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>What is Bizarre MMOdventure?
This is an ongoing project from a group of anons dedicated to playing through obscure and niche MMOs, or ones 4chan hasn't played together before.
>How does it work?
The rules so far go as follows:
>Hold a tournament-style voting contest from a list of games
>Play the game that wins the final round of votes for 2 weeks
>If by the 1 week mark everyone drops the game, we fall back to titles we've played before until the current vote ends
>After each game we alternate lists to vote on
You are free to recommend more games be added to the lists, and encourage people to vote on a game you want to play.
>Games we've played so far:
Phantasy Star Universe
Trickster Online (/vm/ general here: >>1308950)
Rising Force Online
RaiderZ (/vm/ general here: >>1346125)
>Current game being played
Clockworks Flyff (https://cwflyff.com)
>Current list being voted on

Ferentus or Warhammer, any thought? Unfamilliar with both.
Ferentus is a mystery box which barely anyone seems to knows about. Looks to be similar to a jankier Korean Everquest. Potential for kusokino is there, but it could just end up being pure kuso instead for all we know.
Warhammer is a largely PvP-focused MMO, beloved by those who enjoyed it but not necessarily made for everyone. Could be fun if you're into that sort of thing.

Also, the OP doesn't include the real voting results for Ferentus Vs. Warhammer. We've had issues with cheating/poll fixing since Polltab has terrible security, so the ACTUAL in-progress results of that match-up are here: https://directpoll.com/r?XDbzPBd3ixYqg8C8sEYLNtQkSy378JSA3kXmvTfT1RyVFZE
>How do I vote on this bracket?
Gotta play the game we're currently playing up to a certain point, and someone will give you a Directpoll token to use for all votes past Round 3 of pools. It's not elegant, but it works to prevent some random powertripping autist from having total control over what we play next.
warhammer is some autistic, pyschopath pvp simulator
ferentus is generic fantasy mmo somewhere between EQ and WoW
very slow, boring combat
somehow the world is like designed for titans but you are tiny as any race, even running from place to place in town is like 3x your stamina bar's worth of spirinting
btw there is a cash shop item to make it so you can sprint without using stamina : ^ )
also stamina is used for combat so even if you sprint to a place to kill mobs you have to sit down and regen stamina before you fight
inventory is incredibly tiny, but you can buy bigger bags and they don't seem to be cash shop
thankfully quest items go to a dedicated space which was a surprising QoL
There are buffs that are leveled via casting that alleviate a lot of problems
Warhammer character/classes sound super ____FUN!____
>even running from place to place in town is like 3x your stamina bar's worth of spirinting
Not on the private server, you move actually too fast
>some autistic, pyschopath pvp simulator
What is with you vacationers and your absurd extremism?
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>alicia down
horses are sleeping
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Alicia lobby
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my game isn't launching...
I don't think the severs are back up yet.
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why did you trick me?
sorry, i just wanted to see you again so bad
i'm new here, is it too late for me to join you guys? how big was this whole thing when you first did it compared to now?
it's a bit late to join the current game Flyff since we will be moving on to the next game on Sunday. You can download the game and make a character to join us for the guild screenshot on Sunday if you want. I wasn't around for the first one so I don't know how big that was.
Comparing Ferentus to EQ is too high praise. It probably has the most common with Lineage 2 but hard to say if it differentiates itself in a good or a bad way.

Still could be interesting, it's definitely one of the most interesting games in our polls because we just don't know much about it. Hoping that will deter the metafaggotry and speedrunning for it.

The bonus with Warhammer is that levels don't matter that much making it easier to play together.
There's a combination of factors that have been chasing away players and Flyff being total dogshit piled on top of it. Hard to say how many anons will be around for next game. I think we peaked 30+ players.
>There are still anon shitting themselves over Flyff
Lmao. You'll be begging for Flyff after some of the games we'll be playing. The bar can go much, MUCH lower, even after OP pruned the original list.
Clockwork FlyFF fucking SUCKED
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Explain how.
Almost every time some anon has started screaming about how "X GAME I'M NOT PLAYING IS SHIT" in these threads, they either make things up, harp on shit which was easily fixable/preventable/avoidable, or just don't bother going into detail.
Flyff has some big flaws no matter what server you're playing on, but it's still a mid tier KMMO at worst compared to some of the truly low tier games we'll be putting up with at some point.

wait that's unfair, I've been voting regularly for Warhammer and now I can't do it anymore because of some dumb fuck?
and, I don't want to play FFF to get a token now that everyone is done with it

this system is flawed I don't think you'll get new players if go down this "our clique can only vote" road
>Attack speed increase
>Buff NPCs
>obsolete skills
>daily dungeon limit
NTA but
>leveling speed too fast and pushes you from place to place without allowing you to organically explore
>you're given magic teleport tickets to special places with good exp rates, but never told how to get back there without a ticket
>given like 15 buffs, not told what they all do, how impactful they are, or where to get them all. Even the peng doesn't give them all back
>inventory filled with like 20 items all useful and you're not given ideas what they do
>Bunch of NPCs slammed into town making an already cluttered place even more cluttered
>Many of these added NPCs are purely there to sell you paywalled content such as pokemon shit or whatever the fuck klee from genshin impact is doing
There's more stuff I'm sure I would have found if not turned off in my first hour by that server. The FlyFF universe server doesn't do any of these things. The FlyFF Legacy server doesn't do any of these things.
This is a Clockwork issue.
I asked around and to make a guild on Ferentus you need to be level 30 and have 7 other people at least level 18. Level 30 is actually quite high so it's likely we won't have a guild for this run.
I already made it.
>alle already pleveling ahead to maintain control
>her clique has probably already abandoned flyff without telling anyone and they've beyond us in ferentus now too
I'm not defending Shit server from these claims:
But with how grindy it apparently is, it seems like it'd be an absolute slog to play the game w/o p2w or super boosted servers. 100x might've been overkill, but 1x would've been shit too. You need to use an integrated 3rd party tool to autoheal or shit kills you, need to use p2w mana/energy flasks (which the server gives you for free), or you'd have to spam mana flasks too on the 3rd party tool. Not sure if that would be affordable, but having to sit down after each combat wouldn't fly. I think my biggest gripe with the server was the teleport tool, while it's very convenient, it robs you from a lot of immersion and exploration. Dungeon cap was shit, not sure if this is part of base game?
>this system is flawed I don't think you'll get new players if go down this "our clique can only vote" road
Open vote system got exploited by a singular rigger nigger and ruined the fun for literally everyone. We haven't come up with a perfect solution yet, but for now we're doing tourney-based bracket voting up until semi finals, and then tokens in-game to the people who played to decide semis and finals.
The concept of a dungeon cap (i.e., a max amount of daily attempts) seems to be more of an (earlier) asian MMO thing.
You actually don't need to spam flasks in normal flyff, you usually play in a group with a healer and somebody to tank. The version we played is completely watered down for stats, normally you might put points into dex to increase your block rate or sta to increase your health to round out your build. The only change we needed was removing break chance from upgrading and removing dungeon limits.
>But with how grindy it apparently is, it seems like it'd be an absolute slog to play the game w/o p2w or super boosted servers.
If your goal is to see everything about a game then we need to exclusively play high rates, but I think it's better if we just enjoy as much as we can and then move on because ferentus is going to be the grindiest game we've done by a lot, people just need to get used to it.
what do you mean? WoW has and basically always had the same thing. Well, it is a number of resets per hour but that is a distinction without a meaningful difference.
XIV has one too it is just so high it is basically impossible to hit it unless you are a bot teleporting around for light farming for 16 hours.
>Open vote system got exploited by a singular rigger nigger and ruined the fun for literally everyone.
You forgot to mention how this rigger nigger COINCIDENTALLY always chose the game the clique wanted to play. If it wasn't for him we wouldn't be playing Flyff.
Dungeon cap reminds me more of actual gacha daily energy system
who is the clique?
The group that is managed by the person who call himself "ringleader"
5 resets per hour that you're never going to hit naturally (that is, running in a 5man at the normal intended level) is nowhere near the same as a maximum of two entries per day.
who is in this group?
And stop acting retarded, I know what you're trying to do but it's not working.
This post made me realize i don't want to play your shitty games, i'll just play Aion AionEU private server, bye nerds.
And stop acting retarded, I know what you're trying to do but it's not working.
>I don't want to play your shitty game
>Plays a worse p2w game
Anon, respect yourself a little bit more.
AionEU is a private server with 1,1k people. Yeah, since official servers are the worst p2w bot hell mess you will ever see.
He called himself a ringmaster because that's a class in Flyff
He called himself ringleader of MMOdventure. Nice revitionism retard.
>pedophile ringmaster is a class in the pedo anime game.
Allegreza has no clique because no one actually likes him outside the game.
And stop acting retarded, I know what you're trying to do but it's not working.
Link it
Hello Alle
Is this game fun if I don't care about pvp? I only hear people talk about how good the pvp is and how shit the game became after some patch that changed the world.
Stop shitting up the thread.
>Is this game fun if I don't care about pvp?
hmmm i would say no. Since most of the game content is PvP centered, you will have to pvp even if you don't like it.
Everyone worth a shit here came from /v/, retard. The project started there.
>came from /v/
>worth a shit
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I... have also performed a questionable decision recently. To be fair, I always have and always will play lots of MMOs at any given time.
>You have to suck my dick or else leave the general
That's why people are tired of your shit, we want to play games WE chose, not follow your ass
This happened because we were filtered by RF Altruism. It all started there. We were tempted by the gratuitious amounts of affordable, easy to digest potassium. We have entered the doomed tryhard timeline. The thread of prophecy is severed.
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Here is the voting link for those with tokens.
What are you? a 40 years old mother?
what am i trying to do?
Bumping this for those who can still save us, between not being able to chat in-game and exp being slow, anyone who lags behind will literally never be able to catch up. Warhammer has almost no restrictions and you can even use scrolls to slow your xp if you're leveling too fast and want people to catch up.
Plus it scales you(r level) down if you visit lowbie zones.
Not having a guild for a few days, if that, would be a blessing. I hit level 8 in only a couple hours when I tried it last month though.
I'd vote for warhammer, but I'm too lazy to reinstall flyff
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>Hoping that will deter the metafaggotry and speedrunning for it.
We'll probably end up running into the opposite problem.
Ferentus is slow, real slow compared to everything we've played so far. Movement is slow, combat plays out at a very measured pace, inventory space is extremely limited early on, and leveling is glacial since FHX is a 1x server. Wouldn't be surprised if the zoomers among us just didn't have the patience for it, and started bitching about it en masse by the end of the 1st or 2nd day.
>>1359484 comparing it with Lineage 2 isn't unfounded, and it's hard to say whether anon who didn't grow up with that game and others like it would be able to tolerate something like Ferentus.
>Wouldn't be surprised if the zoomers among us just didn't have the patience for it
Ironic considering it's a 2 week high rate MMO group.
what a rude person. just say my name and be done with it, and it was never about the rates. and be no worry, ill leave the project so you never have to worry about zoomers again.
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It's that time again, Anon. Time to vote for which Minigame we end up playing tomorrow!
Just as before, we'll be playing whichever title wins this roughly ~24-hour vote at 23:00 UTC the following day (4:00PM PDT / 7:00PM EDT). While it's fantastic to see so many of (You) taking a liking to Alicia Online (far more than anticipated), its success in the previous Minigame Night has excluded it from the running on this go-around.

