years now, had a few issues but it lasted pretty well, whats the play here? I really got no clue what to look for and what not to look for
I've had a logitech superlight pro just over a year and have had no issues.
Mouse switches basically all suck except maybe the newer optical ones that don't actually have moving parts. There are tons of wireless mice below 60 grams that all have good sensors so the only real factor in buying one should be what shape you want and your budget. When/if the switches break, they're very easy to replace even if you're absolute shit at soldering like I am. I would much rather spend all of my time playing with a mouse that feels great and maybe replace a part every few years than get one I don't like as much just to avoid a twenty minute job that may or may not happen in the first place.
I would recommend rocketjumpninja and optimum on youtube for mouse reviews and information because they both have evidence of actually being good at FPS games.
either is fine as long as it's weighted
just use new logitech optical switches.
I use a wired mouse and keyboard.
They're cheaper and they don't run out of battery and they do not have packet loss.
I also use a wireless headset, I've tried both the 2.4ghz USB dongle and the Bluetooth option it supports, and I will get packet loss several times a night.
For audio/voice its fine to get a little packet loss, but I'd want to break shit if it were input issues.
Fuck that bullshit. Just use a wire it never gets in the way and it never loses signal and it never loses battery; and itS all cheaper.
Headsets you can more easily deal with the dropped audio etc, it's not critical like input is.
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>cable drag
he fell for this gimmick as well
actually i did. bought cooling sleeves for my VR seshs unironically. haven't tested yet. waiting for a hot day.
Mice are a scam outside certain games, keyboards can be another matter, and there is a vast difference in quality across headsets and mics of all price ranges.
Wireless tech has been figured out for a while now. Latency is the same as wired. They have decent battery life unless you are using unnecessarily high polling rate. Good ones are rather expensive but no reason not to if you have the money and want the wireless convenience.

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