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from what should i start as a noob
don't play this game.
SP2 Playoff Game.1 MURASH GAMING

but also just perma aim for headshots and youll do fine
Uninstall button
I played for years and never got better, I bought a steamkey for Kovaaks and after just a couple weeks of consistent practice I quickly climbed through ranked.
Aiming is everything in games like this. The worlds worst player with zero game sense can carry his way to the top off aim alone, it compensates for any mistake you can make.

Play counter strike, the gunplay and movement is significantly better
Binge coaching videos so you can learn fundamentals and have correct decision making.
Don't care too much about aiming at first and worry more about trading your teammates or making sure that they trade you, good comms are as important as aiming.
Play 5 stacks and avoid SoloQ as much as possible.
>Don't care too much about aiming at first and worry more about trading your teammates or making sure that they trade you, good comms are as important as aiming.
This is horrible advice
explain why i need to play this horse puke in first place?
>no Kay/o
yea Sentinels lost
The gunplay is better but canceled out by the map design being worse.
So I just started playing this game because I bit the Vanguard bullet for League about a week ago.

It's enjoyable but that agent with the stupid shield, Iso I think, is fucking cancer. Killing one when he abducted me was so satisfying.

I'm playing Viper because quite frankly I liked her look the most. The wall is super nice but I hear she's been nerfed to oblivion.

How do I get skins? The store only has 1 page and I don't like the look of anything. There's also the radiante that I have no idea how to use
I don't know why I'm waiting for a Guardian skin.

I'm like everyone else I don't buy unless I got enough for Vandal.
What's so special about Clove in the lore? Phoenix and Omen are also immortal.
No coach when recruiting looks for people who have good comms.
Cypher is such a character that Riot would design.
>How do I get skins? The store only has 1 page and I don't like the look of anything.
Welcome to the FOMO marketing tactic. They give you a whopping choice of 4 random skins per day in the shop and they offer new bundles every 2 weeks. Though the new champions bundle is sticking around for a month because it’s helping fund the prize pool for the tournament. The Night Market should be returning in a couple of weeks that will give you a random discount on six random skins so just pray to RNJesus for something you want at a good discount.

>There's also the radiante that I have no idea how to use
This is another currency you use to unlock additional level to some skins. It’s retarded. But essentially certain skins you buy will also have additional colour schemes and weapon effects (inspect animations, sfx, final kill effect) that you need to use Radianite for. So even after spending $40 on single knife, you need to spend even more currency to unlock its full potential. You can get enough of it though the BP at least, unless you’re a mega whale
>when our team is losing by 7, it just turned halftime and we lost the pistol round
>team actually has a brain because it's unranked so this doesn't matter and surrenders
>immediately hear voice cracking 13 year old screaming about it

Get fucked you never surrender cuck.
I wish CS had a functional surrender system. Fuck the dread of having to sit out a 30 minute game which was clearly lost from the start vs the sweatiest 5 stack known to man.
>playing Viper because quite frankly I liked her look the most
They had to make the trans character immortal to stop people from making 41% jokes about him
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>tfw you're 3 weeks behind on weeklies
>guy saying this is nonwhite
>watch him play
>he's obviously not wearing headphones
I hate living in a world where playing a headphone game without headphones isn't reportable but saying the dreaded enward is.
Geniunely the economy to this game sucks but what did I expect, it's Riot, it's designed to give the losing team hope.
>teammate and i can blind through walls
>we keep telling team to not stop and clog the hallway, just go in
>continue to body block and waste our flashes
we should be able to leave games without penalty. these fuckers are intolerable
If Riot wasn't able to punish you for having awful teammates, their ban rate would go down, and if their ban rate goes down, they would no longer be able to pretend that they do anything about cheaters.
Are we seriously not going to make another thread? I mean, read the OP, he didn't made this thread as a general, are we going to just hijack it?
Do it yourself if you're that bothered bout it
no generals on /vm/
I had the same shit happen its always the bottom fragging faggots with 0 util that bitch about wanting to surrender. Like wow I'm so sorry that I want to get assraped trying to carry you useless fucks for only 6 rounds instead of 15.

Course the prick who didn't want to surrender also got killed by a dude jumping down behind him around a corner making the most noise known to mankind but the faggot had 0 sound and is too much of a peabrained dipshit to think to check his back once in a while.
Who says that?
Are you a janny?
deboonked by opening the catalog
now read the sticky
>Enforcing stupid rules
So you are a janny?
Why else would you support poorly made rules that shouldn't apply when they don't harm the board or the imageboard in general?
>4chan janny
>not enforcing the rules on a selective basis depending on what games they do or don't dislike
Shit like that is why I don't go on /v/ 'cause their leftist discord friends run to call mod the minute they can't convince you that the newest slop like Street Fighter 6 isn't the best shit ever.
Team Deathmatch made me realize how great the stinger is. I don't use the spectre anymore unless I wanna spam through smokes. The stinger is better at close range and with the alt-fire, also better at long ranged. Medium range is where the spectre is superior but I just won't take medium ranged fight then.
Honestly the only benefit the Spectre has is the suppressor being useful from time to time.

Stinger is just better all around. Burst fire is good for range, close range is almost Bucky tier with how fast it fires, and it doesn't do that much less damage, not without making it up for it in RoF.

Also, unlike the Spectre, it's an actual budget weapon.
phoenix and omen are newfags
clove and possibly reyna are megahags
I wish Team Deatmatch allowed you to pick any weapon once its been unlocked. I would like to play a match just using the sheriff or the stinger.
shitters will buy SMGs everyround, thinking they're Sinatraa anyway
whoever was defending the judge last thread is retarded shit is trash
>defending the judge last thread
That was me anon... the weapon got nerfed a lot over the years and now it is just a shorty with a 5 rounds drum, ngl.
Where were you using it? it has it's niche places like Bind's hooka and Heaven's garage and A short, is it specially strong as a Controller and some Raze players are really good at jumping in with it, but now that her satchels got nerfed too I doubt you will see that in game often, so you are right, the weapon is pretty weak now specially considering its price.
You are better off using the shorty as your secondary or the Bucky on eco rounds if you can afford it. both of them can do the same plays around smokes
is it normal to check out of a match after a few rounds? it feels like you can tell if your team is meshing or not rather quickly into a game
>only 1 guy on our comms
>cheery at first
>we go 0-5
>gets incredibly tilted and salty
>every comm he gives is dripping with salt
>calls 2 other guys trash and constantly deriding them
>the power of this salt gives him carry powers
>we end up winning the game
I’ve never seen saltiness and tilting be a benefit before holy shit
You "can't" leave a game early, are you familiar with the afk punishments in league of legends? Valorant works the same way, the game punishes you for it specially on Comp and the penalty increases over time if you keep doing it but just as in LoL people just don't care, everyone leaves whenever they feel like and take the queue penalty.
I have seen people who have around 5 accounts and cycle between penalized accounts, I have seen people who just buy a new account to get back to smurfing in comp instantly for less than $10, Riot does nothing against smurfs since they always end up buying champions or skins in their other accounts.
I recommend you playing Shiftplay and TDM more often, that way your are not stuck with dumb teammates and AFKs for too long.
well I'm playing on console for context. there is soooo many people who don't seem to understand the basic concepts of the game. shooting while running, running in fucking general, not sitting on spike. refusing to stay still and watch an angle. I'm starting to consider only playing practice for a month sothese "people" will be gone
Console just got the full release so there’s just way more clueless noobs around than normal. I noticed it last week when the beta went fully open and nobody would give me the spike as Gecko
They seriously need to stop pushing Phoenix as a the beginner agent, they can do more damage than good with him
>someone on console talks into mic trying to talk strategy
>nobody on team (myself included) has a mic plugged in because we're playing a console game on a couch
if you play iso you should kill yourself
An annoying Black zoomer shouldn't be the face of Valorant.
I wouldn’t say because he’s the tutorial character that he’s the face. The face is clearly Jett
>get to diamond
>Riot decides to do a rank reset for full release
>go to silver because of shit fucking teammates and shit maps
Gee, thanks
stinger absolutely melts rifles when you're close. you slightly run and gun over the corner, you can get 1 and damage the 2nd guy with a single spray. spectre doesnt come close at all
The ranks got rebalanced because it was too easy to get a high rank on console
I’m definitely not deserving of being in Silver, though. Mid Gold and I’d say fair enough. Is this a ranking system where it places you lower at first so you can climb and feel like you’re improving?
I hate getting to the ranks where you have to aim.