And to get ahead of the pack in case anyone might be new, here's a whole slew of 'sites related to the games mentioned on this current list (obviously you needn't download all of these, whichever one wins is just fine):




S4 League:

Survival Project:
(Follow download instructions, added account verification steps shown on the site aren't necessarily necessary if you just want to play for a night)


We have quite the eclectic mix of Anon participating in this project, young and old.
Tolerance towards The Grindâ„¢ isn't necessarily dictated by age range alone, despite what that Anon might imply, and I do hope that stance continues to hold true once we transition over to whichever of the two major tournament finalists come out on top this Saturday.
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why cant we all get along?
There's too many schizos and faggots here. I'm done, good luck with your project.
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Tsk, uploaded an earlier version of the poll with that post. This is what I get for rushing through things before having to head off to work.
Here's the actual minigame poll, with its proper runtime (and fixed typo):
Apologies for the messiness there.
i've wanted to play Warhammer with all of you i'm so fucking mad I was voting for it for weeks
yeah well clearly no one else does
be honest, how many of you fags always posting here actually play the games? the difference ingame and on this thread is night and day, you'd think these were completely different groups of people
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I'm sure they weren't talking specifically about you please don't leave...
in-game has a name attached so people are more likely to be nice
also don't lie nobody is fucking playing flyff
the server choice was asshole shit crap
I also wanted to try warhammer but I've been wanting to play Ferentus since last poll so that got my vote
I remember playing 1x as a kid, and if I go by the fact that with all of these steroids in a 100x server, AoEing 30 elephants would give you like 5% xp on certain levels, you can imagine how unachieveable leveling would be. I think I only hit like ~25ish as a kid. Not excusing 100x because as I said, that might've been overkill, but 1x was likely not the way with FlyFF. Trickster was 10x I think, maybe something around there would've been fine on FlyFF too.
FlyFF was voted into finals with in-person tokens after going through semis/finals, hardly the work of Rigger Nigger. If anything, I think it was Toram/Ferre/Warhammer and... fuck, I forget the 4th one in that bracket. But two(?) of those were the ones being blatantly rigged (who knows which ones were subtly).
Me too, me too anon. I read a bit of the wiki and was enchanted by the flavor in the classes. I say this as a tokenfag too. Hopefully some more tokenfags see the light and vote Warhammer until poll closes, if not, we stomach ksloppa and wish for a better outcome 2 weeks after.
I post, I play, and I vote.
Florensia. I had to look through the archives.
I don't even think it's the rates, well, insane rates aside, but it's more that the routine is now set as:
>rush to log in during the first 10 minutes, if you don't manage this it will impact your entire run
>rush to get in the first party, obviously alle's
>spam of info and right things to do, server already picked clean for info and discoveries 3 days before
>here's what to do
>here's what you don't do
>entire chat is mainly just party? inv to party? any party? now because the goal is set, any deviation will split you from anons generally
>see you at max lvl if you havent jumped in [the party]
>we are going to do [raid]/[dungeon]
>nevermind most of us quit week 1
>people not even in the main party take funny pics together and keep the soul torch burning

it's just... its boring, it's the reason i quit modern mmos honestly so maybe we need to play something older and shittier idk

thats my 2 mesos anyway
Aion bros, what i´m in for?
>they voted for flyff instead of sots
10 hours in the character creator then quit after 30 minutes
>10 hours in the character creator then quit after 30 minutes
Sounds based
i'm ready
option 2
>Doesn't mention FlyFF before the semis
spottem gottem
Maybe 2 weeks it's just not enough, Maybe if we play 30 days the endgame fags would calm down and experience the game as it was meant to be
i would prefer 30 days or 3 weeks on, 1 week off, so relax people can relax and everyone has time
maybe you should just realize that it doesn't make sense that everyone should experience and enjoy things the way you personally enjoy them
just because you like pepsi doesn't mean you should try to engineer things into making coke drinkers like pepsi
if liking pepsi somehow requires that you have other people also drinking pepsi maybe you shouldn't think of them as a means to an end of you enjoying pepsi
thats why people are dropping out at a massive rate, no point, may as well play your own things your own way
yeah boy
>entire chat is mainly just party? inv to party? any party? now because the goal is set, any deviation will split you from anons generally
there are many people who simply don't talk
>2 mesos
my brother can you assist me in my time of need why are there no video game platformers like jump quests? 20 years and i haven't found anything
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>entire chat is mainly just party? inv to party? any party? now because the goal is set, any deviation will split you from anons generally
You either didn't play, or played late (exclusive to FlyFF because it died off/split up relatively early). I had some hearty keks and nice conversations.
Still haven't gotten over this.
A lot of people were sppeaking about FlyFF in the thread I think. What did FlyFF go against before the semis again? I remember SotS finals... Ferrentus Semis maybe? I remember one of the starting brackets being FlyFF-Requiem. Dunno anon, open poll system (or maybe site actually) is flawed, no shit.
>A lot of people were sppeaking about FlyFF in the thread I think.
Only bad things, there was no positive posts about Flyff but *somehow* won every poll getting most of their votes in the same short time period. Really makes you think.
Fucking hell i hate flying, i hate waiting for fly time, i hate this game AAAAAAAAAAAAAA
>(exclusive to FlyFF because it died off/split up relatively early
i am referring to my time on flyff and maybe a little bit of raiderz despite raiderz being ok, with a good server

games previous were very fun and i had a great time with anons
>why are there no video game platformers like jump quests?
idk but maple had weirdly good quests for a korean grind, it was early enough in mmo design trends that the quests still gave useful things like red whip, bathrobe, straw hat and equip scrolls instead of greens you trash after you kill 5/5 wolves a zone over

praising maple for its quest design is a new low for me
>praising maple for its quest design is a new low for me
Don't feel so bad. I was just praising achievements to myself because it allowed me to reminisce and remember some exact timeframes in an older one I'm playing.
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2 week timeframe is the bane to this whole thing.
If you're not clocking in every day and keeping up you might as well fuck off until you can, nobody is rolling alts because it's not even a semi-permanent experience.
Timeframe isn't the problem, it worked for the first three games.
The monster seared into my brain is the slime, from the slime tree near Ellinia. Getting KS'd by every mage ever.
A few people rolled alts in FlyFF. Allegreza even leveled four characters: two purely to idle as buffslaves.
That was ez, now try to get pig heads.
Why can't clikeks do this?
>More than 2 weeks of FlyFF
Oh god no. 2 weeks is the sweetspot imo at least. Less than 2 weeks on a good game will feel bad, more than 2 weeks with a shit game will feel horrible.
Because I don't play shit
I can, and have before. When I was 16.
Not sure if I'm a clikek or not at this point. I might be in the grey space if there is one(?)
>get pig heads.
oh god
A zoomie focusing on something for an hour is groundbreaking in 2024.
seems like Ferentus is going to win, nobody saved us. Get ready for two weeks of people complaining that they irreparably fucked up their build and can't get into parties to make progress. If you aren't a spedrunner, make sure you pick Archer or Summoner, those are the only two classes that can solo farm to be able to afford mercenaries with 100% uptime, otherwise you have to be in a party at all times.
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>Get ready for two weeks of people complaining
We'd have two weeks of people complaining even if Warhammer won.
We will get two weeks of people complaining in these threads for every game, no matter what it is.
Stop complaining like a little faggot already
Let me say that making the game decided by a random roulette would kill all bitching since it will stop feeling like a competitions and anons won't feel like "they lose" if their game isn't chosen and they wouldn't feel inclined to cry about it
I think that'd be much better but when it was suggested last thread the leader responded with
>it'd just be kinda lame to have a clearly-defined winner established on the first day
well you see, the ringleader wouldn't be able to rigg it so that's why he's against it
It would be rigged regardless of who ran the roulette.
Not if it's streamed when it happens
>But he could run a code in PHP that'd mess with the roulette page
I doubt he's able to do that
>This stream was pre-recorded!
Just make him read the chat
>denies being a chronically lonely loser desperate for people to talk to them
>30 posts later
>why don't people talk to be besides "inv party"
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I dropped day 1 because that allegreza guy was talking like a retard. I don't like people like him
hope you guys had fun
I like Alle
I believe you.
Sorry for the long reply, just trying to share my experience with everyone.

After playing for two weeks with the folks, I believe the system of allowing people past certain point in progression in the current game to vote for the next game is accurate.

These games are MMOs, don't forget that. They are meant to be played the way you wanna play it at your pace, and nobody is asking anyone to play every single day of the current time frame.

For ClockworkFlyff, reaching 80-M was completely feasible in less than 2 days (without ever feeling too grindy, as the server had multiple EXP Boost items, buffs and advantages to leveling, being handed daily for free every single day) and I was playing completely casually. I even went missing for days, and never felt behind. The folks were pretty helpful giving good insight about the game and even helped to catch up.

I see anons here criticize Alle, but I'm pretty sure nobody else is gonna have the patience to deal with your bullshit, even less to take the time to set everything up, guide and prepare everything for the new players that get in.

Finally, Yes I also believe the system is flawed as well and could see some revision in order for fairness to be what chooses next game but my experience was pretty comfy and I'm looking forward for what ever game comes next. Be open to experience weird stuff, and don't be so stiff, and I also agree a more relaxed "progression point" threshold should be purposed for more grindy games like the ones being purposed.
>For ClockworkFlyff, reaching 80-M was completely feasible in less than 2 days
No the issue here is nobody fucking wants to play Clockwork Flyff, they wanted Flyff. Two different games here.
Making multiple posts about one topic doesn't make you more than one person.

>clockwork mentioned 10 times
>only one direct negative association with it throughout the ENTIRETY of the past thread
Stop shitting up the thread, nigger.
I'd like to hear about your experience at the end of the next game. You've just played the most casual and easy game so far and the next game will be the most demanding, unfortunately as a casual gamer you're going to understand why so many people are bitching. Please make another post in two weeks about your experience, it'll be useful for a number of reasons.
>>clockwork mentioned 10 times
nta but you need to see the thread before that, since that was when the servers were being discussed and when it became obvious it was being rigged by allegreza because they could do all their meta speedrun strats on cw but couldn't on the normal servers.
>it became obvious it was being rigged by allegreza
Didn't read beyond this. Stop shitting up the thread. It's simple.
kill yourself allegrezza
>anyone who doesn't agree with me is x!
>doesn't stop shitting the thread up

I understand that, but try to get my point. Only players that are at least willing to reach certain progression "casually" or at least, demonstrate they are active in the current game, should be the ones that decide next game. If you are new to the group, then jump on the current game and earn a vote by at least, joining the guild and introducing yourself. If you are not willing to do that, then you are the problem.


Gladly. I don't mean to disregard anyone's else opinion. I'm just trying to share my own experience.

Overall, I do believe a "Casual" minimum progression that can be reached in a day or two should be at least be in place, as just cheesing the polls is more bullshit than anything.
would you have played Order or Chaos
You can't rush 80-M if you want to experience all the dungeon difficulties.
It kills the thread though. At least the earlier threads where anons were shilling for people to vote for their game and would upload screenshots and explain mechanics/express why their game is good. They'd then rally behind games per bracket daily. Was pretty neat to be a part of. The last 2 threads haven't had any of that... so IDK. I blame rigger nigger.
Either is fine. I would've liked to play the aura-debuffing tank if Chaos, and wacky blow-yourself-up mage on Order.
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>tfw Alicia is still down.
I just wanted to go for one last ride bwos...
New minigame soon, I can't see who's winning but most of them are fun.
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gib banan you ziggers
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Fuck this. I'm gonna play on my own.
>Realm of Retards
Yeah you would.
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Its so over Ferentus Bros
alicia was good because everyone had a chance to win and have fun. games like s4 and gunz aren't going to be fun for everyone because of skill differences.
If you're still around in a little bit, I have a few low level chars and I can hop on to play with you for a bit if you'd like.
S4 is fun, you have a team to lean on and objectives aren't all about k/d.
i said fun for everyone, not that you can't have in them. if there's a big gap of skill in teams and ends up one sided, only some of those players will have fun.
I'm downloading now if you don't mind waiting for me, which faction are you going?
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guys I must voice my concern and frustration that alicia isn't working. I haven't been able to sit still since. I always end up in tears thinking about I might never be able to play Alicia Online ever again. Just the thought of the servers staying shut forever is enough to bring me to my knees in tears. This morning I went to a Target to buy some carrots, and when I saw a sign talking about the carrots being from a local farmer, I fell to my knees in the Target. It reminded me too much of this game. I was bawling my eyes out so bad that an employee had to escort me to my car so I could drive back home. These past few days have been some of the worst I've ever had, having to just sit here in front of my laptop with nothing to do is really getting to me. My friends have tried consoling me but to no avail. All I can do between my breaks from crying is watch old pics of us playing this game along with thinking about the good days when we could play the game. I seriously can not take this any more.
Oh shit, this project actually got off the ground? I remember seeing it before the first game was picked on /v/ I think.
We're on flyff now? For how long?
Alicia isn't fun for everyone then. If you're a good player and you eat dookie right at the finish line it's not thrilling, or if you're last the whole race and get a boost at the end to steal the win it doesn't feel rewarding to upend people that were outplaying you. At least in S4 you can manage who is in what team.
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Chronicles of spellborn? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Chronicles_of_Spellborn

flyff is the fifth game and it officially ends in a day when we take the final group screenshot, shortly after that we'll be starting on Ferentus for two weeks.
I have some characters on both sides. Pick whichever you like more.
>second guy you quoted
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What Judaism
theres no verification required, don't know how abusable that'd be without a limit
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While the previous two Minigame Nights had polls which were all tied-up 'til the very end, this one wasn't even close (relatively speaking).
GunZ The Duel is our minigame for the night! Time to show the crowd just how smooth your K-Style really is.

