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/ro/ is the slow-mode bunker thread for all Ragnarok Online related things. When servers are up and running, or a popular server is upcoming/recently released, we move to /vg/ under the /rog/ tag.

>Project Sunshine - Mid pop; vanillacore low-rate; 2x client limit;
Rates: 5x/5x/5x

>UARO - High pop; vanillacore low-rate; multiclienting banned;
Rates: 5x/5x/5x

>ccRO - Pure PvE card farming, seasonal;
Rates: Customized depending on spawn rarity

>But where is /ro/ playing??
Nowhere en masse. You can find a few stragglers on any of those servers.

>Basic resources:

Careful with iROwiki links. If the url has "wiki", you're looking at the Renewal article.

Source Code:

Previous: >>1308741
shit game, grow up gramps
you'll never go back
Do not post on the other thread >>1358779 , it was made by the schizo. He wants to keep sneaking his garbage rentry with schizo rantings into the OP, along with snarky comments on the servers listed.
>He wants to keep sneaking his garbage rentry
please do not misgender vanessa
I'm more worried about sunshine being in the OP when it's already dead and buried
that's a really cute image, do you have more perchance?
i will post on the other thread faggot, fuck you!
the clikeks didnt invite me to the guild again...
ragnav 3
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ATTENTION!!! Looking for a lost mouse. Let me know if sighted or seen

Reward: $10000000
low effort OP. didn't even bother doing research into the current servers on RMS and instead lists some dead garbage
Post 'em, if you're so great.
I'm about to play AdventuresRO. What am I in for?
>http website
i wouldn't touch that server without a stick.
what's wrong with https. you use it on your discord all of the time?
That's the point, their official website isn't secure.
>HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure isn't secure
are you retarded by any chance?
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ratshitpiss getting BTFO again
ragnadev post more cute pics instead of letting the schizos run free please
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I'm playing AdventuresRO. the gear changes are nice
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for me? it's old school RO. rates just like back in the good ol' days
Sell me AdventuresRO please.
>playing burritoturesRO
>rmt out the ass
>get "rewarded" for afking in town
>shitty events
>shitty customization that makes rata caca orina pull out a pen and paper
>lying shitholes that make simps put shit reviews on rms and admins leaving "why you no like? jajajaja" review responses
I played that shit for like a week and never looked back
no you didn't, ratshitpiss. you read the wiki and made up tales in your head and posted them here.
>another one of those
They come disguised as real servers these days, be careful.
name sixty examples right now
jajaja server is good main language english discord spanish you review fake jajaja
sealRO where everything is just a seal with different stats and you use their drops to buy items from the seal store.
why can't copekeks do this?
Isn't Dicey a literal nigger?
Still whiter than amerisharts
Is it a good idea to just play official servers
I've never played this game before
Not really.
1. They are extremely and shamelessly pay2win
2. They are pretty dead these days and some pservers are outright bigger
3. The "modern patch" of the game is so universally hated that the vast majority of RO players avoid it entirely and play the old version instead (vaguely equivalent with WoW classic)

Pservers are the way to go but currently there's really none that is particularly good or active.
Do they have an official "old school" server like MapleStory? I tried a few private servers but never had any idea what to do lmao

Return to Morocc was my go-to but it's gone now :(
They used to, but shut it down because of lack of players. Then briefly there was some attempt at combining the old patch with modern merchanics which brought a new hype to official servers, the idea ended up being shit though and the servers died again.

The issue is that while the old patch is more fun and more interesting, it doesn't have the systems in place to keep people endlessly engaged (stuff like cooldown'd instances, endless refine inflation, new content releases etc.) So usually everyone just plays a server for a few months, maxes out everything, quits and takes a break from the game until they feel the itch again. Obviously that doesn't work for official servers which rely on continuous play.
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I miss LoRAnon.
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I just want more Ninja girl doing lewd poses.
very cute

gigantiddie ninjas
ragnarok online iceberg
this but /rog/ specific
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I just wanna ERP by the prontera fountain and stroke my 2 inch peen to art uwu
we know, american trooncare
Any vanilla server that hasn't nerfed Ninja's freezing spear?
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4kek iceburg
It's crazy how much better things would be if one or two autists fucked off forever.
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Does anyone have a Dokebi pet with the afro and can make a gif of him dancing

And have him named richard simmons

I want to pay tribute
are most populated servers in europe nowadays? i was trying to find a good server with no p2w and active woe in NA but seems like there is none

i dont really wanna play with 200 ms...
some autist who never typed anything ingame and just used TU on anubis until rebirth, did it some more before quitting. clikeks were obsessed with him and kept trying to erp with him after stalking him but he'd ignore them every time.
noaim only managed to hit the ears
noaim's lesser elemental ring proc'd and interrupted his aim so he could only hit the ear
where is terry?
Both uaRO and Sunshine are in Europe.
redpill me on imgflip why is he so feared???
Doxed Dicey & Devchan. Leaker of mouse's nudes.
>Leaker of mouse's nudes.
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lots of mones
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caladrius+chuck were 100% a discord clique. no fucking way they did bio3 without comms. i also saw chuck luring mobs to the stairs in thanatos to preemptively grief our run when he wasn't even in the party and didn't try to join.
Bullieshart L
Suggesting I might be Kim Hakyu, even as a joke, is by far the most aggravating insult hurled at me yet.
post more ragna/v/ images, monkey
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thanks for playing my gameâ„¢
fuck off, retard
what is this image supposed to be

are these refernces to famous incidents in ragnarok or something
it's all clique's inner jokes. you would have to be part of it to understand most of them
It's all stuff that people talked about on ragna/v/ 2.
it's all clikek bullshit and half of it doesn't even make sense, and they fail to add stuff that actually matters but they don't because it'd show how retarded these people are
for the last time, i am not Terry! the rumours are baseless and heavily exagerated, no compelling evidence was presented and none of the accusations were proven to be true. I have been aquitted of any and all illicit activities that may have been jointly liable by assosiation beyond any reasonable doubt, including credit card fraud, online scams, co-conspiracy and all the other crazy shit you people keep blaming me about, just stop it!
don't listen to this nigger I am terry since we both love our little princess utsuho and we played her server until she banned us, please unban us my queen who will lick your axe wound
I'm going to download Project Sunshine. Any warnings? I see it in the OP so I guess some of you are playing it? I plan to Sasuke anyway.
is it really?
150 players on a dual client server is pretty low pop

uaro has 1k players in comparison, though that server has its own issues
ayo man did you watch the latest wendigoon /rog/ liminal iceberg video? it made me gyatt like that dope skibididi toilet video destiny reacted to after I donated money, it's deadass bussin hard fr fr no cap, it's soo rizz that I had to stop my grind to listen to it fr fr
They nerfed ninja's core ability I'm never playing uaro
yeah terry is actually funny sometimes
newfriend here im gonna need a qrd
you got infos??
i haven't seen literally anyone from here play it besides some lord knight
Stop reposting those absolute trash, severely custom servers, OP.
Once YanisRO releases from beta it will become the home of real Pre-Re RO players.
You didn't beat the game, multi-babies.
You didn't beat the game, custom item and map fags.
All you did was play an abomination.
Being angry at customized RO private servers is like being mad at people for playing modded Doom or Skyrim.
mostly lame drama, nothing important
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p2w and rmt is SOVL but dumb ameritards have been programmed to hate it by jewish server owners
then play ccRO or something

ninja sucks slightly less dick there
in b4 ratshitpiss advertises his pony server with custom ninja one-hit bullshit
sunshine was gay, just downloaded ccro and I'm about to make my hokage there
New Yukkuri card added:
+50 Lk
Transforms Ninja into Shinkiro job
Effect: Autocasts Ice Spear at targets within 20 tiles.

Combo: Gyate Card
Effect: Nullified Ice spear aftercast delay
Chance to activate final strike on hit
Final strike hp drain nullified

Misc changes:
Whitesmith obtains Ice Pick upon job change
Cart termination now grants zeny on use
Defensive properties of Skin Tempering -> Now uses Steel Body's defense calculations
Ice spear scaling reworked to use Lk
rsp uses a ratpick on porings because he doesn't know what it does
>Use cart termination on poring with free icepick
>Lose money
>Anubis doesn't drop matk katars
This game needs fixing, shut the fuck up.
wouldn't mind a server with free ice picks and bsbs. maybe we'd actually beat something harder than eddgatos this time.
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>that rush when you unlock a ccro card and your glow with power and your (power level) goes up
what is the good class 4 sever?
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post your favorite screenshots
the one with randomchads on ragna/v/2 freefarming bio3 while bulliesharts sit in town begging for an optimal composition
Be nice to the Bulliedâ„¢ guild
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what about this one?
>crops some random cuck out
>doesn't crop the erp
what server is this
4keks aka the trannycord's server
the fuck is that gear lmao
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piss shit rat moment
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This is why we make fun of this clown, he's just a leech that wants free exp and items. He's absolutely useless, anywhere you bring him.
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>oy vey my kween you got blacklisted?? Don't worry ponyRO 2.0 will have a spot for you
>sever fails miserably
RSPsimp moment
to be honest the most surprising thing is that he played that shit server for that long, 4keks died faster than ragna/v/2. these trannies played their clikek server for months while having exploited multiple shit AND having the admin in their pocket but couldn't do bio3
looks like he played that shit for 7.5 months straight and doesn't even have a cranial shield to pair with a good bio3 smith wep like tirfing, ice pick, or immaterial sword. has nothing beyond +4 on 35x drops. using honey for hp, no attack speed pot, and 15 blue pots lmao. no bsb either after months of thana
dogshit build too with shit agi
time to revive 4leaf.
time to kill yourself tranny
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pools closed
>need certain item
>nobody selling
>have to make a new character to get it
I hate low pop servers
this game doesn't work on low pop servers. the server owners would have to stock fake shops but no one will do that
hop on 4kwabs. everykwabber welcum
imagine taking the time to make four baby merchants for this
please log on 4leaf!
i don't wanna
I logged in 4leaf and everybody was dead in prontera, what did dev mean by this
i cant, forgot my password
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this is anti-bulliemetic
you transphobe chuds think you're so hecking funny but some of us have better reasons to play ro, did it ever cross your mind that we just want to jack off to 2d sprites and erp by the prontera fountain? you might be able to organize a random bio3 party but I bet you've never killed as many anubis as I have (7/SEVEN)
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Xhe still thinks there aren't several bullies in that party
PSA: uaRO unnerfed freezing spear

Narutochads we're eating Hinata tonight
>t-two of our outercircle zerglets we poached from the clikeks who we don't even really know very well make up 2 slots in the party!!! we are your greatest ally!!!! it was a bulliekek party!!!
lol no. the heavylifting was done by everyone else and the group was put together by caladrius (randomGOD)
in the bullies colony guild
tried to join bullies
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what class are you picking for 4leaf revival? I thikn I'll make a monk this time.
Ill be picking the reset and ask me then job
what server is this
nothing shows up on googling, is it some completely private server or something?
it died. it was up in I think july, august, september 2023. not sure when it dies since I quit in september. it was only hosted for this website.
Ragna/v/s are only posted on 4chan, you won't find a website or ratemyserver links.
is there any active low-ish rate server with competitive WOE? i really miss playing with a guild on a server where there is actual competition with a sprinkle of drama and trash talking
You're looking for uaRO.
He said competitive woe
new server where.
its hilarious how those parasites always try to take credit
if I've never played ragnarok should I play the official server or a private server? i have an itch to play old anime mmos
Run. Run away now. You're a decade too late to enjoy this game.
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if I lied and said I played this as a kid instead of maplestory will you give me a real answer?
Fuck off faggot
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they were all bullies or bullies adjacent though
cope and seethe shitter
Shit like this is why we can't have nice things.
>should I play the official server or a private server?
Always private, officials are pure pay2win garbage and full of bots.
private server, try to find one that is pre renewal and has a decent population.