So much fun seeing everyone else have perfect spatial reasoning and get flicks all the time while I cannot.
are you on console or pc? on console people are always one tapping me while they are moving. these fellas are on another level
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I am plat but after episode reset a couple episodes back, I am unable to get out of gold. I admit I dont have the solo carry potential But, it seems every act I end up with ~50% win rate stats. Even with that, this act has been even more blatant on how the algorithm has been dogshit in ranking up for the past 2 episodes. This act is even worse and I have the numbers for it. I played about 100 hours, just look at these stats I took a cap of last week.

dont you think its even a little bit suspicious? and my KDA is 1.0 as a sentinel, cant do much in stomps and playing retake. I also think i'lll do better if I play duelist to have more impact but I want to improve and rank up AS A SENTINEL and the game just doesnt reward other roles as much.
if they added a rank after plat called ''lulz'', and lowered plat reqs so you can be plat again would that make you feel better?? having a consistent 50% WR means you are where you belong
Play nothing but deathmatch and team deathmatch for an entire month and then go back to ranked for a week to see if your aim is on point, practice a few lineups every day too.
After that don't play too many ranked games in one single day, unless you are a streamer I doubt you have too much energy after 5 games.
>you are where you belong
im not disagreeing m8, thats not what my post is about. im gold now, its fine with me. Its just the ranked grind is punishing grinders worse than any episode ive played
whos winnin champs ya think
I was a top OSU player who started playing FPS games on the PC for the first time

Pretty fun!
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he made it...
As long as it's not Sentinels, any I'm happy with
ey tripfaggot
geng is out whats your take
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i didn't have them making it out of groups either
don't play the game jerk off to clove ecchi hentai, she's a jailbait character.
Thats why Cypher is op. Just leave the site and go for a fast rotate and stack mid and other site
I'm not gonna blow smoke up your ass we know that Riot manipulates the winrate algorithm for League of Legends so you should assume they do it for everything else. In fact you should assume every company is doing that.

The problem is that we believe in matchmaking and "ranked" gaming which is utterly pointless.
Tried it after a long time and now I see flying shit that cums on you, it relies too much on weird abilites, the maps are utter garbage and the movement is ass. Got back to cs2
Girls don't play CS2.
is it normal to sometimes go too far, or not far enough when flicking? i'm not solely over flicking, or under flicking. it's a mix of both. i'm not sure if i should still be fucking with the settings
practice in the Range more I guess. I remember hearing something like overflicking and then micro adjust is better than doing vice versa
what the fuck are you retards doing just make a normal general how the fuck is anyone supposed to know that the valorant discussion is happening in a fucking thread about some retard who's new to the game and asking for help
Clove's age is 1K+
they look for the opposite though if you're a fucking disgusting pig on mic you make people around you play worse and want to give up sooner
>down 5-0
>que up
>down 4-1
>que up
>down 3-2
>que up
>up 3-2
>they ff
people call this a "fun" valorant session
That's what I told them but they have to be bitches about it with the "it doesn't bother me" and "no we gotta follow the stupid rules that are not being enforced, even the ones even janitors do not care about" responses.
They know the activity will be hurt by this, they know if someone comes to /vg/ looking for the valorant general they will give up after not finding it, but I treat anons the same way I treat my teammates, if there is a huge problem that is fucking us up I will tell them about it once, if my teammates don't care about it that is their problem, I will try to play my part and get better at the game, it is their decision to die to the stun+nade combo on A main every round when we don't have any utility to challenge it.
If it's unranked you have no right to complain.
Shroud is promoting a cheap copy of Valorant lol
Attacking and defending are basically 2 different games, so I always wanna see how they play the other half, no matter how good we play attack my team always loses defending since duelist have this urge of dying in the first second after the barriers go down and refuse to change strategy when they are getting aimdiffed every round.
Not him but I have the same problem with people surrendering all the time, I want to play the game and I'm not gaining any experience or getting any better by going back to queuing, what will I do if I ever face a team that plays just like this in comp? just surrender? I want to try to make plays even if know some of them won't work, I wanna see the enemy team make plays so I can think of ways to counter them, valorant is full of losers who only want to gamble with the queue roulette until they face a bad team for an easy win so they can type gg ez in the chat, they don't want to play the game, they want to feel they are good at the game just to brag about it.
I don't know how I have the opposite problem as you guys. My issue is that no one EVER surrenders, even when it's not just hopeless in terms of skill difference but we're down a player (or two) or one player is actively trolling, or the enemy team is actively trolling, and we're generally demoralized. In unranked. And it's usually out of spite too, the last person to deny the surrender will usually straight up say in chat something along the lines of "I want you to suffer more."
The only think I can say is you should play shiftplay more, at least there you will only be trapped with afks and trolls for half of the time
I gave up on playing Unranked after the day I sat down for 8 hours and didn't get to play a entire half, it was always my team surrendering or the other team surrendering, no matter if the game was close or a stomping, I felt I was getting edged for too long, fuck that.
>And it's usually out of spite
Yeah it is awful, remember you are playing with kids.
>I don't know how I have the opposite problem as you guys
It's the randomness of life, I saw a guy who had 100% winrate on Icebox over 85 matches in soloQ, 85 games, and he was not a decent player, he was your average Sage shitter who only knows how to place the wall on mid.
Getting killed due to body block is almost uninstall-worthy.

Of course, then the irresponsible amount of money I've spent on this game would come back to hurt me.
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>spending money on a f2p game
>spending money on cosmetics
>spending money on any Riot or Tencent game
>spending money on "micro"-transactions when you will never be able to get that money back
Jett makes me cum so much
If I ever see anyone with any of those new rainbow vomit skins I will just immediately throw
>since duelist have this urge of dying in the first second after the barriers go down and refuse to change strategy when they are getting aimdiffed every round.
vice versa, they keep peeking and pushing on CT But, get cold feet during T side while entrying as soon a smol smoke lands in front of them
>Yoru, Jett and Omen keep peeking as CTs
>they are so confident they will quickly push smokes on retakes
>as Ts a single smoke on main stops them
>they won't get in even with Sova utility clearing the site
Fucking pussies, I genuinely don't get what the fuck is wrong with them
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lmao, I will absolutely not go on a loosing streak after this
why doesn't tracker.gg record your First Blood percentage? i feel like that would be a good statistic to have
is it just me or the ping is really high as fuck right now if you play in one of the APAC servers
anyone else rage report everyone that flicks them because you know even if they were hacking they would never get punished anyways?
Riot's servers get fucky from time to time, usually when some rewiring or maintenance is going on your ping will get fucked for your entire region, it may last hours, they don't tell you about those emergency maintenances unless the servers go down, gotta keep the illusion everything is going perfectly 24/7
I'm not schizo enough to do that, but I always report them if get one tapped through smokes when I'm standing on unexpected places, it could be luck but the report goes just in case.
I don't really consider it schizo, just with how bad the hacking problem in FPS games is lately, and how all anti-cheat is worthless if it isn't actually like most things and just a screen in-between you an subcontinental, staying on the safe side for me is to just report everyone that has too good of a K/D, does suspicious things (once had someone who ran Outlaw and did this odd no-scope thing of shooting off both barrels almost simultaneously and always, ALWAYS getting one perfect bodyshot and one perfect headshot), or is rolling with a group that seems to be in general trolling, talking shit, and flicking to your head a little bit too well (I notice hackers also tend to play in stacks, probably to prevent reports from their own team).
Almost done with challenges so I can get my one (1) agent token and buy Yoru. Can’t wait to flash my teammates
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>tired of all the bullshit entry and duelist dicksucking designed into the game
that shroud fps looks interesting with no ultimates and movement abilities. I might check it out
I don’t understand why this game says I flash people but they never have the fucking flash symbol over their head or they just fucking instantly recover meanwhile I’m getting the Helen Keller treatment
Cringe and DOA
no, its true. APAC has been fucked these past few weeks. very laggy
Night market FUCKING WHEN
me, im the sova BUT they get courage when I get out first to trade me. They're good at baiting so I generally jump in if the team is too scared.
the ugly character designs will single handedly kill it. it being 3v3 doensn't seem to be that bad with everyone getting 2 characters
He plays new games all the time, he is a designated beta tester and a beta key dropper on twitch, he "shills" pretty much every new game that comes out
It looks fun but don't expect it to go big, play it while it is not full of hackers and has an active playerbase.
It could have the best gameplay and the best character design ever but it still would die since it is not backed by a huge videogame company, Valorant keeps a healthy playerbase because it's a Riot game, without Riot Valorant would be another fotm dead niche shooter.
The urge of buying overpriced pixels
i have quit that game. But i remember it comes once every 4 months or so. check the latest one and count.
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I suggested we should force buy after losing the second pistol round but the duo guys on my team said "I will rather lose this round but fight after the 10-4"
I said "that's okay but get ready for a long game" and they were okay with it, then we lost the bonus round too but they wanted the comeback after the 11-4, no one gave up mentally, it was a really nice game with a team that had enough patience and were willing to adapt, I wish I could get teammates like that more often.
>i quit
>keeps coming to the thread
Are you seriously leaving after getting body blocked? really anon? it is the nature of multiplayer games, how many times did you fucked other people's plays? did you think they gave up on the game over such a dumb thing?
I just scream "GET OFF MY WAY" after it happens and usually they don't do it again, if they do it again I report these motherfuckers.
>team all jump off abyss at start of their econ round
>concede round loss and avoid wasting money, so they can go back to proper buys at the expense of one round loss
>people are mad and calling it disrespectful and unsportsman-like