Head over to https://fgunz.net/ to download the title and create and account, if (You) haven't already.
I'll be getting a room up for us shortly named "MMOdventure Madness" (pass is "rage" as per-usual), which should be easily discoverable in the game's server browser. Feel free to mess around a bit in the options if needed, some of the default keybindings aren't necessarily ideal if you're wanting to flaunt some advanced tech.
I'm certainly not the best at this particular title by any stretch (especially as I didn't land as much sleep as I would've liked today), so no worries about any sort of perceived skill gap getting in a way of a having a good time.
I want this too. Micromanagement is against the spirit of 4chan and random roulette where we all get pulled to some rando adventure fits the spirit of the thread best, for me.
>I'm certainly not the best at this particular title by any stretch (especially as I didn't land as much sleep as I would've liked today), so no worries about any sort of perceived skill gap getting in a way of a having a good time.
Oh, put a sock in it.
gottem ;)
He's obv upset at his thread detractors or w/e is going on, why not just have it out openly instead of da attitude
There was a post about Alicia being for everyone since it's Mario Kart and Gunz isn't, the post is probably towards that.
GunZ is probably the most skill based lobby game we're going to play, and there's at least one guy who plays prolifically. don't know why the retard is always personally offended whenever said person makes a post
guys get the fuck in here this is gonna be comf
Well, if you say so, but I hope you bros chill out.
Yeah, these threads have been pretty chill other than the namedrop faggotry
uhhh guys?
Upgrade to Linux and stop being a schizo
Hey dudes, can i use this thread to post my private server Aion bizarre adventure blog? Thanks in advanced!
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Feel free, my friend.
I was busy with university for the past 10 days, so i didnt play Flyff, in a few days i will be going to a vacation, i think i will make it to the end of the first week of Ferentus, does anyone know how much data Ferentus uses and can it be played on a Ryzen 5625U laptop, i assume it can but i think i will get a limited data plan (10 GB or more) while im in my vacation spot. If its minimalistic, i may even hop on while on vacation.
It isn't very graphic intensive
Booba, cute elite cat girl
If you pre-download it and close your other programs, 10gb should be fine, the actual data being transmitted is small. That being said, just enjoy your vacation anon, if you start after a week I'll make a new character and level with you.
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Well that was neat!
Hadn't played GunZ since it was new in the 'States, and it really looks like the game's diehard community took what they loved about the core experience and ran with it. So many game types, soooo many maps of all kinds!
From ultra-serious 1v1/melee-only duels on tournament-legal stages, to beloved staples of other arena shooters like instagib railguns and CTF, all the way down to silly stuff like playing a bodged-together Among Us knock-off on Minecraft and Rats-inspired maps. Had some big-time CS1.6 vibes from the sheer variety on display, and even if I was getting smoked in most matches, it was still a blast more often than not.

Frustratingly, however, I didn't take a single screenshot of the chaos the entire night, as I thought the function was bound to Print Screen rather than [F12]! Hopefully someone else was taking photos - although I'd imagine it'd be pretty tricky to land anything respectable-looking in the heat of the moment; especially with how fast the TTK can be in that title.

Tomorrow comes the Farewell to Flyff photoshoot at around ~21:00 UTC (2:00PM PDT). Be sure to be there if you're ready for your close-up! (I'll not hide anyone behind gigantic mounts this time, whoops).
Following this, we'll begin our next MMO expedition to the harsh and uncaring realm of Ferentus at 23:00 UTC (4:00 PDT). Rally your patience, for it looks to be far more methodically-paced of a title than what we've encountered so far.
The next mainline poll, and associated /vg/ thread for Ferentus, will also coincide our start in that title when it comes about.

Just in case (You) haven't downloaded/registered for that entry yet, here's a link to the ONE (1) private server still being hosted for the game, so far as we're aware:

Thanks again for joining, you 'lot. See (You) all tomorrow afternoon!
Here you go
Yeah, ill predownload today and measure the data sent (just as a test) + dont worry about the vacation, i like playing video games, i wont be on the laptop 24/7 ofcourse, i will go for a swim and lay on the rocks as well.
Alle, I seriously think the list for the next cycle is totally barren of quality. It's so bare that bloody Flyff won because the others were somehow worse.
If it is at all possible, I'd greatly appreciate it if you were to prune Esper's list or add some of the more anticipated titles from the new list.
>Flyff won because the others were somehow worse
Flyff won because its a game people recognize or have played. Adding other games people recognize or have played is going to make the actual obscure games no one has played remain as such which defeats the whole point.
at the very least games that made the finals like SotS, Warhammer should have their turn before the more popular titles get put in. for the record SotS lost by like 1 vote against Flyff, and is relatively unknown
or have popular titles like Tera come with a penalty like -5 votes, to give other games a fairer chance
The plan is to play absolutely everything on both lists, the order is pretty irrelevant.
What part of "there are more titles on the list of games than there are voting options on any individual polltab 'tournament'" do you retarded fucks not understand?
I can't believe anon got isekai'd into Warhammer Fantasy.
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Unrelated to our upcoming times on Ferentus today, but whilst preparing the next mainline poll, I took the liberty of doing some remedial research for a few titles which have been suggested to me in the past.
These are just a scant few of the MMOs which have been sent my way, but this should at least settle the validity of a few potential inclusions further down the road.

>Continent of the Ninth Seal (C9)
Private servers are dead. Last known private server for the title (C9 Revolution) went down sometime in ~2023.
Official servers (c9-gl.valofe.com) appear to be functional, although Steam's version leads to a dead client.

>Prius Online
Dead. No known private or official servers exist at this time.
An ill-fated rebrand/relaunch of the game known as "Arcane Saga Online" also came-and-went on Steam, and has been shut down since mid ~2013. There are no known private servers of this version either.

>Lunia Online
Potentially two private servers, Lunia Reborn and Lunia Z: Revival.
Lunia Reborn hasn't seen any kind of official activity since November 2023 judging by the site's forum, although it isn't necessarily dead.
Lunia Z: Revival looks to be receiving active development, as per a recent patch dated July 3rd, 2024. Servers are likely located in Brazil, however, as the primary language for the site/client is Português (albeit with an English translation available).
Official servers are long-since dead.

Private server technically exists (info.fairyland.online / Silent Gaming), but is so overly convoluted to access that it might as well not really exist (yet).
Official servers have been dead for over half a decade.

>Dark Ages
One private server potentially exists (Legends: Age of Chaos), but requires joining the server's Discord to download the client.
Official servers (darkages.com) appear to be functional.

Technically alive?
Can't tell whether this is a private server, an official one, or a spiritual successor of sorts: riseofagon.com
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Additionally, I've replaced Everquest 2 in the upcoming tournament with Space Cowboy/Air Rivals/Ace Online (which does mean the current OP image is now inaccurate, and will be corrected two threads from now).
Everquest 2's Origin server (which was the intended path we'd take for the game if it ever got voted-in) appears to require an existing subscription to the base game, which is obviously not something many of us would be willing to do for just a two-week lark.
Was able to find multiple private servers for Ace Online, however, including one (Galaxy Gears) which appears to have gone live quite recently. Made for a good-enough replacement 'til a more comprehensive refresh of the existing lists (or again, and entirely new list) is conducted sometime later on.
Origins being paid was painstakingly obvious from the get-go, and clarified threads ago.
Ferentus is so crusty, it looks and plays like trash, I don't think it's going to hold much interest but it's the type of game I hopped on this bus for. I wish we had more random picks like this instead of chaining known games generally heard of, to echo some sentiment somewhere above.
8 people who played long enough to receive a token flat-out did not vote.
I remember Ace Online, had zero idea how the fuck to progress because was retard kid. It's still around? That's wild.

Can't believe I missed the RF Online playthrough ahhhhh
Some people don't want to upset others I bet
I don't see why the Origins server matters. It's not like any metric of shit you would judge that awful game cannot be handwaived by a turd like Clockwork unironically being played on.

Not complaining though, played EQ2 solo a while ago and it was boring.
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enjoy this clip, atleast it will be authentic with the frame drops, i already feel like im in 2005
Dark Ages requires a $10 subscription fee to actually play, but there is a free trial.
ew I do NOT miss those low framerate days wew.
In the launcher, enable the Vulkan renderer, should fix that.
Definitely smoother, high resolution option had much longer freezes (smooth, then a longer half second freeze) when scrolling through the crowd, original works very well however, thanks for the tip. Do you know what the difference between original and high res is? High res. seems brighter (?) for some reason.
>Do you know what the difference between original and high res is?
Not sure, I think the texture quality is just better. I had frame drops in rog but they stopped when I changed to vulkan, maybe when the others start somebody will find a fix.
It could be that yeah, it would explain why i chug really hard (8gb shared ram, windows is NOT helping with its overhead use of system resources)
Aion bros, we are so back.
Do we have to pick the same race for any reason in this?
Made for BAC (Big Asmodian Cock)
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it's over
Choose what you want
Checked and thanked.
So why do we even vote, we don't really have an opinion of what to play then.
You explain yourself to warhammer anon then because hes very upset and you had a part in it. >>1359968
Now don't waste your vote next time, it's anonymous and you're the only one patting yourself on the back for it.
Finally, my first PvP zone, wish me luck, cuties.
I wanted to play Warhammer too, kinda bummed.
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Elf-san wa Yaserarenai
so uh what are we doing in two hours when this shit is still unable to log in like it is now?
You can make an account and still login to the game. That's just the website.
Are we gonna play warhammer after everyone quits ferentus in 2 days?
3 of us already started. I'm not waiting a fucking month before playing it.
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Ready to be immortalized in virtual film, Anon? The Farewell to Flyff photoshoot is soon upon us!
If you're keen, sign-on to Clockworks, open up your Teleport Menu ([V]), select "[City] Eldeon", and head off to Layer 1 of the map. Then just venture north of the central tower, and you'll find me standing there.
Will make sure not to obscure anyone who's arrived this time - no repeats of RaiderZ's rather questionable photowork.
Ideally, we'll have this 'shot taken in about ~15-20 time (should've posted this a good bit sooner, but I'm running a little late today).
No, gunz.

Nice clique faggot.
wait when's the ferentus start?
Nobody ever posted any contact in the thread. Downloaderanon fell into his computer and drowned.
About an hour and a half from now.
well fuck I guess I'm gonna miss out on the start again
>one of the screenshots on the ferentus site has one of the admins telling someone else to "move nigga"
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Annnnd photoshoot done!
First, a typical line-up 'shot with names turned on...
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Next, a slightly more dynamic 'take with several of us trying in vain to wrangle their flying mounts for the photo...
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Important photo
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And finally, since the main servers for Clockworks Flyff ARE hosted in Germany, we couldn't go without channeling some of that native national pride before bowing-out of our time in these lands.
Thank you all for braving the wilds of Flyff, lads. Onwards to another realm!
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H-hey, stop creepshotting one of my alts!
Animu KMMOs always strike a nice balance between cute and lewd, if you know where to look.
Is the /vm/ catalog fucked up for anyone else?
Don't fret. New players flow in throughout the 1st day, and people have their own rhythms. You should be able to find someone to tag along with easily.
Yeah happened to me earlier today it's fixed on my side though
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I'm going to miss this thing.
Impressed with this shot, compensates the short end by having it the background too.