The problem with officials is that theyre botted and heavily pay2win
silence, vanessa
thanks, I'm trying out uaRO because sunshine seems unpopular, and ccRO looks like a gimmick server or something
sunshine is dead and gay
ccro is fun but deader than dead
uaro is your only choice
would anyone like to join a sage and aco on 4leaf
>join bullies once
>eternally branded as one
how does one lift this curse?
by growing up and stopping up giving a shit about what vincent says, retard
vanessa... the bragi...
My ninja life is going great
I'm kinda bored, maybe it's time to cook.
>expose a bunch of erp trannies who need to cheat in order to play 4chins servers
>they eternally seethe and think everyone is you
how does one win any harder than this?
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Don't fall for the private meme they don't last long
Mommy take this card from me
I can't use it anymore
It's getting dark too dark to see
Feels like I'm knockin' on the Clique's door
damn im actually having a lot of fun leveling like a noob on uaro, first time actually getting back into RO in like a decade
The early game is pretty good, specially when you get immersed on the maps, mobs and music. Things only really get nasty around early 6x range where the grind really starts getting heavy but your character is still relatively weak.
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you still got cucked in three different servers, and two groups of trannies and gpu got exposed, what did you do? other than being last to 99 and sitting by the prontera fountain jacking it to 2d sprites and erping with other troons
you're worth nothing, kill yourself
u mad?
you mad I put a lid on ragna/v/ and 4keks after doing everything that could be done while you did jackshit and played until the end? yeah you mad
Everyone involved with this yellow key feud is cancer and /rog/ would be alive if you were dead
yup, they try to blame it all on vincent but he seemed fine when I played with him for the first time on ragna/v/2. they made him seem like some deranged shitposter but that was all dispelled when I actually played with him.
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please be nice to troonkeks this is the closest thing they'll ever have to a "win" even though it will always be a self own since they couldn't do thana after I left and had to beg people ingame and in the thread for a replacement.

But who are we kidding here they'll never realize and even less accept it, after all these are the retards who thought a bard named apollo totally wasn't the same person who had a bard named orpheus, and went as far to complimenting me on global saying I played much better than myself even though I was using years old macros.
Fuck off faggot stop trying to coopt my post to somehow defending you, it clearly read that you should fuck off forever just as much as them
You're replying to two different people, and I'm allowed to shit on anyone who tries to ruin my fun just like I did on ragna/v/, 4keks and ragna/v/2.

nu-/rog/ needs to go take their meds, fuck off back to plebbit, and go jack off in runescape, you retards have shown multiple times that you don't really want to play ragnarok online and just want to do your dipshit drama and erp, so what are you here for? kill yourself.
I remember playing with Vincent once. We were both bards just starting out in same low level party. He kept trying to compete with me on buffing so I just let him take over bragi. But then he kept dropping it constantly so he could spam arrow shower.
^ Proof nu-/rog/ can't do anything but lie and everything they say just makes them look like retards who don't know what the fuck they're doing.
It's the truth but keep seething.
How do you even "compete with me on buffing" with bards? and why wouldn't you want to tap a mob group with arrow shower?

You got beat to 99 and accomplished nothing other than stroking your 2 inch feminine penis by the prontera fountain, kill yourself.
>drop bragi to tap
>let it fall off
>party dies
4leaf won
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but everyone from 4leaf is on ccro
for now
that server is boring as fuck with the multiclienting to get anything done
endless tower on 4leaf today. login!
>vidar set
>light episilon
>55 agi
>55 vit
>50 dex
This thread is a cursed place.
>doesn't know how bards works
>shit that never happened
yup it's a clikek post
why can't clikeks do this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_nFfgHbwzE
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>clikeks think this is pro bard gameplay
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Clikeks can do this!?
why did he go to 15% hp
some hits like the cripple go through still.
I will have details about the next Ragna/v/ in the coming days.
i'm not the one who flashed bragi and waited 30 seconds to flash it again
>doesn't know how bard works
>gets mogged three servers in a row
even vanessa knows the buff only has a short duration if the song isn't kept up
>doubles down on not knowing how shit works and shows everyone
are you trying to tell me that bragi buff has a duration longer than 20 seconds if the bard only flashes the song once before doing 3 damage arrow showers and musical strikes/vulcan arrow?
c'mon, man
>moves the goalpost
>still doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about
are you just pretending to be retarded or really retarded?
are you saying that even a retard can beat you to 99 and plays better than you? what does that make you? mega assburger retarded?
>loses to anne
nothin personnel, kid
>losing to tranne
when? lmao
every server? lmao
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Clikeks play like this!?
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tranne didn't even get to 99 in the first ragna/v/ or second, and didn't rebirth before me, cope
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I lost all my RO stuff when I upgraded my PC, but this thread does little to inspire much confidence in playing with anyone again to generate new stuff to post.
Just look for a server in rms and forget about this thread, even if a new nu-/rog/ server comes up all these trannies do is generate drama, do a hundred thana runs while wiping to half of em, and erp by the prontera fountain
The game is no fun playing alone, RO is only fun with friends, and I think they are all gone.
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Find a server and meet people you can be friends with, being "friends" with these people won't get you anything good, some are okay but you'd be far better off just trying with normies
newfag here, where do I get 5 Cyfar and a Phracon for the ninja job quest? I'm on uaro
you actually need 10 cyfar and 2 phracon. phracon you can buy in prontera from the weapon upgrade shop building, cyfar you'll need to get from another player
I thoroughly recommend you do not play ninja
why? ninjas are cool, monk is my second choice
works better on my machine
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thanks, since I'm poor I decided to make another character in order to farm money (I assume buying that stuff is too expensive for me right now) I was gonna make a monk since I like beating stuff up with my bare fists but it looks like I have to level up acolyte a bunch just to get to that point so I made a taekwon character instead (which also looks like a fist fucker class).

I'll continue my ninja way soon.
lames a slut
the monster uses wide silence which is a skill that also does aoe damage
also its better to lose hp so you can use the auto berserk (extra damage when red hp)
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>taekwon girl
if you wanted to use autoberserk you would get hit before using counter
Lame is shit.
depends if you want to save consumables, you will be using a lot more consumables since you get crit wounded
you take more damage in autoberserk so if that was a factor you wouldn't have autoberserk enabled
provoke only affects vit def on players
yes, but vit def on lk is substantial when its a single mob.
if taking damage isn't the issue you would just go for low hp its not alot of consumes to max
it is not, you really shouldn't argue about something you have never done
what are you waffling on about?
go and cast level 10 provoke on a raydric before and after, this is so pisseasy to test you're clueless.
take your own advice, vit only sucks vs multiple mobs lmao
What do you mean cast provoke on a raydric?
autoberserk casts provoke on yourself, you can see how impactful hard and soft def is by using it and comparing damage, or equipping a katzbalger and tanking.
just compare numbers.
also, the correct way to kill incantations. counter is terrible
I just traded someone a poring coin for some cyfar
Yes, that's why I wasn't sure why you were saying cast provoke on a raydric.

In either case using a raydric just shows your lack of understanding, since a raydric only hits for 900 or so. Now factor in defense, lets say 50 hard defense so 450, and 100 soft defense (100 total vit), now the raydric does 350. Then factor in racial card, multiply by 0.7, which gives 245 average damage per hit

Damage with ZERO vit defense:
900 x0.5 x 0.7 = 315
Now you might say, wow thats a huge percentage reduction, going from 315 to 245 however looking at the formula you can see the larger the raw attack, the less soft defense matters since you are doing a subtraction operation

Now lets see what happens when you fight an Incarnation, the monster that is in question

It casts crit wounds which hits for 3400 - 5000 damage, lets take the average, 4200.

100 vit 4200 x 0.5 - 100 x 0.7 = 1400
0 vit 4200 x 0.5 x 0.7 = 1470

There is what your vit defense is doing for you, 70 damage per a hit. In practice this is worse for vit defense too since concentration would be used for damage, so the hard defense would not be so high.
i left out some brackets, but it should be obvios what i mean

((4200 x 0.5) -100) x 0.7 etc
Also the very video you linked just shows necri doing the exact same thing (counter attack spam)
>Yes, that's why I wasn't sure why you were saying cast provoke on a raydric.
>In either case using a raydric just shows your lack of understanding,
hi i see you are slightly confused with basic gameplay mechanics, so i will explain what casting provoke does
80% Success, Target Attack +32%, Defense -55%
in this discussion, we are talking about hard def and soft def, you can measure this by hitting a 40 def raydric for starters,
or equipping a katzbalger which you should know is massive, with +5 vit, right?

unsure why you are trying to downplay softdef because of abilities when its after harddef in damage calcs.
you don't mention the effect of consumables healing with vit for sustain. if you did a correct stat build you wouldn't say lk sustain is expensive.

all in all, you have 0 idea what you are talking about since you got brainrot on qol servers hosted here with no endgame.
your arguments about a bad playstyle go in a circle and you change your mind every post,
try to get experience ingame instead of pretending to play in calculators.

who is this btw?
even necri states its very slow, and he doesn't claim to be a pro player or try to flex. dude has an ele sword and no magni.
>wnplay softdef because of abilities when its after harddef in damage calcs.
>you don't mention the effect of consumables healing with vit for sustain. if you did a correct stat build you wouldn't say lk sustain is expensive.

if you look at the calcs it is calculated after the hard def step. Anyway its clear you don't know what you're talking about.and are trying to move the goal posts now.

Incidentally, for anyone else that is interested, this is why vit defense is so worthless as a stat, it would be nice for mobbing weaker monsters, however when mobbing, vit defense also gets reduced.
i literally said its calculated after harddef
are you fucking retarded lmao? also funny saying moving goalposts when you went from:
autoberserk is why he took damage for more dps

sustain is too expensive can't use autoberserk

autoberserk has no effect on sustain but still can't use it properly(???)

drop your name as requested
also, cute writing down how vit def works after i explained it to you
pls continue the larp and move goalposts about how autocounter lk is pro... xd
>in this discussion, we are talking about hard def and soft def, you can measure this by hitting a 40 def raydric for starters,

>provoke only affects vit def on players

hence why i brought up kaltzbarger as its widely regarded for the +5 vit for tanking.
raydric has a low enough harddef to test well enough.
im not even sure you play this game bro
why no name drop?
inb4 pissrandom in 0 guilds crying and goalposting moving about why he can't use autoberserk correctly, or why hes unable to discuss using the actual correct method of mobbing incantations vs slowly killing 1 by 1
someone pointed me here bc i felt the need to play some RO after ages
seems like uaRO is the place to go?
yea go with uaro, most known players are banned so its the best place to play for newbies, and woes uncapped so its easy to join in.
leave this thread or you are gonna get taught incorrectly, i can come give you zeny/advice if you want it
important uaro infos for new players:

poring coins drop from each mob and can be traded for manuals/iro cashshop headgear, or sold for 10-12k each

weekend has xp bonuses (5x -> 7.5x)

iro repeatable xp quests are enabled

a good xp cheese is getting some money, and doing the antelope horn turn in with an xp manual active (buy from niflheim)

consider joining the discord and reading a class guide/build, focusing on one that can be self sufficient and make money for the first character. the market is very fast and cards are highly valued