why so mad? it's a legitimate strategy, the math makes sense
get better loser stop being a bitch and play it out although I agree with you that playing without headphones or a mic should be an instant ban
you cant do that? I guess I never tried but I thought you could
>fade refuses to locate enemies
>omen refuses to smoke
>all sit on top of each other in a corner
>get picked off one by one
joys of being low elo
If I see a player doing never surrender shit I will specifically target them to make their experience worse.
i created an actual valorant general we can talk there before it gets deleted in 2 hours lol

they teased it 2 years ago
After the replay system
>got the same shitty knife in the store two days in a row
There's no way that shit is completely random as they claim
fun fact: the probability of getting any skin two days in a row is the same probability as getting one specific skin in your store
dm or tdm for warmup?
anyone else notice that Tenz does this little forced cough when he's stressed, like one of those nervous ticks. probably stops him from screaming into the mic or slamming shit, but that can't be healthy just bottling everything up inside
>torn between playing dogshit yoru cuz he’s fun
>or broken omen to carry my team
Help lads
You’d never catch me playing this trash for free, any Tencent game for that matter.
He clearly would prefer to be playing CS, he looks completely tired of Valorant, but he knows he would do shit if he tries again in pro CS
When does arcane season 2 come out? And I hope they're going to drop a skin with the release.
>3 flashes
>instant rotates
>best info ult in the game
yoru isn't dogshit, but hard to use.
learn some lineups for TPs and comm your flashes
i’m diamond but jett holding me back
i'm diamonds too when Jett holds me if you know what i mean
Been stuck in gold for two episodes. What am I doing wrong?
>clove troons who have no idea they can use smokes
love it
not playing jett/reyna/rez
post what you listen to while you warm up/DM

>45 hrs in
>still iron 2
guys when do i get ascendant?
So, I'm getting this right? The third place of the tournament can actually somehow become the champion? How's that fair?
noob tourney runners should have all teams face each other and best results face off in top 8
half the matches were same region vs same region. shoulda had each one face at least 2 each from the three other regions
Yoru requires a lot of synergy with your team to be REALLY good.
Switch to Counter Strike
no, Valorant is our favorite mens space
You mean FTM """mens""" space?
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Play Strinova/Calibyau instead. Network test is starting and is open for everyone till next week, register through the launcher.
CS is dead. I don’t how Valve managed to fuck CS2 up so much but they clearly just don’t give a fuck anymore. Cheaters are rampant as well
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>tranime slop
Hope the new character is not ugly/black/brown/dogshit/troon
I have been following this game for years, I'm glad it is actually coming out, I have been waiting for a fun shooter to play casually and put some hours into, every new PvP shooter is some 5v5 or 3v3 forced esports shit or battle royale, I hate battle royales and most gachas have boring gameplay and lack PvP, I hope this game does well because I really need a new wacky casual shooter in my life besides TF2 and Splatoon
Anon Valorant already is the tranime version of CS
Why does the daily challenge have to be rounds won? Why can’t it just be played? I’ve just had two matches where we only won 1 round…
Just play spikerush bro
>the map design is worse
>t. valorant player
you are smoking something mind altering and i think you should share it
Only good maps in valo are sunset and ascent
finally got bronze and i’m still getting at least 2 smurfs on enemy team whilst my team doesn’t even know the controls. can riot at least pretend they got it under control?
i would rather play ancient with 800 ping and a team full of anti ukraine gibbering russians than any map in valo
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Deadlock will be the last hot character they will release
>that waist to ass ratio
Riot you based for this one
It’s ok, you don’t have the testosterone for her

Damn, Omen really is the coolest character in the game.
It is "alright" I guess, unbreakable utility is something the game needed more, I am tired of shooting at 20 different objects before I can get a duel, a sentinel that can flash is something new and unique at least (can wait to Breach-flash as a sentinel) I just wish the flash had one more charge, and the thorns will be a really deadly combo with any molly or area damage utility
Molly + thorns = not moving away? take damage and die, moving away? take even more damage.
The thing is she is pretty weak at info gathering, she could slow down rushes like Deadlock and Sage but if a entire team decides to push the wall at the same time it will be useless, Deadlock's and Sage's wall have to be destroyed, even if it takes 3 seconds it stops the enemy and distracts them for some time, I know the thorns are going to be in front of the wall and you activate them when the wall is triggered but the activation time seems to too slow, like really really slow, by the time you trigger your entire setup the enemy could be far away from it.
Another thing, looks like the entire setup is one single combo, KJ has a turret and a bot for 2 possible combos, Cypher can do the same with 2 trips and 2 cages + the cam, what can Vyse do? trigger the entire setup and peek once, looks like the bitch has one single chance to do some impact, she seems pretty weak against a coordinated team, I need to see how she plays and I wanna see some buffs
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post Valorant agents that remind you of your true self
my dick down your vct interviewers throat
>yet another clearly unfinished agent just like Iso
robot sex?
her flash is her only real interesting ability
i have been playing for 2 years and this game is getting shit in 2024 so dont play dont suggest dont talk about this mf
who's your Valfu?
ult forcing people to use sidearms isn't interesting?
Jett as Vyse little sub toy
is aspas washed
Valo has shittiest map design... Visually looks good but they are shit gameplay-wise. Heck, one of the map creators actually is a former vavle employee that made the least liked maps of cs and got fired LMAO.
Also, being character based is very restrictive, leading to bullshit unfair balance and less player expression same as what happens with league of shitfucks.
Enjoy the malware in exchange for s worse game lmao
I'll take Valo's map design instead of every map being a 3-lane split where every route has maybe 3 places an enemy can show up in and every round is just waiting to see who wins the early peeks.
Low elo niggers really downloaded the game to crouch behind walls for half an hour
crazy that you guys are mainly discussing this game here, i thought this game was popular enough for a general
edg, china's going to take over
It's mostly popular with zoomers, there isn't enough of a 4chan demographic overlap to maintain a general
>make healer character so there's a "designated noob" character
>give her a bunch of abilities that sabotage your team if used badly

Good one, Riot.
how do you know?
jett owes me footjobs
Valorant is consistently one of the most viewed games on Twitch and has active communities on twitter, leddit and even tiktok. It has, at minimum, 20M MAU according to public data trackers.
It's a popular game by all normal metrics, but it barely gets discussed on 4chan. Imagine a venn diagram with the valorant playerbase and 4chan, the circles don't have much overlap
i think people just didn't try to start any conversation about this game
>valorant only released in china a year ago and they've already won worlds
I mean, it is a Chinese game after all
EDG has been on VCT since 2022 though
Lotus and bind are somehow worse than icebox
I swear gayko and phoenig are made for kids with mental disabilities
what the fuck are chinese fujoshi on
they're esport players lmao
Faker is treated like a kpop idol somehow, to the point where riot can get away with making a $500 skin and whales actually buy it
Guess it makes sense that the cycle is starting with val esports players
tell me you're a brainlet low elo shitter without telling me you're a brainlet low elo shitter
Tell me I'm wrong. Like actually tell me I'm wrong.
which VCT team do you think would work as a boy band
Not him and I don't know but FNC's posers are trying real hard to be one
uninstall the game and delete your riot account.
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G2 and obviously EDward Gaming
so no more tournaments until next year?
GC troontour doesn't count
nope, but next year they're changing the schedule so it spreads across more of the year
How's the new act going for everyone?
i',m almsot done with the battle pas
The new one? There is no way. Send a screenshot.
>got only premium skins in my store two days in a row
Completely random btw
Just say you’re broke lil bro
I’ve already bought 7 skins with finishers lmao still looking to get 2 more and a knife. This game just has way too many shit filler skins just to make the store pool worse
Ive been playing for 2 weeks on console. My biggest complaint is french people/arabs. I took the Paris server out of my server list and it doesnt make a difference because they queue in the london servers anyway.