+1 Like
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The harsh and uncaring realm of Ferentus awaits, lads. /fereg/ is live!

The tournament for the next mainline MMO is ALSO live:

The eventual Directpoll link we'll be transitioning to once the Polltab tournament has reached its semi-finals is ALSO-also prepared:
Be sure to tough-it-out in Ferentus for a good bit to earn your right to vote on the next semi-finalists/finalists when they arrive later next week.
alright I'll cook the /v/ bread...
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Here, have the results link as well: https://directpoll.com/r?XDbzPBd3ixYqg8dftePHkZ7ZkyYKmk983c5GZyXEkxiHsK

Shortened directpoll voting link.
baked 'em
>Age of Conan: Unleashed vs ACE online.
Well wtf, I didn't expect a clash of 2 small titles on the first bracket to go this hard. These both look turbo SOVL. I actually don't know which to vouch for.
Kino general idea
>suffer through another shitty game for the small chance of one day playing the non-shit game you want
Just enjoy it for what it is you fag my god you whiney baby
Wait for something good then hope the "clique" doesn't vote a high rate server to ruin it. I end up playing but never integrate into the guild because these games are soulless dogshit.
Okay fellas you seem like experts.
What's a good MMO to play in 2024?

>inb4 None
If you want to play it that badly, make a thread on /vm/ for it. I wish you luck in your endeavor.
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Goat'd game.
9Dragons when?
What's the current game everyone is playing?

What is planned next and when?
we started a few hours ago
Why can't clikeks do this?
i played for about 10 minutes, died to a spider, and now i need to digest what i've just experienced
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alicia still down... and their discord is talking about periods...
but horses don't have periods...
did dawntrail end up pulling people away
how do I play
You guys missed Wurm Online, not sure how much of a height it went to but I remember a very dedicated group being part of the now dead Epic server cluster.

The creator of the game actually uploaded a video in 2009 to YouTube just titled "Instructions" specifically for the 4Chan users creating chaos.
You need a special kind of tism to play.
Really interesting initiative, I used to download every MMO on MMOHut like 15 years ago and try a new one every weekend with a very good friend, those were good times.
Do you guys interact anywhere outside the games or just use the in-game chat and stuff? I might tag along from now on
All communication is in-game and through this thread. This goes for every game we have played and will play.
don't forget the ferentus thread on /vg/
-A- thread is more specific than -THE- thread.
We just started Ferentus so it would be a good time to join.
I love this random mmo idea. Is there a group chat in game or anything to worry about?
We got a temporary guild as you need to be level 30 to make one.
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okay, but what the fuck is going on. Why is everyone just sitting in the city like this?
Those are vendors
what's the pvp like in this game, is it full loot, are there any rewards for it?
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not a fan of the game but god bless soundtemp
PvP has faction vs faction with invasions, arena, PvP raids, and a custom abyss invasion system, where factions fight to conquer fortresses (you have to kill the raidboss there) and artifacts (basically mass destruction weapons). Rewards are mainly abyss points that you can use to buy gear, stigmas (skill stones), etc. Also, there's a faction PvP ranking system where from 1 star army office you can transform into a raidboss (massive hp and stats boost once a day). the strenght of that transformation and skills gets stronger with each rank.
Also, i have to be sincere with you. I joined the server EuropeAion expecting a full vanilla experience, instead, they give you an OP starter item sonyou can rush/solo all the content up to lvl 45; a bunch of really metagamers that don't make parties for any content besides lvl 65 dungeons and pvp. Really sad, since the server has quite a good pop.
I just got murdered by a sorcerer. Being a low level chanter is painful
I just saw this thread while browsing this board and really like the idea of it, what mmo are you guys playing right now? I skimmed the thread a little bit, are you guys still playing Ferentus? I'll download it right now
We started Ferentus on sat/sun so it's still pretty early. Many people still around level 10.
Forgot >>>/vg/485957534 thread here.
thanks for the heads up, I googled it and wasn't sure if the restoration site was legit
We're two days into Ferentus. Good time to join up.
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I found out about this thread's existence only 30 minutes ago and I already have a game suggestion, anyone ITT know about Endless Online? its an old game that was dead for a while but I think it was revived recently by the original dev
we'll probably play endless or dark ages
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Same here and I don't know how many people are actually playing but I'd like to unironically suggest Forsaken World.
There are private servers like https://fwdragonheart.com/ that I just found from a quick google search.
Open world PvP, decent PvP mechanics and a decent amount of PvE content.
Only thing that turned it into shit was the P2W aspect as always.
This group is very against any form of pvp.
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I love pvp
Uoooooh. That screenshot is pretty convincing.
It's usually around 20~30 people joining at the start of a game, and then some drop off depending on how shit the game/server/experience is. There's a core group of 5~10 people you'll usually see in most titles, and can expect an average of 15ish throughout the 2 weeks I think.
janny, you nigger
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it's been almost a week...
I miss armor like this...
>open world PVP
>aka get ganked by max level spergs
There's probably not a lot of those in a private server and you can always just avoid the red names or maybe even call some high level white knights in town to hunt them down.
remember how RF went
Dungeons and dragons online seems like it would be kino everyone just running around as gnome mages spamming the grease spell lmao
Ferentus fucking sucks lmao
It's been pretty fun so far. If you think it sucks I don't think you're gonna enjoy most of the games we play here.
I just don't like the character building in ferentus, every level you just put points in the same shit and then go back to leveling immediately. I'm playing knight and I'm pumping strength and vitality I think it's what you're supposed to do but it feels wrong....
Character building is very minimal but honestly pre-WoW most of them were very simple.
I would classify this closer to non existent than I would minimal or simple, I guess I'll be back for the next game because this is a cool concept but this game specifically doesn't tickle my fancy any, not trying to be a doomer cunt I just guess it's not for me
new game is very likely to be this weekend, FHX isn't really finished and there's no quests after level 30 where most people will be by midweek so the game kind of ends there unless they want to do dailies and see if they can squeeze out another five levels.
>random anon thinks a new game will start a week early 'just because'
Not that anon but can you.... can you read? The game pretty much stops after level 30 and people are already hitting the mid 20's... that's not "just because" nobody said "just because"
No game yet has arbitrarily ended at its midpoint and Ferentus isn't going to be the first.
you're pretty retarded and easy to spot, alegrezza
no wonder you're failure and spends all the time online
gottem ;)
Not him though but stay mad lmao.
uh oh melty
dude's been having a meltdown multiple times throughout several threads now because of alle lol
Alle really isn't bad at all and he's our liaison for whatever local populace we find.
i'm pretty sure you could make a Cow Clicker mmo and the same 3 people would call it fun and defend it
I don't give a shit about drama or thread e celebs I just think the current game feels super unfinished, and having in the past, dipped my toes into some of the other options that are going to be in the upcoming poll, I gotta say they are all leagues better so how the current game won I have no clue....
is there still hope if i hop on the game or is it too late?
Plenty of time to join in. Anons willing to help you catch up too.
Bros I need help finding a MMO I found here many moons ago. It was a dark fantasy looking MMO RPG. Had like 1000 players on screen, they are fighting a dragon or something. All the players looked almost the same, knights with sword and shields. The view was like over the top zoomed out like Diablo but further away..
A lot of it was riding on the game being a mystery. You do feel the unfinished nature of it but at the same time I think it's got a decent foundation. It's a bit of a shame it didn't get properly finished. The base gameplay is fun and I can't really say that for a lot of the games on our list. Of what we've played RF makes an easy comparison and Ferentus gameplay is so much better. Simply it not being a potion spammer and having decent party mechanics raises it above a lot of the others.
skill combos are fun
>press lshift when pointer gets to middle bar
>perform combo
>press button to do cool thing
it's a bit of added complexity to the combat which adds flavor and keeps it from being a simple press skill on cooldown type of thing

the only problem I have with it is how laggy using skills is
I think the game has like no prediction at all the client sends the request and waits for confirmation from the server before anything happens
works on my machine
>the client sends the request and waits for confirmation from the server before anything happens
that's a good way of putting it
I do have a problem where my combo ends immediately before I can react but only sometimes, so that makes sense
I can't tell if there's something to do with melee attacks interfering with skill use or if the game drops packets and that causes some skill inputs to not go through

there also seems to be some sort of after use delay or global cooldown that prevents you from using a skill right away after using one
comboing skips that which is nice

there's some jank there that makes me miss the input some times
Well I guess as long as some anons are having fun that's all that matters, I want DDO more than anything because there are so many stupid builds you can do that sound like they wouldn't work on paper but function flawlessly, for example optimal early game wizard casts self buffs that make him better at melee combat than the melee classes at that level and 2 shots everything, it's silly as hell and I want other anons to experience the stupidity
Isn't DDO one of those games that you can't really play without paying? I don't think we're gonna play anything that requires payment.
You can get to level 30 on the f2p content alone, which is more akin to level 90 in traditional mmos with how the level system works
There's plenty of quests without paying, it'll only bother completionists. The big issue is that the game is very easy and it's not well balanced to play together. Most enemies die in a few hits and the missions that actually need a group will kill you in a few hits. If we play it someday I would strongly recommend people play in groups of 2. Co-op puzzles are a whole different problem, another reason why running with 2 is preferred.
That doesn't sound that fun to me.
Yeah because anon didn't mention the fact that you can fucking shoot grease puddles in the middle of fights and make people trip, or spray paint in people's eyes to blind them, or even more deviously, cast water walking on a party member before they jump into a pool of water from a cliff for a quick little guffaw, it's a stupid game but it's super fun if you don't take it seriously.
That doesn't sound that fun to me.
i just started, im walking around accepting a quest, have to kill spiders that are way to fucking strong for me, am i missing something
press K and level at least one damaging skill. When you click on a target you can see their level at the top, try to only fight level 1 stuff for now.
i'm stupid thanks
it would be nice to have some kind of postmortem for each game
even if people say "i like it because when I press one of my 3 combat buttons there is a little click the bar minigame like it is golf" that is still useful info that they are an easily impressed simpleton and the game has literally nothing of value
I also liked GunZ
So you can bitch and moan about every game because they're not up to your "standards"?
explain why combos in ferentus are a bad mechanic
thanks for the (you)s bunch of losers
now go back to sucking allegreza
Anon I think a lot of people are not particularly too pleased with Ferentus
(You) are not pleased with any game we've played.
Whatever helps you sleep at night anon
a well designed combat system has multiple different things you could be doing at any time and often have different choices to make
this system is basically adding timed hits like smrpg or squall in ff8
no one is like "wow, ff8's combat was incredible I got to press R1 sometimes that made it 500x more enjoyable" and if they did you would think they are a retard
you're thinking in terms of turn based combat and there I'd agree with you

mmorpg combat doesn't need a different button to press every gcd to be interesting, in fact a very high apm game gets tiring to play after a while which doesn't combine well with a game where you're expected to kill hundreds of enemies per session
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>look up endless online on youtube
>first video I find:
it was a different time...
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>You ilerate
>My father isn't a homosexual
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>there is a little click the bar minigame like it is golf
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I miss L2 so much
whats the current game bros and is there any discord so i can chat shit while gaming
Current game is Ferentus >>>/vg/485957534 but this thread has no central Discord. If you want that, the Ferentus private server's got one on their website somewhere.
I wish there was a good English server for it.
Is Scarlet Blade in the potential list of games to play?
Absolutely nobody played that game for longer than an hour. It would be crazy to see if there's actually a game underneath there.
Someone mentioned L2 not having good english servers, the closest thing I believe is L2 Sudamerica, the gameplay interface is completely in English iirc and the game's pretty active
>L2 Sudamerica
Chale pendejo, lets eat tortilla with rey misterio puto cabron!
>Talks like a Mexican
Uh anon your Geography reps?
Shutup, caralho, Brasil campeao do mundo fliho da puta huehuehuehue kkkkkkkkkkkkkk!
i've been playing on L2 Reborn forever and everything is in English, but I don't think this group would ever settle on a chronicle to play together.
English clients are available on all the big servers but their populations are 99% turdies. They also tend to have some of the worst server features. Last I looked around I found like one server that was low rate, no multiboxing, seemingly no p2w or stupid features and it's full of Russians.