(if i had to pick a first character, it would be paladin or sniper)
ty for advice
will make an account tonight after some work
goodluck fren, enjoy
Who cares, faggot, everyone knows that kniggers are melee snipers. Journalist mode gaming
lmao not your autistic ass having a meltdown about knights again.
okay lets hear why you think that
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waiting with baited breath for the op knigger guide reptillia... lol
>not having all stats rounded up to the nearest 10x bonus
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I got 8 poring coins while farming strawberries to sell
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3 new cards today. what should I farm next?
hood/mantle, elu, 4 gloves[1], 2 zeroms, and then another set of creamy+vitata. also get a smokie card
don't forget to slap the creamy+vitata on the gloves for the true bullieSHART experience
Ninjas are cool but they burn through a lot of money just to buy consumables. You'll basically not have money for much of anything.
does that go for magic builds as well? I thought that was just for throw builds
Tier 1 Ninjutsu is free but tiers 2 and 3 use consumables.
the flame stones for blaze shield and exploding dragon right?
Correct. They get expensive really fast if you're not watching. Which is a shame because Blaze Shield is basically Firewall and Exploding Dragon is the best magic spell they have.
Ninja Wind magic is generally rubbish, all around doing half of the damage of the equivalent Water spell.
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I'll just farm mobs that drop items I can sell for higher than what I spend on flame stones, easy
>4 gloves[1], 2 zeroms, and then another set of creamy+vitata.
why are you like this? just use clips
billchud hands typed this, still salty graenCHAD took all those mvps from you
my favorite shartkek is the peon guy. it was very funny when he slavepeon'd away during the nightshift to make sure his masters were resupplied right after they woke up
im killing alligators with a +0 stunner on uaRO, is there any other place that might give me more zeny? this place seems kinda meh but not sure where else to go with such crappy gear
Ninja magic consumables are not expensive.
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I still remember all the times they said sniper wasn't good for certain content so they wouldn't call peonygger but ended up posting screenshots with a different sniper instead, bullisharts and the trooncord give me the best laughs
>amerishartcare doesn't even know what class his greatest peon plays
damn, if I was peonggy I'd have been very disrespected after he typed that
>be peonggy
>farm gear for seethecare while he sits at the fountain with ratshitpiss doing gay stuff
>seethecare doesn't even know what you play or who you are after slaving away for weeks for him
it's over.
>be peoniggy
>slave-farm cards and zeny for your masters like a good little bitch for 0 compensation
>they mock you behind your back
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>be worthless nigger
>make a guild on ragna/v/ where your strat is never show up to woe and just be a retarded kike who tries scamming people for mats and slims
>everyone ends up hating you so much that you become a literal slave in ragna/v/2 who gets insulted, mocked and mogged by everyone even those who called you a nigger kike
>do nothing about it and continue slaving for the group that tells their members it's a good idea to slap vitata+creamy in fucking gloves or ring for the carry weight (LMAO), wipe at thanatos or always have shitty "pro strats" to share about the game
My ninja is 8x now and frankly I don't know why I'm doing it
no wonder ring[1] was so expensive on that server. every bulliekek was buying it thinking it boosted their carry capacity
Ninjas are not ideal for any content, they are just extremely safe to play because very little can hurt you.
I'm just going to farm bradium shields with it
Ninjas are pretty good at solo farming low mdef mobs
I used to use one for farming elu at stala golems
rog players think str rings increase carryweight
rog players don't know vit resists status abilities

we need to go back years
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4leafms typhon party
all welcum
im still doing jump quests...

wait for me
is snorigin back yet
go away LARD GAY
I managed to get the Alchemist/Creator soft rework done today. It turned out better than I hoped, and didn't run into many issues.
and yet you failed to kys, day ruined
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>finally mustered up 10 Cyfar
>randomly befriended a friendly ESL acolyte
life is good
Give it up dawg it's been years
very true
what's the catch? seems like a decent server
despite it being a european server u have to deal with SEAniggers all the time
anon we all know that's not actually an avoidable fate
Doesn't matter what server you play, there's always going to be SEAniggers, BRs and Russians. Because that just so happens to be like 90% of the demographic for this game. Play it long enough and you'll make friends with people from these areas.
do you have a link? can't find it
post a screenshot if you are that retarded and cement it.
i cemented your mom last night
this must be a pso2g erp term im not vanessa enough to understand.
sorry i can't play into your humiliation kink ask bullies
Vanessa's a nasty slut. I caught her getting railed by the fountain on 4Leaf
nah pso2g term would be that he photon burst your mom last night
i did that to his mom too
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did you seriously just talk to yourself about pso2 erping? you are repressed
repressed your mom last night m8
i wish i was anon's mom....
i can't hear you under 10 layers of bullie bukkake. maybe if you beg hard enough ryan will give you facial this time in exchange for joining the guild. teehee
Anyone know anything about the Good old Days RO server?
Ryanchad here, after personally dunking Vincent into a vat of cum I declined his guild application.
There's not a lack of space but that's what we told him.
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>erp trannies projecting this hard
lmao you all got exposed for being shitters who need to use kike schemes in order to "win", for being stupid erp trannies without jobs who are male irl but only play female chars, AND you still got beat to 99 for a third time in a row since you fucking suck and begged me to come to your parties until the last day
cope my niggers
newfag here, I literally don't care about your tranny drama. is that pic real or edited?
>You join thread as an unironic erper.
>Live in the closet and spam everyones in an erp clique bullying you because of past trauma.
>Act shocked and offended when called out and mocked for it.
You're a disgusting faggot, thats why nobody wants to play with you. We all saw you brown-nosing your bf Utsuho too.
>wall of lies
>still can't call ratshitpiss by his name because he doesn't want to offend his queen
you niggers would whisp me to join your shit parties as soon as I logged in, and I shat on every retard like ratshitpiss whenever they opened their cum filled mouth and all they could do is run to the thread like little bitches
you fucking lost troon get over it, no amount of shittalk will get you to 99 first in the past three servers, or have it so said servers are brought to life after I put a lid on em after exposing you shitters
it's real. ratshitpiss dl'd some retard mods to do that and then he got bitchslapped and permabanned by the admin
>Begins fantasizing about his boyfriend he afks next to and describes him with a cum filled mouth (LMFAO what?)
>Has an unprompted meltie about some race you made up and got bitchslapped in as the only runner
>Relentlessly mocked for being bad at bard and rejected after begging to join bullies (Somehow translates to being wanted in parties?)
>Y-you lost troon (Gets off on calling herself Vanessa)
Okay Vanessa, who was getting dicked down all day on pso2g again? Oh yeah it was you.
Disgusting faggot.
>still can't say ratshitpiss
>more lies
>still thinks that because he plays female characters that means everyone else does
>then lies about me going in another general
this is what desperation after getting buck broken looks like, your asshole still hasn't healed after all these years lmao
Anyone here used to play together around 2014~16 with 8ch's /v/? The guild leader played Paladin and I think the server rate was 2x
I haven't posted about it yet.
>vanessa literally well known erper who asks "girls" to suck his "horsecock"
>loses in "race" to 99 that nobody else is participating in
>finally transitions
well at least she won something, right?
>Still crying about yellow key shit when its not being brought up
>N-no you're le bruckbroken its not me melting down every thread (25% of thread removed years later)

What a cuck
Its as simple as nobody wants to play with you because you're gross. Stop begging to change that while rambling about x clique excluding you.

(Describe your bf with a mouthful of cum and demand I call him pet names, sure)
I play a male character only, you are a chronic erper and made a female char in that general.

You being a disgusting faggot in pso2g is not a secret.
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>more lies and no proof of anything
>projects harder after getting shat on in different servers
you niggers had a whole guild and peoneggy working nonstop to get first 99 and you still got cucked LMAO
are you gonna pretend you didn't message every female priest about your horsecock?
>lost the race as the only runner
>won the race to transitioning instead
proud of her
as someone who frequents a different schizo general its interesting to see people post about people I know nothing about, really puts things into perspective
these two schizos terrorize us, player participation has dropped dramatically
>still no proof of claims that apparently are not a secret
cope harder trannies
Do you really want us to post that screenshot of you talking with a cunny member about pso2?
slay queen vanessa slayyyy
congrats on bottom surgery girl you go and don't let the bigots get you down about pso2g thats your life girl
>because you spoke to someone about a thing it means everything I make up is true
how about you post proof of the things you're claiming first? what's that? you can't because you're just lying after getting shat on and you're still salty?
you niggers are the true schizos here, constantly lying and trying to attack people for having a normal conversation, truly pathetic
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Are you the guy that just fantasized about his afk partner as having a "mouthful of cum"?
Why do you pretend to hate him for doing what you do and where does this play into a normal conversation? Highly disturbing
>still no proof
you're all dick suckers, you all miss me shitting on you so much you come begin to suck my dick just like you're doing right now
now post the proof that I post on pso2g, that I apparently play female characters like you faggots, and that I whisp'd female priests about horsecock
>ree but you talked about a game in the past in a normal conversation!!
>horsecock horsecock horsecock!
it's okay pegasister, one day you'll turn into a normal human being and be able to have conversations with people without sounding like a retard, or you'll just join your dead transisters after hanging yourself, until then cope
>Starts erping on the second line
Does Trooncent really?
guys i didn't beg people to suck my horsecock btw dick sucking suck dick
absolutely no proof
>more delusions
take your schizo meds and post the proof tranny
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doublepost to say suck dick btw can someone suck my dick im really asking
>no proof still
as stated theres simply no proof of me being an erper and ive never talked about horsecock especially when i was afking with the resident brony
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>literal trannies who played in their 4keks troon server with a secret discord come to this thread unmedicated and start lying about anything they can
you play /rog/ servers to erp, sit by the prontera fountain, draw cuckhold porn of yourselves, talk on discord about you being trans and valid, and wipe at thanatos while being last to 99 while playing until the last day with your shit npc gear
Nobody said those guys aren't weird but the difference is thats your erp boyfriend utusho in the screenshot you gross cumdump lmao.
Go talk about horsecocks with him
>still can't say ratshitpiss
>still no proof
okay tranny, keep coping
>Nobody said those guys aren't weird but the difference is thats your erp boyfriend ratshitpiss in the screenshot you gross cumdump lmao.
Go talk about horsecocks with him
where's the proof faggot? your queen is gonna be mad now that you insulting xim
Both of you need to fuck off
Shes gonna be bricked up now she heard her boyfriends petname. Imagine whats going on in that afk 1:1 chat.
Bro, you can generate them yourself, AI slop is the easiest thing in the world.
What the fuck is a "ratshitpiss""? Speak properly you fucking goobers or at least explain your lore.
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snek isn't narue btw
He's having a conversation with himself. Report him and watch as both "sides" of the argument get nuked. It has happened before.
LMAO. I love this shit, give me more juicy drama.
>Lose argument after astroturfing
>Announce report
wtf am I looking at?
bulliekeks and ratshitpiss were using huge tits mods in the last ragna/v/ so they can jack off while afking at the prontera fountain, some of them got banned for it
fuck off mouseurinefeces
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>never played ro as a kid
>still fun as fuck
modern korean mmo slop cant compete
flame stones don't seem expensive at all, unless I blow through them once I level up my spells a bit more
>they have a discord

It always comes back to discord, the second you make one it only breeds drama and tr00ns before killing your server. I've seen DOOM servers that have lasted years without drama or even a single troon, and none of them have a discord. That can't be a coincidence.
Nope it's just 1 stone for 1 cast. It's really not expensive. The bigger issue is weight limits when you're farming.
Ninja consumables are not expensive to be unaffordable, they're expensive in a way that keeps you permanently poor. I don't know how it is on your server, but on default settings you need to always go back to Amatsu to keep buying more, too.
Was the guild leader you're talking about Logan?

I played with some guys from back then when that zero server first dropped in 2019-ish, but I didn't play the original server you're talking about.
Redpill me on ratshitpiss , I keep hearing that name dropped all over the thread and still I don't know wtf it's all about.
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not him
it was was only me and someone else for bullies case, and i was the only bullies who got banned for it
yeah that's what I noticed at first. buying 300 for like 45k isnt a big deal. but putting on 300 weight does seem like a drawback
I guess if you take travel costs into consideration maybe
Just make a discount/overcharge merc and park them in amatsu
noaim is too old to run for clikekdency
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Screw you pussy, ERP is based and redpilled and I'm tired of pretending it's not.
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thats a really good idea actually, I was thinking about making a merchant anyway
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It's not the same...
ratshitpiss=touhou autist (sucks at the game) who names all his characters after touhou characters. he's a mlp user who's been shitting up these threads for half a decade at least
ERP > card grinding > mats farming > questing
come play with us rept
any tips to make breaking down great nature and npc'ing green live a bit easier on my mind?

do i really have to carry great nature a few hundred at a time and convert them in even smaller batches?
Is this for monk?

I set a warp portal in front of the umbala house and just do the conversion after every full inventory

It's a huge pain in the ass either way, but small batches make it a little more tolerable
unless you have a script to do it (which is usually not allowed), see how long it takes you to convert them and then compare that with how much you can be earning farming instead. Usually I either just npc it or sell it on the market

This is not recommended if youre aiming for efficiency, since you're adding travel time for each time you want to convert
Done with edits to the 6 base classes, moving onto expanded jobs next. This is going to be the bulk of the work.
what the fuck are you talking about?
Yea that shit is the worst
Usually I make a merchant specifically for this and use account storage

Store it on the monk
Pull it out on the merchant
You get a ton of weight from STR, enlarge weight + cart
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Check the archives for the thread this image was referring to and you'll see Vincent shilling both for and against himself.
>Custom changes
Did you learn nothing from cat's server?
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Today I will remind them
Why can't clikeks do this?
I'm talking about my server customizations.