Going to rack up 200 hours in unrated before I do my placement matches. some games I drop 35 kills, other games I bottom frag so idk where I'll place. It's fun though.
Bronze: nobody knows how to enter a site for shit, they all stack in one place as they don't know how to rotate, blame the duelists for everything
Silver: everybody rushing into site like idiots, no idea of post plant, start running around the map like monkeys at the minimum pressure from defense, full of lurking Reynas
Gold: everybody rushing like idiots, defenders only know how to spam utility but can't hit a shot, attackers chicken out as soon as one smoke lands on main, they don't have enough brain cells to process the fact that site is empty and Omen smoked from the other site, no one plays mid ever
Platinum: everybody thinks they are too good for this elo, all aim no brains pushing smokes without using any utility and get surprised when they get killed, everyone refuses to rotate even if the other site is empty, your Jett/Raze will gets mad at you for "not pushing with him" after he jumped over 3 mollies, Reina continues lurking, still has her flashes after the entire team died, then she gets 2 kills and dies.
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>Reina continues lurking, still has her flashes after the entire team died, then she gets 2 kills and dies
This is me but I don't know how else to play because I don't trust my team and my aim is shit so I'm never getting above this rank.
I've been a good boy for several months now. I get one Alt-F4. As a treat.
I like playing Omen, and I like playing Sova, but no one wants to play Sova when I play Omen, and the rare people that play Omen when I play Sova, are stupid. But man I want that mythical Omen/Sova synergy.
did the valorant general die for good?
nah it's still alive
Teammates throwing 4 rounds in and the enemy smurf getting 40+ kills is the real valorant experience
Is this bay bay's first tac-fps? Switch to cs and play hundreds of faceit matches. You're too shit for Val rn.
I am Sova main, we can be a duo my friend
People need to play more Halo, no one has any idea how to teamshot.
>on a "haha jokes" team
Funny how half of valorants cast are trannies and faggots.
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Astra sisters we back
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what the fuck?
Please, there's multiple kinds of DEIslop and this is the most tolerable version of it.
I used to be an aimgod and now over the past few days I can't hit anything... my chair must be sinking and my posture is incorrect.
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Why is everyone talking about her lately?
Awesome how Clove can choose when her ult procs as if it's not already a hard anti-clutch mechanism that comes up way too often.
I want to kill anyone who says people surrender too much in this game.
Not only are you never allowed to surrender, even when you have an AFK, but if you ever complain, the enemy team will conspire to try and get you stuck in the game for longer.
Literally I hate these niggers.
No one's conspiring against you shitter. Just get better.
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Not surrendering with one or more afks is shit, report these afk fuckers so they get a higher penalty.
The "enemy team trying to make the match longer" is bulshit most of the time, it's in your brain, in most cases the enemy team is having trouble closing the match, there are no "impossible comebacks" just really difficult ones that are hard to pull out, a better players than you could win that, you know how that "better player" got that good at the game? by practicing and analyzing his plays thinking what could he do better next time.
>I want to kill anyone who says people surrender too much in this game.
The problems is retards who go "let's rush A" and when it doesn't work 3 times in a row they go "let's rush B" when that doesn't work either they will vote to surrender without thinking why it didn't work
>was it the economy?
>was a play of an enemy player?
>was a good read on the enemy team?
>was it my team dying without using their utility at all?
>was your team peeking an AWP one by one and dying without a chance of getting traded?
>was it the 5 ults the enemy dumped on the retake?
>"lol I don't know, I don't remember what happened last round, I was talking to my friends on discord"
Fucking low iq monkeys can't play strategy or setups for shit, they don't know what map control is and get angry when they don't get easy kills for free.
What the fuck is that name?
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>*runs into her death*
>she runs into my arms
>tenz, sacy and maybe zekken out of sentinels
literally who are they gonna field for redbull?
I don't give a shit if you're doing better than me, you're not going to be able to clutch shit if you're not wearing headphones and I saw you fail 5 rounds where we even had numbers advantage just because you can't hear a motherfucker coming to your right.
Zekken was baiting. And they can field whoever the fuck they want. If M80 don't get promoted Zander will most likely be trialing with them.
to be fair it is always the duelists in bronze. No one else is stupid enough to peek a very obvious sniper and think they can win. People in low elo think duelist=will win a 1v1 and not realize they do so because they have movement and blinds to actually challenge angles.

Last unranked game I had a fucking pheonix use his wall as a smoke on attack but instead just blocked our teams movement because his wall isn't a smoke because it damages everyone and then when we hit defence all he would do is run out and get killed and never use his wall to actually you know defend. Dude also died EVERY round.

TDLR low elo people who play duelists never use their kit ever and can't trade even.
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How would you buff or rework her sensors?
>to be fair it is always the duelists in bronze
It is the duelist and absolutely everybody else in bronze, in low elo people barely have any understanding of how things in the game work, zero macro, no idea how to execute, how to defend or how to control the map. recently I made an account for a different region and boy low elo is brain-off city.

Look at this """"execute"""" on A short: enemy smokes us off, I get closer to the smoke and set up our smokes for attacking, none of our 2 Sentinels have placed any utility, Phoenix flashes in by himself with no support from Skye (Skye left as soon as the enemy smoke landed in front of us, now she's lurking on B long) no one else gets in with phoenix so I run in with him, he gets killed and I trade, him I clean Site and the other entrance, the site is ours but we haven't plant, why? Cypher has the spike, Cypher and Chamber are still sitting behind the smoke on main, I tell them to plant and they say "but our duelist died, I want to rotate" we have the site clear for 10 whole seconds and we didn't plant.
The enemy "retakes", 1 guy from CT and 2 guys jump from heaven, I kill the ct and one of the heaven guys then I get traded, Cypher and Chamber get killed from behind by the one guy who decided to lurk from mid, now the spike is lost and Skye loses the 1v2 50 seconds later.
And they get mad at phoenix for not getting kills when they are sitting there doing nothing, zero situation awareness, they think the duelist the a tank and dps and they are support roles or something.

The role of the duelist is challenging angles, duelists get in, take duels and create space and the other people run in behind them (if that is possible) trying to at least trade them.
Yeah sometimes you duelist is retarded and doesn't use utility but don't say you are in bronze because of bad duelists, it is dumb or new players who don't know what to do in general.
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>Pheonix use his wall as a smoke on attack
I am sure he was doing it wrong but that is it's main function, it is used to split the site, flood one side and flash through it, so the dude had some idea of how it is supposed to work, it doesn't do much friendly fire
Don't push your Phoenix wall if you don't have some kind of recon or space taking utility like a flash, a stun or a drone
Unfortunately a wall like that can fuck your team's gameplan, coordinating is the hardest part in lower elo, try to ask your entry fraggers what is their plan, sometimes they are not dicks and will actually explain the way they play
nigga just aim your way to plat and work from there
diamond is where functional preround strats and reactive play happen
ascendant is where midrounding happens
I'm certain that the reason I suck is because my desk isn't low enough and I'm not in optimal position for swinging my arm around.
No I mean like this mf would block off the entrance of the site with his wall like he was trying to use it like cloves or brimstones smokes and we had to wait for it drop. dude also went 2 deaths for every kill for a k/d ratio and the one fucking time hes able to rush freely IE his ult this mf spends the whole time walking to not give away his position.

I'm not in bronze but I play alot of unrated and so you get a grabbag of people there and I'm not saying duelists themselves are the reason for losing but the whole idea of a duelist attracts the worst players who will be the reason for losing. They either never challenge angles and push or they peek fucking sight lines with no blinds and get plucked by a sniper or they rush out the second the gates drop and try to fight a whole team and get mowed down.

Duelists tend to be a magnet for this kind of behavior at lower levels because shit players oftentimes see people drop 30 bombs or clutch up with duelists thanks to their kit so most of the time ur dead weight retard players will instalock duelists at lower levels and play recklessly because they have this mindset that they can clutch up and get ez kills even though it takes just as much setup as other types of agents.
I feel like a lot of people go into this game thinking that it's like League, you pick a role and then "do that role."

But 90% of this game is still just CS. If you can't aim for shit it really doesn't matter if you're playing a healer or a duelist you're still dead weight most of the time. Hell, abilities that deal damage are pretty rare in the entire movelist. You still have to use your gun to kill in most situations.
Did the Valorant community just decide it was okay for players at the bottom of the scoreboard to constantly be talking shit. Back in my day if you were at the bottom of the scoreboard and talking shit the admin fucking server muted you.
Riot daddy said you can't say anything bad or you will get reported and banned.
>bottom of the scoreboard
That doesn't always reflect your skill, you could be playing perfectly but the starts align and you get fucked one round after the other
>you trow the perfect flash and get one tapped by the flashed ct
>next round a teammate body blocks you getting your killed
>next round you get hit and killed by a crazy flash lineup
>next round you get killed by the Raze ult
>next round a teammate makes noise behind you making the ct spray the smoke killing you
>next round you get tagged by Sova's drone and lasered by his ult
>next round 2 teammates get in and you get killed by the ct hiding in the corner the other guys passed by without clearing
And so on, baiting your teammates is a easy solution for such situation, nothing wrong with it, they will get mad at your for bottomfragging anyways
There's only so much bottom fragging someone can do in 13 rounds before it inevitably becomes their fault for not gitting gud.
I'm watching him.
I'm watching him use Reyna E after every kill even in scenarios where it's useless and I know I will not be allowed to surrender this at 1-6.
Well I alt-F4'd that one, mostly because of the aimgod Neon on the other team. They irritate me without even saying a word and you just know that the personality type to just run around with Jett and Neon and an Adderall prescription is one of the worst people you'd ever meet if you had to meet them.
One time I was playing a game as harbor vs an enemy harbor and the enemy harbor killed me round 1. I told him it was on site and that this was now a blood feud to see who was the true harbor got a 3 day chat ban for that.
I got a 3 day chat ban for saying "this team is so bad" but not only that but it also banned me from playing every fucking gamemode except deathmatch until the ban expired.

