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Would it be possible to create a custom Linux distro from scratch for the sole purpose of playing RuneScape? Every function making RuneScape better? Everything from kernel configuration to custom package managers to ricing to custom AI bots. For both the scumbags and the Zezima’s out there. A tool that rivals J mods in terms of power level. Why hasn’t anyone made the gentoo or arch of RuneScape? I know jagex is gay and their java bs is gay, however would it not be a great service to mankind? Imagine the ultimate RuneScape machine summoned into existence by 4chan. No xp waste. You can max an account or help make the greatest operating system that has ever existed. Better than Temple OS even.2vsg
Genuine question as to why you would need to do anything like that?
OSRS already runs on Linux no problem and isn't heavy enough to cause any problems with even the cheapest laptop.
It’s isn’t for me. It’s for mankind.
>tranny game
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What draws schizos to runescape, is it something to unique or is it because the sheer number of millions of lads having tried it as a youth and some schizo out?
>Would it be possible
Everything is possible
>Is anyone but me going to make this
No because Runescape is dying and slowly turning into generic slop intended for casuals, like every other product in existence. Just recently they've made Oldschool less grindy. Nothing is sacred. Give up
how less girndy

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