Custom changes are not an inherently good or bad thing, everyone has their own ideas on what needs to be done to fix this game. You'll find my approach quite a bit different from what cat's changes looked like.
you're already at max weight, what's efficiency got to do with it

it's the same amount of trips now or later
>I'm talking about my server customizations.
wow thanks i couldn't tell
who are you? what server is this even for?

You can convert, go back to storage, repeat instead of going to umbala to do it each time. That, and you can just use a merchant instead since it has the cart and weight bonuses.
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on what? sunshine?
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I'm gonna try the other ones out now. low pop "dead" servers can be comfy
I'm the guy who runs the 4chan servers, my tripcode says Ragnadev but I avoid using it unless the server is running or it's ready for promotion.
nta ive no interest in fake ragnarok, i want to play the game i enjoy so ill pass.
already enough official variations from real devs
I will never call my beloved utsu-chwan-wan-wan-chan-chan-wannychannytanny-uwuuu-uguu-chan by the crude nickname "r*tsh*tp*ss".

I totally hate him though and definitely disavow his actions, I am NOT secretly an ERPing faggot trannychaser. uwu.
@niggerdev if you were to make ragnav3 would the people banned on 1 and 2 be allowed on it
you still have to walk from kafra to the npc that converts for you right? breaking down thousands of great nature is going to be a real pain but i guess no other option, selling to players takes forever as well
where's my fucking sasquatch pet you SEA-time dodging nigger
Kill yourself you pathetic groveling furshitter slave-peon-bitch-cuck, go shine your bulliekek master shoes and get the fuck out of MY game.
Don't you have more bullies macro to make, Vanessa?
Interesting question. I don't usually take steps in keeping previously banned players from new servers, unless their banishment involved real life fuckery. I've had to deal with people who would go as far as harassing the families of people they had issues with.

The only two I banned during Ragna/v/s were utsuho and that other guy that was holding his gear, can't even remember his name. I won't be taking any steps in order to stop them from playing again, should they choose to do so. They're free to show up, clown around, make ook ook sounds while people throw peanuts their way. And if they somehow break one of the few rules I set, I can always banish them again.

You'll get more chances. Giving pet-of-choice as event rewards worked good last time, I will probably do similar events.
>worked good last time

Don't you have some more cards to farm for your masters (zero compensation), you excluded peon-slave-bitch?
ip ban vincent already you coward. all he does is shit up the thread
>it's okay if we spread malicious rumors about every player our clique doesn't like
>it's okay if we spread FUD and doompost about the server to prop up our rival discordclique server (catpiss)
>it's okay if we constantly create drama and anonymously shitpost
You missed.
I didn't have good schedule flexibility last time. I'll try to be more fair with schedule.

Are you suggesting that preventing someone from accessing the server would stop them from shitting up the thread?
Besides, why would I ban someone that hasn't broken any in-game rules? That would be power tripping.
do you have an eta? a few more months?
>yearly server that's up for 3 months tops
Good luck but this shit is dead on arrival.
don't care. still playing
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i did expect to be banned on v3 if it was to be a thing so it's quite the surprising answer
do you have an eta on it?
No ETA for now. Previous Ragna/v/s were cooked up in a week or a little more than that, because they were basically just pre-renewal RO without very minor changes, usually at the database level. What I'm cooking up right now is a lot more customized. Don't expect anything like Midgard Legends or Return to Morroc, but enough that people will have to experiment around to find out new optimal combinations.

For most classes, I'll be adjusting individual skills, to improve certain build styles, but for a few of the weaker jobs such as Gunslinger, Ninja and Alchemist, they're getting soft reworks. I'm also planning on deploying another long standing project of mine, which is a blanket rebalance of cards and Lv3/4 weapons. Not really aimed at things that players usually wear and equip, but on the gear that thrown on the ground because it's normally considered worthless.

Things you can expect:
-Preserve skill for Rogues
-Double attacks can crit
-Buff skill duration improvements, to make managing buffs easier
-Scream/Frost Joker not affecting party members
-dealing with OAB
The way I'm doing things is that, I'm not making the strongest builds better, I'm making the least picked/optional builds/items/cards more viable.

It's also time I looked at the cosmetic side of things with more attention. All of that takes time.

tl;dr it will be a while
I don't know how a third server could be "successful"/stable again. The last server felt more like a last hurrah/attempt at it than anything.
Think about all the things that would have to happen to get the same success:
>moderate influx of randoms, which means some guy donating ad campaigns again (because niggerdev is too jewish to pay for them)
>bullies have to zerg-rally their army again for instant 30+ base population
>cunny would somehow have to be willing to get cucked by server shutdowns a THIRD time
>+ survive through ratshitpiss's and his goon Troonrion's inevitable anti-server shitposting campaign
oh. then fuck off, retard.
Not buying ads until Vanessa gets blacklisted. Enjoy your schizo-only server
who the fuck is vanessa
Can you make the quest craftable lvl4 weapons less aids to get or change the mats to common drops if you insist on having the rng bullshit? wouldn't mind if you just stuck the ones that are only from the quests on mid-tier mvps instead so people can actually use them
just blacklist him ingame if you don't like playing with him.
Once it's time to look at weapons, I will naturally be looking into how they would be obtained as well. I really hate the Lv4 weapon quests too, they're aids and you can't even choose what you want.
>he thinks it's about the game
Can you improve Cooking as well? Those are way underutilized for how good it can be.
Cooking ranks quite low on my priority list but it's on it.
Will the last server changes stay?
A few of them. The Bowling Bash/Grand Cross changes will stay, for one. But the VIT-for-weight modification will not, at least not for now.
Regarding new world mobs, I'll probably do the same rebalancing as last time, which made them reasonably strong.
I'm turning down the party exp bonuses a bit though, last time was excessive.

Any change in particular you cared about?
you said you were done with alche changes earlier, can you post them as well?
>OAB removed from the game
>Plagiarize NPC
>Single-client + Buffs last WAY longer (or allow dualclient)
>Buff lvl 3-4 weapons by giving them additional sockets (ie. Zephyrus [2])
>Overhaul forging but this is probably well above niggerdev's competency level
>Un-cucked Grand Cross (full amount of hits on stacked mobs)
>Satan Morroc patch, no new world romhack mobs and broken gear that is piss-easy to get
>HIT buffs on melee classes
>reduce Gunslinger SP costs
>Costume Hats, Custom Pets, Keknewal sprites etc. are to grind for, fuck off with this FREE EVERYTHING bullshit
>Go in harder on the quest progress rewards, make them worthwhile
>/v/coins drop from MVPs, quest progress rewards, etc. they can be used for hat gacha, GD access...
>DO NOT give party exp buffs
Just the weight thing. It was good and fun, but honestly it was a bit overpowered. Taking away weight and buff management takes a lot of fun from playing priest, at least for me.
And hopefully you can keep the third jobs sprites. I might not play at all though, not at good time for me, so you can disregard my opinions.
I'll hold back for posting too many details about it. Because it's a lot of little changes, I'm going to figure out a way to present them in a way that's easy to read, probably using a Rentry page.

Regarding Alchemist, the important thing to note is that Homunculus are being removed from the game, altogether. Instead, I'm focusing on making Alchemist/Creator actually playable on its own, without the crutch of a system where you can just AFK and wait for exp/loot to come tumbling into your mouth.
I know this will probably be unpopular with a certain number of people that just love AFK gaming, but it's for the best.
Speaking of removing things from the game, I also got rid of Discount/Overcharge. You no longer need to worry about storing loot to sell later, or bulk buy using a merchant. The price of things will be the price of things, no extra steps.

Will probably keep the 3rd/4th job sprites.

I'm looking into fixing most of these, although with different solutions. I'm keeping the New World mobs though, it's not that big of a deal. Haven't made a decision on cosmetics but I'm leaning on a similar system as usual, Gunslinger will get a lot more than just better SP cost ratios.
Coins on MvPs is not something I think would be good for Ragna/v/, it's simply not competitive enough.
Overhauling forging is definitely on the list of things I want to try my hands on one day, but it's way beyond the scope of what I'm planning for a server of our size.
>homun removed
that 50 hydras really buckbroken you huh. Also I really doubt there's any soft rework you could ever do to compensate for no homun so it'll just be stuck on permanent crafter/woe duty now.
>no homuns
based. looking forward to this
>removing legal botting
gate renewal sprites behind 99 otherwise leveling parties will stop when people hit 95+ again
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Imagine actually wanting to play another ragna/v/ slop from niggerdev
You mean that change you made for ONE player at the last minute, which everyone called you out on?
>I'm turning down the party exp bonuses a bit though, last time was excessive.
You mean that shit you were called out on but you ignored like the stubborn retard you are?
People like you deserve to be flayed, and anyone who would fall for your stubborn dipshit tactics should get flayed as well.
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fuck you
>over 400 lines of self notes just for card rebalance
Can't wait until I have to get down to editing item descriptions. Second worst part of making servers is making/editing descriptions.
it's true, i saw vanessa sucking ratsitpiss's cock at the prontera fountain!
insane motherfuckers lmao
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>Regarding Alchemist, the important thing to note is that Homunculus are being removed from the game
If you do that, alchemist will not be able to solo MvP.
missing the grats mafia, bill/gpu being multiclients, the hardcore mode scam
Ragnadev, I wanted to provide feedback as someone who enjoyed both servers but felt that ragna/v/1 was a stronger server than ragna/v/2.

Ragna/v/2 struggled more, in my opinion, due to two main issues:

1. Not having a website meant ads pointed to this thread, which is a shithole more often than it is not. Please take some time prior to launch to make even the most basic website to point potential ads at.

2. Not getting feedback from players before and after launch;
- The server launched with some important features missing (Missing hairstyles compared to r/v/1, Global chat wasn't autojoined, etc.). These seem small, but there was a non-zero amount of players who saw a dead global chat on day 1 and immediately bailed.
- Lack of gay in-game player kumbaya made it feel like changes were made without any player input, usually resulting in people being mad about some of the changes (I'm sorry, but VIT weight was a miss. I think most people weren't fans of that change.)

Also maybe tone down the party bonus a bit or reconsider rates. The usuals are better at the game than they used to be and people were fucking BLASTING to 99 on r/v/2 compared to r/v/1. There were 99 trannies (other than Bill and GPU) by week 2, which was kinda nuts.
Different guy but you should make cosmetics take time to grind so they're actually a status symbol. It also gives people a reason to play beyond just rushmaxxing to 99 and full gear. For instance the sea otter hat is adorable but has dogshit stats and takes several hours to farm, but if you make it a costume I would use it nonstop.
Those are all valid points I will be addressing. I'm particularly ashamed of the Global auto join thing that somehow got past me.

I'll try to figure out a way to conciliate things.
>Sat 15 Jan 2022
>I have no plans to make one; I'm a little afraid that with a discord, the threads will struggle to survive in /vg/.
Devchud pretends that there isn't a discord to applease nucopecucks while bluetroon and chudkeks pretend that the discord doesn't exist.