Not fucking kidding
My friend wiffed a pretty easy shot on mid, he typed "im retarded" in chat and he got a 1 day coms ban, both chat and voice.
This is what happens when you allow women, niggers and faggots in your hobbies, you get your ass censored. Go ahead guys keep buying these $40 skins, keep eating shit out of Riot's asshole.
I try not to take Riot's retarded enforcement too seriously it's done purely because of SBI and the fact that it makes them "look good" to have all these banned players (even though they're just all the players who finally got fed up with a shitty team or edaters or the horrible community in general) since it's not like they're a serious company. Imagine playing ranked the way it exists where you can have two ragequitters and the game still somehow counts and more importantly despite us being down 4 rounds before the AFKers, now that the AKFers are gone, you still are gonna hit me with "winnable" and refuse to surrender? Are you fucking retarded? Am I going insane? Or am I the only sane man alive?
They always fight Clove's resurrect.
They always do they never just back off and let her die, they always force a fight and die.
At that level now where it's all just aimdiff and no amount of strategy matters.
I quit counter strike because I stagnated for years and couldn't improve a couple of months ago. Thanks I'll check out kovaaks if I ever choose to come back to cs.
>tfw it's another smurf vs smurf episode
I'm playing unranked exclusively and I'm happy
why would you play this garbage
Because CS2 is even worse. Much, much worse in fact. I wish we could go back to CSGO.
At least Valorant doesn't have that many cheaters
Please stop flanking with me while I'm ratting, you are basically making me lose the ability to enjoy this shitty game.
Fracture is just so ass man, there's no mid to play so you're just getting 5-manned at whatever lane you took and hoping you can take one or two out so your team doesn't have to 4v5 retake.
It's a fun gimmicky map. It just shouldn't be in ranked rotation. I love playing it in unrated
ironically, riddle order's players are probably gonna all get picked up for T1 teams because zeta and dfm need players while boom is fucking doomed since they'll never win against even FS
fracture is literally the best map

to be honest, sounds like you're literally retarded
guess i was wrong.
tenz and sacy retired for this btw
>team spreads out 2-1-2
>naturally this means whichever site they don't hit the opposite one needs to rotate
>niggers in at the site they do hit just keep dying, refuse to back off and try and retake
>blames everyone else for not being on top of them all the time
Reyna is such a crutch character esp on console
>they upgrading to UE5 soon
Looks like my potato time in Valorant soon coming to an end
Have you tried defending Arcade? it sucks when you are against competent enemies (personally I hate how regular smokes can't fill that shitty entry point).
Same about A Hall, duelists (and chambers) love defending that part of the map for easy kills but after a stun or a flash you lose it, then you have 3 Ts running past the door and flooding your spawn 5 seconds later.
As the other anon said it is fun as a gimmicky map but I hate it in comp, I hate defending on it.
>but I hate it in comp
nigga it hasn't been in rotation for years
And? I hate that map and I don't wanna play it in comp ever again. I am old, I don't need map rotations, I don't need a new map every act, I don't like when things change "for the sake of change" just because kids got bored of "the current thing"
I don't need things to change for me to be interested in them again, I don't like change unless it is some kind of improvement, I could play Ascent and Heaven for the rest of my life without getting bored.
I can't wait for the game to run worse and not look any better because of course it won't because it still needs to be just easy enough for 3rd-worlders to play.
Whats the fucking point?
>losers now trying to push the meme than Neon is "broken"
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Most duelists are broken, they should remove all the movement abilities from the game

Now that I'm thinking about it they could also get rid off all the ults, all the damage dealing abilities and all the info gathering abilities

You know what? all the agents should have the same kit, Brimstone' Q, Kay/o's Q (on another key of course) and one Brim smoke for every player, we should also make smokes extinguish mollies to stop faggots from spamming mollies on chokepoints and playing postplant molly lineups for the spawn or the opposite site
I'm Gold 3 and I can only hit a moving Neon maybe 30% of the time. Neon is keeping me from Plat 1. Neon is the problem, I promise.
>"competitive" shooter
>no replay system
>Valorant has banned 3.6 million cheaters since their 2020 launch, averaging roughly one ban per 37 seconds
Those are absolute shit numbers considering that at least half of those bans where bypassed
TBF her ultimate is fucking overpowered. Never seen any other ability team wipe quite like it.

>Insane DPS
>Perfect 100% accuracy even while moving and sliding
>Extremely long length

>inb4 just headshot her
That can be said about literally anything in this game and the ults time to kill is not that much slower than a vandal headshot.
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>3.6 million cheaters
And how do we know that? As if Riot would allow an independent party to verify this data.
Chances are it's not even that high and they're counting bans for racial slurs into the data.

Riot doesn't do shit about people who throw your game on purpose even when they're massively obvious about it, they don't do shit about wallers because Vanguard couldn't detect that even if it was useful, they only ban you for saying racial slurs.

Cheating in online games will be rampant until A) private servers are brought back and B) Chinese and Indians are banned from the internet and deported from the country.
I just dislike the movement characters because they break the game. You have to play CS while they get to play Call of Duty. Jett and Neon are already annoying with their ability to make crosshair placement a non-factor in your game but they become outright broken with their ults.

I think there's a reason there's only two movement characters in the game so far.
raze neon jett and to an extent yoru are good because they can get past angles thanks to their abilities breaking crossfires so that the rest of the team can get into sites
without them the game would be even more defense sided
Yoru and Raze feel like they do it in a much more fair way than Jett and Neon which for the most part get is "get to wide peek a corner for free." Even Chamber's same ability to do this still only works on his return, not his entry.
jett needs to channel the dash now which means its not a get out of jail free card anymore unless you planned the play in advance
neon's 2 slides + recharge + bar refresh on kill is nuts though.
Just got a "silver" team that were afraid of enter the site even though I had been in for 10 seconds and was completely clean
It still can be used to wide peak an angle you're trying to hold and all she has to do is vary the distance (and sometimes not use it) to make it impossible for you to predict. But I'd still agree she's not as bad as Neon, until she gets her ult but still, not as a bad as Neon with her ult.

Raze, Omen, and Yoru require some cleverness and setting up their movement to make it work for them. Jett and Neon are the picks of retards who refuse to play strategically for a reason.
>"competitive" shooter
>punished if someone else rages and leaves your game instead of the game not counting
>"competitive" shooter
>no 1v1 game mode
its an 8 point ult for a free vandal with only 5 bullets and no recoil
unlike neon you have to get a kill for a reload
it's a good ult but it's basically just a free gun
the real issue is that non-movement duelists suck mega ass
phoenix is dogshit and iso reyna are smurf picks
In that rank again where everyone has a 120Hz monitor, the perfect mouse, the most ergonomic sitting position for perfect aiming, and an Adderall prescription.
pic your rank anon
Holy shit they actually banned one of the obvious shitter cheaters I reported
So many obvious wallers these days.
Unrated :)

I'm starting to hate this game now because I always get matched against the Adderall Zoomies now and I'm just trash at aiming, so flanking is the only thing I can do and the success of that is almost entirely team dependent.
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Am I --not-- supposed to see jew.jpg in this spray.
anon you can get to ascendant with a lawn chair, a 60hz monitor, and an office mouse with no Adderall prescriptions.
source: me
you just suck ass
If I could get that without those things then I wouldn't need them in the first place, now would I?
Can't wait to do my dailies
>1-13, team wouldn't surrender even after losing pistol round in the second half
>2-13, team wouldn't surrender even after losing pistol round in the second half
>2-13, team wouldn't surrender even after 2 people ragequit and never returned