Isn't that full of Russians as well?
> Last I looked around I found like one server that was low rate, no multiboxing, seemingly no p2w or stupid features and it's full of Russians.
But that's all good features? If a server demands you to get multiple characters to "play" it sucks. And all MMOs will be full of russians or Brazilians. They love MMOs while burgers love FFXIV.
What's the issue with Russians? The language barrier? Or is this some current year politics bullshit?
The point was that I only found one server like that. Most of them have one or more stupid features.

Language barrier is a big one. It feels a bit shit to play a game where almost everyone you come across expects you to speak Russian. Even if they then change to speaking English it hurts the experience. I wish there were a proper English speaking server.
Burger anon angry that there's more languages besides English. Many such cases!
I'm not even a burger. When a server has a majority population speaking something other than English it harms the experience.
>Many such cases!
typical psychotic newfag makes up accusations about an anon's personality
Everyone speaks english by default in Reborn, there are other language guilds or discord channels but you'd have to seek them out. The official news posts, etc are all in english as well.
I'm looking at their Essence server https://l2reborn.org/essence/full-description/ and it mentions autohunting. Then there's 0.8x rates without vip which sounds bullshit too. It mentions L coins as something you can get by playing but doesn't say what they sell with them.
oh fuck, don't look at essence, that's their version of modern l2 which is a mobile game full of trash. I like eternal because after interlude is where things go wrong for me and the rates are still low rate in lineage-terms.

In about half a year a really old style server called signature is coming out and I think that's going to be the best. Essentially the further in patches you go the more interesting the pve becomes but the worse the pvp becomes, I find the pve in lineage to be a little boring so I prefer older chronicles.
That seems better. I'll have to keep an eye out for that signature server.
Signature will x1. You have to be masochist to enjoy L2 with x1 rates.
>You have to be masochist to enjoy L2 with x1 rates.
x1 is Sovl. You have raids every X levels and lvling parties. The shitty thing about x1 is that if you play in an early chronicle, parties will disregard every character that isn't a destroyer nigger.
It's sovl until you lose an entire day of exp after 10 minutes of pvp
>he loses in pvp
>It's sovl until you lose in pvp
>lose in pvp
How many coras you killed, bros?
>x1 rates
x1 rates are only hellish to any player that isn't a destroyer main. In early chronicles, every single leveling or raid party composition is 5 destroyers, 1 healer, 1 buffer (this, if some faggot doesnt have a lvl 70 warcrier or pp that can log in for free buff), in that case, forget the buffer.
but other people gotta level too so you can't always have a meta party
unless the entire playerbase is meta shitters
I remember the beta having good fun PvP but it quickly turned to shit once it actually launched and you got to the mid game, not even the end game.
The PvE is shit and the PvP was all it was good for and you can't make it work without at least a hundred players.
I didn't even know that game was still around. I never played it because I wasn't into tab target mmos when I was younger but I'd try it now
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I played it for a while. It was incredibly generic aside for the coomer stuff. Aeria censored the sentinel after the beta, so I stopped playing after that.
why would i want to play any of these games
most of them are dead or dying specifically because they're shit
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I actually downloaded it earlier today since I was reminded of its existence, it seems like its uncensored in whatever version this private server is using (I didn't play it back then so I'm not sure)
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Yes, it's uncensored. The censored sentinel has cyber leprosy.
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I have a recommendation:

I've seen it described as 2D Alpha Archeage though I never played that myself so I can't compare. An expansion is releasing in a couple of weeks which will add guild based pvp and a lot of other things so it'd be a good time to jump in. It's fun.
Honestly, anyone who enjoys the Ultima viewpoint is an unhinged psychopath.
>Honestly, anyone who enjoys the Ultima viewpoint is an unhinged psychopath.
It's just a perspective. It works really well and the underlying game is really fun, has a lot to it and has a lot to grind. Pick 3 archetypes to make a build.
Trailer looks cool, shame about the choice of a relic perspective for a modern game. Looks even worse during movement and combat.
how's clockwork going?
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so what happened? i was just about to join
we stopped playing flyff almost a week ago
i wasn't paying attention to dates. eto... bleh.
i just saw the farewell screenshot; it's really cute.
i'll wait for warhammer so see you soon.
We're playing SWG after Ferentus.
that's sounds good too
warhammer wasn't even on the current poll list which was lame. also not sure why anons are voting for dark age of camelot because they're really not going to like the pvp in that game.
the real vote only happens in the semi-finals, everything before that is essentially random because you can just change your ip and vote-cheat. That's why secret of the solstice lost in the first round despite being a finalist before, for instance.
i know. voting at all before the semi-finals is placebo.
Yeah I know how it looks, but I will say that it feels really good. I'm pretty sure it was built upon a custom tibia client or something.
>That's why secret of the solstice lost in the first round despite being a finalist before, for instance.
I think it's not so much that but more of not wanting to play 2 similar games back to back. (Similar regarding art direction, graphics, gameplay, combat, or what have you.) Similarly, I wouldn't expect Rappelz (another finalist) or some janky low budget 3d mmo to win soon.
Rappelz shouldn't be played at all because it's kusoge. If it gets picked it's gonna be a case of nobody playing on day 3.
>got interested
>turns out reborn has malware "anticheat"
rip guess I'm not playing there

this is starting to get to a point where I need a separate pc to run all these malware games
Rappelz wasn't so bad gameplay wise, but it was pay to win as hell.
kinda unrelated but anyone here tried throne and liberty? nothing like some good ol' korean slop to pass the time
you are just losing people from the proyect.
I'm gonna give it a try, but I have no hope for any modern mmorpg.
blame the niggers trying to ruin it for others then
>amazon published
over before it started
>>>>action mmo
>good ol' korean slop

No, not my slop.
yeah it's nu korean slop

Korean slop (pre 2016?)
>shipped over to the west with duct tape and nails
>barely any effort in localization
>any westerners working on the game had no power besides translating the game into english
>in hindsight barely any monetization compared to now (didn't go farther than a cash shop)

Nu Korean slop (lost ark, throne and liberty, bless online, etc)
>big western publisher
>game is made with a global audience in mind
>overwhelming amount of gameplay systems
>western team has way more power over the game and can change whatever they deem "not acceptable for western standards"
>monetization out the wazoo (battle pass, monthly premium subscription)
>purchasable early access, "founders" pack
Playing Lost Ark really drove this point in. It was awful.
It's not action, it's tab target, with almost no gameplay during leveling, and a PvP focus. It's the most generic Korean slop possible.
We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine
And the machine is bleeding to death
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really? i didnt know that...
yea you've all gotta be NEETs
About half I would say, some of us have full time jobs.
/fereg/ died...
Shit game
Where are my korean wow clones
I tried it, as soon as I finished creating my character and spawned in the world I immediately realized it wasn't for me. I get ancient games being clunky but man that was something else...
I'm making the /vm/ thread...
new ferentus bread made
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made it to 30. that's good enough. unless i get begged for stamina battery duty, i don't see myself logging in much if at all this coming week.
Stop playing Ferentus.
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>Stops right when you run out of quests
Understandable (if not a little predictable).
Ferentus really seems like a game where you either level semi-casually over the course of a year+ to get to 60-65, or go full nolife and grind your ass off on multiple accounts for months to participate in PvP (because there's nothing else to do at high level, according to the locals). Both options of which don't really fit within the two-week time limit imposed by this project.

This title was actually pretty great (in its own charmingly antiquated sort of way) when we were being ferried through the zones via a steady stream of quests, reaching new regions and learning new spells/skills on-the-regular.
Player progression suddenly hitting a wall starting at Level 30 is apparently a well-known issue to the FHX community, which regularly stymies what few new arrivals they get from actually sticking around. Very few have the tolerance or patience to just raw-grind levels in these particularly ancient KMMOs these days, but I'm guessing those who knew of this game before were also aware of what they were signing-up for by joining a server attempting to accurately recreate the MMO they grew-up with, warts and all.
Which makes me a bit worried if we ever land on a title where truly unfiltered "kill one million monsters in nearly-barren field and nothing else" Korean Grind is the standard starting from Level 1. Don't think many attending this project would be very keen on that prospect, although I do believe most of those especially egregious titles have been cleaned off the lists already.

Thanks for giving Fere a proper shot, Anon. Believe it might be one of the oldest games we play in this project, so if nothing else, it's neat getting to see how the PC KMMO as a concept evolved over its storied run across the 2000s/2010s.
>Which makes me a bit worried if we ever land on a title where truly unfiltered "kill one million monsters in nearly-barren field and nothing else" Korean Grind is the standard starting from Level 1. Don't think many attending this project would be very keen on that prospect, although I do believe most of those especially egregious titles have been cleaned off the lists already.
Why do you say this for literally every fucking title? You do realize this is the same shit you spewed for niggrentus, right?
Because he knows most of you couldn't put up with that shit, and doesn't want to get stuck with a dead game and/or server for two weeks nigga. It's not hard.
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This crew is ride or die nigga
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My favorite niche massively-multiple online video game: Star Wars Galaxies!
SWG is pre disney though
So what game is currently being played and for how long will that be until the next game? I haven't really had the time to participate until now so I was wondering if now would be a good time to jump in or not.
What does that have to do with anything at all?
next sat/sun is whatever wins the next vote so probably wait until then
Got it, guess I'll hold off until then yeah.
I'd rather play SWTOR desu
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Without a mailing system in place in Ferentus, sending out tokens is going to limit the voter base too much this time around. Picking your winner through polltab this seed won't be that bad anyway, all four games in the semifinals seem alright.
Was reading up on Ace Online:
>Every time an enemy gear is shot down, the shooter's nation gains 1 NCP
> Ace Online has a map to map based setup of zones/areas (Unlike most other MMOs that have world maps), going in between maps you have to enter a warp gate. These gates often get camped by people as a strategical advantage
The game is niche. Most of the private servers have around 100 players, with the largest, Legends, having around 1000. I doubt that's more than 1500-2000 players across all servers.
Literally eve online
>tfw SWGemu used to have like 1000 online regularly
a lot of them were afk but still..
If LaTale wins, what's the best server to play on?
>Star Fox X Earth Defense Force X Phantasy Star Online
>100% skill based
This game is pure fucking kino.
That only happens on contested maps, and it's not the best thing to do. You see all of those ships lining up at the gates? They are up against them. It'd be like standing in the middle of an avalanche.
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Through some incredibly remedial research, I've dug-up one potential private server for LaTale:

>Project Belos
- Launched in December 2023
- Based on Season 3
- 6x EXP / 5x Ely
- Looks to be receiving active support (most-recent patch was posted on the 16th of July, this year).
- ~15-75 active players in total
https://latale.org/ (Yes, they're bold enough to use the game's actual name as their URL. The madmen).

There's also another possible private server named "Lunar Tale", which is ostensibly centered around Season 1 and provides a more "classic" experience, but it has no landing website and operates solely out of Discord.
Haven't looked into that one yet, as I'm not thrilled about the idea of forcing everyone to join some random Discord channel just to play one of these titles.