>Mon 31 Jan 2022
>>Not communicating here anymore probably left some people feel like you are not even listening to feedback or just reading the discord messages from the inner circle. So not sure how this is a server for 4chan.
>Probably. I just needed some time to work through my sickness (literally working through the sickness, since work deadlines don't move just because you're sick). Oh well.
Devchud admits that there is a discord and that he's only been listening to his chodecucks for server changes.
Alchemist can already level without afking solo pretty fast in more than 1 way. Annoying change
The community ET thing was a good idea but gatekeeping it behind achievos was beyond retarded
You're not taking in the time investment to farm and brew those
Bumping party size to 15 and allowing that many people into ET would be pretty cool if dev could find a way to implement it without it breaking the client in half. Would make ETs a lot more fun for the server since people wouldn't get cliked out of them, normally 9-10 slots in the ET are hard restricted to the core classes so it doesn't leave a lot of room for extra players to tag along.
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i feel the party exp bonus should be like half or a quarter of what it was in 2, if not remove it at all
oab is an incident on its own but i cant really think of a suggestion for it besides removing it or just making it extremely harder to get, maybe lock it to an achievement and make it untradeable?
my ping there was rlly high and the mean girl behaviour between the russians and jannies kinda killed the mood to play on it, plus there's a ton of bots from what i witnessed
i'm on https://ragnaroktimelines.net/ for now
No AD is for MvP lol, honestly its not my job to fix it up for you because it would just annoy me but mammomite is one option. You have aoe skills too
>that kirito who wants to punish people for partying and thinks he should be earning the same xp
Are we seriously doing this again?
Please don't tell me you're comparing cart revo to how other classes can grind and mammo spam is reserved for your second or third character.
Yes i am for early leveling of course?
AD is only viable late game because of costs to aoe but is fine in gh, mammo is absolutely 100% not reserved for second or third char with how high your rates are.
I don't think you've ever leveled an alchemist because you would know the solution is to disable afk xp and drops on homun like most servers, and just buff/fix lif instead. Thats how you fix soloplay alchemist vs removing the class identity.
just ignore the soloplay autist
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oab should still be a drop from an mvp like orc lord
You asked so I told you bro, just look at new vs old lif and humble yourself. Any blacksmith mammo works on alchemist
fairies are gay
I question whoever making a server that says mammo is reserved for second/third char on a 7x rates and 30 min endows scrolls, if they are changing every single job
Here is mammo on only 2x rates as its even nicer with lif fixed, you only need an endow/ele weapon.
>I question whoever making a server that says...
You were replying to someone else.
Okay my I see, hard to tell here. Consider it all anyway thank you. And goodluck with your server
Thank you, friend. I hope you'll come check it out, once I'm ready to release the details. It's not like I have all the answers to fixing progression problems in this game, but I certainly can try a few approaches.
No one is going to play your clique server, stop making them
Is there something I'm missing? I don't recall ragnadev being part of any clique.
I'll play it
So whats the idea behind the OC/DC? Are you just removing that completely so no one can have this?
the bill clique
do yall always make a hunter when starting off from scratch on a low rate

i just realized that it may have been a bad idea to make a monk as my first char, getting just the weapon for sleepers is expensive as fuck...
Because the skill exists, you're basically forced to make a merchant to buy discountedand sell items you farmed.
With the skill removed, that burden is gone. The price of things is the price of things, you don't need to think twice about buying things or selling things on a different character.
It has the benefit of, naturally, keeping prices and inflation in check, but the basic idea was to get rid of the mental load caused by these skills existing.
If its a low pop I just make a TK ranker so I can farm any map with 0 gear the moment I hit 90
Are you playing ccRO?
You're not wrong, but it basically removes the point of merchants from the game, the same logic can be applied to vending, and then buff scrolls, etc.
>Bumping party size to 15 and allowing that many people into ET would be pretty cool
I think buffing the MvPs on the tower will be required for that, otherwise even with the lame skill of the average /rog player, ET will be trivial.
Can you please implement job changer NPC? i don't want to do my class quest for 23492 time x_x
Ragnade/v/ always has great server settings. If he's adding class rebalances then I'm sure it will work out.
Hopefully I'll have time to play for a week.
that is so fucking soulless kys
>I want to do the job advancement quest for 192348039285th time because is le SOVL!
The main issue with those quests is that where as some quests are really easy, there are others that are absurd if you have bad RNG because the mobs you have to kill are strong af for a 1st job.
you don't need them on a server with 10 people that's going to be closed any day now
*adds renewal content nobody wanted out of the blue*
nothin personnel, kid
what's the most difficult item set for job advancements anyway?
I think one of the rogue ones has like 10+ different items which is just a waste of time. crusader might be the most difficult if you fuckup your build because of high level mobs and you might not have enough hit. meanwhile assassin and priest collect nothing.
You still have to go through THAT room
Literally just walks in a straight line lmao
>there are others that are absurd if you have bad RNG because the mobs you have to kill are strong af for a 1st job
such as?
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going through those annoying click the poring rooms and the invisible maze is a lot simpler than going to 20 different maps to collect 5 of each item
the bard quest can request a Izidor flower which come from harpy or rybio both are a significant jump in difficulty to a level 50ish archer and the drop rate is very low.
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>it's a clikeks find getting items from low level mobs too hard episode
just buy a witherless
tell me more, why does pop matter? didn't know tk ranker was actually good at farming

no, uaRO
just get the easier ones. bard's doesn't force you to get a specific flower iirc. it just makes you bring one of them
I don't mind doing the quests and wouldn't advocate for their removal but the item collection part of them is simply a poorly designed waste of time while some other job advancement quests are significantly less time consuming. imagine rolling itemset 1 while other people are playing priest and you've been vendoring everything instead of storing them.
You could already have those items if you know you're going to choose that job, and if you weren't stuck getting knotted every time you level a character.
how about asking someone for help? maybe ask if someone has a spare of the item you need? you know.... interact with people... in a multiplayer game
It's not even a problem on real servers because people put job change stuff in their vending merchants. too lazy to go kill something? buy it.
it's only a problem in nu-/rog/ servers because everypony just wants to fuck dogs and kikes don't want to sell things
Reminder that bullies boycotted vending because they didn't want to "sell things to the competition" and seethed because reptilia sold an odin's blessing to a random
>noo don't sell things!! what if they use it during woe and we lose?! we gotta be super stars e celebs of /rog/!!
I refuse to play on 4shart servers because of the lack of an economy. I don't want to make a champ or a hwiz to get an ice pick. I'll just farm money and buy one of the many available on an actual server
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the ninja quest can be a little annoying if its your first character in a server. the server I started playing this morning replaced the 5 Cyfar requirement with 5 Garlets instead
im going to have steamy, sweaty, knotty sex with oversized black dogs
too bad you've only killed SEVEN (7) anubis so far
Would you rather have Ratilia or Vanessa in your server?
Arms up when?
I'd take both of them. I'd kick out the mikutrannoid club however.
Crusader, maybe.
worn-out prison uniform is awful, yeah. you'll have to hope a mage or aco friend has farmed zombie prisoners. you could also do alligators which are weak but have a shit droprate. saders didn't exist until people already had other classes made so it wasn't really a problem in live. it is on new servers though
Well, it's not impossible to make a crusader as first character in ragna/v/ without help, but definitely not easy, even painful. You have to buy tons of meat and go for a good amount of vit.
all of them should be like crusader. if you're too shit to farm the mobs you don't deserve to job advance. rebirth should require you to do the sign quest and the end of the quest has the real dark lord mvp
>pick crusader
>have to actually take on tough mobs during the quest
>have to go through the gauntlet of mobs where shitters get btfo
im thinking this job is hella based fr
>have to pass a TEST to become something
>nooooooo it's tooo bothersome
lmao you don't deserve to job change then, go be a novice forever
Wizard jobchange can go fuck itself, tbqh senpai.
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>"Want to become a transcendent? Sorry but you'll have to go through us first, bullieshart"
unironic skill issue. don't play wizard, retard.
You have so many options for dealing with all of it. It's piss easy naked. You have more spells than just the bolts, you know.
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>"Want to acquire the yellow key? Sorry but you'll have to go through us first, vanessa"
>deleted ragna/v/2 folder awhile ago since it was done
>realized the screenshots I took were all saved in there
>too late to get any of them back even with recuva
like tears in the rain
I'm so sorry. I've done such myself several times before.
Is there a server with better level progression in dungeons?
I remember you couldn't just go in a dungeon like, say, Payon, as a low level character appropriate for the first map and level up along the way to the last map, instead having to move to other dungeons like the Underwater one.
That's not how RO does dungeons at all. Everything in this game is based on EXP x Drops rate.
Byalan, the underwater dungeon, is pretty bad exp but it has lots of good drops and everything there is weak to wind. Payon Dungeon has a handful of very good drops but few things are useful, but the money is okay and you can healbomb most monsters. Then you have places like Moscovia, which are broken good exp for the difficulty but drop absolutely nothing even worth picking up(unless you play shitty servers with turn in quests).
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>"Want to get to 99 and do other things than wiping a hundred times in thanatos? Sorry but you'll through this first, trannies"
>Wizard jobchange can go fuck itself, tbqh senpai.
ez af. Crusader is the hardest and it's not even a contest.
you can pretty easily get manacles from cruisers in toy factory
how does one have such a skill issue? just use soul strike and you clear the entire thing
Wizard job change is easy once you know how to play mage and bring some hp pots.
Gotta use whatever combination you have of FW SW SS and low level bolts.
It feels great when things finally do work.
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Haven't played in two decades, but I need some form of escapism and I tried FF14 but it was boring so what better escapism for something I used to be really in to when I was 12-14 that will still probably make me depressed. Anyways I'll be on uaro and if you guys have a guild I could join let me know who to whisper for. USA player.
if you think crusaders job change is not the hardest, you havnt read the quest.
if you have read it and still think its not the hardest, you havnt done it yourself.
if you done the quest youll know you rather smash your ballsack with a rock than doing the fucking quest again.

but you will do it, you will always do it, because crusaders are masochist, because suffering is the reward itself

and i wouldnt have it any other way
haven't you only done the knight job change and then you asked devchud to job change you to a sader after because of your mistake?
Crusader's isn't bad if you just get lucky and get the one item set that doesn't suck total ass
how are you having trouble with the wizard job change bro, it's so fucking easy especially if you just bring in 10-15 yellow pots and a couple green pots in case the obeaune silences you
pretty much every skill build can do it, fire wall alone nukes pretty much everything and the few fire immune mobs you can just kite with cold bolt 1
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>Crusader's isn't bad if you just get lucky and get the one item set that doesn't suck total ass
There's only 1 set that doesn't suck ass. you also need bath water from a priest.
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If you're actually making Ragna/v/3, let me make characters with shorter names

I want to name myself Ass
It's honestly comical how awful Tracking is, even compared to other Gunslinger skills.
>60 SP
>can't reduce cast time, 3 seconds
>1200% damage

Meanwhile, Rapid Shower is 1000% damage, instant and costs 40 SP. Piercing Shot is also really bad. They really did Rifles dirty.

I'm pretty sure that would cause all sorts of problems. I remember having problems with that before.
They did every aspect of gunslingers dirty. The class needs so many buffs to make it decent and even still it will always be worse than hunter is. The only use the class has is desperado farming about two or three specific maps in the game and even then it's not a niche that gunslinger is unique in as other classes can farm those maps equally well.
Do it anyway
Let my Ass break the game
there was a hiatus of about 12 years inbetween 4leaf and the last time i touched ragnarok. When i got into 4leaf i done the crusader job quest by memory up to the last step "give holy water to Patron Knight" wich i wrongly remember the NPC being in the Knight Guild (because Knights are obviously in the Knight Guild) and because i initiated dialog with the NPC it actually triggered the job change quest for Knight and locked my character from completing the Crusader job change quest. This was obviously an unintended (and not idiot-proof) bug since nobody is stupid enough to fuck this up unless you have permanent 1INT. Dev-chan had to intervene, add the code to the NPC so it doesnt trigger if youre doing the job change quest and manually change me to Crusader since there was no other feasible way to do otherwise (i did not get the white potions reward either).

so yes, i done a mistake that one time at 4leaf and asked Dev-chan to job change me to a sader. Also yes im not calling Dev-chan by any other name out of respect, a thing i rarely give to people. You dont like it go fuck yourself!
okay, poopshit
pop matters because you can only have 10 rankers on the server, if you can get there the class is a pretty nice farmer with access to every element, good AoE, mobility skills, huge HP pool and no SP problems
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I put a lot of work into the Gunslinger soft rework, so I guess it's time I shared my work so far.
Elemental bullets for Fire/Water/Wind/Earth/Shadow/Poison were added, along with a better version of Holy bullets. There's also an AP Bullet, which is neutral.