I just don't even feel like playing because the only way I can even get kills now is by flanking, if the enemy sees me first they just magnetize to my head in 0.1 seconds so I just don't even bother buying weapons that aren't good for headshots on people not looking away because what's the point, I'll lose every 1-on-1 duel anyways.
Anon you have Shiftplay, Spilkerush and team deathmatch to do your dailies, if you know how awful matchmaking is why are you torturing yourself by queuing?
Also if you play every day you could add 15 minutes of that time for aim training, just 15 minutes on team deathmach would help you aim a lot, if you are NA East or latam I could help you with that your aim can improve a lot in a month.
I already did aim training, I'm plateau'd. Aiming is mostly genetics and I've hit the limit of mine.
>and an office mouse
That one is so vague I will say it is wrong, there are too many kinds of office mouse out there and some cheap chinese shit local companies get in bulk have really shitty sensors that are basically unusable
>can't catch any fast move
>any amount of dust on the sensor would make them stop working
>sensors with extremely low resolutions around 100 dpi that gets artificially upscaled to "3600 dpi"
>mice that have a polling rate of 80hz
>mice that won't work on light or dark surfaces and good luck if your desk and your mousepad have reflective surfaces
All of those cheap mice have something in common, you need to use extremely high sensibility in order for them to be barely usable and even then the sensor would just die if you try to make a flick.
It got to the point I would carry my own mouse to work, something I always tell to anyone who wants better aim is to check if their mouse actually works, I try to find out if the mouse is not holding them back and you wouldn't believe how many people play with the "$8 7200 dpi RGB high precision gaming mouse" and Windows mouse acceleration active without realizing how bad that shit is, basically "human eyes can't see more than 24 fps" levels of ignorance being so common it baffles me, funny enough people with the shittiest mice are usually the ones with the most expensive skins, I guess $25 for a mouse is too much for them, priorities.
I just remembered Warowl made a video related to low budged setups
>guy on the other team is very obviously at least walling, probably with some admittedly good natural aim too
>two people on my team get told over and over what he's doing and still keep saying "Valorant has no cheaters because of Vanguard"
>we're 3-9
>they won't let us surrender either

How do people this stupid function
>Aiming is mostly genetics
What a crappy way to cope bro, how did you come to that conclusion? who told you such thing?
>I already did aim training
How often and for how long? how old are you?
>I've hit the limit of mine.
30% genetics and 70% practice, you better tell me you had your 10000 hours of aim training required to reach your limit of obtainable skill by experience, otherwise you are talking shit and pulling out excuses out of your ass.
its some logitech one without any gamer lights on it
I'm a low sens player so I am slightly picky about the mice but it is true you don't need fancy or top of the line stuff to success, any mouse with a decent IPS tracking speed should be enough to play as long as it is not constantly freezing with flicks.
>some logitech one
Logitech is the biggest mouse brand in the world, even their cheapest mice probably have decent sensors, I would still go for something like a G102/G203 just for the chance of setting specific DPI and polling rate values since I have so much muscle memory with 400 DPI.
>without any gamer lights
RGB shit is gay, only good for choosing a specific color for you setup but I usually turn that shit off, it is annoying.
-Two-shot bodyshot
-2x zoom
-Medium penetration so good for peppering enemies behind walls
-Fires very fast
-Readies fast
-Reloads moderately quickly
-Decent unscoped accuracy

-Two-shot bodyshot
-2x zoom
-High penetration so will kill behind a wall with a headshot in the extremely rare circumstance that comes up
-Readies moderately slowly
-Reloads slowly (unless you only fire once)
-Has faster fire rate but useless mostly because it has recoil
-Holds only two shots
>but the kicker: $2200

Why would anyone buy the Outlaw?
It was made for players to deal with the light shield meta, it is really good on anti eco and bonus rounds, 2 body shots to instantly delete 2 light shield players, it punishes the light shield+rifle users (it was getting too common) and it works against light shield Iso too. Checking the scoreboard to see if multiple enemies have less than $3800 and going Outlaw to punish them is a common tactic on high level play.
>Has faster fire rate but useless mostly because it has recoil
Wrong, the recoil is gone by the time the second shot is fired, shot it as fast as you can and you will see the 2 shots connect in the same point, good outlaw player can deal with the camera shake. It is a situational weapon similar to the judge.
Okay but why are more situational weapons many times more expensive than the more general application weapons, at least in any weapon class that isn't rifles?

Guardian is more situational than Vandal but it has its advantages, is generally more usable than the Judge or Outlaw in their respective weapon classes, but actually costs less than the weapons everyone wants.
>why are more situational weapons many times more expensive
I would assume it is because val devs don't want players to use these weapons too often, the high price changes a purchases from
>I can try this gun and still have money to spare
>I am low on money but can get this buy
And turn it into
>this is expensive, are you sure it's worth it?
Making the player fully compromise, economy balance what they can do when players are using a weapon too often but the the devs don't think it is okay to nerf it, it is hard to find the right price for these kinds of weapons.

The stinger was supposed to be a cheaper version of the Specter but it was pretty overpowered, similar to the "out it the open AWPer Jett" there were many "Stinger only Reynas" peeking people on close angles or smokes and dismissing away, at one point the stinger got nerfed hard but the weapon ended up being so useless no one was buying it even later when its price got reduced to from $1100 to $950, players would rather buy the recently nerfed Bucky, the gun ended up being useless even for its intended purpose, the only solution was as buff so that is what they did, the weapon was then usable enough to justify buying it over the Bucky but since it was so cheap everyone was forcing stinger+light shields and save rounds stopped existing, stinger+shield was becoming meta but if the gun gets nerfed again it would go back to being useless, so the price got bumped back to $1100.
The economy of the game is fragile, if you don't make players compromise with their purchases things can start to spiral out of control, the Judge was originally $1500 and it could one shot kill light shield players at 15 meters, it got nothing but nerfs and price increases over the last 4 years, the Guardian was $2700 and it got its price reduced 3 times, the Outlaw could get a slight price reduction, I would say val devs didn't understand how to balance the economy until the patch 3.0, agent balance is still a mess.
tl;dr Riot doesn't balance things correctly and when they actually try balancing it's usually towards making the devs happy in their unrated games and not towards any actual logic or reason.
It's so funny to see fags saying shit like "the game's gotten do hard!" "the playerbase has improved so much in the last year!" "The ranked system is broken" And the such, but not even for a bit consider that there just are more cheaters now.
If Vanguard is supposed to be better than ever at catching them why would they suddenly after 4 years now implement that recovering rr after the cheater gets caught thing? And still not implementing the replay system and just cover their asses showing some shitty visual bugs and going "oh it's too hard! But we sure do love spending years developing gun skins instead!
>waaaaah you didn't buy me when I was going 0-5 so now I'm gonna trap you in this game with me
And I have motherfuckers trying to gaslight me here telling me that the fucking subhuman brown IQ playerbase of this game doesn't refuse to surrender out of spite.
Neon literally just sucks to play against, gets to do shit literally no one else can do and get away with it.
It's a really great joke by Riot to make it so that all recoil patterns trace the exact outline of an enemy without hitting them even once fantastic sense of humor you fucking niggercunts.
have you tried shooting the head instead of spraying and crying
Yes that was plan A, but plan A failed, so I had to go to plan B, which was spraying and crying.
Not that guy but the phantom and vandal have retarded as fuck recoil patterns and if your first shot doesn't land a headshot it genuinely feels like its complete RNG. As far as I can tell from shooting walls the phantom goes in a ? and the vandal goes in a 7 but it feels like when I try to compensate for that its the same result as just leaving my marker still.

How the actual fuck does recoil really work in this game. I need to know.
>How the actual fuck does recoil really work
it's a tap fire game
neon is such a funny character
As a Deadlock main, neon mains are my favorite to bully
>Net them
>Sensor them
>Barrier them
>Ult them
*slides through ur stuns because lmao*
That's not how it works, silly
you can actually slide across if you know where it is like a jett can
cypher is the actual counter
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>Play Killjoy
>Turret gets a double kill
>they are adding a Regen shield
They going full casual
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These are the people designing your game...
Don't let the huge build, gigachad shoulders and gymbro arms deceive you, "she" is literally Clove, a cute and feminine enby
>NErfing Gekko
Listen buddy, if Valve would just GET THEIR SHIT TOGETHER and actually deliver on CS2, I'd drop Valorant in an instant but alas, even troons are doing a better job than them
>playing an initiator that doesn't need lineups, map knowledge, or even any team coordination whatsoever
I don't play Gekko though, or any initiator for that matter
Gekko nerfs are fine, but Neon needs a nerf ASAP.
Two people were retarded enough for that to happen?

