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Previous Thread: >>1276385
First for Tessa...
gone but not forgotten
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You guys got any tips for this merchant simulator minigame? Planning on banking on the cheese and rum between underfoot and hendon myre, build an army of cannons and then take on the dumb shark boss blocking the way up to shonan.
Supports were a mistake,i have seen people using megaphones for hours just because they are too pussy to play without an autowin class

Now,if the newest content is designed around having a Sader on your pocket 24/7 then i retract my statement
for early game, seems like you have to sell until you get enough silver to buy another ship/upgrades for more durability. i wasted all of mine yesterday just by exploring the map instead.
>Now,if the newest content is designed around having a Sader on your pocket 24/7 then i retract my statement
try every single piece of content released in the past decade
She killed billions. . .
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I'm With Hilder
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These little shits high pitched squeaks and screams as they get flung by subjugation bosses make me giggle
When is she gonna get raid so i can smack her for being a mystery wizard?
In 2-3 years after correcting the mist brat, putting down the plague dog for good, and maybe dealing with the empire (especially Vaughn) while fighting Gizel for the 1268910682586th time.
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speaking of Vaughn what are your thoughts on his morality regarding saving Arad while working for the empire? Do you think he has some sneaky stuff planned or hes just following orders?
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Which knight class has the biggest milkers?
Elven Knight. She contains those airbags on her chest
>Kill steal your apostle
Nothing personal adventurer.
it's a tie between elven knight and lightbringer for me based on their 3a but honestly it could be any one of them
>Wife dies/becomes retarded.
>Some slutty elf comes to Vaughn not too soon after
>"Hey, I know how to bring your wife back"
>"Just kill some more apostles and suck that funny black smoke coming out of them with these rings"
>"Trust me bro."
He's a Hilder's pawn desperate for his wife, nothing more.
Chaos,no contest

Elven knight second
im surprised she doesnt let them hang out more when she awakened more
you mean chaos or elven knight? chaos might as well go topless if you want more hang out than that
Witch awakening quest is legit just a comedy
Holy shit she is meaty
very meaty
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I'll never understand how Nexon dropped this game. Was super fun, I can't imagine it was difficult to get money from people for skins and shit.
they mismanaged it to the ground to the point where they lost most of the EN players
typical Ne$on
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>Not a full DPS
>But also not a real buffer (No solo buffer buff)
>Doesnt get any advantages for either side
rip synergy
Synergy with what?
synergy classes, that's what lightbringer and a bunch of others were before they got changed into dps. pseudo buffers that help by either increasing party damage or lower enemy defense. the old formation was 2 dps, 1 buffer, 1 syn. if you go into arad adventure some classes still have the s symbol on them.
>help by either increasing party damage
The only good thing she increases is critical and some attack speed,not pure damage
>lower enemy defense
She doesn't have that either, poor girl
Who is the most chad lancer class? Other male characters dont really draw my attention but feel free to convince me
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Vanquisher. He has high range and burst damage compared to others
Troubleshooter is basically duke nukem

>no backstep
literally unplayable
You know a class is pure dogshit when even the people shilling it can't get its name right.
Stop being Chinese.
>timed out with 50% left on the final boss in curtains of mu
is this content that you can't do with object build or do i need to git gud
kind of sucks that the main damage buffs you get from the dungeon don't help object damage
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pick the pet that resets your cooldowns every 8 seconds
do all the minibosses except the one that gives life tokens
ive never tried it with an object set but i finished it in 12 minutes as an Archon rogue
This game looks fun. Is it one of those niche multiplayer games where the only people playing are lvl99999 demigods and you play the entire game alone or are there actually people around to group up with?
You hit the nail on the head although it's a little bit of both. Like other MMOs, the game rushes you to max level where the real game starts. Leveling is streamlined now and you no longer need to party like how it was a decade ago. Too streamlined in fact, they made it completely solo only earlier this year which sucks if you want to play with a friend and experience the DFO journey together. That aside all endgame dungeon contents can be soloed if you wish to play that way except for Bakal Raid and the upcoming Mu Raid.
You'll only play with people around your skill level if you join an active guild. PUBs either demand you have godlike gear or are just doing the run-selling RMT cancer that permeates every single MMORPG
I did have the one that resets cooldowns since he's the one that gives bonus damage against the final boss too but that does very little for me since my skills aren't what deals most of my damage. Looking at my damage chart even with my skills constantly getting reset over 60% of my damage comes from object procs.
The game "encourages alts" (tm) so usually every single autist that has a demi god character also has a dozen shitter alts that they need carried through the harder content. They might be able to clear it on their own but when you're trying to get dozens of characters through content every week you want it done as fast as possible. These guys usually get together and then take turns carrying each other's shitters with their geared characters. This is pretty much the only way you'll get any socializing done in this game.
I did it a lot back during Anton, Luke and Prey but ever since they released solo modes for Sirocco and Ozma I stopped doing that.
I was going to get back into it for Bakal again but even close to launch the hard mode sells were so cheap and you needed so few runs of it that I just bought clears and never did a real raid.
To be honest I just don't think they design any bosses around Object since so few people use it. Is it not possible for you to switch to another set or are you too invested in customs already? Literally anything else would be better.