To be fair to the other semi-finalists, I'll do a breakdown of potential server options for them sometime later this evening/morning. Ace Online has three possible private servers, one of which launched only about a month ago, from what I recall from some prior research.
I can't tell what the fuck is going on
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Extensive character creation system with a wide array of Star Wars races.
Has ownable land vehicles.
Can erect, own, and decorate a variety of player owned housing.
Optional PvP, 1v1 or large scale battles.
Extensive list of professions to mix, build, and master. (earlier eras)
Has attainable space vehicles, space combat, and space content. (later eras)

A few of the more notable private servers I found, though Alle will do some more in-depth research:
Based on the earliest eras of the game

SWG Restoration
Made to emulate the mid-eras of the game

SWG Legends
Largest population, based on the final era of the game
The files needed for installation can be freely found on the game's Reddit board (either Google Drive or torrent).
It is a faction war event, and unless the server is brand new, I doubt we will ever participate. The goal of winning one of these is to gain a buff and some resources that will allow you to get higher drop rates when doing PvE content. If you're lucky enough, you'll have access to a loot pinata boss on another map.
i got into the closed alpha of a mmo and i'm playing that
but I'd probably switch for a pre-CU swg
I've played swg with anons twice and while swgemu used to be the best/only choice, these days it's swglegends. It's the only populated server, which matters more in swg than most games, and it has the ftl update which lets you build a starship with your bros.
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As promised, here are the private servers I was able to dig-up regarding Granado and Air Rivals, as >>1370181 graciously provided our selections for Star Wars Galaxies. (Let me know if you want a further cursory breakdown of the SWG servers, running up against the 2,000 character limit for this post).

Granado Espada:

>Granado Espada Andromida
- Hosted in EU
- Based on v.31.28.98, with features from v.32.88.81
- 5x EXP / 2x Stance EXP / 2x Drop
- Extensive array of QoL features/changes ( full details can be found here: https://granado-espada.to/index.php?threads/notice-server-features-customizations.7/ )

>New Era Granado Espada
- Hosted in EU(?)
- Based on some variant of v32
- New characters start at Level 100
- Seemingly narrow gap of effectiveness between starter gear and endgame equipment (32 AR/DR vs. 34 AR/DR).
- Reasonable variety of QoL features and changes ( found here: https://ge-ne.web-plus.ca/#feature )


Air Rivals:

>Galaxy Gears
- Newest of the three main private servers (launched December 2023)
- Largest currently-active playerbase
- Wide variety of QoL features and additions (in-game wiki, FoV slider, assisted kills actually receive kill credit in PvP, various graphical/optimization tweaks, etc)
- Rates are not readily available
- Max accounts allowed at once: 1 for all game types

>Chrome Rivals
- Former most-popular private server
- Extensively documented knowledgebase/wiki
- Scaling rates based on level (very highrate EXP bonuses 'til Level 110, settling-down to upper midrate EXP post-110).
- Max accounts allowed at once: 3 in total. 2 for PvE, 1 for PvP.

>Old School Rivals
- Closest thing to a "classic" server this game has
- Supposedly low pay2win
- Smallest population due to server age
- Relatively lowrate(ish)
- Max accounts allowed at once: 2 for all game types
regarding Air Rivals, Galaxy Gears seems like the the best one out of the litter, im gonna try it out
>It was the country's 43rd best-selling computer game between January 2000 and August 2006
Yes, very niche!
sure is a good thing it's 2024, then.
Yes, whew! Nobody has ever heard of the niche franchise Star Wars in 2024.
I don't understand what the popularity of the franchise has to do with the nicheness of the game. Do you just want to play games that nearly nobody has heard of?
/v/ isn't a video game so I'm not going to indulge within your ignorant roleplay of changing word definitions to suit your subjective whims.
Don't waste your time. Allegreza will rig the high rate to win, like before. Let me translate:
>Chrome Rivals
- Former most-popular private server
>Pop is low enough that I can get my dopamine hit by impressing GMs with my personal army.
- Extensively documented knowledgebase/wiki
>All the speedrun strats are written for me, so I don't have to waste time discovering the game myself.
- Scaling rates based on level (very highrate EXP bonuses 'til Level 110, settling-down to upper midrate EXP post-110).
>I need to get as close to max level as possible within two weeks, nothing else matters. All low level content and people are just in the way.
- Max accounts allowed at once: 3 in total. 2 for PvE, 1 for PvP.
>The only way I know how to play MMOs is to multiclient. Whenever it's available I do it, even when playing with other people.
You want Galaxy gear, Chrome is strictly for PvP.
This looks like trash. Why are people voting on this?

I heavily dislike the gameplay in CU (Restoration) and NGE (Legends). They totally miss what SWG is about.

>and it has the ftl update which lets you build a starship with your bros.
The space flight is really bad, though it might be better than Ace which looks even worse honestly.

Closed alpha of what?
This just reminded me that this game has autoaim, lmao. I only made it to the mid 40's back in the day. It's just your basic bitch kmmo but in the sky. I played it with a childhood friend I would play MMOs with and teaming up and playing solo barely mattered outside of more dps. Genuinely one of the weirdest MMOs because the flying aspect is cool as fuck but it's still tacked over a very basic bitch solo mmo.

Not surprised though, the biggest draw to these older games seems to always be pvp.

Entertainer and doctor buffs make teaming in this game a meme before max level.
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Not going to humor the obvious troll a few posts above with a (You), but I do want to clarify something for those wondering:

Speaking personally, I'm not a fan of excessively highrate servers. They are very frequently only ever enjoyable for those intimately familiar with the game in question. The exclusive domain of stuck-in veterans, who have zero interest in experiencing the title in its entirety and solely want to rush to the lategame/endgame grind as painlessly as possible, likely to pick-up where they left off when they previously played on a different server.
The only exception to this being if a server is using an existing game as a base to do its own thing by way of its excessively high rates, such as experimenting with a Rebirth/Prestige leveling model, et cetera.

Additionally, I am firmly of the stance that multiboxing/multiclienting is the absolute fucking bane of the MMO genre. Especially for these older titles where it is often most prevalent, to the point of being expected and encouraged.
It regularly turns what is supposed to be an enjoyable time with friends into utter drudgery. A self-imposed slog, quickly sapping any sort of enjoyment one could derive from these online titles.
Not to mention it completely misses the entire foundational point of the genre as a whole: To socialize with others, using The Grindâ„¢ or whatever model of gradual progression as a conduit for that essential socialization.

Multiboxing has thoroughly hollowed-out so, SO many older MMO communities, to the point where seeing some servers for niche and forgotten MMOs try to take a stance against it (however futile) comes off as a pretty big positive in my eyes.
I listed the number of allowed accounts for the three previously-mentioned Air Rivals servers moreso as a heads-up for those just as disapproving of the practice as I tend to be.
The less likely we end up on a game/server where 90+% of the population are multiboxed bots (ala BananaRF), the better.
can anybody recommend me some MMO that is easy to play without having 100% focus on it? something i can oftenly run away from, and without having to spamm click, with some cute girls maybe, is phantasy star online 2 good? or FF14? neverwinter, cant choose or lost ark, something F2P too
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>just your basic bitch kmmo
I like the idea of flight formations, there are lots you can pick and if the group maintains the formation you get a specific buff, pic rel gives 10% atk bonus. It sounds pretty hard to maintain with 6 but I think it'll be fun to try.
fucking lmao
Most modern mmos are action oriented and require you to spam 100 skills per second. You could try FFXI. It's a slow paced mmorpg and, if you play a melee job, you will mostly be autoing until you get enough tp to use a weapon skill.
I am legally obligated to mention Guild Wars. Do not touch 2.
I will now join your clique.
>basic bitch kmmo but in the sky.
>auto aim
You didn't play it.
I thought we were playing obscure and niche MMOs.
I think the theme is just games/servers with low pop, Ferentus is the only actual obscure title that's been played.
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since we're talking weird kmmos, that dogfighting kmmo reminded me of another kmmo that I used to play as a kid, anyone know about Drift City? it was a racing mmo, the ost is amazing too, this song still gets stuck in my head randomly sometimes:
It's a f2p mmo that has been around for longer than you have been alive, zoomer. A-gear gets an auto-aim feature when it locks on. what a weird hill to get spitroasted on.
If you think autoaim is a negative feature then just don't use A-Gear? If you're worried about pvp, you're going to die in one hit anyway. Try M-gear, you can repair the damage to your critical thinking.
Looks like this ESL monkey is short-circuiting. I love the whiplash need to be defensive over every mmo that gets posted in this general, even when saying nothing negative.
>Speaking personally, I'm not a fan of excessively highrate servers
>Additionally, I am firmly of the stance that multiboxing/multiclienting is the absolute fucking bane of the MMO genre

in FFXI you're totally fucking over you party if you run off somewhere in the middle of it

don't play an online game if you don't have the time for it, play something you can pause
You didn't play it, nigga.
this is the person who ran multiple clients in the last game on a high rate server, it's complete bs. First time I met them they wouldn't invite me to guild because they were too busy leveling their second or third character. Then they told me not to level anymore so I could do dungeons and next time I logged on they were max level.
I remember seeing it on ijji back then, but I think I had trouble running it, so I just played GunZ instead. I did check out the Discord exclusive private server for it a couple years ago, just to see what it's like. Pretty neat, Racing MMO is a fun concept.
>other guy concedes because he recognizes it does
>a second shitskin comes out of the woodwork
You're complaining about the least used and most useless gear in the game, nigga. Get the fuck out of here.
>bro it's 100% skill based
>no it doesn't have auto-aim
>so what if it does, you just die instantly anyways
topkek. btw I was not complaining. I liked A-gear the most when I played, with my last foray into ace being about 2 years ago.

Kind of weird to see some of you fuckos getting so defensive over some mmo you haven ever played.
Where did - I - mention that it didn't had auto-aim? I'm referring to your lack of knowledge about how the game works. A-gear are training wheels for newfags that are first getting into the game while experienced players choose B-gear. Auto-aim is worthless against anyone that knows how to barrel roll properly which is a skill that is shared with ALL gears. Again, you didn't play the game, nigga.
Well you're enough of a dumbass to reply to a comment thread based entirely around posters claiming it didn't exist. Only to try and pretend like it doesn't matter anyways because it's unused and underperforms, which is wrong.

Here you go, an entire video of A-gear and you can catch multiple instances of perfectly tracked barrel rolls like the one immediately after my timestamp.

All this over a game you have never played.
>>Additionally, I am firmly of the stance that multiboxing/multiclienting is the absolute fucking bane of the MMO genre
Nigga you have like 2, 3 characters in every MMO we play
Ale is a fag but that's not what multiboxing means, chud.
It's basically the same shit
>posters claiming it didn't exist.
Where nigga, WHERE? Get the fuck out of here.
>ESL monkey incapable of reading and comprehending.
Little did you know people in an MMO thread have not only played the game but also have access to youtube.
this is as dumb of an opinion as thinking that a star wars mmo is obscure
All that you did was prove that you don't know what the FUCK you are talking about.
>perfectly tracked barrel rolls like the one immediately after my timestamp.
That's an I-gear, they can barrel roll twice as seen in the video, and their second barrel roll has a non-existent i-frame, niggaaaaaah
>2 large outer boosters, 2 inner small
>inverted gull wing
>the canards on the nose (not unique to M-gear)
>the tail
Ronahi is an M-gear, lmao. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNRHb2HsJ70
This is getting embarassing.
>clearly does a double barrel roll
>M gear
Sshhhhut the fuuuuuuck up faggit
>Racetrack shaped like a benis.
I will now play your game.
yeah the game can get pretty technical too
PC korean racing games are always this autistic and I'd rather play an actual arcade racing or kart game.
>getting this butthurt when your larp is called out
just play the game, shitskin.
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Some info on Latale. Party size is 8, share range is 30 levels. Max normal level is 1,500 and then after awakening you can level until 9,999. Generally, every job is a dps, with some having support buffs, but there's no primary roles like being a tank or being a healer. It seems like a fun casual game about autistically boosting your stats, with 30 classes that look different.

Lunar Tale is closed, or at least every source I could find to join their discord is dead. The only options are Belos/Official.

Official(Papayagames/Steam) and Belos are roughly on the same patch, official has more dungeons but afaik it's stuff we won't get to within two weeks. I don't know anything about Latale but here are some things belos does differently from official:
>Most time limited events are permanent including Burning which gives massive exp bonus items and Richiring which adds lootboxes.
>Fewer dungeon runs/day but higher drop rate.
>Has PvP(optional)
>No/less rng imprint system(for boosting stats)
>Alt system exp increased(lots of systems like pets, summons, champions all level faster)
>Items to make fishing easier
>Primordial Relic - Completely broken custom item unlocked from killing a strong boss 500 times or cash shop.