The only way to obtain these will be by crafting them, using a custom skill called Bullet Crafting. It uses the exact same list of items as Arrow Crafting, but gives bullets instead. For reference:
-Regular and Iron Arrows -> Bullets
-Immaterial, Oridecon and Steel Arrows -> Armor Piercing
-Status Arrows(Stun, Freeze, Sleep, etc) and Sharp Arrows -> Bloody Bullet
-Fire/Water/Wind/Earth/Holy+Silver/Poison/Shadow Arrows -> Blaze/Freezing/Electric Shock/Magical Stone/Sanctified/Poison/Blind Bullet Arrows

Now onto the changes to the class itself.
All Gunslinger buffs are now permanent toggles. That mean you turn them on, and they will stay on until turned off. When buffs are active like this, their SP cost is reduced from your MaxSP, but you never have to spend SP to rebuff again. Every self buff for every class that only works on self received the same treatment. For Gunslinger, this is a big deal because you had to keep spending coins and SP for buffs that, sometimes, lasted only a few seconds.

Speaking of coins, the requirement of spending them has been removed from most skills, all except Fling and Cracker.
For the Snake's Eye passive, the list of skills affected by the range increase now includes almost every Gunslinger skill, except for Cracker and Dust.
Chain Action will work with all 5 weapon types, and these double attacks can also Crit now, too. The Thief version will also be allowed to Crit.

SP usage of active skills was reduced.
-Triple Action 20->15
-Bull's Eye 30->20
-Magical Bullet 7->5
-Tracking (10+SkillLv*5)->(10+SkillLv*3), 60->40 at Lv10
-Piercing Shot(10+SkillLvl)->(5+SkillLv), 15->10 at Lv5
-Rapid Shower (20+2*SkillLv)->(10+2*SkillLv), 40->30 at Lv10
-Desperado (30+2*SkillLv)->(15+2*SkillLv), 50->35 at Lv10
-Dust (3*SkillLv)->(2*SkillLv), 30->20 at Lv10
-Full Buster (15+5*SkillLv)->(10+5*SkillLv), 65->60 at Lv10
-Spread Attack (10+5*SkillLv)->(10+2*SkillLv), 60->30 at Lv10
-Ground Drift (4*SkillLv)->(2*SkillLv), 40->20 at Lv10

A few other changes:
Madness Canceller: Aftercast Delay down from 4 to 1 second.
Gatlingfever: Instead of making the user slower to move, they will move faster instead.
Tracking: The skill will have the same property as Occult Impactation/Investigate. Meaning, it's like an Ice Pick.
Ground Drifting: Mine splash damage increased from 3x3 to 5x5.
Originally, I was also planning on adding 1 more slot to every Gunslinger weapon, but based on my tests, the current improvements already push them into the same league as Sniper, so I'll hold back until I have player data.

And a few other mods, directly on weapon types:
-Gatling: Base speed increased 700->500.
-Shotguns: The inherent splash damage of all shotguns was increase from 3x3 to 5x5. Base speed 1500->1200.
-Rifle: When using AP Rounds, all attacks(normal and skills) will ignore enemy defence, but only for normal monsters. Base speed 750->650.
I didn't touch any of the damage formulas or give them any direct damage boosts. The class' potential was unlocked by simply allowing Gunslinger to use the things it already has. Skill costs, annoying buffs, constantly stopping for flipping coins, all of that got in the way of actually being in combat.

A few ASPD boosts here, some larger splash damage there. The only really strong handed thing here would be making Tracking into ranged Investigate. I guess that opens up the path for Gunners to level up the same way Monk do, but it's not like anybody is jealous of monks for having to kill Sleepers for 30 levels, right? Might be useful for bossing or killing certain things, specially since you can use Tracking with a revolver.

Out of all paths, Gatlings are definitely the most buffed from this. Double attacks, higher base ASPD and no more being held back by Gatling Fever being a doubled edged sword. Triple Action being more spammable also works wonder for Grenade Launcher builds.
The issue with extended classes is that they fill a substandard niche between 2nd class and transcendent classes

Making gunslinger on par with or even approaching sniper makes no sense here because they're not supposed to be, by design
They still have less HP/SP, can't use some of the best gear and have fewer slots and slightly less stats.
its a nitpick but I hate the custom vaporwave ahh music project sunshine decided to use for their login screen
That's not always enough
I recall a server I played on had custom class figure accessories
Sweatlords figured out 2x archer figures, pantie, undershirt and some other easy to get gear let you hit 190 aspd and you just chugged strawberries while the shitty emulator let you functionally hit lock bosses

Fringe outliers from custom changes can lead to extremely unexpected results
for me it was the christmas town themes in uaro that made me not play it
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I miss RO. I'm old and pretty shit at the game (even back then) but I can draw and want to make a friend or two. Pic is my drawing. What server should I try out?
great pic!!
What prompts and models did you use?
Kill urself my man
>I didn't touch any of the damage formulas or give them any direct damage boosts.
That's good enough, none of the meme jobs are supposed to be better than any of the main jobs. Anyways, will you touch SN? maybe remove the lame no death policy? (getting a SL to reset you in 4leaf is impossible)
terry? lmao
>will you touch SN?
My personal experience is that, whenever I buff super novice, they become ridiculously OP. Having no HP/SP is the only thing holding them back from taking a big fat dump on just about every other class.
I might give them a light touch up at best, similar to what I'm doing to most jobs and less like I'm doing with the extended ones.
Most newer people seem to be going to UARO right now. Me and some friends are playing at ccRO as well. You can also wait for ragnadev to release his next server.
the only good artists here play on ccRO
avoid the inflation ponyfag at all costs or suffer his curse of no gains
Fuck SN
Will Ninja get similar buffs to these GS ones?
Thanks for the suggestions.
Here's my suggestion, kill yourself niggerdev
That's a new player, not niggerdev...
My suggestion stands, kill yourself niggerdev
>Every self buff for every class that only works on self received the same treatment
oh boy I'm glad this buffs hunters the most fucking hell
hunters can't stop winning....

There's ways to fix SN but it requires a MAJOR overhaul and pisses off people who go into a server expecting to be able to just instacast bolt farm with them
The biggest thing you have to do is start with nerfing things - obviously there's not much, but removing the dumb +10 all stats buff is the first step forward, after that you can do a lot of changes and the end result is mostly theoretical without a lot of testing, but you CAN make them more of a jack of all trades class instead of "mage with a cart and self buffs".
Definitely. It's the next thing I'll be working on. I also want to soft reworks for Star Gladiator and Soul Linker as well.

Hunter/Sniper certainly benefits but I'd argue Knight/LK is the one who benefits the most. Quicken, Parrying, Aura Blade, Concentration and Endure permanently turned on, never have to worry about it again.
That reminds me, I need to look at the list of buffs that persist through relogging.
Endure should probably not be included in that list because it has the extra effect of, well, endure. Concentration also has the endure effect when turned on, so unless you want swordies to have permanent eddga card for no downside (also +10 mdef for free) I'd say endure shouldn't be included. Actually you're right though, berserk LK benefits massively from it because they only need to kill 10 things with earth deleter to recast, as opposed to 25-30.
Crusader would benefit marginally, wizard barely at all (ecoat cost is so insignificant), sage builds would get a nice QoL change with permanent autocast/double cast. Aside from those classes...there's really not a lot of self buffs in the core classes. Most of smith's skills are party buffs and Full OT probably wouldn't work conceptually with the zeny cost? Extendeds have more self buffs though.
But I still stand by hunter benefitting the most because not having to recast true sight every 30 seconds is such a massive boon.
Buffs do end on their own based on their innate conditions, though. So if you go over the hit count for Endure, it ends. It will be similar for Cicada Shedding, where it will have infinite duration but will still end after 3 hits.
Concentration's auto-use of Endure was removed, so it doesn't conflict with actual Endure use.
For smiths, Crazy Uproar, Cart Boost, Meltdown and Maximum Overthrust were affected. I didn't care about the 5k zeny for MaxOT, it's a drop in a lake. The other buffs are party wide so they'll be as they were before. Overthrust won't break your own gear, by the way.

Keep in mind that this change has the trade off of reducing your MaxSP by the cost of each buff toggled ON. I would argue that the biggest winners in this scenario are auto-attack builds, that can just completely ignore going over 50% weight and keep going until they hit 90%, or die.
do you have plans for implementing the gacha headgears? I always feel like its a massive waste that servers are deadly afraid to integrate it into the server in some form beyond costumes
You mean cash shop headgears?
yeah, I called them gacha because you typically pulled it from random egg scrolls in official.

And by implementing I meant adding it into mob loot, headgear quests, etc.
Not really, no.
what a waste then
Nice drawing. I hope you can find RO friends
payon stories any good?
Old server fatigue syndrome.
ill stick to timelines then, i would try ragnagoats but they dont have ninja
Problem with Ragnagoats is that they don't have people.
And you think niggerdev's ragnaslop is going to have people? it's going to be the same shit as the last two times but worse
Make it so tracking is affected by the +range skill, it's the >sniping skill yet it forces you to get into retard melee range and wait 3 seconds for shit damage
>For the Snake's Eye passive, the list of skills affected by the range increase now includes almost every Gunslinger skill, except for Cracker and Dust
It's already there.
Slotted sunnies in OPB table?
Or anything to make cracking OPBs worthwhile? They're dogshit on ep13, ironically OBBs are better because they have the slim chance of a hurricane fury (not even BiS but still the best in their table).
Feel free to give suggestion on what should go in it.
It's an interesting dilemma of making boxes useful without devaluing potential rare MVP drops.
As a baseline, I think items like Wools/Tidals should go in as they're universally useful and getting a few extras from OPBs won't break the economy of them. Magni's, Odin's Blessings, Stone Bucklers are also strong options that having a couple extra won't matter much (they'll likely just get broken) and they're fast enough to target farm. Other "basic" weapons like Scalpel, Oriental Lute (unslotted), uhh...Healing Staff? Maybe staff of piercing? Thinking of what each class might want as their basic endgame, but there are sometimes gaps between too weak and too strong.
Having rare MVP drops like Krasnaya is probably too far for instance, because they're limited by spawn timer. If OPBs spat them out then it'd be more efficient to just farm OPBs off merchant set than hunt a bunch of different MVPs.
What server is this? cat?
Ragna/v/ 3 work in progress.
Give me ONE (1) reason why anyone should give a fuck about niggerdev's slopnarok server.

This nigger hasn't changed one bit, on both the first and second server he pushed retarded servers nobody but one or two people asked for, and when told multiple times that what he was changing is a bad idea he plugged his ears like the stubborn retard he is and kept forcing ship to sink.

You're better off just playing a server with normies than playing a /rog/ server now, all that's gonna happen is bullishitters will join to multiclient and tryhard, the trooncord will come to do their usual bullshit drama while both groups bring their mouth breathing leeches and ERPfags.

We all saw how the pop on ragna/v/2 went from 80~90 to low 30s in one day, this shit isn't doable anymore when you have two troonkeks and a stubborn short-shifted macaco at the helm.
You nailed it
yellow key
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you got cucked out of thanatos runs and had to beg for a replacement, what about it?
vanessa chill girlie
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the only trannies here are you discord clique faggots who like to play ro to erp and have shit flinging contests with each other, shouldn't you be making another female char and licking one of your friend's axewound?
idk I'm a newfag so I don't know the /ro/ lore. ill try it out
You're better off trying out a different server from rms, niggerdev is prone to pushing retarded changes that make no sense and goes against his own words, that's without mentioning the fact he caters to his mc duo and will push changes that benefit them the most ie pushing VIT to carry weight like two weeks into the server but being adamant about not adding gym passes.

