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I never played an MMORPG in my life. Is it still worth it to start with World of Warcraft now in 2024, or should I play something else?
Wow 2024 is a convoluted mess of old and new systems and continents. You should play Cata Classic if you want a good beginner wow experience, or if you can handle a mind numbing grind you can do Classic era.
Try dofus
I also never played MMOs, I just started a year ago play WOW so I think I'm a newbie and generally tried different MMORPGs but none of them convinced me the same way as WOW. Just lvling at Elwynn Forest was so comfy, no other MMOs (SWTOR, Guild Wars, Lost Ark, Black Desert) which I tried to get into gave me the same feeling honestly. There must be a reason why this game became so popular.

I tried to play Classic and although it was cool it requires a lot of more time than retail I'd say, everything is extremely slow, and yea it's comfy and chill but also time consuming.

I prefer retail, a lot of people complain, but honestly I find it good enough. I like in WOW that you can just set your own goals.

You want to do PVP, go ahead.
You prefer PVE, great you can do raids or m+(dungeons that can get more harder).
You don't care about playing with others you can want to chill, explore world (it's huge), farm gold, transmogs, mounts, achievement - literally 20 years of content.

I play solo, so when you play with friends it's probably a lot of better, but still I manage to have fun to play for an hour or two per day, there's no pressure, you can always find something to do.

Also people are relatively chilled out compared to those from League of Legends (only game I spent many hours).

If it still worth to play? I don't know, please remember that at the end of the day it's just a game, so I'm not sure if you want to invest your time into it (but if you're asking then probably you want). Although I don't play a lot, but when I started I really spent whole weekends to play, to explore and so on, so be aware.

You can try up to 20lvl with trial account for free to just check whether you will like it.
Albion Online.
No levels. No singleplayer story campaign. No quests. No expansion/update bloat. No obsolete content. No race-to-endgame.
It's very basic but it has everything you would expect from a MMO. It's easy to get into and it won't overwhelm you.
>I prefer retail, a lot of people complain, but honestly I find it good enough. I like in WOW that you can just set your own goals.
>You want to do PVP, go ahead.
>You prefer PVE, great you can do raids or m+(dungeons that can get more harder).
>You don't care about playing with others you can want to chill, explore world (it's huge), farm gold, transmogs, mounts, achievement - literally 20 years of content.
this is a good point. you play the way you want, and like you said the world is so big to explore there's practically endless areas for a new player to explore. i love looking through every valley, every hidden crypt, every little house or cave, and sometimes the devs even put it in some reward or easter egg when you look around. the older zones have a very unique vibe that makes it fun looking around dungeons until a dead end, and the new zones it's like every corner has a function for some quest or collectible. it's really fun
So, if i want to play WOW i play retail? People always say 500 different specific build/private servers so i never really tried it. Is it the same with Ultima Online?
>I need to know what's the best everything before I download the game
You sound like you are ready to either uninstall before you finish the tutorial or waste the next 20 years of your life.
God forbid i ask what's the ideal version of a MMO for a newbie in the "Good MMOs for newbies thread". Thanks for such a detailed response.
id recommend just not playing wow. modern wow is an overpriced mess of mechanics and storytelling, and the private servers are super hit-or-miss (mostly miss)

there's many MANY other games that are more worth your time
>No levels
>No quests
>it has everything you would expect from a MMO
??? full gear mmo's are fucking stupid
That's a shame. I keep hearing people telling stories about how their time in WOW was so fun. I thought it could still hold up but maybe it was mostly a product of its time. I'll still check it out, enough to form an opinion.
No, literally play any other MMO than some gay shit with tank controls.
most people use their mouse to look around, anon kun
by the time you want to try and grind for cosmetics, you'll be at the expansions like northrend where it has alot of accessible cool transmogs to have from questing
DESU none. The genre as a whole has become something different than it was in early 2000s. All you're going to find is p2w single player game with minor group content or sweaty group content relying on fotm builds and parsing to feel god about an e peen.
The genre will never recapture the nostalgia of geeky socially awkward gamers making friends online to clear content. Every game in the genre dropped most of the RPG aspect in favor or mass appeal.
Guild Wars 2 is free, has no sub. Easy to get into.
EVE Online
Retail WOW is not worth your time and classic realms are pretty much just full of sweatards now

If you want an MMO where you actually talk to other players, try EVE Online and join a corp

If you want a fantasy comfy grind where you can occasionally group up with others try OSRS

Just avoid WOW and its clones, they all fucking suck ass especially to new players. And don't believe the FFXIV lies, if you're going to play a final fantasy game play a real one, or at least play the superior MMO in FFXI
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WoW Classic is a really fun experience for first timers in WoW, super dated graphics and systems but also the "mmo" world is really well done, recommended to try at least 1 month of gameplay. WoW retail is super different, you will end mostly doing Raids/Dungeons or farming transmog (gear/weapon skins), mounts and pets it also has 20 years of content that the game skips and the new player experience is kinda disjointed I feel
F2P but has some content locked (besides expansions) like story chapters and maps. Its basically a generic themepark MMO so you will get a lot of the experiences of other games, the combat is a bit simpler and easier to get than other pure tab-target games like wow and its clones. Fun game to try and will get a new expansion soon, story is decent but you dont need really to play GW(1) to understand whats happening (and OG GW is better tho)
Big story heavy MMO, you can do almost everything solo or with NPCs, endgame is similar to other games but the rest of the progression is kinda different so hard to compare. If you are into the Final Fantasy series some expansions are considered of the best FF stories if you like that.
Elder Scrolls never had a good combat to start it but its serviceable in this case, it has a lot of content to do and in some areas is really high budget compared to other games (voice acting even for random NPCs), similar to FF if you are fan of TES series you will probably like visiting familiar places of Tamriel and some lore dumps, chill game too.
>Older/Different MMOs
EVE, OSRS, Albion, Black Desert (and other korean games) are super different to the current theme park approach of MMORPGs, you should research if what these games offer is something you could like

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