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File: Kinocube5bis.png (316 KB, 900x500)
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this is kinocube, anonymous no rules server, all names and skins are hidden

infos pic rel
Picture aesthetically pleasing.
anonymous server is interesting but anarchy is cringe
the only appeal of tranarchy servers like 2b2t is the vast amounts of lore, history and possibilities. if you dub yourself "anarchy" without providing players with these three your server is basically a glorified circus where retards will spend a month trolling eachother before they realize it's not fun and the server dies.
no retard you are just a fit fag who watched one too many 2b2t lore videos the fun part of anarchy is the ability to do anything you want. Just because something is anarchy does not mean it has deep lore retard was 2b made for lore? No its the playerbase that did it
bump for interest

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