If you want to keep the easy farm gameplay you can still do that by using the fusions that deal AoE proc damage.
I only play the character for the meme of using object damage with summoner, if I were to swap to something like bleed I'd just play a real character instead. But I am aware that some content is just mathematically impossible for object damage and I was wondering if this was the case here or if it was just a skill issue. I'm also just barely at cutline fame with option level 25, maybe by the time I hit option 40 it will be doable.
>barely at cutline fame with option level 25
That's probably more of an issue than the Object set, I'm at 57k fame with pretty good customs and it still takes me a few tries. It's not easy unless you're playing something really broken like a solo sader and have good customs.
What classes would you like to see added? For me it's Thief - Duelist class with a focus on lightning-fast swordplay and parrying enemy attacks.
>lag sensitive class
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so like vagabond with hyper armor? or with a parry active skill? either way it wont be popular due to it being high management
ever since thief came out i've always wanted her to have a ranged bowman class for her 5th or male thief. now that archer fills that role i'm not sure what else they could add, maybe an actual water based class for starters.
maybe she could be water mage but uses her moves for slip-n-slide mobility
well at this point it doesn't have to be for thief. if neople can figure out how to make a new water class for someone that'd be cool. water need some love!
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>See tier list of how complex classes are
>Summoner is always in the middle
retard here,isnt she just fire and forget while the summons pummel enemies? or its the fact she has no mobility to dodge anything?
this but also you need to keep working your stronger summons while also dodging your paper defense
100% opacity summoner is the hardest class to play in DFO.
>working stronger summons
What does this mean?
summons have additional attacks if used again and go on cooldown
Shit,really? I got to 110 without knowing that,i assumed they would just dismiss if i pressed the key again
>Boss mechanic require you to xxx and jump
Summoner is not about sipping tea in middle of fight anymore.
I doubt anyone has time for that when the screen is constantly flooded by nukes
>Think every class looks cool
>Want to play every class
>End up not playing at all
You are just lazy
So what classes are everyone playing? for me its dudes and dudettes with huge ass weapons like inquisitor and lightbringer also leveling a vanguard on the side to complete the set

why are his cooldowns so fucking long?
Traveler is my main now after her level up event, she passed my old one very quickly after getting all those essentials from giveaways and events.
No idea and Inqusitor's renewal barely addressed the problem. Sleep build helps alleviate that as a starter build but in/after Mu Raid it's not that great anymore when better options are available
it used to be Traveler but then i made a Rogue during that copy your Traveler gear to another character event and she became my main. now im just waiting for the new Archer classes since grinding up another character without a leveling event is hell.
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this week's Asrahan is too difficult for me, i cant beat the final boss
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>Too afraid to do bakal party
How do i cope with this feel?
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Call me autistic, but i really like numak cube attacks
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>Remember his major gimmick is the life point thing in your character. When he casts the life-death thing, you gain or lose a life point depending if you stand in the green or black area respectively. If you lose all points, you fucking die. If you iframe in the moment he finishes casting this attack, you won't be affected by this, for better or worse. Additionally, his attacks and the death (black) area will also drain your life points so do your best to avoid them.
>In the water ball gimmick, remember the balls will drain your life points even while on a green patch while you stand near them. If you only have one point, it'd be wise to regenerate at least one more before taking care of the water balls. It's also quicker to remove them if you stand near them as soon as they spawn.
>Sometimes his attacks will make you drop a "drop" linked to you when you get hit. If life-death hits it on a death area, you will end up losing a life point. Pick it up asap.

Remember the fucking meteor gimmick, most importantly of all.