I'm starting to get the feeling that they're balancing around competitive again and they like the way Neon looks to casual observers so she's going to get treated with baby gloves.
Like most of Riot's "pro-casual" changes it will actually make the game less casual because headshots will become even more necessary than they already are.
Nah, it's just making the game more and more frustrating to play. Plus not dealing with smurfs at all and the recent rampant cheating making the matchmaking trash, horrible map design, focus on social stuff and influencers, and of course still no replay system of any sort at all
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neon is perfectly balanced wdym
>somehow still losing
Duelists are meant for, well, taking duels and doing flashy plays like these, that's their whole point
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you can drop 30 and still lose bruh
>It's you bro not your teammates
Another week another wave of no skill crybabies moaning about Neon. Yet when you ask them why they don't use Neon to rank up if she's so broken they go silent lmao
rosters for next year's tournaments are mostly solidified
what teams you guys think are gonna be good?
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Seems like you suck at playing support or your duelists are awful
RIP Jett
Who are they nerfing next? Definitely not Neon
They hate us cuz they can't be us, Neon bros
I have no idea what you people are talking about. I bully Neon players every time I play Deadlock.
No skill fags are crying about her loudly, then loser pros trying to gain importance jumped on the bandwagon. Jett and Raze are still far more useful than Neon. It's always duelists the agents you see them cry about more, probably out of jealousy. Agents like Gekko and Breach have ridiculously OP abilities but not a single word about them needing a big nerf ever
I just hate playing Neon specifically but I don't play competitive. I'm aware good team comp and strategy beats out Neon but I'm not playing at a high enough level for it to matter and in a casual environment Neon is really good (and she's still annoying in a 1v1 scenario).
Boy I love it when people wait for everyone to lock in then say "haha me and my friend are just gonna try and troll this game a lil."

Kill yourself PLEASE.
3v3 mode when?
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Explain this, this pic was supposed to be about females (she/her people) so what the fuck is Clove doing there? if they are truly non binary why are they taking this slot in the women poster? they are appropriating female spaces.
Clove is a woman (and voiced by a woman), just brain washed or mentally ill
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Do Australian women really look like this?!
i thought it was supposed to show all the agents with the puffiest vulvas
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The difference between you and me is how you faggot losers get off to ALT+F4ing like pussies after losing the pistol round on the second half, while I live to win these "impossible"and "unwinnable" matches.

>but when my team is bad they don't deserve to win anyway, I am showing these meanies in my team who's the boss!
Yeah keep telling that to yourself you fragile and mentally weak bitch.
I love being a flanker or an anchor and the enemy just never opens the way they should be but they always know where you are any time you try to switch it up.
You're not proving anything to anyone, you're just making people's experience worse, but even then not really successfully since the whole point of Alt-F4ing is to avoid people like you anyways.
What a fucking loser. Yet he openly smurfs and boosts her gf, but somehow he cares so much about the "health" of the game lol
Neon should be nerfed not because she's OP or anything. But because all other agents were nerfed to death into boring husks. Neon is still fun and that can't stand. Time to bring her in line. No fun allowed
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Am I making people's experience worse by winning the game?
>You're not proving anything to anyone
I prove myself I can thrive in the face of adversity, I prove myself I can focus and adapt to difficult situations.
(You) want easy matches where you can turn off your brain and stomp on enemies effortlessly, I enjoy challenges that make me give all I have, there is nothing to prove here, that's just how different we are.
doesn't his gf play solo nowadays and is still able to hold immortal
It's supposed to represent Game Changers, their inclusive LGBTQIA+ tournament!
since trannies are now more popular than ever these female-only tourneys transformed into tournaments for less-popular genders in the gaming community
neon was perfect before the mini rework who the fuck asked for 2 slides with perfect accuracy
Have you ever seen the average Immortal NA game? The level it's not that high in most games, also she always plays support. Watch her play anytime, she really is not that good
I joined VCT for 10 seconds and I see a sova cancelling their ult
>women are so bad at sports and so boring to watch you gotta add trannies to their teams to make something watchable
This shit looks like my premier matches, have in mind they have to make this inclusive tournament cuz "women" are too bad to play in regular tournaments be ready to see a lot of wiffs, panic crouchsprays and full buys loosing to ecos
they're adding trannies to their team so they have a chance at winning, every top tier team like g2 SR fly has 1 to 3 males
Also the best game changers player is fluorescent...a tranny
That dude is getting praised so much on yt comments/twitter saying that he has a chance in t1 teams fucking lol

Like jesus you're playing jett into cypher and you're entering like this
I just noticed they removed the middle-round spectator facecams, only showing them on replays, I guess trannies complained about getting cloaked or something
I know, that's exactly what I said
nvm the playercam is back
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i wonder who the best player on fly is
>Game Changers is a women and marginalized genders championship, including trans & non-binary people! Be respectful of pronouns or you will be banned
>american troons completely destroyed by the filipina gods
I fucking hate Russians in this game so fucking much bro
Barely anyone plays Vyse
she looks ugly and has awkward abilities, she was made for no demographic whatsoever
Anybody else getting hit with random account suspensions after the recent update?
Got my third one today and it's for lagging out during agent select (still locked in cypher) and being stuck in the loading screen for too long which led to a remake.
It mentions Section-7 and how I used third-party tools supposedly, but if that's the case, I should be full-on HWID banned and not suspended for 18 hours.

Just loads up the Cheater Detected screen and locks me out of my account with a VAL-5 error.
There are many things triggering Vanguard lately, new GPU drivers, driver updates in general, sometimes even MSI afterburner triggers it, I got suspended because I forgot to turn off a mouse juggler tool I use to afk on gacha games, it keeps giving me problems on my modified versions of windows 10, as a scrapyard pc nerd Valorant has given me so many problems over the years I ended up dedicating booting partition only to that game, the only stuff I install in that os are drivers.

You could reinstall the game (50 GB lmao) and check your background processes before starting the game, who knows what could it be.
>it's for lagging out during agent select
I notice when Vanguard is triggered and starts to check my pc, it start to take around 15% of my CPU.
>Just loads up the Cheater Detected screen and locks me out of my account with a VAL-5 error.
Are you sure it is your pc? lately the game gives you suspensions and hardware bans over no-no words, Riot now has AI reviewing your voice chat, if you get in an argument and call the other guy "faggot" you could get suspended if the faggot reports you, the VAL-5 error screen is a generic one for hardware, Riot doesn't have a different error screen for a "don't be a meanie" suspension.
>Are you sure it is your pc? lately the game gives you suspensions and hardware bans over no-no words, Riot now has AI reviewing your voice chat, if you get in an argument and call the other guy "faggot" you could get suspended if the faggot reports you, the VAL-5 error screen is a generic one for hardware, Riot doesn't have a different error screen for a "don't be a meanie" suspension.

Lol, I knew that Vanguard was worthless and Riot just counts "DON'T BE AN EVIL ANTI-IMMIGRATION BIGOT" internally as part of anti-cheat bans so they can pretend they're doing better than they are at it.
She has a strange variety of abilities that are weakened to almost uselessness because they think the combination would be too powerful. If you want an anti-flank tool, use Cypher or Deadlock. If you want flashes, you got lots of better options.
Oh so you're just an internet braggart. yeah I'm alt-F4ing on you
Maybe one day people will learn that ranked systems are skinner boxes that offer no benefit to your real life and that games have a vested interest in making ranking up as difficult as possible because of this.
Vyse is at a very low pick rate but the real 2 rare as fuck picks that are actually almost never seen is viper probably due to all the nerfs over the years but shes still got a much higher pick rate than the other one.

And then theres fucking harbor who has an even lower pick rate than viper. Literally so far below hes in a league of his own. You will never find one in ranked and seeing one in non comp modes is also rare. The real question is why does nobody play harbor the dude has a pick rate half of fucking vyses and 20x less than Jett.
Riot again shows it has no spine and bends over to a minority of crybabies that couldn't adapt to anything new on the game by nerfing Neon. Anyway all those no skill fags will still get destroyed by her lmao
Time to learn how to stand still and shoot like everyone else has to.
Raze satchels right behind you and shotguns you and says "nothin personnel kid"
You are free to keep running away like the pussy you are
At least her aim is garbage in midair.
Raze actually takes skill
truly nonglobal smokes, ONLY smokes as abilities, and none of it is selfish or immediately useful makes him ass in ranked
any buffs would make him a must pick in VCT due to his ability to set up an execute and split up a site
he's the reverse of reyna
Use Neon and let's see how good u do if she's so ez lol
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Why tf they haven't buffed the other controllers since the unnecessary Viper nerf? Only thing they've done is give the nigress an extra star
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She’s literally a worse Sage but with a flash
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i don't want them to buff deadlock :( i want to be a low tier main
Same. And I can't think of anything they could buff other than sensors. The wall and net are fine IMO
my ult got stuck today in a corner and it cost us the game so they could at least make the enemies travel through walls and make the sensors either flash or reveal enemies who walk on them
>zeta got 0-13'd on their map
what the fuck
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Who do I unlock? Gotta spend my Kingdom points.
I keep doing that thing where i'm trying to swing horizontally but I keep making an arc and shooting at the hip.
Clove, Reyna, Gekko or Iso if you play competitive and want to actually rank up. Neon and Omen are fun if but they will take time and practice to actually make good use of them. Chamber is only good if you are an aim demon. The rest are shit
lmfao omen is one of the best agents since the game came out
reyna and iso are the worst duelists
Clove has been literally the meta controller ever since she was released, she's easy to use and can be played very aggressively; Omen is great if you're willing to put up with learning him but most jusy pick him cause "he's cool," Clove is way better if you just want to rank up quick. Iso and Reyna are great duelists to rank up in low elo, by using them they teach you how to properly swing like duelists and force you to take proper fights; Jett and Raze will become better choices when teams actually try to coordinate stuff. Neon and Yoru are more niche picks, they need great timing to be useful, otherwise you will just be a hindrance to everyone.
Omen, like most of the other distraction champs, really needs his team to be on point to make use of him. Good for a well-coordinated team, bad for ranking up.