People that have played both ragna/v/ already know the huge list of stupid shit this monkey (uma delicia) has done, all you're gonna do is waste your time.
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eh ill still try it regardless
Don't say I didn't warn you.
still not playing on your pony server
ragna/v/ servers are great. once every couple years the thread gets together and we all play a server just for us.
ragnade/v/ has very good server settings.
some local schizos hate the server for their own purposes and try to drive people away (they end up playing anyways though).
>sub 30 population server
>most are bullikeks, rest are the trooncord
>handful of randomchads
>admin approved multiclienting for his mc duo
>stupid changes that makes it so the server dies faster and people don't play
>everything is easy mode
>nothing but thana runs
admin retardation is a deflection from the real problem, which waa bullies actively griefing and making it a terrible experience for normal players
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I started playing ccRO, I shoulda started playing this earlier holy dopamine
It's really fun at first, you have so many options to get stronger
The luster starts falling off around 200-250 cards though, when your choices start to peter out but also when you truly start becoming super saiyan
Despite not having trans classes, the average power level of lategame ccRO is well above most trans chars, especially with how tanky you feel. You might not have assumptio but you can legit facetank most MVPs without it.
holy based!
I hope you're playing seasonal, because legacy is the dead server.
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I am yes, seasonal seems like the proper way to play
Contact the 'nice' guild and party with us. We try to schedule Endless Tower runs on the weekends sometimes.
at some point maybe
*makes male character*
*private messages every priestess asking them to suck her horsecock*
congratulations on your transition!
didn't you already get BTFO when making that claim? or are you ready to post proof?
no, vanessa definitely made male characters
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people unironically play like this
>buh you dont understand, i need 120fps on a 20 year old game engine
t.soulless zoomer
They're both deader than dead.
rept (pbuh) will save the server
yeah. it's retarded. I understand there are some maps where visibility is annoying (ones with many trees or random ceiling grates). but grey world is cringe as fuck. probably the same types of people who disable bgm and play some other garbage instead
u can stop then cuz im not playing it
anon, i can only handle so many hours of the gonryun dungeon music
I disabled the trees and play with BGM off.
gray world is too much
>BGM off
You monster.
SFX only for map sounds.
It's great.

All of this is already implemented and working on my test server. Let me know if any of it needs clarification.
>All means of obtaining NPC Shop Discounts/Overcharging were removed from the game.
lol animal
You better make pots and mammo cheaper if you're gonna turn merchants into a money sink like that
based and redpilled, sign me up!
fuck the israelite merchs!
there is some good and some bad here but
>EDP lasts 30 minutes
holy shit do NOT fucking do this lmao
the only thing balancing sinx is the fact that EDP requires such a huge commitment to farming
giving them effectively a permanent 4x damage multiplier is absolute insanity
damn those are some buffs to read through

no one ever plays Sin on these servers because they're single-client only so you'll never have soul link
(I'll roll a SinX if someone wants to SL slave me the entire time)
>Removed OC/DC
>Mammo and CT costs are the same

Nerfing Blacksmith while buffing Hunter is an interesting direction to take a server
you forgot
>every buff now lasts forever
>expect BS buffs those still last 50 seconds
>also instead of actually nerfing hunter, I'm just going to buff traps to be as strong as double strafe spam and also give him access to beast bane without the need for a linker
god damn why do servers do this
you don't have to buff other skills up to be as strong as DS spam, you just need to tone down DS - usually via OAB or disabling autoloot
2-1/2-2 card combo sets are getting card slots moved around to work with their first class sets, right?
You'll have to move Geographer Card to... Accessory/Footgear or somewhere other than Armour so it doesn't overlap with Waste Stove and Goat
Well the other classes are getting literal third job skills and he's already hinted at removing OAB from the game.
You tards will cry about Sniper regardless of what any server does lmao
Hey instead of playing on a populated well working server let's instead make the third iteration of a ghost town pants shittingly retarded clique localhost!
Blitz Beat should just rely on proccing from your CRIT stat instead of luk.
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>niggerdev allows people to multiclient
>half the shit doesn't work properly
>refuses to listen to people, doesn't remove being able to mail from anywhere, does 2 castle woe
>doesn't want to add a reset npc because "can't make leveling crafters too easy" but extends party share range making leveling crafters easier
>adds keknewal after swearing up and down he never would
>lies about doing a keknewal rollback and tells everyone that it will happen, but then changes his mind

>keeps allowing people to multiclient
>adds achievements that nobody asked for and only one faggot gave a shit about because he lost at everything else
>makes it so only a few people have to do quests for dungeons and then it gets unlocked for everyone (warper with extra steps for leeches)
>adds reset npc but makes it so the price is fucking stupid because can't make leveling crafters too easy
>adds party exp bonus on top of existing tap bonus, turns the 7x exp gain into 15~20x making crafters easy as fuck if you get carried
>adds "hardcore" mode that nobody but clikekfags gave a shit about since you could still party with everyone else and get carried
>make a bunch of sudden changes for classes because one or two people asked for a buff
>makes it so VIT gives you extra carry weight for his mc duo since one of them had high vit and could be the mule, all this despite saying he doesn't want to add gym passes you could earn
>gets involved in player disputes despite saying he wouldn't and steps in to change the password of bullikeks' shared account so they can continue multiclienting
>adds keknewal content
>server had almost no market since bullikeks were too busy waiting for woe and didn't want to sell to the enemy ie everyone who wasn't in their guild, and the troonkeks were too busy ERPing and licking ratshitpiss' axe wound (lol at you catro faggots)
>no new content was done and it was just the same runs we had in the first ragna/v/
>even more slop than the last to the point you're making some classes useless
>no market because no point in making a merchant, and the same no market/aid the opposition mentality will make most hoard
>he's going to allow people to multiclient, AGAIN
>no pvp whatsoever AGAIN
>more stubborn shit and changes out the ass without asking the playerbase
>same thanatos runs for a hundred times since nu-/rog/ can't do shit
>bullikeks will do the same rush woe+please take my emperium act while troonkeks erp by the prontera fountain and add huge tits sprite mods so they can jack off

did I miss anything? you're not going to fall for the macaco trap again, right? this nigger has clearly not learned anything since the first ragna/v/ and I'd like him to keep his word about not making a new server again, please shoot yourself in the face since your server and you meddling with the community has helped bring us to this point where everything is just dogshit.
This is honestly great, I've been advocating for cart cannon on alche for the longest time and I'm glad someone finally delivered.

I would argue through that 700z/1000z a shot from cart cannon is pretty expensive for self-grinding, unless the plan was for us to make another character to farm mats and money for alchemist?

Also are you planning to leave summon flora/marine untouched? Since we're going for the extra mile, it feels like a waste that plant and marine bottles will still suck.
ragna/v/s were the only good 4chan servers to ever exist.
ragnade/v/ does a good job with them, his server settings btfo actual servers.
will be fun to try his class changes this time.
Vanessa gave a fuck about hardcore mode because she kept dying in it LMAO
the only real problems ragna/v/s had were the players
To add to the second line, I'm only bitching about cannon prices because homun got removed so alche no longer has a free damage avenue without digging into their wallet.
are you at least going to post the drawing made by your 6 year old niece as proof?
>No results found
You'll never learn.
this shit is just catro but worse at this point, and you never played old /rog/ servers so who cares about your opinion
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lol stop doing shit server edits already
I think you're still missing other rare mobs like Chepet and can you change the shitty miniboss cards like Eclipse, Mastering etc. as well?
I don't mind server edits.
I don't mind server edits, I mind retard stubborn admins with favoritism to certain groups specially if they're willing to push changes out of nowhere that just benefits his little stars but when they get asked to do reasonable things then it's impossible for them to do anything.
all i ask is the removal of OAB and the ability to say nigger in main chat
why is this too much to ask?
>also removal of discount/overcharge is pure kino
based. thanks for the hard work. I like self buffs being toggles and lowering your max SP temporarily - it's like PoE.

How do the head status resist cards work? Are they still the same where it's +% from your current resistance or do they add the flat number now?
Did you consider giving Alch some of the homun's abilities directly or is it pretty buggy doing this since I guess the homunculus is technically casting them? I think giving them access to Lif's movement speed buff wouldn't be too bad considering that Smith gets Cart Boost. You could also just give it a level that doesn't have full uptime.
It says Pirate Skeleton's effect was removed because of OC/DC changes but DC5 is the only effect of the card. What does it get instead? Did the card just get deleted?
cuckardia status?
B>Gryphon Cards for ragna/v/3, I pay good
stick autosteal or some thief buff on pirate skeleton
Loving the ratshitpiss seethe.
>immediately bitches about smith buff durations and how it gets nothing
he's the only smith I've partied with who has been dogshit at upkeeping smith party buffs. these aren't even targeted buffs either. you just press them when everyone's on screen. also smith is one of the main beneficiaries of level 3/4 weapon changes with all of its weaponswapping and ragnadev is giving it even more mastery which includes some HIT
The drops being 3x and equipment 10x will be more than enough to make up for it.

EDP only works in low rates because of botted item economy. We don't have that issue here, which means every SinX has to farm and make their own poison. It's way too much of a drawback.
Making them last 30 minutes might be a bit overkill but I still want to see if people will make them the DPS class of choice.
Also keep in mind Soul Links, as you know them, will not exist. I'll be reworking the class from the ground up. So, no more free +50% Sonic Blow.

See above.

>2-1/2-2 card combo sets are getting card slots moved around to work with their first class sets, right?
Precisely. You can, for example, have Thief + Assassin at once. By design, this was not allowed before.

Cart Cannon can't be free because it does 1250% damage at Max Level. That's a lot for Pre-Renewal. It's also AoE, elemental with Cannon Balls and Ignores Flee.
You can think of it as AoE Cart Termination for Alchemists.

Things like Eclipse, Mastering, etc were on my initial draft for things to change. Before I go and edit every non-optimal card in the game, I wanted to see how much those changes would impact gameplay. As in, will people actually go and use these options?
There was also the issue where I was running out of....creativity. After exposing the ideas here and listening to feedback, I might get more ideas on how to improve them.

You can say nigger in chat. As for OAB, that will be dealt with. I even know what to do with it already.
>+50% ranged damage
>+50% damage against Neutral monsters
It would still be the #1 bow for fighting Neutral monsters, but no longer any good for elemental monsters(which is most of them). Still amazing but not the One Bow To Rule Them All.
ball fluffing status?
They do not add additively with stats. The game checks for them individually. You can't get immunity by combining the two.

>Did you consider giving Alch some of the homun's abilities directly or is it pretty buggy doing this since I guess the homunculus is technically casting them?
I didn't even look into this. I imagine some would work, others not. The game clearly distinguishes between player characters and Homunculi, but also distinguishes the two from Monsters and players can use Monster only spells fine...

>I think giving them access to Lif's movement speed buff wouldn't be too bad considering that Smith gets Cart Boost.
Smiths needs to get within melee range to bonk. Alchemist doesn't have the same limitation, they don't need movement speed steroids.

>It says Pirate Skeleton's effect was removed because of OC/DC changes but DC5 is the only effect of the card. What does it get instead? Did the card just get deleted?
I edited out the effect for now. It's in reserve, for if and when I want to implement a new card bonus.

That's not a bad idea. I'll try seeing if that works at all.
wow, your ideas continue to be questionable at best
seriously wtf is the status on arcadia or whatever the fuck its called at this point
Nah, it was enough to watch you die 3x and bitch in global about how all of the other hardcore characters who 99'd were just getting carried in parties
what were the IGNs of all of his characters who died?
So Sin won't be able to get Soul Link damage buff?
Which classes will? Knight and Hunter and Bard/Dancer have theirs worked in automatically.
Random mythological names, I don't remember exactly which because fuck the Greeks, they invented gayness
The concept of Soul Links as they exist in the game currently will be removed. Locking builds behind a buff from another class was always a stupid design choice.
What I have in mind for reworking Soul Linker requires them to be in the party and close to the target at all times. These buffs will also work two ways, meaning the Linker benefits from the person they're supporting.
Or so is my plan anyway. I didn't get to that stage yet so I might run into issues or limitations.
there isn't any. he's full of shit.
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>niggerdev did nothing wrong and you just can't understand his vision of "true ragnarok experience"
things have only gotten worse with him and you know it
SinX losing 50% SB damage for 30 minutes EDP is pretty questionable. There's only one build effected and it kind of encourages DD/crit sin but at the same time it still feels like a bizarre change. I wouldn't play SinX with this, and it's a straight nerf to them if you ever add WoE. Also check if you have renewal_edp enabled or not, since this will decide if Grimtooth is affected.

Learning potion is nice for smiths but at the same time it's only 50% recovery, their VIT won't be high and they're losing OC/DC in exchange for it. The extra points don't really matter, you end up with 8 axe mastery which doesn't help much. Axe training is an odd choice because WS doesn't really have more skill points to begin with - all this does is force them to trade levels of weapon upgrading for axe training, then reset twice every time their friends want weapon upgrades. On the other hand, no WS will reach endgame on your game this time, so it doesn't matter, I guess.

Knights are generally overpowered if allowed to persist on a server that lives a long time, but given ragna/v/'s survival length, that doesn't apply here. 1hq doesn't really change anything for them and they are now paying full price for fish and pots, so I'd say they got pretty fucked. Appreciate you trying to get the peco sprite out of the equation though.

