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Can we have the weekly weekend game stickies again? Was the best thing this board ever had.

Also post what games you would like to see?
For me it's pre parabellum scp sl
GAGler got raped and he liked it
Dunno, seems like it always came down to the same few players, and that other people never really showed up for the games they voted for. Hard to say how to make it work better too, since it's been tried again by anons in threads, and results varied wildly without any real difference between how they were done.
Gagler gay faggot
this desu
it was still fun but insofar as consistent anon organized vidya the tabletop sim and mmo adventure threads are doing a much better job and doing so organically
>tfw I was working weekend nights back then
Vintage story threads also used to have weekly events back then that hit 50 players
The TTS thread is such an abnormality. Undoubtedly, there are things that help, like how trying a variety of games only requires you to have TTS installed and to join a lobby, but that's only part of the equation. The players are willing to play even the garbage they hate, and it's not hard to get players whenever you host. It's a shame other anons can't bring that same interest in simply playing whatever to the table.

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