Belos seems to be a better pick, specifically because on official we won't be able to level past 1,500 for reasons and on here we might have a chance to. The permanent exp+ items is concerning since the share range is only 30 but ultimately I think it'll be fine.

PS: music is banging. https://youtu.be/UxkRNed94X8
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what the fuck this fae in RIFT isn't wearing pants
>Max normal level is 1,500 and then after awakening you can level until 9,999.
Holy shit. Back when I played Latale, the level cap was 200 iirc.
For next time the new polls should be linked to OP
when are we voting on the top 4 anyways? I refuse to believe it's a choice between latale and ace online
there's no directpoll this time so whenever the polltab rolls over to semifinals.
>there's no directpoll this time
something something no mailing system in ferentus so no way to send individual voting tokens
sounds like a lazy way out

ain't no way I'm playing one of those trash games
you WILL play the most obscure game in The List: Star Wars Galaxies; and you WILL like it!
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My Mage in RIFT.
early-mid second week are the slowest days so I would suggest moving the minigames here to keep interest with people not playing current game. only thing is we need someone arranging the polls and doing server research, if that wasn't done already
warhammer would make for a nice minigame night imo
but swg is losing
until riggernigger
if you aren't going to do it yourself then shut the fuck up
still waiting on those imaginary posters
lel thats you, niggie
Stop arguing and just kiss me already, faggot
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Many thanks for conducting further research on the matter, Anon.
Gleaming more information about these titles and their respective servers well ahead of showtime is always a good thing, and I seldom have much spare time to go truly in-depth with my own research when scouting ahead for multiple potential tournament winners.
Last time I played LaTale was during its original NA open beta, so I've no doubt the game may as well be a totally different experience from those ancient memories of mine.

The notion of moving Minigame Night to the second Wednesday or Thursday of a two-week set, rather than the Friday before we move on to whichever title wins the current Polltab/Directpoll tournament, has indeed been brought up to me before.
The second Friday of any given two-week period was decided upon at the time for two reasons:
1) It allows those in the EU to potentially attend without as much risk of staying up ultra late on a school/work night.
2) My own availability and/or work schedule tends to place me as M.I.A for the entirety of Wednesday/Thursday more often than not.

Truthfully, the original purpose of Minigame Night was largely to act as a palette cleanser for particularly difficult-to-love titles, rather than always transpiring near the end of every game we play guaranteed. Entries on the lists which are discovered to have real, legitimate criticisms intruding on our day-to-day enjoyment of them, and not just the usual litany of "this game sucks/I hate this game blah-blah-blah" shitposts we typically see for every game we try out (hence why it first appeared as a concept towards the very end of our stay in Rising Force Online).
There's no denying they've been quite enjoyable so far, and let us dabble in styles and genres well outside the standard KMMO/CMMO grindfest format, but I may experiment with making them a sometimes-thing further down the line to assure they don't become too played-out or predictable. We'll have to see there.
Already voted, but why don't you stop with these blogposts nobody asked for and just post the poll so all the shitposters and lurkers can vote.
Alicia status?...
>anon writes something longer than one sentence
>this confuses and angers the phoneposter
Every time
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>LaTale and Ace Online are 3-4 votes ahead of Granado and SWG for nearly two days straight
>9v13 in favor of LaTale and 8v11 in favor of Ace Online respectively
>Both Granado and SWG suddenly get 4-5 votes each in just 30 minutes
>Bracket is now 14v13 for Granado and 13v11 for SWG
Can you be any more painfully obvious.
Take the previous results for the final, it's clear the riggernigger is getting desperate. Don't let him have his win when it's this blatant.
There's more than that going on. After SWG and Granado got a couple votes, someone bumped Latale and Ace from 9 to 13 and 11. This was before the recent surge. Latale and Ace were already being cheated. Now someone else cheated SWG and Granado. Or maybe the same guy is fucking with both sides again.
>Or maybe the same guy is fucking with both sides again.
It's most likely this.
That colossal faggot's calling card is to rig both games in any bracket to have the same number of votes, then vote on whichever one the thread wants to play the least or has the most shitposting centered around it during the last second to force it into the finals.
We've avoided it through directpoll, but since we don't have one this time and people are forced into using polltab for the entire thing, he's doing what he always does now that it actually counts again. Can never fucking have nice things on this site these days man.
Proofs? Do you have a single piece of evidence to support your claim?
I mean this has been called out every vote since the third game, the most controversial game gets picked and Allegreza just goes with it because in their words to remove the polltab vote would be "lame". Just accept that the worst possible game and the worst possible server will always win as long as the rigger can have fun without consequence.
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Anon we've literally had someone announce in the thread that they were going into a then-active bracket and poured 50 fucking votes into a pick within the span of 10 minutes after it was confirmed we were switching to directpoll for the semi-finals+finals whenever possible, and nothing on polltab would count past the third round of pools.
>41 votes for Ferentus
>50 votes for RaiderZ
They even mentioned how easy it is to get around polltab's barely there security. This shit has been happening since at least RF.
Make another poll with just La Tale and Ace.
The comfiest vote was PSU and Trickster
Ferentus was a lot of fun though
>play the games that the cheater cheated into the finals
Good falseflag
SWG is going to win, I already said this ages ago. Let's not waste time and just start, it's not like anyone is still playing Ferentus. We need a bit longer than two weeks if we want to build a house anyway.
he's been deciding what's in the semi-finals for like 4+ rounds
>LaTale vs Rose Online
All according to his keikaku I assume
then how come it's suddenly getting voted so high now?
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Have fun with maybe 5 players showing up for this trash.
Be more vague.
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Don't care

I'm still playing SWG (Star Wars Galaxies)
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>didn't care so much that he posted about it
You should have voted for it, it was 1 or 2 from winning.
>you should have cheated for it to win
I didn't vote. It would've just been invalidated/thrown away/stolen anyways.
holy fuck latale looks like the most soulless grind game targeting adhd children that I'm sure has very predatory cash shop
I haven't joined the last few games, has the playerbase stayed consistent?
More or less, some people disappear for a week here and there but the core group is at about 10 people. Maybe one joins per new game we play.
how do you even find the poll or what the current game is, interested but just reading the thread it seems like theres just a big clique
Poll is usually posted in OP, that one is old though.


This is the current poll, but its already in Finals between LaTale and Ace Online.

Server Research done here.
After watching the 0 to Awakening video on the Belos site and reading their wiki, I have to admit LaTale seems like a massive pain in the ass. Hate having to keep up with a bunch of shit just to play a damn game.
>6 online
Its over.
/vm/ is a slow board so the op doesn't always sync up with each new game. I search for polltab and just find the most recent link. New game will start in a couple days and there'll be a post about it in the thread.
>Hate having to keep up with a bunch of shit just to play a damn game.
I've played a lot of LaTale, I'm not sure what you're specifically talking about. You can play as much/little as you want.
Well look at the hoops you have to jump through to awaken. Just seems a little too grindy for me, thats all. Not sure how well we can all stay together with a level cap of 9999 and a party share range of 30 either.
Oh, I see the confusion. None of us will bypass the soft cap of level 1.5k, unless you spend cash shop money because some of the requirements are limited by real time. This is a good thing for us because normally people get to 6k and THEN they start exploring the games systems but we can actually play the game properly now without worrying about blindly grinding for two weeks.

As for staying in range there are plentiful exp boosting items, so if you're ahead of the pack you don't use the items and let people catch up. We can pretty much choose whatever level we want to be at any given time, I don't recommend it but you can even get to 1.5k in a day if you really felt the need to.
I play maplestory private servers so this will probably be some fun
Is this true for the Project Belos private server?
This is only true for Belos, since they have all the exp boosting stuff available. If the rates were 1x with no exp items then staying within 30 levels would mean we'd need to coordinate and set caps, as it is you can just pop an item and get back in range. I would prefer to play a season 2 server but the scene died when the mobile version came out since that took a decent chunk of players with it.
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Strongly suggest anyone play Ace Online a bit before they vote for it if they haven't before. Very different from what has been played so far.

That being said there is a character model we can all use if it wins lol.
>before they vote
Waste of time. Voting doesn't matter a bit.
Actually just installed it like 30 minutes ago to check it out for a bit and familiarize myself with the controls and the core mechanics in the unlikely event it does end up winning. Definitely very different but it's pretty fun.
Always some newfag who tries to pull this card. At least wait until you see the telltale filenames, just guessing at random makes you look retarded.
Both games seem kinda shit for grouping, you're just attacking together rather than playing off each others abilities, or am I missing something?
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Anyone remember this? I wanted to play this shit so bad when I was a kid because I was a huge Jet Set Radio fan. They never brought it to the states, it was only released in france and germany:

>but just reading the thread it seems like theres just a big clique
There's no clique. There's simply people who play whatever the current game is. Join the game you "join" the "clique". I say this as someone who didn't play much of the others but played a lot of Ferentus. If there was a clique I would've been excluded but I wasn't.
Are the Global Agenda servers still up? I know they brought them back online a few years ago now. Could be an MMO to add to the list.
I totally forgot about that one, my pc couldnt run it
thanks for the heads up im downloading it right now lol, its on steam, just unlisted from search:
this reminded me of firefall
Yes, official servers are still up. Last time I tried a few years ago you had to use a program on the official discord to get ingame though.

Issue that requires the program involves 95 percent of your login attempts being blocked/denied. You either get extremely lucky and get in the game, or you try your luck and eventually give up after 15 minutes. The program brute forces entry by using many clients and trying to log on. Supposedly this works fast and only takes a few minutes.

My first time I went back I got in after a few attempts. Next day I spent 10 minutes logging in and couldn't get it in. The discord solution requires a program you have to ask to send you a link in a direct message so I never gave enough of a shit to go any further and uninstalled.

Looking on the discord now, the script is openly posted and you don't have to directly message some gimp for a download link.
aw that kinda sounds lame to be honest. I wonder why it works like that
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Been like that since it came back online. I think the guy who has access to it has no way of fixing it.
>latale private server literally has uses the domain "latale.org"
>they charge real money for their cash shop
lmao wtf? I usually don't go to bat for korean mmo companies but how have they not been nuked yet? that's some straight up rat shit kek
Don't bring that schizo here, anon
what schizo?
Hmmm, so on this LaTale server theres a quest in the starting town you can instantly accept and complete that boosts you to lvl 200. You also recieve a lot of gift boxes with powerful gear and items.
Numbers are jacked in that game, level 200 is about an hour of gameplay, maybe less on 5x. The bs items like the dragon passive that gives you 15% damage/hp, I think would be more fun not to use them but it's up to each person I guess. We're going to be erasing things with a full party anyway.
Level 200 is about an hour of gameplay?
Um nyo not at all
I dunno man, thats a lot of stuff that breaks the spirit of classic mmos which is why I figured this project was started. The point of playing obscure games was to capture the mystery of the past before wikis and discords spoiled everything right? A good chunk of the fun so far has been early progression and mechanic learning, I would rather not be boosted right to the boring grind phase.
Looks like ACE is bound to win because LaTale is pure unadulterated gookslop. What server are we playing on? It's not going to be great but it will be a lot better than the LaTale.
shouldnt the question be what faction we're playing on?
I'm assuming we'd be playing on Galaxy Gears, seems like the best server overall.
I guess I will download it to check it out. Official rates seemed high.
Let me know how bad refuelling is. Playing every mission on a timer and then having to pay between missions to reset the timer sounds like trash.
Rates are high enough that I gained 2 and a half levels on 1 kill. Started at level 10 with a bunch of free stuff to make the start more "comfortable".
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Here are the 2 factions. Obvious choice is BCU
I want the Dragon Ball Online private server added to a future poll.
It's already in the rotation.
where's the rotation?
probably some notepad file of games on alle's desktop
We alternate between two lists of games
Last cycle: https://www.polltab.com/bracket-poll/71vBv5IgOgzgm
Current cycle: https://www.polltab.com/bracket-poll/d-GtX4fw3LDCf
Why is warhammer and star wars even here? They aren't obscure or niche.
We should have a couple good games on the list so there's something to look forward to.
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>tfw me
>Have ~15 minutes of downtime before needing to head off to work
>Go to make post for Minigame Night
>Connection is down for its weekly unplanned outage
>Can't even phonepost because some fag in the area has perpetually rangebanned me
>Have to wait 'til getting off work to see if COX has stopped living up to its name
>Connection has only just now returned to normal (probably until next week's unplanned outage)
Man, that is just some really unfortunate timing. Remarked about Minigame Night becoming a sometimes-thing in the future, but I earnestly DID intend to have one for this go-around.