Gypsy got absolutely assslammed by losing Bragi access, but that's mostly a WoE thing, so if you're gonna nowoe again it doesn't matter.

I don't know enough about creator (and especially third classes) to have an opinion on it but Rogue looks nice.

Monk still needs help for a minimal MVP competition, no/minimal WoE server. I would strongly consider adding knockback immunity to steel body or allowing them to equip strong shield. Monk is cancer to play in PVE, but you want to foster people doing it because more parties is good for your community.

If you're going nowoe (and no BG) you should also really consider reshuffling Professor's tree around.
into the garbage
giving sniper infinite truesight is probably the most broken balance change i've ever seen.
>Also check if you have renewal_edp enabled or not, since this will decide if Grimtooth is affected
Everything was turned off for Renewal.

>Learning potion is nice for smiths but at the same time it's only 50% recovery, their VIT won't be high and they're losing OC/DC in exchange for it
Blacksmiths were difficult to deal with. I wanted to get rid of OC/DC because it's a set of skills that forces you to make a Merchant in order not to waste money. Just removing them made it so Merchant had nothing to put points on, so I fixed it by giving them a handful of Alchemist skills they could use. Nameless, Axe Mastery and Learning Potion.
Then I looked at the Mechanic/Meister trees and turns out that anything I could possibly give them would completely change the class and make them play completely different. This was okay for Alchemist because, without Homunculus there isn't Alchemist gameplay, but that's not the same for Blacksmith. Almost everything in those trees is either for MADO Gear or for summoning the slave robots.

It's not like there's much more that we can improve for Whitesmith. All they really do is move and hit hard, and they're already excellent in doing both tasks.

>and they are now paying full price for fish and pots, so I'd say they got pretty fucked
The lack of OC/DC affects everyone at the same magnitude. Although that was not really the goal behind this decision, I'd like to see if people take commerce more seriously this time, now that actual raw Zeny is a lot more valuable.
>affects everyone the same magnitude
It really doesn't. No other class chugs the kind of pots knight does. This was offset by Fricco's, which is considered essential for pre-endgame knight, and the IHP 100% boost, but they will still consume twice as many fish/NPC pots as anyone else (barring maybe SG). It probably doesn't actually matter because there's 4.5 people in this community that know how to play Knight and can actually level one, but they're still the big loser from that change regardless.
>Gypsy got absolutely assslammed by losing Bragi access
The two things that were buffed the most by both skill and card changes were auto-attack and critical builds. For these, you benefit way more from Dancer's crit song than Bragi, meaning they have a new support niche to fill.
One of the ideas I had originally was split Bragi's effect into two parts and give half to each of the genders(one gets cooldown reduction, the other cast time reduction) but that would make party compositions even more difficult, didn't feel adequate for a lower pop server.
I'll try and give them the ability to have the other gender's songs through the nu-Linker mechanic I've yet to cook. That would be the most fair option. It's just not going to be a 5 minute buff.

>but Rogue looks nice
Getting to copy a 2nd skill and auto casting magic is very strong but it's what Stalker should have always been.

>Monk still needs help for a minimal MVP competition, no/minimal WoE server. I would strongly consider adding knockback immunity to steel body or allowing them to equip strong shield
Monks are very "stiff" characters. They have a lot of good things going for them. Maces are arguably one of the better weapon types, reasonably fast, always have shields, best movement skill, access to Acolyte buffs and Heal, Teleport and even Pneuma. Yes, they're really terrible to actually play and get them to the point of being useful, but if they became even more capable, they would outright become the most powerful class.

Don't sleep on the change I made to Finger Offensive. Reducing the Cast Time by 40% was a huge deal.

>If you're going nowoe (and no BG)
I haven't said that.
This is probably the most unexpected feedback so far. I honestly thought that I had been rather heavy handed on dealing with Knight. I was expecting people to complain that I hadn't done enough for Crusader instead.

Knight has always been the "need high investment to get good" class. Yes, losing OC/DC will hurt if your game plan relied entirely on chugging potions, but it's not the nail in the class' coffin. And besides, it's not as if there aren't other ways...
Look at the drop rate for potions on the Swordsman Card Combo. Now consider the Item-Granted Item Drop rates. And then consider the +50% heal from the combo, and how it's been made to drop Oranges instead.
How do you think blitz/trap hunters will stack up against Double Strafe? When I played before, a friend told me to only play DS because it was so far ahead in efficiency that it was retarded to do other builds. It made me sad.
Traps are bad when hunter no longer has buff upkeep and beast strafe.
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>permanent truesight
ah so this is just another pet server made for bill and grease to play. third time "owning the plebs", i see.
Without the OAB enabling Hunters to reach 90% of their full damage potential within the first 12 hours of the server, you will need individual bows for each situation. That takes a lot of time and effort.
Double Strafe is probably still the best pure DPS option.
Auto Blitz and Trapping will be worthwhile for situations where you don't have the optimal bow available, though.

People here are often concerned about Hunter/Sniper being way too good, but there's not a whole lot you can do about that. Most of the difficult content in RO involves using tactics that allow players to kill monsters without giving them a chance to fight back, because a lot of monsters/bosses will kill players instantly on contact. Range just happens to be the superior option for dealing with this issue.

From my tests, I think post-buff Gunslingers might just become a match against them. The higher end for Sniper/Hunter is probably still superior, but Gunslingers take a fraction of the effort to equip, specially in regards to Weapon Cards. Players are more familiar with Snipers though, so no doubt they'll still remain widely popular.

Back to talking about traps, I think you will find them most useful during earlier levels, specially if you need to mob monsters. You don't get any sort of real AoE potential until Rebirth and until you've unlocked Sharshooting, so trap's splash is the best you have to deal with.
The change to finger offensive doesn't make Monk's one and only role in party any less miserable, it just means you're a little less useless killing the trash on the way to Nyd. CCRO gets around this, kind of, by expanding blade stop's applicability to more enemies. I don't like this fix and it isn't any more fun to play than miserable laggy wall magnet steel body.

On the unlikely chance I'll play this server, it won't be monk, so I don't really care what you decide, but I don't see any balance concerns adding monk to the strong shield list personally.

>I haven't said that.
I guess? But once bitten, twice shy, and a lot of these fixes have really negative results for the classes in WoE, so it really doesn't look like they're being considered.

Knight, Pally, WS and SinX are my most played classes, so they're the ones I'm most sensitive to, I guess
I really don't like the idea of shifting a class's core strengths to be reliant on card sets, but that's your call, I guess. Assaulter Card doesn't mention Orange potions in its description but the script is "IG_Potion" so I guess this probably fine. The core point I was trying to make was that knights got slapped by your changes and I wasn't sure if you'd realized it. It probably doesn't matter.
>ragnadev enables woe
>three woe castles for some reason
>bg takes a total of 2 people to start but nobody plays because rewards are disabled
>1/3 of ragna/v/ population
>server dead in two months, again
You should test your changes more thoroughly, if some ends up broken you won't be able to take it back without people being mad at you
People are too fucking stupid to even believe that, afterall we saw the same people who got mad at him and said they'd never play HIS GAME playing HIS GAME V2
Fool me once, Shame on you
Fool me twice...Can't get fooled again...
ragnadev can you make gospel moveable while chanting?
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as a newfag who played r/v/2, it was actually a lot of fun while it lasted
>acidify zone needs %atk
The idea is that you can't have optimal stats for AD and for the new skills at the same time. You need STR for both Cart Cannon and Acidified Zones, while you'd get none for AD spam.

Rest assured that, because of the customized nature of this server, you will have wide access to resets this time around.
>didn't even try to help sages
>0.1% of dropping a Poring Box on when killing mob.
>1% to drop strawberry
>1% honey
>Dragon Fly
>1% Grape
>0.3% Four Leaf Clover
>5% Hinalle Leaflet
Bolter Sages are already the best at what they do. Auto Spell got something better than being linked.
What else would you want?

>1% chance of grape or Strawberry
Would you wear this, over other options? I know I wouldn't.
>Auto Spell got something better than being linked.
i'd rather get bonus flee than max lvl autocast spells.
>What else would you want?
something for support sages? reducing some of the skill points required? heck, at least make it so you can buy spider webs from an npc
>Bolter Sages are already the best at what they do.
They're worse, slower leveling ninjas.
>reducing some of the skill points required?
While I do agree that their skill restrictions are painful, that just so happens to be a part of their design. I avoided going into this part of balance.

> at least make it so you can buy spider webs from an npc
Spider Web is a ridiculously strong spell, only held back by the fact you need to ration its usage because of Spider Webs. Selling from an NPC would be mad OP, specially since I do plan on having PvP modes this time.

>They're worse, slower leveling ninjas
Now that's hyperbolic at best.
so everyone gets cool newtoys, but sages get sent to the cuck chair. gotcha
The percentage could be increased until it is viable, I'm just lowballing the initial rates so people won't complain.
Whoever is making these walls of texts for balance changes is literally the dumbest shittiest least fucking experienced ragnarok player in 2024
well it's ragnadev so yeah duh
catRO had better ideas
ragnadev will only buffs the jobs that his clique (bill & co) wants play.
>Enchant Poison + Level 5 Venom Impression will do 187.5% damage on Level 1/2 Fire/Wind/Earth elements. It yields better damage than their opposite element which deals 150% damage for Level 1 and 175% damage for Level 2.
Renewal uses different tables but, for those levels and elements, it's the same and correct information. Using Enchant Poison and Venom Impress is better than using endow, for Lv1 and 2 mobs. It's a very significant improvement.
>>+50% damage against Neutral monsters
At least make the elemental bows better if you're going to kill OAB this bad. There's still no reason to carry elemental bows because their damage still isn't even close to OABs.
>Auto Spell got something better than being linked.
The problem is nobody will fucking play auto spell because it's still fucking useless.
im suddenly very hype. ragnadev thrrow it up as soon as possible plesae
As someone who watched players very closely both times, people do play fun characters that are "useless".

I'd say that my solution to the problem is the most fair one. Between making it worse or gutting it outright, it's still the best bow for something, just not everything.
>At least make the elemental bows better
They're very adequate for what they are. Only need a single card still gets the job done.

I'd say it's about 1/3 ready only at this point. The Linker rework I have in mind will take a lot of work, and then I also want to re-sort the cosmetics pack I use, add new stuff, etc. That's ton of the most boring work imaginable.
>They're very adequate for what they are. Only need a single card still gets the job done.
No it doesn't. It still loses to OAB.
>It still loses to OAB.
Not after I'm done with it.
Still loses to the default OAB.
>people do play fun characters that are "useless".
hindsight isn't really fun when you can't even get close to mobs because you need a fuckton of flee and some gear to even start "having fun". stop oppressing sages nyagger
>I'd say that my solution to the problem is the most fair one.
just make it harder to get, that's all it needs
>just make it harder to get, that's all it needs
Hard disagree, what special gear like that needs is a niche.
If you want to reach max DPS, do like everyone else and farm a specialized carded weapon.
Still don't understand the removal of OAB. Why not just buff other jobs to compete with Hunter?
>do like everyone else and farm a specialized carded weapon.
i don't wanna spend days farming cards for a server that is going to shut down in 2 months, i already did it twice. i'm tired.
0.10 card rates for a population of 20 lmao.
just go play renewal if you want every class to be broken
>just go play keknewal
fuck off GPU
The year is 20xx
Bill has left years ago, however underneath a manhole cover in an unseen alley, rog can be faintly heard discussing his exploits.
How did he multiclient? Did he multiclient? How did he outmvp a guild? Why is sniper op? Is sniper op?
The discourse runs for a time until complete silence, broken only by few words
"Am I trash?"
newfag here, whats different about renewal? is it like maplestory big bang?
Precisely, it was the patch that changed max level from 99 to 150 and almost every game mechanic and spawn.

The RO that most people like to play is Pre-Renewal, but it's not unusual for later content to be ported and adapted, like I'm doing here.
tfw there's 2 pre-big bang private servers I'm waiting on that have been in development hell for years now
>wanting to play pre-big bang
>actually wanting to play maple at all
pre-big bang is way more fun than current maplestory
aeon horizons pip yeou chewie 4leaf

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