There's only so many ways you can confuse people before they've seen it all and their Adderall-infusion/Chinese aimbot kicks in and instadomes you for having the audacity of trying to outsmart boolet.
Also I still think Clove is way over-tuned.
clove isn't meta, she's just really popular because she's a mix of smoker and duelist
people pick omen because he's also a mix of smoker that has a flash and duelist mobility
what coordination does omen require? chars like kayo skye need their teammates to be good to capitalize from flashes, omen is at the top of the most selfish agents you can do everything by yourself. i won't deny that he's hard though
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>playing riotslop after vanguard

you are willingly installing chinese spyware in your computer, consider the rope
Funny how Omen can be the most played agent in comp and ranked but the moment Viper gets picked in specific maps she's nerfed to be the worst controller
I'm talking top-level play, good players can shut down an Omen running around by himself pretty hard, Omen needs distractions to really go crazy.
I like to play Omen and I will say while it's cool when I can do shit by myself, I find either most of my life is TPing into my death or ratting to the enemy's flank only to get killed by the same motherfucker popping out at only the perfect time that my teammates assure me is definitely not hacking Vanguard would never lie to me; or watching my teammates sacrifice themselves one after another to the frontline while they get out-aimed and then blame me for not also doing the same.

When you pull something off successfully though it does feel pretty damn good, it's like playing the Spy in TF2 except you're not useless garbage.
Did some Youtuber do a thing where he got into his teammate's faces pre-round and tried to intimidate them? That happens in literally every single one of my games now.
It's either that or they nerf her butt. The choice was obvious.
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lost 17 rr for this :) had an afk too
It's within Riot's best interest to make it so you lose rank even in blatantly unfair situations.
why is she unpopular
gotta load up on more XYs
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>enter match
>double negative team mates
>hard carry to a decent half
>they think they are doing good
>they peek into 4 enemies in defence round and die
>leave me in a 1vX situation (i am sentinal)
>end up alomst losing the match
Your a coward. Get fucking good
At top level play where people are human aimbots Ops are very dangerous so it's useful to have someone who can break through mid like Iso.
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Turned off the chat, turned off voice chat, hidden all player names and I've hidden mine too, automatically decline friend requests is on too. I just play for fun now, game is so much more enjoyable now that I don't have retards talking to me anymore, idk if it's worse in EU but I feel like it is with all these Russians and French ""people""
so why do you even play multiplayer games if you're afraid of any human interaction
how can you play for fun when you're treating it like a single player game
I like the gunplay and the abilities, it's like playing against bots but they can actually play well, who said I'm afraid? Where is your reading comprehension.
>how can you play for fun when you're treating it like a single player game
Because singleplayer games are fun.
They should rename unranked to "getting baited by your teammates 100% of the time because no one will hold an angle, just hide behind a wall until someone gets shot."
What's the point of the Bucky's alt-fire with the damage it does now?
>okay so it has a tighter spread for less damage but it's good when the primary fire would have you miss 50% of your pellets
>okay so what should the max damage be?
>I think it should be about roughly 50% as much as if you hit all of your pellets with the primary fire
Why do you even play unranked solo queueing?

It's the most useless thing in the game.
I just don't get how INDIE COMPANY RIOT can't figure out basic shit like this for the balance.
>Why do you even play unranked solo queueing?
Because it's better than playing ranked solo queueing.
Half the time, people actually want to win in ranked.
Quarter of the time, they are not even baiting.
I don't care, I understand that ranked systems in general exist to exploit the player and I have never had a good experience with one outside of Valorant, so why would I expect RIOT of all companies, who has shown the most direct hostility towards their own players, to make a good one?
there are many single player FPS games for you to play if you are scared of getting better and competing
Clever but doesn't invalidate what I said. You will never go pro.
That one KJ that never changes her setup even when the whole enemy team keeps entering mid like kings
the worst players to exist are on kj and sage
This is the correct play for every online game. I give them a chance to give a good callout before muting tho
Like yeah theyre bots, but some bots follow instructions and some actually want to win. Fuck the botting bots tho
Reyna Yoru Iso are top
Omen and Breach if you have a decent duo / want to sit back

Breach is my goat
Why does this game have the most painfully generic art style imaginable? If you told me this game was completely AI-generated, I'd believe you.
It only exploits you if you let it.
There's really nothing stopping you from playing ranked the same way you play unranked.
they put all the design budget in viper and reyna
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Here's your new agent bro
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Not my problem
Love playing against obvious wallers
Haha just gotta do swiftplay to do my dailies right? Much more efficient than Unranked haha

Fuck this game man
kek get better
No I understand I performed poorly in all of those games but I feel like, STATISTICALLY, eventually I'd get one where I'm carried by someone else.
real men dont understand statistics
Is mid KJs responsibility? what maps can have KJ utility being useful on mid? I only know about Split and Ascend. Also if you have a KJ holding an entire site you could have 2 or even 3 players on mid, add one smoke or a flash and you should be able to fight for it.
Team deathmatch?
There is name for this way of thinking, it is called gambling.
if im coming to this game from apex how will i find it? who should i play?
It's not a battle royale and aiming down sights in this game does not work anything like in Apex.
so how does it work? from what i understand your penalised heavily for moving while shooting, is that right?
There's just so many wallers man and it doesn't matter because they will never be banned because it bypasses Vanguard entirely and retards are only capable of telling that the most obvious of aimbots are hacks.

Basically. Also your crosshair doesn't follow your recoil unless you aim down sights and even then, eh, it's not that useful because the recoil is hard to counter with mouse movement. Also remember, you have to come to a COMPLETE stop to aim accurately.
got it, cheers. who would be some good characters to try first? are there any movement-focused ones?
arcade style zombie pop out shooter. assume enemy is around the corner. gun out most of the time. shift walk. everyones camping off sound so be ready to fight or throw util when you make noise.

neon is the movement agent. if you land a stun and slide on them its like a 90% kill rate. 60%+ without stun. vs every other agents 50/50. incoming nerf likely
jett. camp and dash away for free first blood. smokes and shotgun when they rush. hard to play normally with rifle but with snipers the dash sets up pretty easy kills

always worth mixing up setups to make it harder for them. theyll formulate a strategy after a few rounds if theyre not shit
i enjoy how shit iso and deadlock are. kinda rewarding when u get them to work. why did they make his shield broadcast the loudest noise lmfao

theres definitely hackers. and too many account boosters. never feel bad about shotgunning and oping. you cant give these people an inch. overtime is not the play
>all the seething over neon itt
holy fuck you guys are bad
getting nerfed in the next patch.
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Raze and Yoru are also fun
is neon muslim?
>how will i find it?
The game is just CS with hero abilities, half of the game is just holding angles, aiming and shooting, "camping", most people will be hiding in corners or peeking tight angles, no idea if you will find it fun, gunplay is key, the character you play barely starts to matter until Diamond or higher ranks.
>are there any movement-focused ones?
You should try Neon, her movement is pretty fun, she's far from being OP and she's going to get a small nerf next patch but she's still good enough to be highly impactful, unlock her as soon as you can, Jett and Raze have pretty fun mobility too.
>who would be some good characters to try first?
Wanna have an easy time and being "useful" without learning much about the game or doing that much? Sage
Wanna learn the game fast so you can later win matches faster in the lower ranks? any duelist

Let me know if you are NA East, I could help you to understand the gunplay in a custom match.
They took years to make phoenix and astra playable.
Riot hates black people
yes neon is a Uhygur escaping from the CCP. hence her speed abilities
sounds good, thanks. im slightly sceptical of how slow and static it seems to be, coming from gaypex, but im sure ill get used tot it

consensus seems to be that i should try neon so ill probably unlock her first

and thanks for the offer but im EU :(

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