Since there wasn't any real indication from me that it might happen today due to unforeseen circumstances, I'll ask here just to be sure: You lads still up for one? Would be at the usual time today, 23:00 UTC (4:00PM PDT / 7:00PM EDT).
Will get an ultra-late Minigame poll running if there's still interest. Or we could just save it 'til after our time in LaTale or Ace Online has nearly ran its course, it's up2(You).

BCU looks to be the dominant faction on Galaxy Gears from some cursory research. Would advise we commit to that one, 'lest we potentially have another Bellato situation on our hands (although hopefully the faction balance isn't AS blatantly one-sided as what we suffered through on RF).
Yes let's play some Gunbound. Or Pangya, since I never got to play that game and Rising Impact got me interested in golf.
>failed launch
>dev refuses to release it
>600 people shitting on him
>dev deletes website
we dodged the biggest bullet here wewoo
I'm interested in minigames, even if it's a late poll.
Is there any reason why the official server for Ace isn't on the list? It has the largest population and we don't have to worry about the server ever going down.
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Fair enough!


As previously mentioned, we'll be playing whatever wins at 23:00 UTC today. If you don't want to run the timezone conversions yourself, just check out the link below.

Annnd just to get head of the game, here's a copy/paste of the usual websites and such linking to each title shown in the minigame poll:



S4 League:

Survival Project:
(Follow download instructions, added account verification steps shown on the site aren't necessarily necessary if you just want to play for a night)


Only five options this time around, due to the unexpectedly-beloved Alicia Online still being not-online despite the name. Hopefully we'll get to perform some sick drifts with our steeds again someday, horsesisters.

Official servers for mainline titles are often only considered as a last resort when no viable private server alternatives are present for a game, due to them nearly always being horrendously pay2win and/or restrictive on what free players can achieve.
Private servers can have their own issues as well, for sure, but they're /usually/ a great deal more accommodating to their non-whale playerbase when wanting to get into any given KMMO/CMMO.

RF is just cursed, there's no two ways about it.
>Official servers for mainline titles are often only considered as a last resort when no viable private server alternatives are present for a game
in that case the LaTale option should be official because project belos requires that you register with your discord account that has a cell number attached.
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all my horses are DEAD, they all STARVED
>playing a minigame for two weeks
I hope the next poll's winner is an actual game.
? The minigame is just for a day, the game for the next two weeks is between LaTale or Ace Online.
>Ace Online
Enjoy your minigame for two weeks.
I'm not sure why it's on the list either, but I guess if PSU was a viable choice then this would be. Maybe if we do pvp it'll be less repetitive.
Listen, I was told ACE wasn't your basic bitch grind kmmo. So you better not bring it up too, okay?
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Main server has an exp event up, fwiw.
>Discord with phone number
No, thank you.
>23:00 UTC (4:00PM PDT / 7:00PM EDT)
Oh hey! I might actually be able to make it then!
Looks like another set of games to vote on with no option for vanilla rates
>17 Granado Espada vs 18 LaTale
>16 SWG vs 17 Ace Online
We're just dancing to the riggers tune and our glorious leader is too lazy or weak to do something about it. We should be playing Star Wars, it was in the lead before the rigger tied things up.
>We should be playing Star Wars
Star Wars isn't niche. Remove it from the poll. Now.

The Clique has spoken.
Ace and LaTale were both actually in the lead before the rigger boosted SWG and Granado Espada to just about one vote away
i think i'll go back to playing MMOs alone if our options boil down between a shooting minigame and the single biggest franchise-licensed MMO title
You'd rather play latale which is barely an mmo? None of us are even going to be able to group together and if we did there's no tactics or coordination involved because everyone is just a dps with different colored flashing lights.
latale is cool it has good music and nice art, it's just a worse maplestory clone in every other way though
Let's MapleStory!!!
All the music in belos got replaced with remixed video game music
Post IGN, I bet you aren't even part of the group.
My IGN is Brian and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level.This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on facebook. Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I was captain of the football team, and starter on my basketball team. What sports do you play, other than "jack off to naked drawn Japanese people"? I also get straight A's, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
Kek at least do the ranger pasta properly
This hasn't been fun since Brian left.
ace online sisters not like this..
brain come play the minigame you doublenigger
This was never fun
we're not playing on belos, it'll be the official version. Can you explain sub classes to me? It seems like they're just as viable as main class but I don't know what the difference is.
Yeah subclass is weird, from what I read its like a new character, it said you dont get to use your other class skills on it. Doesn't make sense to me.
come play fags
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>vote in the polltab
>mfw the number of votes
yea, I'll just let the clique decide this. rather that than a single rigger who never plays games with us
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>Re-install Gunbound Origins ~30 minutes before the minigame poll closes, in anticipation of it winning
>Pre-write post which would direct Anon to the previously-linked Gunbound Origins site to download/register for the game if they hadn't already
>Sign-in successfully
>Create the first MMOdventure lobby in advance to act as a guide point for others soon-to-be arriving
>Connection goes down literally 20 seconds before showtime
>Doesn't come back up until just now
You fucking serious.
Password is rage
You'll play whatever the rigger wants you to play and you'll like it, just like the previous votes.
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Well, now that I can actually post here again (for however long this lasts)...
Looks like Gunbound is indeed the winner! We're in for a REAL blast from the past with this one, lads.
Head over to https://gunbound.be/ to whip-up an account and download the client.
Thankfully, an aspiring Anon has already made a lobby for us. Gunbound's player count per-room maxes out at 8, so if the current one is full, feel free to make another!
Ace online seems fine but we really should put a contingency on Latale if we rarely get in range for parties. because why play singleplayer games when there's 15 bros we're supposed to play with
It sounds like your subclass is a separate level to your main, so we can cover 60 levels of share range at least. I'm happy to stop every now and then to let people catch up, fuck playing alone.
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>Waiting in lobby
>Suddenly D/C
>Lads graciously wait for me to come back
>Load into the first round
>Connection goes down again
>Comes back up after I've been auto-kicked from the room
>Go to type an apologetic post in the thread
>Connection goes down a third time in the span of ~6 minutes
I hate COX I hate COX I hate COX I hate COX I hate COX
Really sorry, lads, but my 'Net is just WAY too goddamn spotty at the moment to attend my own bloody Minigame Night. Which majorly sucks, as I've been looking forward to playing Gunbound in particular. Was the first KMMO I ever played as a youngin'.
If my connection stops being total trash later on tonight, and matches are still being played, I'll gladly join-in. As it stands, relish in the sheer SOVL of that title's aesthetic and design while it lasts.
If this shit happens tomorrow preventing me from directing others to the new mainline MMO, I'm gonna be so pissed.
rip, man. hopefully you can come back before the night's over
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>download pangya reborn
>spend forever editing my character cause they give you a shit ton of premium currency (5,000,000)
>see this
>can't join rooms that are playing already

I am sad
I know there are many Chaplin fans here
Made a 2nd room, also rage. There's currently 10 of us in the server I think. We could split into a 3v3 and 2v2 room until more people come along.
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Sounds good, we'll shuffle things around after this match.
t. First room.
Add Eldevin to the list? It's kind of like Runescape as the closest analogy but it's one of those "bought by another company and milked with no updates" games.
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Gunbound was a lot of fun
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Gunbound is a game like Worms right? I'm not into those types of games so I decided to try out Pangya instead. I'm glad you guys had fun though, maybe I'll join next time. I actually remember a game made by Jagex that was really similar to Gunbound and Worms on their old game platform FunOrb, they rereleased it very recently, maybe we can play it sometime? Here:
Yeah, Arcanists is kino
That alone makes it dogshit, why would they do that?

It's just a new class you can swap to after level 140, they're entirely separate classes and don't share anything, only the OG classes have it.
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That was neat~.
Finally had my connection settle-down and got to play a good number of rounds. What a wonderful throwback to a simpler time, this title is. Even finished-off with a couple of Aduka Wars!

Next to Nak and Treeco, Aduka was my favorite as a kid, if only for its sheer novelty. Could really rack-up some damage with Thor's lasers too, but usually only if a few other players were rolling Aduka as well, due to how its attacks scaled with usage as the round marched on.
Bit unfortunate some of the later Machines weren't included in this version, which seemed to be a mash-up of the original Thor's Hammer paired with World Championship's maps. All-Kalsideon and All-Frog would've been pretty great, but the classic roster of 'rides is plenty varied as well.

Keeping in-sync with our usual routine, the Farewell to Ferentus photoshoot will take place at 21:00 UTC. Be sure to be there if you're keen on immortalizing your time in those unforgiving lands!
If you need to convert UTC to your own timezone, use the link below:

Afterwards, we'll press-on into whatever title comes up next at 23:00UTC, with its accompanying /vg/ thread and new mainline MMO poll following soon after.
Again, if you need to run timezone conversions, use this link:

Ideally we'd already know what we'd be getting ourselves into by this point, but as we're stuck with Polltab this time around rather than a mixture of Polltab and Directpoll, it may as well be a random draw. Not thrilled about it either, believe me.
Strongly hope whichever title we land in next has an in-game mailing system, so we can return to having some proper agency over where we end up.

At any rate, thanks for letting me relive my childhood for a bit, lads. Hope to see (You) in the next game!
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I'm setting up a dokuwiki so we can share screenshots and list current and past games and such. if all goes well I hope to have it up tomorrow for the new game
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'Oy. Just a heads-up, since we're still unsure which way the coin will land with these two finalists, and I want interested Anon to be prepared for the big day:

Registration and download for Galaxy Gears, the current most-popular Ace Online private server, is standard procedure. Go to the site, do the usual routine.

The download for Project Belos, the /only/ surviving LaTale private server, can be found through a mirror I've uploaded:
Filesize is small due to the game still needing to be downloaded/patched through the launcher. No dolphin porn to be found here (this time).
The registration for Project Belos, however, is done through the server's Discord channel:

In researching private servers for old and forgotten titles, I've come to the realization that this is not an uncommon occurrence for especially-niche entries in the MMO genre. We've largely just been getting lucky in being able to side-step the matter up to this point.
So far in this project, I have deliberately tried to stay as far away from Discord as possible, as I am well aware of the sheer degree of knee-jerk just using the word can bring to a thread. However, I also do not believe that spending 1-2 minutes creating a burner Discord account, joining a channel to register for and/or download a server's client, then leaving the channel immediately afterwards, is some impassible barrier writing-off a private server's validity entirely.

This WILL be the only option available for some titles throughout this project, and something most certainly coming up again further down the road. So if your main Discord account is something you want to keep entirely off-the-grid, I'd suggest just spinning-up some throwaway secondary account specifically for the purpose.

Ganbatte, Anon.
I've kept way too many screenshots of the games we've played so far. Please keep us posted!
I understand you don't like officially hosted servers but for belos you don't just need a burner discord, you actually need to tie your phone to your discord account or you cannot post. If that's a requirement from now on then so be it, but just making sure the information is out there.
It's like having two different classes with different progression on the same character, any class can pick any subclass now, they used to be tied to specific main classes.
So if you want to play a subclass it doesn't matter what class you pick at the start since you'll be dumping it when you reach lvl 140.
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>LaTale vs Ace Online, 15/12
>Afk for 40 minutes
>Come back and refresh page
>LaTale vs Ace Online, 19/42
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this is a little ridiculous...
I was thinking back and just realized the 1 2 then 55 was actually the SS shot.
Perfectly legitimate votes.
Allegreza is happy to get cucked by the rigger so what's the incentive not to votecheat the game of your choice? People will cheat as long as there's no consequences and polltab keeps getting blindly used.
They are still counting the votes.
Can we at least vote for the servers? We are already getting fucked by the rigger and just accepting it for some reason

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