Indeed, but I hate numak's fight for being such a rng slog with his gimmicks when you can't skip them.
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even her?
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Bakal's Life Matters bigot #BLM
Knight always looks like her head is empty
I will never get into the quantum casino VIP

And that makes me sad
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What are the chances a clear image of this exists? is it in the game files at all? or should i check the media tabs on the websites?
i'm sure you'll get 42k next level up event
Its 54k for expert/VIP
is this image wrong then? >>1367686
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Wrong, VIP is fixed at 42.8k.
where'd you get that image?
Google,i might try asking customer support if they have a clean one if i cant find it anywhere else or in the game files
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ripped this from the files
What was the file name? i tried looking for "Casino" "VIP" "Heartcat" "Solace" or "Kashipa" with no success, do you want some gold as compensation for doing the favor anon?
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sometimes it's obvious while most of the time it's not and you spend ages looking for certain things and this is one of them. i had a spreadsheet with all the commonly used filenames at one point but lost it and can't find it again ever since
Ah its that big ass 150MB file,i assumed those were actually videos (hence cutscene) and didnt even bother touching it

I already messaged customer support asking for the image before i could see your last response, if they have a funny reply i will post it here
I like how she has 2 censored versions,based for posting the uncensored one
we get stuff downloaded from the other servers and never even have a chance to see them which just ends up bloating the game for no reason
damn brat...
needs correction...
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Mass produced humunculus
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Hmmmm... nyo
>Back for your Ebins, Adventurer..?
Gating the money dungeon behind the top whales fame is absurd
I got convinced to play Vanguard as a newbie, am I baited?
If you like the way he plays who cares? just remember to use spacebar at the end of your skills for extra damage
could be worse, you could have been baited into playing creator or dark knight
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This is how you will look in the future, is this what you want? (Not actually my character)
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he does 25% less damage than the good classes and has incredibly long cooldowns
his low mobility makes it difficult for him to kill difficult bosses like C4 Lago
so yeah you kinda did
>b-but e-everyone is viable!!!
is just cope
who are the other two below him?
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does he get higher damage buffs to compensate or it doesnt matter from dps?
dumb cute dragon
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i need to look on arca for more
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no he just sucks
bottom is demon slayer, i forget what the other one is
women's pit fire? thursday? so they get stronger on a certain times of the day like witches cause they get to enjoy the weekend?
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Ignore the chart, the damage difference between top and bottom class only matters on the most end game content, just play whatever you find fun or satisfying (are you really gonna aim for the most end game content at about 54k fame as a new player?)

i rather deal 30% less damage and hear those crunchy smashing sounds than play a top class whose skills sound like wet farts or looks too eyesore for my eyes
female spit fire, and thursday is their awakening damage build
in moonland the weekdays are named after elements
the new raid gives a weapon themed after an element
google translate or whatever retarded nonesense """""""translated""""""" that image sees the character for the element and gets confused and thinks it's a weekday
wood is thursday and the wood element weapon is the one that boosts awakenings
ah i getcha. thanks
Based, I actually ended choosing Vanguard as main
So, what's a good advice once you hit max level? I have been making alts since I noticed it is almost mandatory
First get a complete level 105 set,you should had gotten random epic pieces on your grind to 110

Click seria purple book and find convert option,pick the "Mana to life" or similar named

Now grind the storm wrath dungeon for fragile boundary fragment,use those to grow your epic equips

Repeat at infinite
this but build forward mover's mind set (barrier build) instead, it's stronger
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If she keeps moving her hips like that i will knock her up
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apologems! sweet! it's been a long time since we got any

they do gems too? i gotta log in
Does dfo use any weird intrusive anticheat?
Which one?
Damn, the grinding to max level sure isn't fun. I sure love getting a subpar experience before I can have any fun, it doesn't help that I can't bruteforce it.
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40 days until new archers (leveling event)
trust the plan...
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i will trust her
we will travel together and i will mate press her beside the campfire
why does she dress like that?
Made for Vanguard's big lance
>big puffy jacket
My dick
Isnt that hunter and NOT traveler?
Traveler is more pruder than hunter
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SEXO SEXO SEXO (once shes legal)
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Thats actually the class before traveler, for some reason she dresses MORE as she advances (and her thighs get fatter so its a win)
how easy is this to get into for a new player looking for something to play casually?
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You will solo until level cap,afterwards you will need to farm gold for months to actually get on end game content unless you pony up cash

oh and there is a stamina system,so your play time daily is limited
unistalling rn
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when what?
>Almost ten (10) years and DFO still doesn't have Female Slayer
I think it's time to let go...
ah you mean she doesnt rely on her ghost arm like slayer
Okay bye bye!

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